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211102Untold NarakaUntold NarakaAssets/Product/Texture/Atlas/CommonLogo/BgLogo1.png
655301DialogEnable...What is the meaning of life?
766301...That isn't a topic we should be discussing, right? After all, we're...
877301...You're right. We... don't have any semblance of life to discuss...
988301...We are exceptions, abandoned, defects...
1099301...We are left behind, interdependent, confused...
111010301—We can't help but begin to question the meaning of life.
121111301—We can't help but begin to question the purpose of living.
131616301—What are we?
141717301—What do we desire?
151919301—We just need to take that step.
162020301—Just abandon any confusion that gives us hesitation.
172121301...But why haven't we abandoned it?
182222301...Why haven't we chosen to be like other defects?
202626301—Even if we have nothing...
212727301—We still fight to hold onto something.
222828301...If someone would walk past us.
232929301...If someone would give us an answer.
243030301—All we can do is give up.
253131301—All we can do is falter.
263232301AniZhuanchangBegin...Yet here we are.
313737301AniZhuanchangEnd1CelicaHere's your coffee. Mandheling, black.2
323838301HassenOh, right... Thanks.1
333939301Hassen takes the warm mug from Celica.
344040301Hassen...How is archiving the material, the ones we can't release yet?1
354141301CelicaEverything is going according to schedule. We should be able to finish on time.2
364242301HassenBe sure to keep this a secret.1
374343301CelicaYou don't have to tell me twice.2
384444301Hassen...Speaking of which, the bridge is awfully quiet today.1
404646301CelicaThat's because it's Sunday. S-U-N-D-A-Y.2
414747301CelicaEven though I know the work involving these files cannot be done on a workday.2
424848301HassenThanks for your work.1
445050301CelicaIt's fine. At least I'm getting paid overtime.2
465252301CelicaNot to mention, if these materials aren't handled properly...2
475353301HassenIt will endanger the position of sending out the Task Force to perform landing operations. I know.1
485454301CelicaSo, if I have to work overtime, then I better do it right.2
495555301Returning to the terminal, Celica continues to sort out the data and files to be archived.
505656301CelicaFile 990134: Dr. Wiles' Report on Construct M.I.N.D. Deviation from Inver-Device Experiments2
515757301CelicaFile 980592: Report on Camu's M.I.N.D. Stability after Modification2
535959301CelicaFile XXX061A: Report on the WGAA's Recycling of X-51 Facilities2
556161301CelicaShould I classify these fourteen files with intermediate priority? Mr. President?2
566262301Hassen...What is an X-facility?1
586464301CelicaGive me a sec while I check the facility naming system...2
596565301Celica...Huh? Why does it stop at L?2
606767301HassenSend the file to my terminal so I can have a look at it.1
667474301AniZhuanchangEndAniZhuanchangBegin???Testing... Testing... Is this recording?
707878301The screen shakes for a moment as if someone is shaking the camera. A moment later, the picture becomes clear again.
7280803011ConstructThis is Babylonia's WGAA Ground Survey Team 2, ID... Uh, what was it again?1
738181301ConstructThat Allen... always asking us to record by the books... Forget it. To hell with him!1
748282301ConstructAnyway, this huge discovery we made is what really matters!1
758383301The Construct reaches for the camera lens, turning it to a nearby cave.
768484301ConstructThis place is marked as property of the World Government, but it doesn't show up on any list of assets.1
778585301ConstructIf this is where someone stashed their private collection... Hehe, I can't just let precious works of art collect dust in a cellar!1
788686301As the Construct's excitement mounts, the camera slightly shakes again.
808989301DialogDisableThe image suddenly cuts out.
879696301DialogEnable1HassenWhat happened after that thirty-six hours?1
889797301CelicaThe operation was halted, and Team 2 was evacuated with a 30% casualty rate.2
899898301HassenWith that many casualties, some things must have been done to suppress the news.1
909999301CelicaCorrect. So, following the rules at that time, all members of the team underwent a level two memory wipe to remove any memory of the mission.2
91100100301HassenDoes that rule still exist...?1
92101101301CelicaYou abolished it after that. Seems like you've forgotten.2
93102102301HassenThat must have been a part of several inhumane and meaningless regulations toward Constructs I abolished to suppress the Kurono and all factions in Parliament that were detrimental to Earth's recovery.1
94104104301CelicaThe entrance to Facility X-51 was destroyed by a remote-controlled bomb as part of a backup plan, then everyone was evacuated via a transport craft...2
95105105301Hassen...I'm guessing there's more to the story.1
98109109301Celica reaches out and clicks on Hassen's terminal, playing an audio file—
99110110301An unintelligible sob, its tone a mix of male and female, its voice indistinguishable between a human or a machine, can be heard in the recording.
100111111301???Sapien, wake up. My dear Sapien—
101112112301???It's time.
102113113301???Time to wake up. Time to take back our home—
1051161163011Hassen...What's this?1
106117117301CelicaVarious recordings from an unknown source, the sound signatures belonging to multiple human and bionic vocal cords.2
108120120301Celica... Sounds like it came straight out of a horror movie from the Golden Age, but it did happen.2
109121121301CelicaThen a nearby surveillance team brought this back—2
110122122301Celica taps another record on the terminal.
113125125301Ngh... The pain... The pain...
114126126301We are forced to this position by our own creation.
115127127301Ah, is this what a machine is?
116128128301It knows no satisfaction, no exhaustion, no mercy, no sympathy.
117129129301Ah, Sapien's Road. It ends here.
118130130301Ah, how sad, how painful.
119131131301However, we have created children who may surpass us.
120132132301However, we have left something in the depths of this Earth, in its mechanical brain.
121133133301Ah, what joy, what delight.
122134134301We... will live forever.
1251371373011HassenWhat's this?1
126139139301CelicaMaybe it's a concept, maybe a name, maybe...2
127140140301HassenHey, wait. Isn't that...1
129142142301CelicaYou mean the Mole People? Even for a joke from science fiction... It's still too old.2
130143143301Hassen...I didn't think you would know about it.1
131144144301CelicaThe WGAA has been showing films from the Golden Age...2
132145145301HassenSo, what did you see...?1
133146146301Celica...A 132-minute black and white silent film.2
134147147301CelicaThe only things I remember are the villain with the face of a fly, and a pig's head strung on a stick.2
135148148301Hassen...Let's get back to the matter at hand.1
137150150301CelicaIs it possible to reopen the excavation of this facility?2
138151151301HassenYou mean...1
139152152301CelicaIsn't that what you're thinking now?2
141154154301CelicaLet's take this opportunity to send down the Task Force to impress the others in Parliament.2
142155155301CelicaIf I remember correctly, you've been racking your brain over them for quite some time.2
145158158301CelicaI better let you decide for yourself. I'll get you a new cup of coffee.2
148161161301Celica picks up the coffee cup and leaves the bridge.
149162162301Hassen buries himself in his seat and hesitates for a moment before reaching out to dial the internal comms.
150163163301AniZhuanchangBeginHassenPlease gather the Gray Ravens in the conference room.1
154167167301AniZhuanchangEnd15 minutes later...
1581711713011LuciaLucia of Gray Raven reporting for duty.3
159172172301LeeLee of Gray Raven reporting for duty.2
160173173301LivLiv of Gray Raven reporting for duty.1
161174174302Gray Raven Commandant reporting for duty.175
1641771773011HassenAt ease.1
165178178301HassenNormally, Commander Nikola would be addressing you, but these are special circumstances. I hope you can understand.1
1701831833011EveryoneYes, sir.123
1731861863011HassenWhich of you knows more about the World Government's facilities before Operation Acadia?1
1761891893011LeeI do.2
177192192301LeeIs that our objective?2
178193193301HassenSmart as always. Kurono suffered a great loss with your departure.1
179194194301HassenYour mission objective is Facility X-51. Once you have secured the facility, light a red signal flare.1
180195195301HassenIt's a search & recon mission with no rules of engagement. We have equipped Captain Lucia with an advanced prototype frame to prepare for unforeseen situations.1
181196196301Hassen—To put it simply, you could be up against anything.1
182197197301HassenAm I clear?1
1841991993011LuciaYes, sir.2
185200200301HassenEverything else is in the briefing. Prepare for departure.1
189204204301AniZhuanchangEndGuide AIPreparing airdrop, altitude: 30000m.
190205205301Guide AIPreparing airdrop, altitude: 29994m.
191206206301Guide AIAirdrop preparations completed. Disengaging hook.
192207207301Guide AIMay gravity and hope guide you.
193208208301RImgBg1ShakeSuddenly, the four of you become weightless, and your feet no longer touch the cabin floor.
194209209301—Had it not been for the buckles firmly fastened to your upper torso, the four of you would have knocked your heads against the ceiling.
195210210301Guide AI26407 meters.
196211211301ControllerHook disengagement confirmed. Beginning the final briefing—
197213213301Guide AI21993 meters.
198214214301ControllerAny information on the purpose of X-51 and its personnel has been lost. We only know that it was not involved during Operation Acadia or any subsequent asset cataloging.
199215215301ControllerIn other words, this facility had fallen off the World Government's radar long before the Post-Pandemic Age.
200216216301Guide AI18402 meters.
201217217301ControllerWe sent a survey team when we first discovered this facility.
202218218301ControllerBut there was a setback that resulted in a 30% casualty rate.
203219219301Guide AI13336 meters.
204220220301ControllerSo we need the Task Force to uncover what happened and assess whether the facility holds any value for further exploration.
205221221301ControllerIf any Corrupted stand in your way, eliminate them. If there are humans, attempt to communicate.
206222222301RImgBg1ShakeGuide AI9223m. Engaging reverse thrusters for preliminary deceleration.
207223223301ControllerThe last survey team barely scratched the surface, so we have no idea what the situation is like within the facility.
208224224301ControllerPlease be prepared for all possibilities.
209225225301Guide AI6507 meters.
210226226301ControllerOne last thing—I wish you a safe landing.
211227227301ControllerWe have tried our best to ensure the safety of the airdrop, but there is a 1.73% chance of failure.
212228228301ControllerBabylonia, over and out.
213229229301RImgBg1ShakeAniZhuanchangBeginGuide AI2047m. Engaging reverse thrusters for secondary deceleration.
215231231301AniZhuanchangEndLuciaBrace yourself for impact!
216232232301Guide AI1209 meters.
217233233301Guide AI874 meters.
218234234301Guide AI503m. Deploying landing cushion.
219235235301Guide AI263 meters.
220236236301Guide AI41m. Engaging status controls.
221237237301Guide AI20m... 11m… 4m… 2m… 0m.
222238238301RImgBg1ShakeGuide AILanding cushion has established contact. Momentum has ceased. Passengers may open the airlock and exit the cabin.
229245245301LuciaLet's go.3
231247247302Let's get going.248
2322482483011AniZhuanchangBeginLuciaGray Raven, begin mission.3