
179 KiB
Raw Blame History

210000110001Enter PrologueThe mission to take back the Earth begins now. —HassenZX00000BA
310000210002Prologue 01Lave the rest to me.ZX00001BA
410000310003Prologue 02With Immune Serum and pain receptors disconnected, we can continue to execute our mission.ZX00002BA
510000410004Prologue 03Open your eyes and see the humans for who they really are through this person. I look forward to your choice after learning about the truth...ZX00003BAZX00003EA
610010110011A Brief Transit1_1To ensure the victory in the War Zone, Gray Raven decided to head further into the zone.84100101ZX00101BAZX00101EA
710010210012Farewell Gift1_2Lucia can fight again thanks to the Construct's arm.84100102ZX00102BA
810010310013Graffiti Blast1_3Traces of graffiti. Facing such eerie artwork, Liv decided to join the battle.84100103ZX00103BA
910010410014Full Strength1_4Try to fight with Liv!84100104ZX00104BA
1010010510015Restoring Scene1_5In the simulation replay, all Gray Raven saw were the Corrupted feasting on their comrades...84100105ZX00105BA
1110010610016Lost in Mist1_6Artistic creations?84100106ZX00106BA
1210010710017A Soft Heart1_7Lucia turns silent for a short while after receiving the plushie, staring at it with an unmoving gaze.84100107ZX00107BA
1310010810018The Purpose1_8If you're lost, then simply walk forward. Walking forward itself can be meaningful enough.84100108ZX00108BA
1410010910019The Followers1_9These graffiti surprisingly captivated a lot of these Corrupted...84100109ZX00109BA
15100110100110Base Color1_10Hehe... this is just... for a little... base coloring...84100110ZX00110BA
16100111100111Self Analysis1_11I... am a free machine.84100111ZX00111BA
17100112100112Final Work1_12Be cursed... by... my... work...!84100112ZX00112BAZX00112EA
1810020110021A Strange New Friend2_1Indeed... Walking the path of heavens... The Construct who will rule everything... My name is... Nanami!84100201ZX00201BA
1910020310023Old Acquaintance2_3This is the leader of the Cerberus squad.84100203ZX00203BA
2010020410024Relic2_4No, I remember now... Yes, this reeks of her, we've been played.84100204ZX00204BA
2110020510025Language Game2_5This Inver-Device... Tifa took it off herself.84100205ZX00205BA
2210020610026Will to Survive2_6That's a... survivor from the Suzaku squad!84100206ZX00206BA
2310020710027Iso-Device2_7Corrupted gained new abilities by corrupting the Iso-Devices.84100207ZX00207BA
2410020810028Rescue Signal2_8The team received a signal from a Construct requesting aid. Help him as soon as possible.84100208ZX00208BA
2510020910029Will of Steel2_9Wait for me, Tifa... I'll... bring you back to... Babylonia...84100209ZX00209BA
26100211100211The Proud2_11What a fool. With Ascendant's power, I will fulfill the last wish of my commandant...84100211ZX00211BA
27100212100212End of Torture2_12—and shot a bullet into her point-blank.84100212ZX00212BAZX00212EA
2810030110031Seeds3_1Among those hypocritical and disorganized humans, I'll find an appropriate... one to be the... seed...84100301ZX00301BA
2910030210032Terminal3_2This is the Museum Estate. The Ascendant traces ended here.84100302ZX00302BA
3010030310033Driven by Instinct3_3A colossal blade whirls past—Then I'm going in! Hiya—84100303ZX00303BA
3110030410034Good Samaritan3_4Helping people makes me feel good!84100304ZX00304BA
3210030510035Trespassing3_5Even though we encountered a little trouble, we managed to get into the Estate.84100305ZX00305BA
3310030610036Traps3_6What secrets is the Estate hiding? And what exactly is the inheritance?84100306ZX00306BA
3410030710037Final Warning3_7That must be the Ascendant.84100307ZX00307BA
3510030810038Take Caution3_8A new variant, along with many Corrupted reinforcements, suddenly appeared in the Estate. Pass through this courtyard ASAP.84100308ZX00308BA
3610030910039Special Mission3_9Only Lucia can soundlessly destroy enemies.84100309ZX00309BA
37100310100310Twisted Modification3_10We'd better be mentally prepared for... whatever's coming.84100310ZX00310BA
38100311100311Each Loyal to Their Own3_11I thought you were... a good guy.84100311ZX00311BA
39100312100312A New Seed3_12Is that what you think... Did you not notice that my target was you from the start?84100312ZX00312BAZX00312EA
4010040110041Night Escape4_1After Kamui regains consciousness, the remaining task for Gray Raven is how to escape from here.84100401ZX00401BAZX00401EA
4110040210042Deduction4_2The calculation result is... there are no routes...84100402ZX00402BAZX00402EA
4210040310043Beneficiary4_3Take cover! Baby's gonna blow!84100403ZX00403BAZX00403EA
4310040410044Breaking Through4_4The heavy agriculture machine falls to the ground with a thud, its speaker keeps repeating something, as if calling out for someone.84100404ZX00404BAZX00404EA
4410040510045Lurking Sand4_5There's Punishing Virus reaction beneath the sand!84100405ZX00405BAZX00405EA
4510040610046Panic Dive4_6Vassago, a kind of aggressive bionic Sand Worm.84100406ZX00406BAZX00406EA
4610040710047Forsaken4_7Identity... deserter?84100407ZX00407BAZX00407EA
4710040810048Negotiation4_8Next time we meet, we'll be enemies.84100408ZX00408BAZX00408EA
4810040910049Left Behind4_9When Gray Raven almost escaped, Liv was captured by the Forsaken.84100409ZX00409BAZX00409EA
49100410100410Kidnapping4_10You kidnapped me. For this, you face the risk of warfare with Babylonia.84100410ZX00410BA
50100411100411Noises4_11In order to take Liv back, Gray Raven decided to split up.84100411ZX00411BA
51100412100412Bloody Truth4_12That gift—the box of wild mint.84100412ZX00412BAZX00412EA
5210050110051Traces5_1Without Liv, Gray Raven can only stay in place and wait for Kamui's results.84100501ZX00501BA
5310050210052Blind Fight5_2This doesn't look like a biosphere... It's more like the... M.I.N.D.84100502ZX00502BAZX00502EA
5410050310053Dispelling Illusions5_3As the Gray Raven has figured out how the EM projectors function, it is time to find and disable them.84100503ZX00503BA
5510050410054A Smart Path5_4This is a souvenir Murray gave me, a mini graviton detector.84100504ZX00504BA
5610050510055True Form5_5As turning the devices off by hand is too inefficient, Lucia has proposed adopting Strike Hawk's method.84100505ZX00505BAZX00505EA
5710050610056Suppressed Illusions5_6With my help, projector breaking's gonna be twice as fast!84100506ZX00506BAZX00506EA
5810050710057Humanoid5_7The Corrupted are doing an organized retreat suddenly. Gray Raven has realized that they might be controlled by someone else.84100507ZX00507BAZX00507EA
5910050810058Supervisor5_8Who do these imprisoned consciousnesses in the M.I.N.D. Test Area belong to?84100508ZX00508BAZX00508EA
6010050910059The Light of Seven5_9It's a friendly signal. Did support come?84100509ZX00509BAZX00509EA
61100510100510Lost Sword5_10Gray Raven found the Forsakens and Liv deep inside the M.I.N.D. Test Area.84100510ZX00510BAZX00510EA
62100511100511Turning the Table5_11Watanabe, I need an explanation...!84100511ZX00511BA
63100512100512Liv's Return5_12Connect to Liv's M.I.N.D., Commandant. Only you can save her now.84100512ZX00512BAZX00512EA
6410060110061Tracking the Ascendant6_1After resting in a Forsaken camp for a night, Gray Raven has received a new mission from Babylonia.84100601ZX00601BA
6510060210062Deep Under6_2Gray Raven has to go toward City 019 around 30km away.84100602ZX00602BAZX00602EA
6610060310063Mystery6_3These are the marks of resistance from the people.84100603ZX00603BAZX00603EA
6710060410064Powerful Reinforcement6_4Nanami suddenly appeared to join the battle of Gray Raven and the new type of Corrupted.84100604ZX00604BAZX00604EA
6810060510065Mind Noises6_5The concentration of Punishing Virus is skyrocketing as the team ventures further. Liv has noticed some abnormal behavior in a member.84100605ZX00605BA
6910060610066Parting Ways6_6Kamui suddenly left without a single explanation.84100606ZX00606BA
7010060710067Greater Threats6_7Please decide quickly. Some of the Corrupted on the production line have awakened.84100607ZX00607BA
7110060810068Detonation6_8...Nanami, I order you to help Watanabe!84100608ZX00608BAZX00608EA
7210060910069Cleansing6_9De... tecting... thermal... reaction... purify...84100609ZX00609BA
73100610100610Retreat6_10Lead everyone out after the detonation.84100610ZX00610BA
74100611100611Cerberus6_11Kamui, when were you first corrupted?84100611ZX00611BAZX00611EA
75100612100612Purifying Force6_12Right before the Purifying Force executed the mission, Strike Hawk had connected in.84100612ZX00612BAZX00612EA
7610070110071Left Behind7_1The leader of Strike Hawk had made up his mind to save Kamui. In order to break the deadlock, Bianca was willing to make temporary concessions and help to find Kamui in the ruins.84100701ZX00701BAZX00701EA
7710070210072Buried Alive7_2Gray Raven encountered a group of aggressive Corrupted under the ground.84100702ZX00702BAZX00702EA
7810070310073Restructure7_3Gray Raven has returned to the entrance because of the Corrupted's interference. They have to map the best route ahead.84100703ZX00703BAZX00703EA
7910070410074Unexpected Alliance7_4He's Rohacchi, Nanami's pal!84100704ZX00704BAZX00704EA
8010070510075Split7_5Without a trace of Kamui, Karenina quietly left the team.84100705ZX00705BAZX00705EA
8110070610076Tracking7_6She's going after Kamui on her own.84100706ZX00706BAZX00706EA
8210070710077Encounter7_7Traces of battle between Karenina and Kamui can be found on the way following the tracks of Karenina.84100707ZX00707BA
8310070810078Abnormal Energy7_8When Gray Raven found Karenina, she had already lost consciousness. Liv found abnormal energy inside her... same as the one inside Kamui.84100708ZX00708BA
8410070910079Boiling Consciousness7_9A form of energy is trying to invade Karen's M.I.N.D.84100709ZX00709BAZX00709EA
85100710100710Besieged7_10The enemies were coming at Gray Raven once Karenina's condition was stabilized. Seeing that they moved in coordination, there must be someone behind them.84100710ZX00710BA
86100711100711Two Frontlines7_11We meet again, Babylonians.84100711ZX00711BAZX00711EA
87100712100712End of the Path7_12Defeat the Ascendant first!84100712ZX00712BAZX00712EA
8810080110081Dawn8_1With the authority of the Babylonian Council, I order the Gray Raven squad to withdraw immediately!84100801ZX00801BAZX00801EA
8910080310083Obstacle8_3The situation has been getting worse. Gray Raven decided to sneak in with a special method.84100803ZX00803BAZX00803EA
9010080410084Clone8_4Deep inside the ruins, Gray Raven encountered Nozzle, the robot that should have already been retrieved.84100804ZX00804BAZX00804EA
9110080610086Path of Torture8_6It proved that those Corrupted were made by Roland through some unknown means. Suddenly, Lee left the team just like Kamui had done.84100806ZX00806BAZX00806EA
9210080710087Remnants8_7Lee's not responding to my connection, something's wrong.84100807ZX00807BAZX00807EA
9310080810088Trial of Torture8_8You'll pay for this.84100808ZX00808BAZX00808EA
9410080910089Justice8_9How'd you guarantee that it ain't a monster coming out of that tin can?84100809ZX00809BA
95100810100810Resistance8_10I'll never be strayed by anything, I'll only follow my own will. I have not lost yet!84100810ZX00810BAZX00810EA
96100811100811Devoured8_11I did it with my will and fought so from the beginning till now!84100811ZX00811BAZX00811EA
97100812100812Light and Shadow8_12Because, you are me, and I am you. We're both Kamui.84100812ZX00812BAZX00812EA
9810090110091Flying Sand9_1This war will likely determine the future direction of the world.84100901ZX00901BA
9910090210092Second Contact9_2A friendly reminder from Korolev: Dear children, please treat public facilities with love and care—84100902ZX00902BAZX00902EA
10010090410094Reunion9_4At least for now, we're using each other.84100904ZX00904BAZX00904EA
10110090510095Self Immune9_5Cells infected by bacteria or viruses will be... destroyed and discarded...84100905ZX00905BA
10210090610096Digit Blade9_6If there is any danger, Commandant, please wake us immediately.84100906ZX00906BA
10310090710097Strict Education9_7This high-density body plans to give Gray Raven a lesson.84100907ZX00907BA
10410090810098Gravitational Edge9_8The Prism is now ready.84100908ZX00908BA
10510090910099Instant Communication9_9Selena said some information was related to the design of these... rings.84100909ZX00909BA
106100910100910Hetero-Core9_10Coated man. Floating Cube.84100910ZX00910BA
107100911100911Set9_11The cross ahead is named the Punishing Heteromer.84100911ZX00911BA
108100912100912Shatter9_12We had a discussion and decided that I would be the best candidate to fire the Prism.84100912ZX00912BA
109100913100913Chase9_13Watanabe turns and runs toward the gravity room's exit.84100913ZX00913BAZX00913EA
11010100110101Pray10_1The folks prayed to a certain being that they would find peace at the end of their journeys.84101001ZX01001BA
11110100210102To Akdilek10_2Akdilek Commercial Alliance... Wait, this diagram, is a train?84101002ZX01002BA
11210100310103Constructs on Earth10_3Are you surprised? Construct Tech is not something only Babylonia has.84101003ZX01003BAZX01003EA
11310100410104A Trade with Akdilek10_4After all, that is our most valuable merchandise.84101004ZX01004BAZX01004EA
11410100510105Choice10_5We can't afford to wait any longer.84101005ZX01005BA
11510100610106Omen10_6Golden Apple System, activate!84101006ZX01006BA
11610100710107Someone and Bianca10_7Aww, you're not using the motorcycle I especially prepared for you? And it's a really cool design too...84101007ZX01007BA
11710100810108Powerless10_8I don't plan to abandon any one of you... It is not my intention for anyone to get hurt.84101008ZX01008BA
11810100910109Hitchhike10_9There's no use in finding the culprit now... Let's find the way to the carriage.84101009ZX01009BA
119101011101011Resolve10_11I can be a good merchant too!84101011ZX01011BAZX01011EA
120101013101013EternityFate never favors anyone... There is no eternity, Aston.84101012YR01101BA
121101015101015PortThe Nighter. The oriental ship that only pulls in at night.84101012YR01103BAYR01103EA
12210110110111Night Voyage11_1Looks like you're in big trouble, Gray Raven.84101101ZX01101BA
12310110210112Escape Room11_2The familiar ceiling doesn't come to sight when opening eyes. It is a locked secret chamber and there is an unusual sign of connection.84101102ZX01102BAZX01102EA
12410110410114Night Market11_4Canned pupa! Three grubs a can!84101104ZX01104BA
12510110510115Closure11_5Who kidnapped the commandant? The answer might be hidden on the ship that left the port.84101105ZX01105BA
12610110710117Control11_7Lucia, you look great in this outfit!84101107ZX01107BAZX01107EA
12710110810118Entry11_8The audience feasts their eyes on this pair of embodiments of oriental beauty.84101108ZX01108BAZX01108EA
12810110910119The Fool11_9And how can you be so sure? Machines are merely lifeless creations of mankind, devoid of emotions and thoughts.84101109ZX01109BAZX01109EA
129101110101110Who Dreams11_10With Lucia as the vessel, Huaxu will become the perfect existence.84101110ZX01110BA
130101111101111Freedom11_11I don't understand love. I am the one who deprived you of your freedom, who always controlled you...84101111ZX01110EA
131101112101112Kowloong11_12The ship drifts. Everyone trains their sights upon the sea's surface, an azure painting glittering under the morning sun.84101112ZX01111BA
132101113101113Unknown FutureThe team is preparing for the experiment of a new frame in Babylonia while discussing the future directions.84101112YR01201BA
133101114101114Thorough PreparationApart from the new frame, Asimov is also preparing another secret weapon for Nikola.84101112YR01202BA
134101115101115Catcher in the RyeThe Ascendants gather together and prepare to head toward the battle that will decide their fate.84101112YR01203BA
13510120110121Mist12_1After a seemingly endless wait, the Nighter was finally coming ashore.84101201ZX01201BA
13610120210122Rejection12_2The crew weren't welcomed, but rejected instead.84101202ZX01202BA
13710120310123Gathering12_3The real Huaxu must not fall into the hands of Ascendants. Babylonia forces started gathering.84101203ZX01203BA
13810120410124Break the Ice12_4In the arctic land, the fisher was urging the sailor to hurry. Forest Guards were chasing after the Corrupted.84101204ZX01204BA
13910120510125Chaos12_5Everybody had their own plan. Except Babylonia.84101205ZX01205BA
14010120610126Hawk & Hound12_6The joint operation between Cerberus and Strike Hawk didn't seem to be going well.84101206ZX01206BA
14110120710127War Decision12_7The actions taken by different parties only further accelerated the war.84101207ZX01207BA
14210120810128Frankenstein12_8It was complete mayhem in Kowloong City. They seemed to have underestimated the Ascendants.84101208ZX01208BA
14310120910129Smile12_9War was imminent. Gray Raven made a promise.84101209ZX01209BA
144101210101210Support Force12_10Never underestimate the Support Force! —Bridget84101210ZX01210BA
145101211101211Sister12_11The two Lucias met again in Kowloong City.84101211ZX01211BAZX01211EA
146101212101212Accumulation12_12Seriously wounded, Lucia was removed from the frontline for recovery, while Gray Raven received an unexpected reinforcement.84101212ZX01212BA
147101213101213Ticket12_13Two leaders were having a conversation in a station.84101213ZX01213BA
148101214101214Lamia's Poison12_14As an Ascendant, Lamia specialized in manipulating her enemies.84101214ZX01214BA
149101215101215Corporation12_15Qu decided to take one step further for the Corporation.84101215ZX01215BA
150101216101216Hawk Hunt12_16In order to rescue fellow comrades, Strike Hawk was forced to confront Lamia.84101216ZX01216BA
151101217101217Mermaid of Hatred12_17Strike Hawk's effort wasn't wasted. Kowloong guards decided to join forces against Lamia.84101217ZX01217BA
152101218101218Shield12_18Lucia was already on her way, so Strike Hawk decided to first create a path.84101218ZX01218BAZX01218EA
153101219101219Crisis12_19A golden powder was seen on the battlefield between Cerberus and Roland.84101219ZX01219BA
154101220101220Onboard Entertainment12_20The train was getting close to Kowloong—84101220ZX01220BA
155101221101221Promise12_21Far away from the battle, Lucia woke up—84101221ZX01221BA
156101222101222Inside the Light Wall12_22Gray Raven managed to get through the light wall, only to be greeted by Kowloong's defense force.84101222ZX01222BA
157101223101223At the Door12_23There were also different opinions within the light wall. What would happen...?84101223ZX01223BA
158101224101224The Warden12_24Gray Raven met Qu in the tower and discovered Kowloong's real intention.84101224ZX01224BA
159101225101225Plume12_25On the Observatory Plume shone bright.84101225ZX01225BAZX01225EB
160101226101226Hope12_26It was over... For now.84101226ZX01226BB
16113130110131Hidden Current_01Information saved2020/11/26 5:02YR01601BA
16213130210132Hidden Current_02Information saved2020/11/26 5:02YR01602BA
16313130310133Hidden Current_03Information saved2020/11/26 5:02YR01603BA
16413130410134Decision Altitude77.3% of the conventional engines have been forcibly shut down. Babylonia is falling!630001ZX01601BA
16513130510135A Familiar SightThe virtual space looks completely normal, but there is something hidden underneath.630002ZX01602BAZX01602EA
16613130610136Unexpected BoltYou encounter unexpected events, both friendly and hostile... both commanded and improvised.630003ZX01603BAZX01603EA
16713130710137Fake FriendshipFalse is false.630004ZX01604BA
16813130810138Profile of BaitVeritas ends in pursuit.630005ZX01605BA
16913130910139Fragile RelationshipIs relationship and bond between people strong or frail?630006ZX01606BA
170131310101310Breaking a DeadlockFinally, there is a hope to break the deadlock.630007ZX01607BAZX01607EA
171131311101311ShuttingAll signals come to a screeching halt here.630008ZX01608BA
172131313101313S.S.D.DThe crisis in Babylonia is lifted temporarily. And everything returns to normal.630010ZX01610BA
173131314101314Enhance InverseIf you see something too dangerous, don't let curiosity get the best of you.630011ZX01611BA
174131315101315Recover ClueIt seems that we will maintain this perspective until the end of this mission.630012ZX01611BB
175131316101316Enemies in SightProjections of Corrupted, the Corrupted, growths of punishing...630013ZX01612BA
176131317101317Crimson TideThe four of you gaze into the red tide of life and death, just like how it gazes back.630014ZX01613BAZX01613EA
177131318101318Shades of the PastLooks like... this commandant must have been dead for over a week.630015ZX01614BA
178131321101321Plunder & SacrificeIn order to survive, we have to decide what to accept, as difficult to bear as they are... That's the price.630018ZX01618BA
179131322101322Past & FuturePlease don't hate me.630019ZX01619BA
180131323101323Blood Link...Will I become someone like her?630020ZX01620BA
181131324101324Continue ForwardCarefully, Liv opens the faded cover, and a white petal falls out onto her hand.630021ZX01621BA
182131325101325Full of ThornsThere are more traps ahead, so be careful.630022ZX01622BA
183131326101326We Were HereI would still have some foolish hope had that never happened.630023ZX01623BA
184131327101327Shattered FragmentsIt's up to you to decide when to let Lucia get that memory back.630024ZX01624BA
185131328101328City of FakesIt's not that it was abandoned... It was never even occupied.630025ZX01625BA
186131329101329Red Tide's GuidanceGo back to the source—to the abyss.630026ZX01626BA
187131331101331CurtainSince our guests have arrived at the door, there is no reason not to entertain them.630028ZX01628BA
188131332101332Unexpected SupportThen, let me be your mission support from now on.630029ZX91629BA
189131333101333Ascension SecretsA blindfolded queen, an advisor, and a beast.630030ZX01630BAZX01630EA
190131335101335QuestionCan you really put that blade of yours in Luna's heart?630032ZX01632BAZX01632EA
191131337101337Master of CeremonyMiss Luna, this is my answer to your question—630034ZX01634BA
192131338101338Cross the BridgeWhether in sight or out of sight, the Support Sorce are always working.630035ZX01635BA
193131339101339Huaxu's ProjectionWhat does the appearance of Huaxu's projection here really mean?630036ZX01636BA
194131340101340VisitorBe careful of that Lucia.630037ZX91637BA
195131341101341Crimson ResolveLucia... Quickly! Commandant's going to...630038ZX01638BA
196131342101342Divergence PointI will accept your everything—your pain, your choices.630039ZX01639BA
197131343101343Sealed PastDon't worry, you'll be the next.630040ZX01640BA
198131344101344Shards of RemorseBefore falling into complete silence, Lucia clutches the nameplate in her hand...630041ZX01641BA
199131345101345Chaotic MemoriesThe shards of each other's memories cross the boundary between them, like fragments of glass pouring down after it breaks, scattering in front of their eyes.630042ZX01642BA
200131346101346Lost HeartRunning your mouth when you're so lost and miserable. Is that who you are now?630043ZX01643BA
201131347101347LuciaThis is your reward for facing your past.630044ZX01644BAZX01644EA
202131348101348To the FutureWelcome back, Lucia.630045ZX01645BA
203131349101349Polyphage AbyssUnderneath this behemoth is a lake composed of the Red Tide, shimmering in its fearsome scarlet glow.630046ZX01646BA
204131350101350A Perfect Disguise?If it was not Murray, who is it?630047ZX01646BB
205131351101351Audio AnalysisIt is impossible to find Lamia by blindly searching, so this is the time to check the tips.630048ZX01647BA
206131352101352Mermaid's GiftHee hee, take it—it's Lamia's petty concern.630049ZX91648BA
207131353101353Mermaid Caught UpLamia has nowhere to run.630050ZX01649BA
208131354101354Horrifying MarksOnly cracked and shattered rocks remain when you arrive at the epicenter.630051ZX01650BA
209131355101355CannibalismMiss Luna... Please serve your final duty as an agent...630052ZX01651BAZX01651EA
210131356101356ResolveBesides, Gray Raven is at its best when we are together, right?630053ZX01652BA
211131357101357Mermaid's PurposeGo, complete your task.630054ZX01653BA
212131358101358Huge ThreatBattle is the only option against the roaring Polyphage.630055ZX01654BAZX01654EA
213131360101360Race Against TimeDespite the many enemies ahead of her, Lucia knows the bullets and beams coming from her teammates will clear her way.630057ZX01656BAZX01656EA
214131361101361Awake and DestroyThe end... is nigh!630058ZX01657BAZX01658EA
215131362101362InvaderHead to [Eden 16-B] Floor 3 to find [Cordis Die 1] event621101FZ01601BA
216131363101363Multi-line OperationHead to [Dominick Memorial Park] Floor 1 to find [Cordis Die 2] event621102FZ01601BB
217131364101364ParadoxHead to [Babylonia Bridge] Floor 2 to find [Cordis Die 3] event621103FZ01601BC
218131365101365Earth's FulcrumHead to the deep of [Babylonia Bridge] Floor 2 to find [Cordis Die 4] event621104FZ01601BD
219131366101366Rough MarksHead to [Dominick Memorial Park] Floor 4 to find [Cordis Die 5] event621105FZ01601BE
220131367101367Cat & MouseHead to the deep of [Dominick Memorial Park] Floor 4 to find [Cordis Die 6] event621106FZ01601BF
221131368101368ScarabHead to [Babylonia Bridge] Floor 2 to find [The Hiddens 1] event621201FZ01603BA
222131369101369ClamberHead to [Parliament Square] Floor 2 to find [The Hiddens 2] event621202FZ01603BB
223131370101370Bad BoyHead to [Dominick Memorial Park] Floor 3 to find [The Hiddens 3] event621203FZ01603BC
224131371101371BaitHead to [Dominick Memorial Park] Floor 4 to find [The Hiddens 4] event621204FZ01603BD
225131372101372QuestionHead to the deep of [Dominick Memorial Park] Floor 4 to find [The Hiddens 5] event621205FZ01603BE
226131373101373TravelerHead to [Eden 16-B] Floor 3 to find [World's End 1] event621301FZ01602BA
227131374101374Great AntennaHead to [Parliament Square] Floor 2 to find [World's End 2] event621302FZ01602BB
228131375101375DialogueHead to [Babylonia Bridge] Floor 3 to find [World's End 3] event621303FZ01602BC
229131376101376Journey ContinuedHead to [Parliament Square] Floor 3 to find [World's End 4] event621304FZ01602BD
230131377101377Memory 1Head to [Safe Zone] and find [Additional Review] to expand Memory 1623101FZ01608BA
231131378101378Memory 2Head to [B01 Industrial Sector] Floor 3 to find [Memory 2] event623102FZ01608BB
232131379101379Memory 3Head to [Safe Zone] and find [Additional Review] to expand Memory 3623103FZ01608BC
233131380101380Tide Direction 1Head to the deep of [Core Area] Floor 2 to find [Tide Direction 1] event623201FZ01607BA
234131381101381Tide Direction 2Head to [Core Area] Floor 3 to find [Tide Direction 2] event623202FZ01607BB
235131382101382Tide Direction 3Head to [B01 Junction Corridor] Floor 4 to find [Tide Direction 3] event623203FZ01607BC
236131383101383Tide Direction 4Head to the deep of [B01 Junction Corridor] Floor 4 to find [Tide Direction 4] event623204FZ01607BD
237131384101384Blood Well 1Head to [Relic of Business Park—Block 3] to find [Blood Well 1] event622101FZ01605BA
238131385101385Blood Well 2Head to [Area A Ruins Square No. 97—Garden] to find [Blood Well 2] event622102FZ01605BB
239131386101386Voiceless Self 1Head to [C-07 Abandoned Chemical Plant—Operation Zone] to find [Voiceless Self 1] event622201FZ01606BA
240131387101387Voiceless Self 2Head to [Supply Carriage] to find [Voiceless Self 2] event622202FZ01606BB
241131388101388Voiceless Self 3Head to [C-07 Abandoned Chemical Plant—Warehouse] to find [Voiceless Self 3] event622203FZ01606BC
242131389101389Voiceless Self 4Head to [C-07 Abandoned Chemical Plant—Operation Zone] to find [Voiceless Self 4] event622204FZ01606BD
243131390101390Blasphemy 1Head to [Breaking Platform—the Deepest] to find [Blasphemy 1] event624101FZ01610BA
244131391101391Blasphemy 2Head to [Safe Zone] to find [Blasphemy 2] event624102FZ01610BB
245131392101392Adverse Impact 1Head to [Polyphage Left Hand—Floor 1] to find [Adverse Impact 1] event624201FZ01609BA
246131393101393Adverse Impact 2Head to [Polyphage Left Hand—Floor 2] to find [Adverse Impact 2] event624201FZ01609BB
247131394101394Faith Praises 1Head to [Polyphage Body—Floor 1] to find [Faith Praises 1] event624301FZ01611BA
248131395101395Faith Praises 2Head to [Polyphage Body—Floor 3] to find [Faith Praises 2] event624302FZ01611BB
249131396101396Faith Praises 3Head to [Polyphage Body—Floor 2] to find [Faith Praises 3] event624303FZ01611BC
250131397101397Engraver 1Head to [Polyphage Body—Floor 3] to find [Engraver 1] event624401FZ01604BA
251131398101398Engraver 2Head to [Polyphage Body—Floor 2] to find [Engraver 2] event624402FZ01604BB
25213140110141Game in a Cage14_1 Be careful with your words and action. Don't do anything now. Wait until morning to inspect the room.84101401ZX01901BA
25313140210142Conceal14_2 Where did you get the Ascendant data?84101402ZX01902BA
25413140310143Return to Core Area14_3 Feels like we're being watched.84101403ZX01903BA
25513140410144Untraceable14_4 Maybe there's an easier and more straightforward way.84101404ZX01904BA
25613140510145Gaze of the Abyss14_5 Like a dark abyss, the pinhole spy camera on the button gazes at Chrome, who is holding it in his palm.84101405ZX01905BA
25713140610146New Woes14_6 Mom... is resting.84101406ZX01906BA
25813140710147Recycle Prisoner14_7 We don't get to do this everyday. Let me give you a bonus question.84101407ZX01907BA
25913140810148Perfectionism14_8 He speaks with no lofty words and acts like a modest teacher before his enemies.84101408ZX01908BA
26013140910149Fated Maze14_9 The rumbling underneath the floor announces death like a countdown timer.84101409ZX01909BA
261131410101410No Response14_10 Kamui spots a faint smile on Chrome's face before Chrome completely loses consciousness.84101410ZX01910BA
262131411101411Project Winter14_11 If we ever settle this, we will need the talented commandant to help us build a future for humans.84101411ZX01911BA
263131412101412Extra Mission14_12 Looks like some people are leaving no stone unturned, considering they've bugged our transport craft, too.84101412ZX01912BA
264131413101413Hidden Area14_13 The dim light from the sky nourishes the surrounding red trees, and root-like pipes coil around them, revealing a peaceful but strange atmosphere.84101413ZX01913BA
265131414101414Hetero-Hive Mother14_14 Sorry... For leaving you alone to deal with such a thing.84101414ZX01914BA
266131415101415Starry Sky14_15 Even if the signal is broken, and even if hope is scarce, I will run to you no matter what. That's salvation, as well as saving myself.84101415ZX01915BA
26713150110151Right Under the Rose15_1 As long as we're on this ship together, nothing will remain a secret forever.84101501ZX02101BA
26813150210152Strike15_2 The red-haired Construct stands amidst them proudly like a rose above its thorns.84101502ZX02102BA
26913150310153Seaborne Graveyard15_3 That's right. The city you're standing in was once a zero-point reactor.84101503ZX02103BA
27013150410154Atlantis15_4 It once contained humanity's hope for a utopia, after all.84101504ZX02104BAZX02104EA
27113150510155Enter the City15_5 If the Golden Age is a crown, then this is one of the brightest jewels on it.84101505ZX02105BAZX02105EA
27213150610156Return15_6 I've... finally found it.84101506ZX02106BA
27313150710157Graveyard for the Arrogance15_7 Humans have long died on the road to their ambitions. This city is just a graveyard for their arrogance.84101507ZX02107BAZX02107EA
27413150810158Another Journey15_8 Atlantis lived, and so did they.84101508ZX02108BA
27513150910159Up or Down15_9 Don't tell me the city's haunted.84101509ZX02109BAZX02109EA
276131513101513Light of the Zero-point Energy15_10 I believe humanity will have a bright future.84101513ZX02113BA
277131514101514Raise Your Torch15_11 I wouldn't, because I want to find out what is there at the end of the darkness.84101514ZX02114BAZX02114EA
278131515101515The Last Human15_12 Who would have thought that, in the end, I'd go gentle into that good night?84101515ZX02115BA
279131516101516Across the Waves15_13 Vera knows that gaze intimately. The look of total desperation was once in her eyes as well.84101516ZX02116BAZX02116EA
280131517101517Her Flag15_14 Rage, rage against the dying of the light.84101517ZX02117BA
28113160210162Antagonism16_2 Science is a torch that lights the way to humanity's future, not a wind that fans the flame of some civil war.84101602ZX02202BA
28213160310163After Story16_3 The logs have been arranged from left to right chronologically by Liv. Your fingertip flips over a page, and another memory is reawakened in your mind.84101603ZX02203BAZX02203EA
28313160410164Search for Coordinates16_4 Asimov stops tapping on the projection and points toward one point on the globe.84101604ZX02204BA
28413160510165Hetero-Sapien16_5 The humanoids slowly turn around, their strangely-shaped feet crushing the bones on the ground, making an eerie, squeaking noise.84101605ZX02205BA
28513160610166Assemble16_6 Hans is not very loud, but his voice is firm enough to reach every one of your ears, making you all stand straight.84101606ZX02206BA
28613160710167Pulia Forest Park Ruins16_7 Your head is slowly recovering from the spike of adrenaline, but you can still hear the voices of Hetero-Sapiens from all corners of the Forest Park Ruins, warning you not to let your guard down.84101607ZX02207BAZX02207EA
28713160810168Clockwork16_8 He winds up the war machine that is you all, the elites of Babylonia, and you march on toward CPF 040.84101608ZX02208BA
28813160910169CPF 04016_9 The Central Purification Filter that was the basis of humanity's life on the surface against the Punishing Virus is now penetrated by the crimson plants, erected in the middle of the field, twisting and towering.84101609ZX02209BA
289131610101610Arrival16_10 Their gaze pierces through the crowd and extends toward the species you belong to—humanity.84101610ZX02210EA
290131611101611Evacuation16_11 In the last few moments before you fall unconscious, you hear thunderous explosions.84101611ZX02211BA
291131612101612Death of Humankind16_12 I will be back. Trust me.84101612ZX02212EA
292131613101613Unidentified Twins16_13 The war between humanity and the Punishing Virus begins anew, here and now.84101613ZX02213BAZX02213EA
293131614101614Silent Scream16_14 This is the never-ending cycle of despair.84101614ZX02214BA
294131615101615The Rudder of Mankind16_15 Our Parliament was established to build a better future for humanity.84101615ZX02215BA
29513170010170Nightmare of the World17_0 We are forced to step into the eternal night of death, and with different language and bodies, roar as one in the afterburn of dawn.84101700ZX02300BA
29613170110171Pouring Rain17_1 However, they are not the greatest threat nor are they the ultimate fruit borne from disaster. They are just a road sign.84101701ZX02301BA
29713170210172Sinking Island17_2 We were forced to stand on a sinking island, all of us.84101702ZX02302BA
29813170310173Project Winter17_3 In any case, this is the beginning of hope, but it is only just the beginning.84101703ZX02303BA
29913170410174Will of Being Born17_4 What happened to the girl and the boy is not an exception. We have different life experience but share similar nature and feelings.84101704ZX02304BA
30013170610176The Great Evacuation17_6 Anything that you are not happy about? Or are you still expecting your commandant to get up all of a sudden and tell you there is a new tactic that sacrifices no one?84101706ZX02306BAZX02306EA
30113170710177The Stayed-Behind17_7 The originally crowded basement is now left with only dozens of people waiting for Gray Raven to come back.84101707ZX02307BA
30213170810178Life and Death17_8 By the light of the daybreak, they see that the sloped path in the city has turned into a scarlet wave.84101708ZX02308BA
303131713101713Countdown to Life17_13 Even though there is not much time left, she still sticks to her post.84101713ZX02313BA
304131714101714Assemble Again17_14 Gray Raven, Strike Hawk, and Cerberus gather in City 47 to plan for their next move.84101714ZX02314BAZX02314EA
305131715101715End Train17_15 We didn't know back then that the train was heading to the end.84101715ZX02315BAZX02315EA
306131716101716Endpoint Countdown17_16 We must be ready. This battle will decide the fate of all of our lives.84101716ZX02316BAZX02316EA
307131717101717Smile of the Abyss17_17 I think I heard someone laughing...84101717ZX02317BA
308131718101718Gentle Monster17_18 To seize the only hope, the girl has turned into a gentle monster.84101718ZX02318BA
309131719101719Heaven of Pain17_19 Dusk and silence, exhaustion and wounds, they weave together a web that binds the two of them to the bench they are sitting on, with no hope to escape.84101719ZX02319BA
310131722101722Until No One Is Listening17_22 The mist that drifts away at dawn, leaving but dew in the fields, shall rise and gather into a cloud and then fall down in rain.84101722ZX02322BA
311131727101727Scarlet Reflection17_27The data cache in it will control the form of the Punishing Virus. Think of them as Hetero-Sapiens or Red Tide Projections. They will transform with your cognition.84101727ZX02327BA
31213180110181Journey18_1 Nanami will travel with her friends! Where to go...? We'll see!84101801ZX02601BA
31313180210182House of Love18_2 Nanami knows that there are still warm places in this cold world!84101802ZX02602BA
31413180310183Search18_3 Maybe not every journey has a happy ending, but that's the exact reason why Nanami will still keep looking.84101803ZX02603BAZX02603EA
31513180410184Return18_4 Nanami met a mysterious big sister. I always feel like I saw her somewhere, but I also feel like that I will only meet her in the future.84101804ZX02604BAZX02604EA
31613180510185Truth18_5 Nanami doesn't like the answer. I don't like the coldness or the quietness... But where can I find the future that makes everyone smile?84101805ZX02605BA
31713180610186Reencounter18_6 The world will be reconstructed. A different future is waiting for Nanami, but will it be the future Nanami wants?84101806ZX02606BA
31813180710187War18_7 Why... Why the war? Aren't we friends...?84101807ZX02607BAZX02607EA
31913180910189Last Hope18_9 Nanami will find a future without war and hand it to the humanity.84101809ZX02609BA
320131810101810Cage18_10 Nanami has only one thing to do...84101810ZX02610BA
321131811101811Freedom18_11 Then let Nanami... break the cage!84101811ZX02611BAZX02611EA
322131812101812Divergence18_12 For Nanami's friends and our future together, Nanami has to try again and look for the real answer.84101812ZX02612BAZX02612EA
323131813101813Determination18_13 Nanami will never forget the pain of machines and humanity... So Nanami is determined to seize the opportunity no matter what it takes.84101813ZX02613BA
324131814101814Find the Answer in the Future18_14 Nanami is determined to fight the storms of fate!84101814ZX02614BA
325131818101818Awakening18_18 Guys, I need to go now... I'm starting my journey now.84101818ZX02618BA
326131819101819Answer18_19 Nanami will find the unique future herself.84101819ZX02619BA
327131820101820Girl From the Future18_20 I wish you to find the real answer... Goodbye, Nanami.84101820ZX02620BA
328131821101821Farewell18_21 Her last bow.84101821ZX02621BA
32913190110191Brazen Fire19_1The last torch of humanity's future is burning 363,300 kilometers from the earth now—right there on the Moon.84102001ZX02801BA
33013190210192Dream Machine19_2 That is the machine that carries humanity's dreams. To restart it, Karenina, you are the best person for this job.84102002ZX02802BA
33113190310193Scire Rebirth19_3 This new frame is called Scire. Like a light shining in the deepest darkness, it represents Karenina's newfound power.84102003ZX02803BAZX02803EA
33213190410194Zero Rest19_4 Only now, laughing freely in the absence of gravity, can these people ignore each other's beliefs and factions to enjoy this technological breakthrough.84102004ZX02804BA
33313190510195Gazing Into the Night19_5 Perhaps humans are still as naive as the children who wonder about the Moon, but one day they will transform science's power into a new hope.84102005ZX02805BA
33413190610196Always In Character19_6 Even without a script or rehearsals, the moment an actor steps onto the stage... he must embody his role.84102006ZX02806BA
33513190710197See You Later... Or Not?19_7 I don't think I'll see you again, but still. See you.84102007ZX02807BA
33613190810198Ceaseless Maniac19_8 The perfect lie is always an ounce of falsehood enshrouded in truth.84102008ZX02808BAZX02808EA
33713190910199Disastrous Omen19_9 I can't shake the feeling that... something bad is about to happen.84102009ZX02809BA
338131910101910Captain Clown19_10 Only you can save yourself. Will it be death... or will it be life?84102010ZX02810BAZX02810EA
339131911101911Mortal Belief19_11 We are merely just mortals—using the stupidest method, calculating and testing again and again through trial and error until we find the answer!84102011ZX02811BAZX02811EA
340131912101912Story of the Future19_12 If you can see this message, please tell me... Tell me your story and the future of humanity.84102012ZX02812BA
341131913101913Undermine Determination19_13 It was once the symbol and hope of humanity toward space navigation and the pinnacle of technology during the Golden Age... Is she really qualified to destroy it?84102013ZX02813BAZX02813EA
342131914101914What Is Hope?19_14 Sacrifices must be made for our only glimmer of hope... No one has ever doubted this axiom, but what truly is hope?84102014ZX02814BA
343131915101915Paths Forward19_15 The path ahead is long and arduous. Now is the time to decide whether to go... or stay.84102015ZX02815BA
344131916101916Enemy of Humankind19_16 Do you really have the courage to pop their inflated hope? Do you want to protect them even if you will become their enemy?84102016ZX02816BA
345131917101917Hearts Intertwined19_17 Without even meeting each other's gaze, they turn their backs and head to their respective sides of the battlefield.84102017ZX02817BA
346131918101918Undying Will19_18 The will of the entire human race is twinkling behind her, and this undying will will become a star... and a torch.84102018ZX02818BA
347131919101919Remembrance of Pain19_19 The painful brands in her palms are be the shackles of the past and the key to the future.84102019ZX02819BAZX02819EA
348131920101920Radiant Beam19_20 All light shines at this moment, converging into an invincible strike.84102020ZX02820BAZX02820EA
349131921101921Curtain Call19_21 Just call me Rolmo... Captain Rolmo. Has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?84102021ZX02821BA
350131922101922Return to the Far Moon19_22 A meteor bursts into the sky and slowly descends, marking the trajectory of her return.84102022ZX02822BA
35113200110201Scarlet Revelation20_1 If the projection of the Red Tide can be their hope in despair, then it can also become their faith.84102201ZX03001BA
35213200210202Crazy Words20_2 Their eyes are squinching as if they are ecstatic, but their mouths are twisted in all kinds of ways, whispering and murmuring painfully.84102202ZX03002BAZX03002EA
35313200310203Crimson Undercurrents20_3 At maximum capacity, the amount of Red Tide they release will contaminate the entire ocean in two months.84102203ZX03003BA
35413200410204Song of Faith20_4 The god remains silent.84102204ZX03004EA
35513200510205Monster and the Witch20_5 Did you... protect me?84102205ZX03005EA
35613200610206Before the Daybreak20_6 The disaster in Pulia Forest Park Ruins should not be repeated.84102206ZX03006BA
35713200710207I Haven't Changed20_7 What about you? A Sister, or a witch? Which one is the real you?84102207ZX03007BA
35813200810208Assemble Again20_8 Oh, Commandant seems in trouble. Time for our grand entrance. Yo!84102208ZX03008BA
35913200910209Hand in Hand20_9 Nikola nods and looks at the center of the tactical map, where the red dots are.84102209ZX03009BAZX03009EA
360132010102010When We Are Together20_10 People stand at the end of the sight. The sky is full of dark clouds, but he knows that is also where the Sun rises.84102210ZX03010BAZX03010EA
361132011102011Their Marks20_11 She and the will she left are the gift that will lead us into the future.84102211ZX03011BAZX03011EA
362132012102012Lithos20_12 ...If this is what you want...84102212ZX03012BA
363132013102013Time to Say Goodbye20_13 — She used to stop Chiko from taking her own life, but this time... she will help her do it.84102213ZX03013BAZX03013EA
364132014102014Key of the Future20_14 This gift will be the key to the future.84102214ZX03014BA
36513210110211 His Life Behind the Scenes21_1Most of the time, the work of a commandant is no different from others.84102469ZX03201BA
36613210210212 The Key Deep Within21_2We'll be able to solve all the puzzles when we get our hands on the key.84102470ZX03202BA
36713210310213 Brothers21_3They are equally stubborn, reticent, and good at hiding what they don't want people to know.84102471ZX03203BA
36813210410214 Crack21_4Is this peacefulness a sign of hope, or just a temporary calm before the storm?84102472ZX03204BA
36913210510215 Signs and Abnormality21_5A blinding flash of light engulfs his vision. Within the depths of his sight, the twisting spiral tower emerges and collapses.84102473ZX03205BAZX03205EA
37013210610216 Silence21_6The concealed facts and emotions weave together, separating them and hiding them from the true meanings and thoughts lying under their words.84102474ZX03206BA
37113210710217 Spiral Tower21_7Unlike the other tower, it does not even bother to put up a camouflage, only blatantly revealing its danger and hostility to all humans on the surface and in space.84102475ZX03207BA
37213210910219 Flash of Destruction21_9The once teammates have turned their guns against one another.84102477ZX03209BA
373132111102111 Wild Gambler21_11Commandant authorization confirmed. Verification successful. Full access controls granted.84102479ZX03211BAZX03211EA
374132112102112 Gazing Upon Reality21_12She gazes upon the world amidst the chaos.84102480ZX03212BA
375132114102114 Fragment - 00 - T324R0_1He will trace from the end to the beginning, no matter how many times. This is his fight.84102455ZX03213BBZX03213EB
376132115102115Crossed Spacetime21_13RHe reaches to the only possible way out from between the dimensions.84102452ZX03213BCZX03213EC
377132116102116 Fragment - 02 - T1203R2_1Her remorse, loss, obsession and madness.84102456ZX03214BBZX03214EB
378132117102117 Eternal Beacon21_14The brilliant beacon never gives up, always lighting up his path across time and space.84102453ZX03214EC
379132118102118 Fragment - 05 - T2421R5_1The peaceful, warm daily life feels like a distant dream.84102457ZX03215BBZX03215EB
380132119102119 Blood Ties21_15The precious things have never changed.84102454ZX03215EC
381132120102120 Fragment - 08 - T3265R8_1They<//YOU> are going through a never-ending cycle.84102458ZX03216BBZX03216EB
382132121102121 Hourglass of Time21_16He has caught up with his own steps.84102481ZX03216EC
383132122102122 The Pulse of Dawn21_17Our response is to keep going and reach places you will never reach.84102482ZX03217BAZX03217EA
384132123102123 The End of Time21_18Instead of being trapped in the unchangeable past, I will embrace the future with my important ones.84102483ZX03218BAZX03218EA
385132124102124 The Time Continues to Tick21_19I'm back.84102484ZX03219BA
38613220110221 The Day Dream22_0The young girl still dreams.84102503ZX03300BA
38713220210222 Bal du moulin de la Galette22_1A new generation of actors going on the stage.84102504ZX03301BA
38813220310223 The Art of Painting22_2The story starts from a librettist's caprice.84102505ZX03302BA
38913220410224 An Experiment on a Bird in the Air Pump22_3Drawings reflect the part of us that we don't want to see.84102506ZX03303BA
39013220510225 The Boulevard Montmartre at Night22_4Adventurers are marching into a new world.84102507ZX03304BA
39113220610226 Composition 822_584102508ZX03305BAZX03305EA
39213220710227 Winter Landscape22_684102509ZX03306BA
39313220810228 The Hunters in the Snow22_784102510ZX03307EA
39413220910229 The Rooks Have Returned22_8What can be seen in his eyes?84102511ZX03308BA
395132210102210 Isle of the Dead22_9His exploration leads him to a dead island.84102512ZX03309BA
396132211102211 Las Meninas22_1084102513ZX03310BA
397132212102212 Le Reve22_1184102514ZX03311EA
398132213102213 Moonlit Night on the Dnieper22_12What he longs for is not merely a happy ending.84102515ZX03312BA
399132214102214 The Night Watch22_1384102516ZX03313BA
400132215102215 The Ambassadors22_14The chess players are starting to line up their pieces.84102517ZX03314BA
401132216102216 Marius at Minturnae22_1684102518ZX03316BA
402132217102217 Knight, Death, and the Devil22_1884102519ZX03318EA
403132218102218 The Nightmare22_1984102520ZX03319BA
404132219102219 Wanderer above the Sea of Fog22_2084102521ZX03320BAZX03320EA
405132220102220 The Realist22_2184102522ZX03321BA
406132221102221 The Persistence of Memory22_2284102523ZX03322EA
407132222102222 The Light of the World22_23He believes he will bring the light to the world.84102524ZX03323BA
408132223102223 Lieder ohne Worte22_2484102525ZX03324BAZX03324EA
409132224102224 The Last Judgment22_25Now, the story needs a final enemy.84102526ZX03325BA
410132225102225 Irises22_2684102527ZX03326BA
411132226102226 Starry Night22_2784102528ZX03327BAZX03327EA
412132227102227 First Steps22_28It is time for them to take the first step of their own.84102529ZX03328BA
41313230110231Her Marks23_1 The crimson figure, eerily reminiscent of a demon from the abyss, sheathes its long blade and casts a provocative gaze her way.84102530ZX03401BA
41413230310233Reunion23_3 Between the earth and sky lies a distance of 6400 kilometers. The tail of the meteor has faded from the horizon. Even though they no longer have the same blood flowing inside them, an inseparable bond still connects them tightly.84102532ZX03403BA
41513230410234New Possibilities23_4 Nothing remains constant, be it Ascendants, humans, or machines. Now, even Hetero-Creatures exhibit unexpected changes.84102533ZX03404BA
41613230510235Hetero Anomaly23_5 84102534ZX03405BAZX03405EA
41713230610236New Filtering23_6 The evolution-seeking Ascension-Network starts a new round of filtering for agents and Ascendants.84102535ZX03406BA
41813230710237Sad Cry23_7 84102536ZX03407BAZX03407EA
41913230810238Choices23_8 Let her fade from view as a hero. Under no circumstances can she fall into Kurono's hands.84102537ZX03408BA
42013230910239Win-Win23_9 84102538ZX03409BAZX03409EA
421132310102310Interwoven Fate23_10 In a sense, she's transforming into an Ascendant. That's why the Plume frame is starting to absorb the Punishing Virus.84102539ZX03410BA
422132311102311Their Determination23_11 84102540ZX03411BAZX03411EA
423132312102312The Beginning23_12 84102541ZX03412BAZX03412EA
424132313102313Imprisonment23_13 84102542ZX03413BAZX03413EA
425132314102314Abyss23_14 84102543ZX03414BAZX03414EA
426132315102315Captive Shadow23_15 Now, I am your cage.84102544ZX03415BA
427132316102316Bet-on Agreement23_16 84102545ZX03416BAZX03416EA
428132317102317Snowstorm's Pause23_17 But knowing the truth also means peering into the abyss. Are you truly ready?84102546ZX03417BA
42920010120011Patched Memories1_1Start by... collecting Nozzle's memory chips, right?84200101YC00101BA
43020010220012Hello World1_2This world... what happened to it...84200102YC00102BA
43120010620013Initial Inspiration1_6This way... he will... understand me...84200106YC00106BA
43220020120021Into the M.I.N.D.2_1Liv connects herself to the tattered remains of Tifa—84200201YC00201BA
43320020220022Dark Struggle2_2I... my body...84200202YC00202BA
43420020620024Collapsed Bridge2_6Tifa ignores Kamui, and leaves before the bridge collapsed entirely.84200206YC00206BAYC00206EA
43520030120031Arrival3_1Hm. Finally. My stop.84200301YC00301BA
43620030220032Vintage Taste3_2Then I'll help myself.84200302YC00302BA
43720030320033Enjoyment3_3You seem to be enjoying yourself a little too much.84200303YC00303BA
43820030420034Smiling Devil3_4Ascendant trails extended all the way here!84200304YC00304BA
43920030620035Taming3_6You might still be useful.84200306YC00306BA
44020040120041Zack Activated4_1Try to restore Zack's iconic memories, if possible...84200401YC00401BA
44120040220042Ruthlessness4_2Zack, do you think the rabbit's right? Or the donkey's right?84200402YC00402BA
44220040320043Her4_3Wait... Miss Emma's signal appeared in the courtyard...84200403YC00403BA
44320040420044Protection4_4The enemy... is strong... Stronger than... Zack...84200404YC00404BA
44420040520045Emma4_5Aren't they coming with us?84200405YC00405BA
44520040620046Farewell4_6The last plane leaves the inner garden.84200406YC00406BA
44620050120051Destination5_1This is a M.I.N.D. testing site from the old world. We'll have to reach the core area of this building.84200501YC00501BA
44720050220052Tracing5_2Watanabe confessed to Liv that the Forsaken needed her power for one thing.84200502YC00502BA
44820050320053Split Road5_3Just a little more and...84200503YC00503BA
44920050420054Brawling5_4Liv, hold on! We'll... find a way to...84200504YC00504BA
45020050520055Lost5_5Only if she could find her way back to her M.I.N.D.84200505YC00505BA
45120050620056Swallowed5_6The pseudo-consciousness of Liv reforms itself, and attempts to close off the M.I.N.D. entrance...!84200506YC00506BAYC00506EA
45220060120061Sister6_1Because machines would never waver in their faith, they proved more reliable than any normal human believer.84200601YC00601BA
45320060220062Child6_2But have you ever seen this many plump and well-fed kids queuing up?84200602YC00602BA
45420060320063Dismemberment6_3Tch, stingy old hag...84200603YC00603BA
45520060420064Blade6_4A pair of bladed wings spread out of her back. She leaps and dives into the Corrupted-filled abyss down below.84200604YC00604BA
45620060520065Against the Current6_5Well, I'm not going back anyway. Might as well play a little with this power.84200605YC00605BA
45720060620066Ending6_6Serving God and humans as a machine for my entire life, was there even any meaning to this?84200606YC00606BA
45820070120071Recurrence7_1This is Rohacchi's memory data I copied from the ruins. Now rendering it into visual data for replay.84200701YC00701BA
45920070220072Defense7_2The visual data shows that Rohacchi clashed with the Ascendant.84200702YC00702BAYC00702EA
46020070420074Friends7_4Friends! From now on Rohacchi and Nanami will be good friends!84200704YC00704BA
46120070520075Treasure Hunt7_5Looks like Rohacchi's awakening has something to do with that mysterious mural.84200705YC00705BA
46220070620076Fantasy7_6In the end, we couldn't find any relevant information about the murals...84200706YC00706BA
46320080120081Report8_1Chrome, too... He knows full well I'm not familiar with these things.84200801YC00801BA
46420080220082Retrospective Memory8_2I went deeper into the ruins.84200802YC00802BA
46520080320083Dark Pursuit8_3Camu said that those Corrupted were originally after me.84200803YC00803BA
46620080420084Relentless8_4Can you believe this? Beneath the ruins so deep underground, is another big and spacious... space!84200804YC00804BA
46720080520085Alter Ego8_5Almost there.84200805YC00805BA
46820080620086Unity8_6Goodnight, the other me.84200806YC00806BAYC00806EA
46920090120091Reply Signal9_1Ayla inhaled a deep breath and started to focus, trying to receive or sense any possible signal from Selena.84200901YC00901BA
47020090220092Assist9_2There is where Selena failed.84200902YC00902BA
47120090320093Lose Again9_3The carcass suddenly jerks, as if she had felt Ayla.84200903YC00903BAYC00903EA
47220100120101Threat10_1Heads up, the Corrupted are invading!84201001YC01001BA
47320100220102Spider10_2Hetero activity detected... It's similar to the egg hatching process of an arthropod.84201002YC01002BA
47420100320103Obstacles10_3Enemies have been swarming towards Changyu on the train roof. Sophia decided to split up from Gray Raven in the nick of time.84201003YC01003BA
47520100420104Return10_4While you, on the other hand, rest.84201004YC01004BA
47620100520105Deviate10_5Changyu's situation is a bit dire and requires emergency maintenance.84201005YC01005BA
47720100620106Decision10_6The parts of the external mechanic arms can be replaced with the mechanical equipment lying around.84201006YC01006BAYC01006EA
47820110120111Entry11_1Don't worry, I'm Executive Officer Nikola's agent.84201101YC01101BAYC01101EA
47920110220112Disguise11_2Don't move. First, let's fit your head through this hole in the dress...84201102YC01102BAYC01102EA
48020110320113Mesmerized11_3They're all trapped in this place, yet they're excited as ever for this event. Are they controlled too deep—or are they poisoned by this dream?84201103YC01103BA
48120110420114Confusion11_4Two similar yet vastly different souls sit together, back to back, seeing entirely different worlds.84201104YC01104EA
48220110520115Diminishing11_5The dream wasn't good enough. That's all.84201105YC01105BAYC01105EA
48320120120121Trojan Horse12_1The Forest Guards followed the Corrupted to Kowloong City.84201201YC01201BA
48420120220122Trapped Hound12_2Who was the real prey? Cerberus, or Roland?84201202YC01202BA
48520120320123Gold & Centaur12_3I want you to join us in this battle, Rosetta.84201203YC01203BAYC01203EA
48620120420124Fireworks12_4Finally, it was time for Cerberus to strike back.84201204YC01204BA
48720120520125Deceptor12_5Lamia owed Watanabe a favor.84201205YC01205BA
48820120620126Another Ending12_6The war was coming to an end. Everybody had their own thoughts and plans.84201206YC01206BA
48920120720127Seize12_7Gabriel's giant arm pierced through Qu's chest...84201207YC01207BAYC01207EA
49020140120141Looking for Luna14_1 A rusty bridge extends out into the distance, its other end enveloped by the fog. Even though she cannot see it, Alpha knows where the bridge leads.84201401YC01901BA
49120140220142Howling Snowstorm14_2 There's no turning back for us.84201402YC01902BA
49220140320143Into Thin Air14_3 That's not only death for the living, they can also kill those phantoms that have passed away and remain in memory.84201403YC01903BA
49320140420144Meet Again14_4 Roland, I know what you are going to say. I've never brought it up because this wish will never come true.84201404YC01904BA
49420140520145Crossing Paths14_5 Let's end it here, Gabriel.84201405YC01905BA
49520140620146Martyr14_6 I'll say this again. The road you've chosen has but one ending—absolutely nothing!84201406YC01906BA
49620140720147Go to Fight14_7 There needs to be uncertainty in the world for it to be interesting, isn't that so?84201407YC01907BA
49720140820148Night Gathers14_8 Lucia, I used to think of you only as a chess piece leftover from a conspiracy, a piece of data that was previously deceived and had no reason to exist.84201408YC01908BAYC01908EA
49820150120151Orphan of Science15_1 Let's just call her Lamia then.84201501YC02101BA
49920150220152Foolishness15_2 She's so ugly, like a monkey. Can we get her to stand up?84201502YC02102BAYC02102EA
50020150320153Weakness15_3 No medicine can help you.84201503YC02103BA
50120150420154Powerlessness15_4 A warm hug and comfort will be given to every weeping child.84201504YC02104BAYC02104EA
50220150620156The First Birth15_6 Stop dawdling. Come here, we have to make you adapt to your body right away.84201506YC02106BAYC02106EA
50320150820158Another Journey15_8 Atlantis lived, and so did they.84201508YC02108BA
50420160120161Preparation Behind the ScenesA wanderer walks among the ruins of the city.84201601YC02201BA
50520160220162Clearing the StageI think you'll be interested in the show, Roland.84201602YC02202BAYC02202EA
50620160320163The Show StartsSeeing them notice that he was trying to hide something, the refugee trembles and lowers his head even more.84201603YC02203BA
50720160420164Shadows in the ForestThe forest in front looks like the Garden of Eden, where all the creatures live together in harmony. It is proudly showing off the lives residing within.84201604YC02204BAYC02204EA
50820160520165Central Purification FilterAn unknown dark cage, some trapped beasts, a vague target.84201605YC02205BA
50920160620166HyperplasiaBefore he can finish his sentence, the vine pulls him down into the shaft.84201606YC02206BAYC02206EA
51020160720167CorruptionThese exposed red spheres rotate from time to time among the branches, watching from the shadows everything happening inside the tower.84201607YC02207BA
51120160820168MovementSomething has opened its eyes amid the chaos.84201608YC02208BA
51220160920169Center of the Show... Or Not?The audience usually doesn't get to enter the stage... But accidents happen.84201609YC02209BA
513201610201610The Last SerumThe wanderer walks on the desolate battlefield.84201610YC02210BA
514301001301001StruggleI promised Mother and Father that I would never let anyone hurt you. So, I'll take the risks...84301001JZ10201BB
515301002301002TrespassersWhere did these two little girls come from...?84301002JZ10202BB
516301003301003Warm FoodSister, are we finally safe?84301003JZ10203BB
517301004301004Frog PlushieBlame your own naivety.84301004JZ10204BB
518301005301005Price of NaivetyWe don't have a choice...84301005JZ10205BBJZ10205EB
519301006301006Lingering WarmthLucia held Luna in her arms. They fell asleep together for the last time in the cold room...84301006JZ10206BBJZ10206EB
520301007301007Star in the DarkOnly at the end of a long darkness you will find happiness. And we are no different.84301007JZ10207BB
521301011301011UndyingHer black long hair, along with a few tags in her clenched fist, are the only things swaying in the warm wind...84301011JZ10201BC
522301012301012SeparatedThat's why I need her... to stay loyal to humanity.84301012JZ10202BC
523301013301013FallingAlright. Now is the time... to welcome another lady home.84301013JZ10203BC
524301014301014ReunionIt's impossible! The goddamned Corrupted... and Punishing Virus!84301014JZ10204BC
525301015301015EscapeLucia barely held on to her blade as she stumbled across the city.84301015JZ10205BC
526301016301016TearsLucia almost collapsed into Luna's arms. Tears ran down her cheeks.84301016JZ10206BC
527301017301017The First SightI want to meet her.84301017JZ10207BC
528301021301021Your NameThis was how I met that person.84301021JZ10201BS
529301022301022Vague EmotionsI learned many things from Commandant...84301022JZ10202BS
530301023301023Gray RavenLee, Liv, myself, and Commandant. We are Gray Raven.84301023JZ10203BS
531301024301024AlphaSometimes... I had flashback of memories of Lucia. 84301024JZ10204BSJZ10204ES
532301025301025Twin Blades of WillI felt sorry for everything. That's why I must keep moving on.84301025JZ10205BSJZ10205ES
533301026301026DeterminationBe my blade, Plume.84301026JZ10206BS
534301027301027Cherished MemoryIt was a conversation with Commandant, hidden deep in my heart.84301027JZ10207BS
535302011302011Uninvited GuestI'm sure we can get along, right?84302011JZ10301BB
536302012302012Out of PlaceLive, can you find that white dress for your sister? I'm sure you can do such an easy task, right?84302012JZ10302BB
537302013302013Honor...I can stay back and take care of our home.84302013JZ10303BB
538302014302014Collapsed PrideLet me go to the war zone. Please.84302014JZ10304BB
539302015302015To a New WorldAren't you going to... have a few words with her?84302015JZ10305BB
540302016302016Flower on BattlefieldPlease answer my question.84302016JZ10306BBJZ10306EB
541302017302017White DressGet changed, Liv... At least, you should leave beautifully. You can do it... I'm sure.84302017JZ10307BB
542303011303011XX Month/XX Day, SunnyNanami's got a diary book today!84303011JZ10501BB
543303012303012Day XX, ExpectationNanami will live happily ever after. Just like daddy and mommy...84303012JZ10502BB
544303013303013Day XX, FissureEverybody has stopped going to class. Daddy and mommy also stayed home.84303013JZ10503BB
545303014303014Day XX, DecisionI... must... fight...84303014JZ10504BB
546303015303015Day XX, AnomalyWhy are there... machines... in Nanami's arm?84303015JZ10505BB
547303016303016Day XX, TruthWe have lied to you...84303016JZ10506BBJZ10506EB
548303017303017Day XX, A New JourneyFrom now on, Nanami's alone...84303017JZ10507BB
549303021303021Pulse StrikeMake sure you wait for Nanami! I'll be back!84303021JZ10501BS
550303022303022Barren LandEven scavengers cannot survive on this barren land.84303022JZ10502BS
551303023303023Between FriendsWe are friends. Always are!84303023JZ10503BS
552303024303024Hunting GroundA scavenger had witnessed some Construct in the hunting ground.84303024JZ10504BS
553303025303025Born as HumanAll this attacking and robbing... Are we really that different from the Corrupted?84303025JZ10505BS
554303026303026Beyond FriendshipTell her that we are thankful... and sorry.84303026JZ10506BS
555303027303027Secret of the Hunting GroundI... still don't really understand what it means to live, but well, I'm not human to start with.84303027JZ10507BS
556304011304011Core PartsYou can have this robot on your birthday, Murray.84304011JZ10101BA
557304012304012At What CostThirty seconds is enough for a simple gun modification.84304012JZ10102BA
558304013304013Thug in a SuitMini Bot… will accompany you... if Murray is not here...84304013JZ10103BA
559304014304014Little RobotI'm willing to pay any price... I just want... Murray to live.84304014JZ10104BA
560304015304015Robotic HeartLeave all the risk to me.84304015JZ10105BA
561304016304016So Close, Yet So FarYou'll be fine. Everything will be fine.84304016JZ10106BA
562304017304017Binary - AssembleThat dancing robot is still incomplete.84304017JZ10107BA
563305011305011Sand PitThe sand pit is the children's favorite playground. But to some, it could be a place of malice.84305011JZ10701BA
564305012305012Crazy Old Nutter and Little DummyThey say you are crazy, but you are the only one who has cared for me.84305012JZ10702BA
565305013305013Hidden in DangerRemorse is just another form of craziness. Truth lies in danger.84305013JZ10703BA
566305014305014Stolen HopeThe kids laughed as they took away her treasure. No one noticed the hatred in her eyes.84305014JZ10704BA
567305015305015Light LostA sudden blackout put everybody in panic.84305015JZ10705BA
568305016305016The PunishmentIf someone must be punished, I'll be the one and only.84305016JZ10706BA
569305017305017Spiral of CausalityBe it known or unknown, the spiral of causality never stops.84305017JZ10707BA
570306011306011Physical TrainingWe're used to it, but what's the point in it?84306011JZ10801BA
571306012306012Imagine the FutureMoney and survival, that's what humans live for.84306012JZ10802BA
572306013306013Snow RescueOasis, Bruce, Watanabe, prepare to move out. Our mission, search and rescue.84306013JZ10803BA
573306014306014Don't StopDon't mourn the dead with sorrow, Watanabe.84306014JZ10804BAJZ10804EA
574306015306015Saving HopeNo matter how hopeless, as long as I can save someone...84306015JZ10805BA
575306016306016Who's the FirstI can't always let that brave soldier be ahead of me...84306016JZ10806BA
576306017306017Oasis SquadOasis will be under my leadership starting from today! That is Bruce's... last order!84306017JZ10807BA
577306021306021RetreatBefore the shuttle successfully lands on Babylonia, the torch of humanity is in your hands.84306021JZ10801BS
578306022306022ReminisceBruce and I are different. If you could spend more time with him, I'm sure you will be proud of him.84306022JZ10802BS
579306023306023Infiltrate the AirportI'll leave my back to you then, Captain Cyril!84306023JZ10803BS
580306024306024AmbushCommand Center! Why are there missile attacks?!84306024JZ10804BS
581306025306025StandoffI will continue to fight on Earth, for Bruce!84306025JZ10805BSJZ10805ES
582306026306026Final ChoiceWatanabe, I thank you for your service to humanity on behalf of Babylonia.84306026JZ10806BS
583307011307011May We Be BlessedSomeone will soon come here and take us to a safe place.84307011JZ10401BA
584307012307012Forgotten ChurchMore and more people are coming to Snow Plain Church in this arctic land.84307012JZ10402BA
585307013307013Prayer & FaithI'm willing to give everything... even my life.84307013JZ10403BA
586307014307014To the LightTake them to somewhere safe before the blizzard comes again.84307014JZ10404BA
587307015307015Protection & JudgementBe prepared to atone for your sins, for I shall be your judgement!84307015JZ10405BAJZ10405EA
588307016307016SnowfallFollow your heart, my child.84307016JZ10406BAJZ10406EA
589307017307017Losing MyselfGod, if I ever lose myself, I am willing to accept any judgement and punishment.84307017JZ10407BA
590307021307021LilyToby holds out the supply pack to Bianca, and on top of the pack lies a single white lily.84307021JZ10401BS
591307022307022Bold RequestThe quiet of the night is shattered by a series of footsteps reverberating through the empty corridor.84307022JZ10402BSJZ10402ES
592307023307023DaedalusAllow me to introduce myself. I'm Wen, chairman of Daedalus Security Company.84307023JZ10403BS
593307024307024DreamsKeep it up. I'm sure you'll make your dreams come true before long.84307024JZ10404BS
594307025307025The TruthWhen the warehouse was lit up, what came into Bianca's sight, instead of the company's goods, were the Constructs restrained by the restraint devices.84307025JZ10405BS
595307026307026The EndingIt's all over. Time to take a break...84307026JZ10406BS
596307027307027InviteI took lots of wrong paths when I was your age, but those experiences have made me who I am.84307027JZ10407BS
597308011308011Chit-ChatLarge-scale missions are always exciting.84308011JZ10601BA
598308012308012First TeamThe first team of Task Force is the most powerful.84308012JZ10602BA
599308013308013Battle-Type ConstructThey always fight relentlessly, as if fighting is the sole reason for them to exist.84308013JZ10603BA
600308014308014Large-scale Extermination MissionThis is a large scale mission to eliminate Corrupted.84308014JZ10604EA
601308015308015DilemmaDuring the battle, Constructs have received orders... But every single order is different.84308015JZ10605BA
602308016308016Sparks of FarewellAmong liquid and parts, the sparks bid farewell to a friend under the setting sun.84308016JZ10606BA
603308017308017Dark SideShh. You don't have to be afraid. No need to know who I am either... For you will eventually become me.84308017JZ10607BA
604309011309011ColorsMeka announced the travel plans to the painting Ayla. Ayla was very excited.84309011JZ10901BA
605309012309012The BeginningAmong the frolicking children, an ancient story is going to be reenacted by inhuman creatures.84309012JZ10902BAJZ10902EA
606309014309014The LetterAyla received unexpected news as she was preparing for her exhibition.84309014JZ10904BAJZ10904EA
607309016309016FarewellAyla is determined to set off on her journey, leaving behind an unfinished painting.84309016JZ10906BA
608309017309017The OtherWhat was Selena thinking when she was surrounded by Corrupted?84309017JZ10907BA
609310012310012WrenchA burst of noise outside the shelter drew Hyena's attention. Maybe today would be a little bit different?84310012JZ11102BA
610310014310014CatastropheWithin a mere few hours, everyone's fate would be changed completely. Most of them would not be able to see the sunrise again.84310014JZ11104BA
611310015310015Sworn EnemyThe letter indicated the direction of hatred, but was it really that simple?84310015JZ11105BA
612310016310016The TruthThe truth changed everything.84310016JZ11106BAJZ11106EA
613310017310017When the Day ComesA letter with Akdilek's wax seal lay on President Hassen's desk...84310017JZ11107BA
614311011311011No.1Tsk, why is he getting all the benefits?84311011JZ11201BA
615311012311012DialogueA smart person knows when to do what. Focus on the moment and plan for the future.84311012JZ11202BA
616311013311013ConnectionPlease break the memory connection immediately. If you exceed your connection threshold, memory loss may occur!84311013JZ11203BA
617311014311014Proud WorkYou have perfect Tantalum-193 heteropolymer adaptability and beautiful biological readings. Looks like we have a high chance of success.84311014JZ11204BA
618311015311015Available ResourceWhether you are the weapon or the user, once you are on the battlefield, you share the same fate.84311015JZ11205BAJZ11205EA
619311016311016LeaderHurry up, Leader! Let's go together.84311016JZ11206BAJZ11206EA
620311017311017ScarA warrior fears not wounds nor bleeding.84311017JZ11207BA
621312011312011The Redheaded DeathIsn't she... the Redheaded Death?84312011JZ11301BA
622312012312012Construct - VeraAt the medic station, Vera raised her hand with determination to fight at the front lines.84312012JZ11302BA
623312013312013EvacuationThe battlefield was not as good as Vera had thought. Her squad was eliminated as expected.84312013JZ11303BA
624312014312014Shrouded in DarknessVera was locked in the detention room for the fighting with the Constructs calling her the death.84312014JZ11304BA
625312015312015Embrace the PainInstead of following the orders, Vera decided to do what her heart said—protect the city at all cost.84312015JZ11305BA
626312016312016Among the AgoniesVera and other soldiers were overwhelmed by the Corrupted. She painfully realized what she should do now.84312016JZ11306BAJZ11306EA
627312017312017File: Iron MaidenTaking away Tifa's pain was all Vera could do for her.84312017JZ11307BA
628313011313011The EveLike his master said, Camu accepted the serum injection and became a Kurono soldier.84313011JZ15101BA
629313012313012SoldierCamu and his companions were dispatched to the mobile fleet. During their missions, they realized how cruel the world was.84313012JZ15102BA
630313013313013PactThe serum did not stop a soldier from dying. Camu discovered something when he delivered the goods to Kurono.84313013JZ15103BA
631313015313015CrawlingGrasping their weapons with rage, Camu and his companions marched to Kurono's base.84313015JZ15105BA
632313016313016AvengersThis was a battle between the Constructs and the Corrupted. Surrounded by blazing flames, everything fell into darkness.84313016JZ15106BAJZ15106EA
633313017313017KamuiI'd like to see how you live through this world, Kamui.84313017JZ15107BA
634314011314011Forest GirlAlways remember to pray... You were born in the snowy forest, and you must never forget the weight of life.84314011JZ11401BA
635314012314012Being NormalYou are a kind girl who is willing to fight for others. One day, you would grow up.84314012JZ11402BAJZ11402EA
636314013314013The Only ChanceThis is the only chance for you to live on as an ordinary girl...84314013JZ11403BA
637314014314014Journey's EndThis could be the last time for us to be together. You, me, and him.84314014JZ11404BA
638314015314015Pray for LifeYour prayer created a miracle. Now go for the final hope.84314015JZ11405BA
639314016314016The Last Forest GuardEven if you have become a Forest Guard, you are always my granddaughter. My most innocent little girl.84314016JZ11406BAJZ11406EA
640314017314017The Salvation of YouThen please, let me watch over you—until the end of my life.84314017JZ11407BA
641315011315011The NighterThere is no place more prosperous than this.84315011JZ11601BA
642315012315012MysteryBut... how? Have you ever considered that maybe people should just get to live? What if we weren't supposed to sell our souls only for a shot at life?!84315012JZ11602BA
643315013315013ScarHuainan saw a clear reflection of himself. He paused for a moment, then pulled his collar down to reveal a terrible scar on his neck.84315013JZ11603BA
644315014315014DreamThe cheering noise of the crowd could be heard from far away. Lanterns slowly rose into the sky from the deck. The Nighter looked like an grand, unreal show from the window.84315014JZ11604BA
645315015315015NightmareNumerous dark silhouettes with crimson eyes walked out of the fire. What were they? Changyu stared at the burning flame, trying to find out what happened...84315015JZ11605BA
646315016315016The TruthHuainan stood right in front. His hair was messy, and his dark eyes had no emotion in them. Changyu had never seen that look. He felt like there was ice in Huainan's eyes, and he would be devoured in the next second.84315016JZ11606BAJZ11606EA
647315017315017PastI had no evidence... But somehow I just had this feeling that he was still somewhere in the world. People like him would do anything to achieve their goals.84315017JZ11607BA
648316011316011OriginIt rests peacefully under the Kowloong Metropolis, where it should remain undisturbed.84316011JZ15201BA
649316012316012HistoryThis is the archives of the Kowloon Chamber of Commerce. It is a symbol of history and glory. It stands in a corner of the KCC as a witness to the footprints of our ancestors.84316012JZ15202BA
650316013316013IllusionThe monarch will merely be a facade created out of authority before the masses.84316013JZ15203BAJZ15203EA
651316014316014CloudLooking toward the sound, they see a young woman in white and the wooden cart behind her seemed to belong in a museum.84316014JZ15204BA
652316015316015ChaosYin whispers softly. Qu stands overlooking the entirety of Kowloong.84316015JZ15205BAJZ15205EA
653316016316016ThemeThese are the themes of this era that shape the world.84316016JZ15206BA
654316017316017ReignWhen people look up to the Sovereign, they see what they want to see.84316017JZ15207BA
655317011317011Shattered HopeWhen all hope turns into despair...84317001JZ11701BA
656317012317012Lightless NightWhen night never ends, and tomorrow never comes...84317002JZ11702BA
657317013317013Dirty MonstersWhen monsters lose their value, they no longer deserve to live.84317003JZ11703BA
658317014317014Unblessed BirthWhen an unblessed birth arrives from heaven, is it destruction or salvation?84317004JZ11704BAJZ11704EA
659317015317015Iron WillWhen the end is nigh, the body may be corrupted, but the soul will never be tainted.84317005JZ11705BA
660317016317016Farewell for ReunionWhen everything is destroyed, the remains must be my eternal paradise with you.84317006JZ11706BAJZ11706EA
661317017317017Dialogue between the StrongsThe recording of a dialogue.84317007JZ11707BA
662318011318011TurandotBecause now that she knew her sin, she recognized that it was he who would bestow the final judgment upon her.84319011JZ11901BA
663318012318012Divine ComedyEden thanks you for your efforts. You have been brave warriors and humanity will always remember your glory.84319012JZ11902BAJZ11902EA
664318013318013FaustThat's the greatest honor I have ever received.84319013JZ11903BA
665318014318014TempestShe was now a vessel that contained the legacy of everyone in the Advance Force.84319014JZ11904BAJZ11904EA
666318015318015EpilogueNow my charms are all o'erthrown, and what strength I have's mine own.84319015JZ11905BA
667318016318016Auguries of InnocenceGod does a human form display, to those who dwell in realms of day.84319016JZ11906BA
668318017318017Between the ActsShe suddenly heard someone singing with a low voice nearby.84319017JZ11907BA
669319011319011The Beginning of LiesThe moment you see beyond the lies and find reality, a certain string will begin to tighten... or snap.84318011JZ11801BA
670319012319012IndifferenceAll of these are familiar, like a scene repeated from the past.84318012JZ11802BA
671319013319013Growing FearWanshi tries to find some words to comfort the Construct, but everything he can think of points to an answer that he has known long ago.84318013JZ11803BA
672319014319014Long NightWanshi cupped his hands to catch some water, only to let it slip through his fingers. He shook his head and walked out of the bathroom.84318014JZ11804BA
673319016319016Deep SleepIt's not too bad.84318016JZ11806BAJZ11806EA
674319017319017The Conversation that Never ExistedBianca thinks for a while, then removes Jett's speech from the file.84318017JZ11807BA
675320001320011BanquetAll he can see is a charade, its foundation crumbling at any second.84320011JZ12001BA
676320002320012LayoutIn that case, we can finally move on to the next stage of the specialized frame project.84320012JZ12002BA
677320003320013MartyrsEven... if we live to see the day we win... there won't be a future for us, will there?84320013JZ12003BAJZ12003EA
678320004320014PathI've made my choice.84320014JZ12004BA
679320006320016StratagemI was ready long before I stepped through the door.84320016JZ12006BA
680320007320017Fledging EagleIt has never been a kite that needs an anchor in his hands, but an eagle with its wings spread, ready to fly.84320017JZ12007BA
681321001321011CageAngel? You've got to be joking. I'm the devil... here to take you back to hell.84321001JZ12101BA
682321002321012Wild BeastCalming down, No .21 stops and looks at the others with only vigilance and curiosity in her eyes, just like a newborn beast.84321002JZ12102BAJZ12102EA
683321003321013ChoiceIt may be the best—or worst decision to let you follow me. But here, things can only get worse.84321003JZ12103BA
684321004321014Journey to LightFor some reason, No. 21 cannot help but believe what the Construct before her is saying. Is it because of her threatening color? Or the light in her eyes?84321004JZ12104BA
685321005321015ReturnMy name? My name is a designation. No. 21 is my designation.84321005JZ12105BA
686321006321016HomewardCollapsed bricks and Corrupted remains pile up before No. 21. Vital fluid drips into the pits of the cement floor. Yet she is white as snow, seemingly fading into the light.84321006JZ12106BAJZ12106EA
687322001322011Hero And DeathA hero must be a hero, whatever it takes84322001JZ12201BA
688322002322012Redemption in FalsehoodA lie is always a lie... If you aren't a hero, you will never be one.84322002JZ12202BAJZ12202EA
689322003322013Cruel TruthWho will understand the truth in the cruel words?84322003JZ12203BA
690322004322014Idealistic EdgeThe only thing you can hold on to... is this moment, and who you are right now.84322004JZ12204BA
691322005322015Ovation in Flowers and RainThe unknown hero fights to the last moment in flowers and rain.84322005JZ12205BA
692322006322016Follow the BannerAhead is death and our only hope. As long as the flag stands, you have nothing to fear.84322006JZ12206BAJZ12206EA
693323001323011Ad TimeWelcome to the show!JZ12301BA
694323002323012SidelightsAll I can do is keep telling myself to follow my dream. Only then can I feel alive... That dream is to be back with you all.JZ12302BA
695323003323013Popcorn SceneAudience clapping, audience enjoying. Audience chewing popcorn, audience cheering.JZ12303BA
696323004323014Action SceneRun, Roland.JZ12304BA
697323005323015PrologueHis life has finally started moving.JZ12305BA
698323006323016Cleanup after PerformanceThe show is over, the stage is closed. The crowd has left, no one sees the actor's true emotion.JZ12306BA
699323007323017Stinger that Nobody Is WatchingI guess I'll make her wish come true.JZ12307BA
700324001324011AscentA traveler's confessions.84324001JZ12401BA
701324002324012DescentA medical officer's memory.84324002JZ12402BA
702324003324013EpiphanyAn unpublished interview report.84324003JZ12403BAJZ12403EA
703324004324014ChristmasShe is walking among the stars.84324004JZ12404BA
704324005324015AnnunciationThe girl opens her eyes wide, in which there is light like the shimmers on the surface of an ocean, full of confusion.84324005JZ12405BA
705324006324016ResurrectionA thousand memories flood in with a painful sorrow.84324006JZ12406EA
706324007324017The Prophecy of SimeonThe more she understands, the more painful it is. The more she knows, the more torn she feels. But she has the innocence to fight against the pain and the perseverance to fight against the despair.84324007JZ12407BA
707325001325011The ShepherdFor she hears the audience's innocent call, and she hears the performers' tender reply.84325001JZ12501BA
708325002325012The Little Girl LostThe lovely girl told. She had wandered long, hearing that performer's song.84325002JZ12502BA
709325003325013Festival of InnocenceThe girl and her friends raising their innocent hands. Now like a mighty wind they raise to heaven the voice of song.84325003JZ12503BA
710325004325014Festival of VicissitudesIs that mourning cry a song? Can it be a song of joy?84325004JZ12504BAJZ12504EA
711325005325015The FlyThe feeling of empathy is life, strength, and breath.84325005JZ12505BAJZ12505EA
712325006325016Songs of the New BardYouth of delight! Come here and see the opening morn, image of truth new-born.84325006JZ12506BA
713325007325017Echoes of the Ancient BardShe stumbles all night in the hollow universe.84325007JZ12507BA
714326001326011Night BoatHundreds of years passed in the flutter of a butterfly's wings, and I sigh when I look back at the past. Spring has just arrived today, yet the flowers will wither tomorrow. Drink before the night ends and the lights go out.84326001JZ12601BAJZ12601EA
715326002326012Ancient Pouring GlassI used to drink wine and enjoy music for days and squander my money just for fun. It is after I bid farewell that I realize how much time I have wasted away.84326002JZ12602BA
716326003326013Return of a Distant DawnThe plum tree branches cross the moon, creating a special atmosphere. The plum blossoms shade the moonlight, leaving dot shadows in the glass. No matter how I lament the past, those days have long gone. It's hard to see my old friends again.84326003JZ12603BA
717326004326014Dream SongIt was drizzling and windy last night. I slept in but still felt drunk. I ask the maid who is rolling up the shades, yet she tells me that the flowers are still in blossom. Don't you know that there should be more leaves than flowers?84326004JZ12604BA
718326005326015Sadness of FarewellI wish to bid farewell, but my words fail me. He departs from me into the flowers and grass. There I stand, waving goodbye to him. The cherry blossoms are still in bloom and the willow leaves are still abundant, yet the wind of spring is blowing in the cold rain.84326005JZ12605BA
719326006326016Song of FragranceThe silk handkerchief is soaked by the sudden burst of tears. It's hard to resist the sadness of not being able to see him. My sleep is shallow, yet the screen stands tall in this silent long night.84326006JZ12606BAJZ12606EA
720326007326017New Farewell SongWe are separated by the Yangtze River. One stands on the north bank, and the other stands on the south bank. With whom should we drink wine and admire the moon tonight?84326007JZ12607BA
72140010140011CottieThe leader of the mysterious organization only briefly existed in history. What's the true identity of this Memory?84400101YS01101BAYS01101EA
72240010340013BeckyShe's the No.3 database of the mysterious organization. Will anyone ever witness her power?84400103YS01301EA
72340010440014CondelinaAccording to the record, this Memory is able to utilize sounds to manipulate people's minds. Will Gray Raven be able to resist the temptation?84400104YS01401BAYS01401EA
72440010540015AthmailShe's the greatest weapon of the Syndicute. What will her power be...?84400105YS01501EA
72540010640016GuinevereA girl once lost her life in the pursuit of love. What Memory did she leave behind?84400106YS01601BAYS01601EA
72640010740017HeisenAs the No.1 mad scientist of the Syndicute, she had stepped into the realm of death beyond any sanity. Yet, she faced a cruel future.84400107YS01701EA
72740010840018ShakespeareGray Raven was looking forward to someone normal... This time, it's the hymn of emotions.84400108YS01801BAYS01801EA
72840010940019CatherineThis is dedicated to you, my beloved rose garden.84400109YS01901EA
729400110400110AifeAife was the last sniper and the greatest treasure left behind by the Syndicute. She must be rescued for the sake of the humanity's future.84400110YS02101BAYS02101EA
73060010160011Different PlansLiv seemed to be troubled by something lately. After some discussion, Lucia explained everything...SD00101BA
73160010260012Mysterious HelperTo prepare a secret Christmas celebration for Liv, other Gray Raven members and the commandant started to take action. They also met a great helper.SD00102BA
73260010360013Operation BeginsInformation savedSD00103BASD00103EA
73360010460014LumberjackInformation savedSD00104BASD00104EA
73460010560015Super Christmas TreeNanami brought back a Christmas tree, but Lucia and Lee were puzzled by the choice of decorations.SD00105BA
73560010660016Operation ChristmasLiv also ended up joining the preparation. Everyone was working full on for the final stage before the Christmas celebration.SD00106BA
73660010760017Lone WolfInformation savedSD00107BA
73760010860018Fireworks and PresentsThanks to Karenina, the fireworks were lit up. When the folks gathered outside to watch the fireworks show, snowflakes started to fall.SD00108BA
73860010960019Merry Christmas!In the end, everyone decided to take a group photo to celebrate Gray Raven and other Constructs' first ever Christmas.SD00109EA
73960020160021NarwhalInformation savedHD00401EA
74060020260022Returning to SurfaceAn ambush caught Gray Raven members as they were riding an airdrop shuttle to the ground surface...HD00402BA
74160020360023Forest GuardAfter crash landing in the snowy rains, Gray Raven met the local armed forces.HD00403BA
74260020460024AuroraInformation savedHD00404BAHD00404EA
74360020560025Gazing from AfarInformation savedHD00405BA
74460020660026Crossed BladesInformation savedHD00406BAHD00406EA
74560020760027Persistence and CourageThe port residents are surprisingly persistent facing the mighty enemy.HD00407BA
74660020860028Reason to FightInformation savedHD00408BA
74760020960029Machine TideA Corrupted machine tide is swarming the Murmansk Port!HD00409BA
748600210600210ChaosInformation savedHD00410BA
749600211600211ReunionInformation savedHD00411BA
750600212600212FailureInformation savedHD00412BAHD00412EA
751600213600213HopeDerek saved some hope for Rosetta, but what future awaits her...?HD00413BA
75260030160031Stars and SandsAfter the battle ended, Babylonia forged an alliance with Akdilek. As the Gray Raven hadn't left the train, they received an order to assist the train repair works.HD00501BA
75360030260032Chaotic CarriagesBefore getting to the next check point, Gray Ravens had to pass a commoners' carriage corrupted by the Heterozygote. Meanwhile, someone caught up with them...HD00502BA
75460030360033Baby DreamGray Ravens arrived at the central stronghold, the industrial carriage. Lee would team up with the repairers to face the dangers in this carriage.HD00503BA
75560030460034Endless TunnelSophia informed Gray Ravens out of the blue that a substantial malfunction forced the train to stop in an emergency...HD00504BA
75660030560035Gronin StationThe repair works nearly came to an end. It was time to farewell this train at this nostalgic place.HD00505BA
75760040260042Little Red CapAll good now. Commandant, why are you using remote communication... Do you mind explaining?RY00102BARY00102EA
75860040360043Two MusketeersAnd I am Lee... We are like two musketeers now.RY00103BA
75960040460044Ali BabaIs this another trick that Lord is playing on me?RY00104BA
76060040560045The Three Little PigsLet us show you the power of the trio!RY00105BA
76160040660046Puss in Boots...What a terrible joke.RY00106BA
76260040760047PinocchioYou are a pervert, aren't you?!RY00107BA
76360040860048Daughter of the OceanThese are the guidelines on Connection Chambers.RY00108BA
76460040960049The PrinceIt doesn't matter what Commandant sees in me, because I only have one thing to do, right from the beginning.RY00109BA
765600410600410Happy April Fools' Day!It's great when everyone comes together, Commandant. I wish we can spend every year, every month, and every holiday like this.RY00110BA
766600411600411Sky Lord CelicaThe world fell into darkness, and I became the Lord of the Skies.RY00111BA
76760060163011Sands of InfinityInformation savedHD00201BS
76860080160081PreludeInformation saved846001032020/5/18 5:02RG00201BA
76960080260082Wuming City - 1Information saved846001032020/5/18 5:02RG00202BARG00202EA
77060080360083Wuming City - 2Information saved846001032020/5/18 5:02RG00203BA
77160080460084Wuming City - 3Information saved846001032020/5/18 5:02RG00204BARG00204EA
77260080560085Enclave - 1Information saved846001062020/5/18 5:02RG00205BARG00205EA
77360080660086Enclave - 2Information saved846001062020/5/18 5:02RG00206EA
77460080760087Enclave - 3Information saved846001062020/5/18 5:02RG00207EA
77560080860088Monastery - 1Information saved846001092020/5/18 5:02RG00208BA
77660080960089Monastery - 2Information saved846001092020/5/18 5:02RG00209BARG00209EA
777600810600810Monastery - 3Information saved846001092020/5/18 5:02RG00210BARG00210EA
778600811600811Tower - 1Information saved846001122020/5/18 5:02RG00211BA
779600812600812Tower - 2Information saved846001122020/5/18 5:02RG00212BARG00212EA
780600813600813Tower - 3Information saved846001122020/5/18 5:02RG00213BARG00213EA
781600814600814Shipyard - 1Information saved846001152020/5/18 5:02RG00214BARG00214EA
782600815600815Shipyard - 2Information saved846001152020/5/18 5:02RG00215BA
783600816600816Shipyard - 3Information saved846001152020/5/18 5:02RG00216BARG00216EA
78460090160091Joint WarfareInformation saved846002012021/1/7 5:02HZ00101BA
785601001800121Prepare for WinterStranded_01 A secret conversation after a chaotic war.846003012020/7/23 5:02YR01301BA
786601002800122StatueStranded_02 After seizing Huaxu, the Ascendants were preparing for another operation.846003022020/7/23 5:02YR01302BA
78760110160111Midnight SaleThere is nothing more expensive than something free... Isn't it?846004012020/7/2 5:02DW00101BADW00101EA
78860110260112The Forsaken and The FestivalThis could be the only day worth looking forward to.846004022020/7/2 5:02DW00102BA
78960110360113Replacement & DeterminationThere are two types of things in this world: those can be replaced, and those cannot.846004032020/7/2 5:02DW00103BADW00103EA
79060110460114ResolutionToday is a festival. No one misses out.846004042020/7/2 5:02DW00104BA
79160110660116Journey & FutureThe journey has come to an end, but the festival continues.846004062020/7/2 5:02DW00106BA
79260120160121Legend of the Executor - PreludeInformation saved846001202020/8/27 5:02RG00301BA
79360120260122Legend of the Executor - 1Information saved846001202020/8/27 5:02RG00302BA
79460120360123Legend of the Executor - 2Information saved846001202020/8/27 5:02RG00303BA
79560120460124Legend of the Executor - 3Information saved846001202020/8/27 5:02RG00304EA
79660120560125Legend of the Executor - 4Information saved846001212020/8/27 5:02RG00305BA
79760120660126Legend of the Executor - 5Information saved846001212020/8/27 5:02RG00306BA
79860120760127Legend of the Executor - 6Information saved846001212020/8/27 5:02RG00307BA
79960120860128Legend of the Executor - 7Information saved846001212020/8/27 5:02RG00308EA
80060120960129Legend of the Executor - 8Information saved846001222020/8/27 5:02RG00309BA
801601210601210Legend of the Executor - 9Information saved846001222020/8/27 5:02RG00310BA
802601211601211Legend of the Executor - 10Information saved846001222020/8/27 5:02RG00311BA
803601212601212Legend of the Executor - 11Information saved846001222020/8/27 5:02RG00312BA
804601213601213Legend of the Executor - 12Information saved846001232020/8/27 5:02RG00313BA
805601214601214Legend of the Executor - 13Information saved846001232020/8/27 5:02RG00314BA
806601215601215Legend of the Executor - 14Information saved846001232020/8/27 5:02RG00315BA
807601216601216Legend of the Executor - 15Information saved846001242020/8/27 5:02RG00316BARG00316EA
808601217601217Legend of the Executor - 16Information saved846001242020/8/27 5:02RG00317BA
809601218601218Legend of the Executor - 17Information saved846001242020/8/27 5:02RG00318BA
810601219601219Legend of the Executor - 18Information saved846001242020/8/27 5:02RG00319BA
811601220601220Legend of the Executor - 19Information saved846001252020/8/27 5:02RG00320BA
812601221601221Legend of the Executor - 20Information saved846001252020/8/27 5:02RG00321BA
813601222601222Legend of the Executor - 21Information saved846001252020/8/27 5:02RG00322BA
814601223601223Legend of the Executor - 22Information saved846001252020/8/27 5:02RG00323BARG00323EA
815601224601224Legend of the Executor - 23Information saved846001262020/8/27 5:02RG00324BA
816601225601225Legend of the Executor - 24Information saved846001262020/8/27 5:02RG00325BA
817601226601226Legend of the Executor - 25Information saved846001262020/8/27 5:02RG00326EA
818601227601227Legend of the Executor - 26Information saved846001262020/8/27 5:02RG00327BA
819601228601228Legend of the Executor - 27Information saved846001272020/8/27 5:02RG00328BA
820601229601229Legend of the Executor - 28Information saved846001272020/8/27 5:02RG00329BA
821601230601230Legend of the Executor - 29Information saved846001272020/8/27 5:02RG00330BA
822601231601231Legend of the Executor - 30Information saved846001272020/8/27 5:02RG00331BA
823601232601232Legend of the Executor - 31Information saved846001282020/8/27 5:02RG00332BA
824601233601233Legend of the Executor - 32Information saved846001282020/8/27 5:02RG00333BA
825601234601234Legend of the Executor - 33Information saved846001282020/8/27 5:02RG00334BA
826601235601235Legend of the Executor - 34Information saved846001282020/8/27 5:02RG00335EA
827601236601236Legend of the Executor - 35Information saved846001292020/8/27 5:02RG00336BA
828601237601237Legend of the Executor - 36Information saved846001292020/8/27 5:02RG00337BARG00337EA
829601238601238Legend of the Executor - 37Information saved846001292020/8/27 5:02RG00338BA
830601239601239Legend of the Executor - The EndInformation saved846001292020/8/27 5:02RG00339BARG00339EA
83160130160131Summer AfternoonIt was a faded, old box. On its cover was a sunny holiday beach.846003112020/7/23 5:02YR01301BB
83260130260132Virtual SwimsuitThese are all swimsuits, aren't they?846003122020/7/23 5:02YR01302BB
83360130360133Truth or DareCan't enjoy the beach without a truth or dare game!846003132020/7/23 5:02YR01303BBYR01303EB
83460130660136A Brief HolidayLet's enjoy the holiday a little longer.846003162020/7/23 5:02YR01306BB
83560130760137Special GiftAn unexpected present.846003172020/7/23 5:02YR01307BB
83660140163012The Theme ParkInformation saved846005012020/7/30 5:02HD00201BA
8376015016015101 KareninaInformation saved84800102HD00301BA
8386015026015202 LuciaInformation saved84800105HD00302BA
8396015036015303 VeraInformation saved84800110HD00303BA
8406015046015404 CamuInformation saved84800118HD00304BA
8416015056015505 GabrielInformation saved84800118HD00305BA
8426015066015606 ShomeInformation saved84800118HD00306BA
8436015076015707 LunaInformation saved84800118HD00307BA
8446015086015808 RolandInformation saved84800118HD00308BA
84560160160161ContractHow are you two together?846003202020/8/26 5:02QX00101BA
84660160260162Moonlit NightLeave some special memories for us today.846003212020/8/26 5:02QX00102BA
84760160360163The StageThe Stage846003222020/8/26 5:02QX00103BAQX00103EA
84860160460164Summer Night RecollectionSummer Night Recollection846003232020/8/26 5:02HD00309BAHD00309EA
84960170160171The BeginningThe Gray Ravens barged into a certain celebration to recover the lost goods.846003302020/9/3 5:02ZY00101BA
85060170260172Illusive Gray RavenYou must face the trial to reclaim items... Thus, the Gray Raven awaits your challenge.846003312020/9/3 5:02ZY00102BA
85160170360173Entropy CountingThe second trial involves numbers. Lee volunteers to set out and reclaim the items!846003322020/9/3 5:02ZY00103BA
85260170460174Spirit WalkerThe 3rd trial is a test of courage. Lucia raises her hand to accept the challenge.846003332020/9/3 5:02ZY00104BAZY00104EA
85360170560175Last FightThe fourth trial is a test of teamwork. Fight to become a taoist!846003342020/9/3 5:02ZY00105BA
85460170660176The EndThe Mechanoids are pleased with the Gray Raven's participation. They offer their gratitude in the white light.846003352020/9/3 5:02ZY00106BA
855601801800219On snowSnow Tracks_01 On a snowy plain in the ARU, a commandant and a group of Constructs are pondering over their situation.846003402020/9/3 5:02YR01401BA
856601802800220Test Subject RosettaSnow Tracks_02 After upgrading the frame, Nikola wanted Rosetta to do combat simulation.846003412020/9/3 5:02YR01402BA
857601803800221DepartSnow Tracks_03 Time for someone to act.846003422020/9/3 5:02YR01403BA
85860190160191SP-01Nikola wants to test the combat team system found in the Niflheim Lab. You are no doubt his best candidate.846003502020/9/10 5:02ZZ00101BA
85960190260192SP-02You never thought you would meet her again.846003512020/9/10 5:02ZZ00102BA
86060190360193SP-03Somehow, the battle felt different from your usual experiences.846003522020/9/10 5:02ZZ00103BA
86160190460194SP-04Even in the data form, no team member should be left behind. That's what we call an ideal victory.846003532020/9/10 5:02ZZ00104BA
86260190560195SP-01More tests are on the way. This time, you are required to test more special systems. Are you ready?846003542020/9/17 5:02ZZ00105BA
86360190960199SP-01Rosetta believed the Virtual Horizon system was found in the Niflheim Lab and could be extremely dangerous. She wanted you to stop the tests.846003582020/9/24 5:02ZZ00109BA
864601910601910SP-02Nikola and Hassen discussed how Virtual Horizon could be utilized for various purposes.846003592020/9/24 5:02ZZ00110BA
865601911601911SP-03Asimov and Rosetta found the information hidden under the AI's noises. The test must be stopped!846003602020/9/24 5:02ZZ00111BA
866601912601912SP-04You finally completed the test mission, but the system AI had an error.846003612020/9/24 5:02ZZ00112BA
867601914601914SP-02Ann was attacked by a monster that resembled Amberia. She then realized she was only Amberia's backup persona. Just when she was about to be devoured, the Construct she created saved her.846003632020/10/1 5:02ZZ00114BA
868601916601916SP-04Finally, you defeated the monster, but everything would soon be forgotten when you wake up, and Ann fell into an eternal sleep once again.846003652020/10/1 5:02ZZ00116BA
86960200160201Elegy Of Nightmare - 1Information saved846002022020/10/15 10:02SJ00101BA
87060200260202Elegy Of Nightmare - 2Information saved846002022020/10/15 10:02SJ00102BA
87160200360203Elegy Of Nightmare - 3Information saved846002022020/10/15 10:02SJ00103BA
87260200460204Elegy Of Nightmare - 4Information saved846002022020/10/15 10:02SJ00104BA
87360200560205Elegy Of Nightmare - 5Information saved846002022020/10/15 10:02SJ00105BA
87460200660206Elegy Of Nightmare - 6Information saved846002022020/10/15 10:02SJ00106BA
87560200760207Elegy Of Nightmare - 7Information saved846002022020/10/15 10:02SJ00107BA
87660200860208Elegy Of Nightmare - 8Information saved846002022020/10/15 10:02SJ00108BA
87760200960209Elegy Of Nightmare - 9Information saved846002022020/10/15 10:02SJ00109BA
878602010602010Elegy Of Nightmare - 10Information saved846002022020/10/15 10:02SJ00110BA
879602011602011Elegy Of Nightmare - 11Information saved846002022020/10/15 10:02SJ00111BA
880602012602012Elegy Of Nightmare - 12Information saved846002022020/10/15 10:02SJ00112BA
881602013602013Elegy Of Nightmare - 13Information saved846002022020/10/15 10:02SJ00113BA
88260210160211Christmas Tree Dress-up TimeInformation saved2021/1/7 5:02SD00201BA
88360210260212Star of Bethlehem Returns!Information saved2021/1/7 5:02SD00202BA
88460210360213Special CommsIn that case, let's connect to the satellite with our portable device. Go wake Wanshi up, Kamui.846007012021/1/7 5:02SD00203BA
88560210460214Oasis FlowerThe children tried to hide something behind them, but Watanabe easily noticed what they had in their hands.846007022021/1/7 5:02SD00204BA
88660210560215Best PartnersCan you help me, Karenina? Let's just have some fun.846007032021/1/7 5:02SD00205BA
88760210660216Kids Taking OverIf only Nanami were here. That would make four of us in the baby squad.846007042021/1/7 5:02SD00206BA
88860210760217Meeting EdenShe smiles at the camera before turning it toward the two of them.846007052021/1/7 5:02SD00207BA
88960210860218Whisper from the StarsAll their thoughts and wishes would be channeled through the satellites, crossing time and space, and we would meet here today.846007062021/1/7 5:02SD00208BA
89060220160221Fresh New BlessingBest wishes to all the new things, and the year to come. Happy New Year.2021/1/7 5:02YR01701BA
89160220260222Day XX, A ReunionThe painful days might not be remembered, but the day of reunion would never be forgotten.846008012021/1/7 5:02YR01702BA
89260220360223Unknown DiscoveryThe more we search, the more unknown we will discover. This applies to both the world and to ourselves.846008022021/1/7 5:02YR01703BA
89360230160231Rhyming CoupletsInformation saved846010012021/2/25 5:02HD00801BA
89460230260232Everlasting starsInformation saved846010012021/2/25 5:02HD00802BA
89560230360233Wish come trueInformation saved846010022021/2/25 5:02HD00803BA
89660230460234RevolutionInformation saved846010032021/2/25 5:02HD00804BA
89760230560235Unyielding willInformation saved846010042021/2/25 5:02HD00805BA
89860230660236Dream from afarInformation saved846010052021/2/25 5:02HD00806BA
89960240160241Mission Alone...Hold on, are you saying that Commandant has to carry out this mission alone?846011012021/2/25 5:02HD00701BA
90060240260242A Special DayToday is the most special day of the year, even to the Forsakens.846011022021/2/25 5:02HD00702BA
90160240360243The Forsaken and the ChildrenWe are not the only ones that were forgotten... So were these children.846011032021/2/25 5:02HD00703BAHD00703EA
90260240460244Battle under FireworksHere's the mission. Destroy all the invading Corrupted... Let none survive!846011042021/2/25 5:02HD00704BAHD00704EA
90360240560245Another JourneyThe brief two-person journey has ended, and you are back on your own on an accident-free trip, just like the way it started.846011052021/2/25 5:02HD00705BA
90460240660246Suspicious MarksSuspicious marks were found in City 015. What could they be...?846011062021/2/25 5:02HD00706BA
90560240760247The Besieged GirlHang in there! We're coming right now!846011072021/2/25 5:02HD00707BAHD00707EA
906602412602412New Year for EveryoneHappy New Year. I wish we can celebrate every year like this.846011122021/2/25 5:02HD00712BA
90760250160251Day of CrisisBrace yourselves, for today is perhaps the most disastrous day ever in Babylonia...846013012021/4/8 5:02RY00201BA
90860250260252Mysterious GuestMaybe there's a mysterious world somewhere that nobody ever knows...846013022021/4/8 5:02RY00202BA
90960250360253Rabbit Running LateI'm running late... The grand welcoming ceremony is about to begin!846013032021/4/8 5:02RY00203BARY00203EA
91060250460254Colorful WrapPerhaps she just wants a dreamland like what she sees through the candy wrap.846013042021/4/8 5:02RY00204BA
91160250560255Lies and FriendsWords can hurt. Lies hurt particularly hard.846013052021/4/8 5:02RY00205BA
91260250660256Tea Party for the MadThe tea party for the mad is about to begin! Come here for delicious tea, and sweet pancakes! Oh, and funny clowns, of course!846013062021/4/8 5:02RY00206BA
91360250760257Collapsed TowerMaybe they know the weakness of humans better. They know how to destroy the tower.846013072021/4/8 5:02RY00207BA
91460250860258WonderlandWe're all your friends<//??SEE??>. Everything here exists for you<//#%?#%?>. This is the wonderland.846013082021/4/8 5:02RY00208BARY00208EA
91560250960259The Fools' FutureA man who doesn't know his direction is a fool. A man who knows it but doesn't want to follow, is also a fool. But thanks to their foolishness, fools can still embrace their future.846013092021/4/8 5:02RY00209BA
91660260160261Endless SummerA momentary respite amid the bustle.H001001BA
91760260260262Moment of SoftnessIn this cold and silent night, you are the only light source.H001002BA
91860260360263Past ShardShe places a sharp shortsword in Lucia's hand.H001003BA
91960260460264Azure BubblesSo... this is what trust really is.H001004BAH001004EA
92060270160274Colorful FeelingsCommandant! Thank you for being here today and the days in the future!10020152022/11/11 5:02HD01101BA
92160280160281End-of-the-Year InvitationMake sure you all come, Commandant. I still need to tell others!846019012024/2/23 7:02HD01201BA
92260280260282The Invention of TigerNow, allow me to introduce my greatest work. Ta-da! Behold, Tiger!846019022024/2/23 7:02HD01202BA
92360280360283Charm of the New WorldI'm the artist... living... next door.846019032024/2/23 7:02HD01203BA
92460280460284Spring Cleaning846019042024/2/23 7:02HD01204BAHD01204EA
92560280560285Spring Festival CoupletsHere they are. I promise you'll love these couplets!846019052024/2/23 7:02HD01205BA
92660280660286Stove God Worshipping846019062024/2/23 7:02HD01206BAHD01206EA
92760280760287Couplets Decorating846019072024/2/23 7:02HD01207BAHD01207EA
92860280860288Staying Up846019082024/2/23 7:02HD01208BAHD01208EA
92960280960289Ringing Out the Old Year846019092024/2/23 7:02HD01209BAHD01209EA
930602810602810Ringing in the New Year846019102024/2/23 7:02HD01210BAHD01210EA
931602811602811Happy Spring Festival846019112024/2/23 7:02HD01211BA
93260290160291Celebration846020012024/3/24 7:02HD01301BA
93360290260292Star Ticket846020022024/3/24 7:02HD01302BA
93460290360293Treasure Hunter846020032024/3/24 7:02HD01303BAHD01303EA
93560290460294Sound of Flowers846020042024/3/24 7:02HD01304BA
93660290560295Parent-Child Game846020052024/3/24 7:02HD01305BA
93760290660296The Orphan846020062024/3/24 7:02HD01306BA
93860290760297Aroma of the Moment846020072024/3/24 7:02HD01307BA
93960290860298A Bite of Warmth846020082024/3/24 7:02HD01308BAHD01308EA
94060300160301Demon's ScreenplayThe demon and the brave meet in the sea of flowers. Will the result of this battle put an end to her play...?846022012022/7/8 5:02HD01501BA
94160300260302World of the BraveWhen the world restarts, the brave will descend from the sky.846022022022/7/8 5:02HD01502BA
94260300460304Sorcerer's PlanHaving collected raw materials way beyond what's needed, Gray Raven embarks on a journey back.846022042022/7/8 5:02HD01504BA
94360300560305Chaos of the CapitalThis is an event able to affect the entire world at the very beginning.846022052022/7/8 5:02HD01505BA
94460300660306Plot Twist846022062022/7/8 5:02HD01506EA
94560300760307Sage's ConfessionHe used to be a hero, then he took an arcane missile to the knee.846022072022/7/8 5:02HD01507BA
94660300860308Each Other's TroubleAfter the meeting, problem ensues and the red storm of the northern desert is also approaching.846022082022/7/8 5:02HD01508BA
94760300960309Just Borrowing846022092022/7/8 5:02HD01509BA
948603010603010Overlord846022102022/7/8 5:02HD01510BAHD01510EA
949603011603011Unique QuarrelWhen the two in a quarrel start to think from each other's perspective...846022112022/7/8 5:02HD01511BA
950603012603012Realm of DragonsAfter overcoming a series of difficulties, Gray Raven arrives at the Realm of Dragons.846022122022/7/8 5:02HD01512BA
951603013603013The Last Relic846022132022/7/8 5:02HD01513BAHD01513EA
952603014603014Off the StageThere is still sound lingering here after the adventure.846022142022/7/8 5:02HD01514BA
953603015603015In the Name of the ComradesWe are already holding one another's hands before we realize it.846022152022/7/8 5:02HD01515BA
95460310160311Whispering ForestThis is what the forest seems to be mumbling as the breeze gently ruffles the leaves.2022/8/11 10:02HD01601BA
95560310260312Farewell WonderlandShe bids the fearless fledgling bird with her last farewell.2022/8/11 10:02HD01602BA
95660310360313Blooming Wings2022/8/11 10:02HD01603BAHD01603EA
95760320160321Coming CelebrationAs the celebration is around the corner, preparation is already underway.84602301HD01701BA
95860320260322Private LetterA private letter has unveiled the curtain of the celebration ahead of time.84602302HD01702BA
95960320360323Endless BattleOn foot or with thrusters, the winner is the one who crosses the finish line first.84602303HD01703BAHD01703EA
96060320460324Tug of WarIn this match are two persevering rivals.84602304HD01704BA
96160320560325The Rabbit and the Distant MoonLegends change as time flies.84602305HD01705BAHD01705EA
96260320660326Beloved WorldInside its envelope, the engraved message will be carried far away.84602306HD01706BA
96360320760327Converging StreamsOne way or the other, a celebration always bonds people together even before anyone is aware of it.84602307HD01707BA
96460330160331Operation Happy-Go-LuckyPraise the miracle that brought us together and every day from now onward.10029042025/3/1 2:00HD01102BA
96560340160341Festive LanternsThese tastes, perceptions, and emotions together form Kowloong's memories of this festival.846024012023/2/6 5:02HD01801BA
96660340260342Lantern-Lit New Year's EveThe tram is starting. Passengers, please hold on tight.846024022023/2/6 5:02HD01802EA
96760340360343A Journey's EndIf only we could go back to yesterday... right?846024032023/2/6 5:02HD01803BAHD01803EA
96860340560345Past RelivedThis is the reason why we are, or were once, humans, and you are a program.846024052023/2/6 5:02HD01805BA
96960340760347New Day, Old DreamsHmph, history can't be changed? What makes you think so...?846024072023/2/6 5:02HD01807BA
97060340860348Candle VigilNot that it's going to change anything, but I guess that will do.846024082023/2/6 5:02HD01808BA
97160340960349Dawn of SpringWhile I may not understand your choice, I respect it all the same.846024092023/2/6 5:02HD01809BAHD01809EA
972603410603410Let's EatWith everything that's happened, let's just eat first.846024102023/2/6 5:02HD01810BA
97360350160351Winter WandererIf gods never existed, then why do humans pray?846024112024/3/28 8:02HD017301BA
97460350260352Hidden ScarsSome scars are just covered by snow—they're never truly gone.846024122024/3/28 8:02HD017302BAHD017302EA
97560350360353Snowy ProphecyEverything is leading up to that prophecy of lonely death.846024132024/3/28 8:02HD017303BA
97660350460354Oath to DeathWould you make a promise to me?846024142024/3/28 8:02HD017304BAHD017304EA
97760350560355Shadowy DreamLook, it's not just snow here, but also flowers.846024152024/3/28 8:02HD017305BA
97863010163013Aurora SkyInformation saved846005012020/9/24 5:02HD00201BB
97963010263014Bai Ze ChamberInformation saved846005012022/5/9 7:01HD00201BC
98065010165011Wendigo - 1Information saved846001302020/10/8 5:02RG00401BA
98165010265012Wendigo - 2Information saved846001302020/10/8 5:02RG00402BA
98265010365013Wendigo - 3Information saved846001312020/10/8 5:02RG00403BA
98365010465014Wendigo - 4Information saved846001312020/10/8 5:02RG00404BA
98465010565015Wendigo - 5Information saved846001322020/10/8 5:02RG00405BA
98565010665016Wendigo - 6Information saved846001322020/10/8 5:02RG00406BA
98665010765017Wendigo - 7Information saved846001332020/10/8 5:02RG00407BA
98765010865018Wendigo - 8Information saved846001332020/10/8 5:02RG00408BA
98865010965019Wendigo - 9Information saved846001342020/10/8 5:02RG00409BA
989650110650110Wendigo - 10Information saved846001342020/10/8 5:02RG00410BA
990650111650111Wendigo - 11Information saved846001352020/10/8 5:02RG00411BA
991650112650112Wendigo - 12Information saved846001352020/10/8 5:02RG00412BA
992650113650113Wendigo - 13Information saved846001362020/10/8 5:02RG00413BA
993650114650114Wendigo - 14Information saved846001362020/10/8 5:02RG00414BA
994650115650115Wendigo - 15Information saved846001372020/10/8 5:02RG00415BA
995650116650116Wendigo - 16Information saved846001372020/10/8 5:02RG00416BA
996650117650117Wendigo - 17Information saved846001382020/10/8 5:02RG00417BA
997650118650118Wendigo - 18Information saved846001382020/10/8 5:02RG00418BA
998650119650119Wendigo - 19Information saved846001392020/10/8 5:02RG00419BA
999650120650120Wendigo - 20Information saved846001392020/10/8 5:02RG00420BA
100065020165021Book of Toro - 1Information saved846001402020/11/12 5:02RG00501BA
100165020265022Book of Toro - 2Information saved846001402020/11/12 5:02RG00502BARG00502EA
100265020365023Book of Toro - 3Information saved846001412020/11/12 5:02RG00503BA
100365020465024Book of Toro - 4Information saved846001422020/11/12 5:02RG00504BARG00504EA
100465020565025Book of Toro - 5Information saved846001432020/11/12 5:02RG00505BA
100565020665026Book of Toro - 6Information saved846001442020/11/12 5:02RG00506BARG00506EA
100665020765027Book of Toro - 7Information saved846001452020/11/12 5:02RG00507BA
100765020865028Book of Toro - 8Information saved846001462020/11/12 5:02RG00508BARG00508EA
100865020965029Book of Toro - 9Information saved846001472020/11/12 5:02RG00509BA
100966010166011Micawberism CloistersInformation savedKD00101BA
101067010167011ChestlefieldInformation savedKD00102BA
101168010168011SP-01This is one of the few places in Babylonia where you may gaze up and observe the universe. It is not staring at the earth, but at what is beyond it.ZZ00201BA
101268010268012SP-02Hassen nods a little after a few seconds, maintaining his usual pose and gaze at the blue planet.ZZ00201EA
10131600101160011Travel with Vera - 1Information saved846024002024/2/19 7:02HD017101BA
10141600102160012Travel with Vera - 2Information saved846024002024/2/19 7:02HD017102BA
10151600103160013Travel with Vera - 3Information saved846024002024/2/19 7:02HD017103BA
10161600104160014Travel with Vera - 4Information saved846024002024/2/19 7:02HD017104BA
10171600201160021Travel with Lee - 1Information saved846024002024/2/19 7:02HD017105BA
10181600202160022Travel with Lee - 2Information saved846024002024/2/19 7:02HD017106BA
10191600203160023Travel with Lee - 3Information saved846024002024/2/19 7:02HD017107BA
10201600204160024Travel with Lee - 4Information saved846024002024/2/19 7:02HD017108BA
10211600301160031Travel with Ayla - 1Information saved846024002024/2/19 7:02HD017109BA
10221600302160032Travel with Ayla - 2Information saved846024002024/2/19 7:02HD017110BA
10231600303160033Travel with Ayla - 3Information saved846024002024/2/19 7:02HD017111BA
10241600304160034Travel with Ayla - 4Information saved846024002024/2/19 7:02HD017112BA
10251600401160041Travel with Karenina - 1Information saved846024002024/2/19 7:02HD017113BA
10261600402160042Travel with Karenina - 2Information saved846024002024/2/19 7:02HD017114BA
10271600403160043Travel with Karenina - 3Information saved846024002024/2/19 7:02HD017115BA
10281600404160044Travel with Karenina - 4Information saved846024002024/2/19 7:02HD017116BA
10291600501160051Overture of FutureI PreludeInformation saved846024002024/2/19 7:02HD017117BA
10301600502160052Overture of FutureII PreludeInformation saved846024002024/2/19 7:02HD017118BA
10311600503160053Overture of Futurelll PreludeInformation saved846024002024/2/19 7:02HD017119BA
10321600504160054Overture of FutureI EndingInformation saved846024002024/2/19 7:02HD017120BA
10331600505160055Overture of FutureII EndingInformation saved846024002024/2/19 7:02HD017121BA
10341600506160056Overture of Futurelll EndingInformation saved846024002024/2/19 7:02HD017122BA
103561010161011Blazing TrailsLone Walker - 2Information saved846023102024/2/19 7:02HD017201BA
103661010261012Blazing TrailsLone Walker - 3Information saved846023112024/2/19 7:02HD017202BA
103761010361013Blazing TrailsDeparture - 1Information saved846023122024/2/19 7:02HD017203BA
103861010461014Blazing TrailsTurning Back - 1Information saved846023132024/2/19 7:02HD017204BA
103961010561015Blazing TrailsTurning Back - 9Information saved846023142024/2/19 7:02HD017205BA
104061010661016Blazing TrailsCompanion - 7Information saved846023152024/2/19 7:02HD017206BA
104170010170011Port HubInformation saved8470100BJ00101BABJ00101EA
104270010270012Unloading AreaInformation saved8470100BJ00102BABJ00102EA
104370010370013Core Management AreaInformation saved8470100BJ00103BABJ00103EA
104470020170021Reunion PavilionInformation saved8470200BJ00104BABJ00104EA
104570020270022Dream TerraceInformation saved8470200BJ00105BABJ00105EA
104670020370023Cloud PassageInformation saved8470200BJ00106BABJ00106EA
104770030170031Maintenance TunnelInformation saved8470300BJ00107BABJ00107EA
104870030270032Shopping TownInformation saved8470300BJ00108BABJ00108EA
104970030370033Yazaki ParkInformation saved8470300BJ00109BABJ00109EA
105070040170041Counter CorridorInformation saved8470400BJ00110BABJ00110EA
105170040270042Anti-Direct Hit PartitionInformation saved8470400BJ00111BABJ00111EA
105270040370043QR PassagewayInformation saved8470400BJ00112BABJ00112EA
105370050170051Bamboo GardenInformation saved8470500BJ00201BABJ00201EA
105470050270052Hospital BuildingsInformation saved8470500BJ00202BA
105570050370053Underground FactoryInformation saved8470500BJ00203EA
105670060170061Titan TrenchInformation saved8470600BJ00204BABJ00204EA
105770060270062Hangar PassageInformation saved8470600BJ00205BABJ00205EA
105870060370063Residential AreaInformation saved8470600BJ00206BABJ00206EA
105970070170071Bunker DuneInformation saved8470700BJ00207BABJ00207EA
106070070270072Reinforced PassageInformation saved8470700BJ00208BABJ00208EA
106170070370073Data CenterInformation saved8470700BJ00209BABJ00209EA
106270080170081Ghost CoastInformation saved8470800BJ00210BABJ00210EA
106370080270082Quick Reaction PassageInformation saved8470800BJ00211BABJ00211EA
106470080370083Radar StationInformation saved8470800BJ00212BABJ00212EA
106580010180011HelloWorldEX01_1 The Start of Summer Time84800101ZX01301BA
106680010280012Summer Beach FunEX01_2 An aqua ocean, soft sand, and little surprises.84800102ZX01302BAZX01302EA
106780010380013Chat about the FutureEX01_3 The Gray Ravens have settled down and started enjoying themselves on the beach...84800103ZX01303BA
106880010480014Cat and Mouse - FakeEX01_4 Rats are just a bunch of tiny creatures, but at least they can entertain you...84800104ZX01304BAZX01304EA
106980010580015TranscendantEX01_5Kamui woke up, but he looked like another person entirely...84800105ZX01305BAZX01305EA
107080010680016Uncontrolled RealityEX01_6 Things seemed to have gone beyond your control now...84800106ZX01306BAZX01306EA
107180010780017Into the AbyssEX01_7 Enter the unknown realm.84800107ZX01307BA
107280010880018SearingEX01_8 Hot day, hot blood.84800108ZX01308BA
107380010980019It's Gonna WorkEX01_9 When you are not sure what a button or switch does, you have to rely on your intuition.84800109ZX01309BA
1074800110800110System WarningsEX01_10 Illegal operation detected.84800110ZX01310BAZX01310EA
1075800111800111Ant VenomEX01_11 The pain boiling in the heart.84800111ZX01311BA
1076800112800112Scientific SolutionsEX01_12 Bomb the best!84800112ZX01312EA
1077800113800113Dead EndEX01_13 Cannot be caught by that guy, not now.84800113ZX01313BA
1078800114800114CountdownEX01_14 I'll be waiting there.84800114ZX01314BAZX01314EA
1079800115800115Bloody ConfessionEX01_15 You're dying here, today.84800115ZX01315BA
1080800116800116M.A.DEX01_16 When will you understand that they're nothing but enemies?84800116ZX01316BAZX01316EA
1081800117800117The End of ChildhoodEX01_17 Everyone dies, and so does our childhood.84800117ZX01317BAZX01317EA
1082800118800118Rose StemEX01_18It might have thorns. It might also secretly want you to hold it.84800118ZX01318BA
1083800119800119Your Life StoryEX01_19After a series of dreadful events, your summer finally began.84800119ZX01319BA
1084800120800120The Necessary Black SheepEX01_20 That's right, we haven't forgotten you.84800120ZX01320BA
108580020180021Arctic ReunionEX02_1 Commandant decided to accept Rosetta's request and head to the ARU with her.84800201ZX01401BA
108680020280022ReinforcementsEX02_2 Lost in the middle of nowhere, Commandant and Rosetta met some reinforcements who came to rescue them.84800202ZX01402BA
108780020380023Captain and TideEX02_3 Knowing the tide always visit on a regular interval, ARU was hoping Commandant and the Babylonia reinforcements could help them hold off the tide.84800203ZX01403BA
108880020480024Snowy SkirmishEX02_4 The fishermen had already engaged with the bionics. They needed immediate help.84800204ZX01404BAZX01404EA
108980020580025SpeedsterEX02_5 After reuniting with Simon and the Forest Guards, Rosetta decided to use her old centaur form against the tide.84800205ZX01405BA
109080020780027The PastEX02_7 Amberia was supposed to be destroyed long ago. After questioning the Captain, he finally explained what happened in the past.84800207ZX01407BA
109180020980029CodesEX02_9 After defeating the bionics near the research building, the team finally found the codes and the data of humanoid-hybrids.84800209ZX01409BA
1092800210800210Inver-NarwhalEX02_10 The tide of bionics rushed toward the crowd, and someone took the codes away.84800210ZX01410BA
1093800211800211Blood TrailEX02_11 The team followed the traitor and found a way to Amberia's location.84800211ZX01411BA
1094800212800212Frozen BattlefieldEX02_12 Under the frozen land was lots of weapons and bionic production lines. A voice told the team the truth.84800212ZX01412BA
1095800213800213Ice VentureEX02_13 Although separated from Diana and others, Rosetta decided to continue moving forward with Commandant alone.84800213ZX01413BA
1096800214800214Another BattlefieldEX02_14 Everybody was fighting in their own way.84800214ZX01414BA
1097800215800215AmberiaEX02_15 In the lab at the very bottom, Commandant and Rosetta finally met Amberia, who once was called Atiel.84800215ZX01415BA
1098800216800216The UnluckyEX02_16 Rosetta pointed her weapon at Amberia, vowing to end this nightmare once and for all with Commandant.84800216ZX01416BAZX01416EA
1099800217800217Farewell to NightmareEX02_17 Amberia had fallen. Time to say goodbye to this nightmare.84800217ZX01417BA
1100800218800218We Lucky FewEX02_18 Rosetta and Commandant witnessed the end of Amberia and her nightmare. A new day had started.84800218ZX01418BA
110180030180033Dusty MemoryEX03_1 A theater exists in every city of the KCC, in the corner surrounded by courtyards and old streets. It is lofty and grandiose, but at the same time, it is old and dilapidated.84800301ZX01501BAZX01501EA
110280030280034Theater CrisisEX03_2 We can still quit with our heads held high, If we sell the theater, we can use this money as a fresh start for each and every one of us. If we wait this out, then... There won't be any money to line our pockets.84800302ZX01502BA
110380030380035Against the CurrentEX03_3 In a world of young people, they should be the stars.84800303ZX01503BA
110480030480036Changing TideEX03_4 The KCC... is about to change.84800304ZX01504BAZX01504EA
110580030580037ReunionEX03_5 Changyu perked up with a smile out of surprise at the sight of after seeing a familiar face after so long.84800305ZX01505BA
110680030680038Battle of ChangbanEX03_6 Heroes never fear death.84800306ZX01506BA
110780030780039DisconnectedEX03_7 Smoke from the war covers the once prosperous city, disconnecting the people of Kowloong from their future and past.84800307ZX01507BAZX01507EA
1108800308800310AnswerEX03_8 Qu slowly closed her eyes upon hearing Huaxu's response.84800308ZX01508BA
1109800309800311Before the StormEX03_9 The once prosperous KCC is now long gone. A few pedestrians gather near the broadcast on the street.84800309ZX01509BA
1110800310800312Will of KowloongEX03_10 Kowloong is a crystal, nucleated from history. Kowloongers do not fear war, because war cannot break the will of Kowloong.84800310ZX01510BAZX01510EA
1111800311800313LegacyEX03_11 I will inherit your will.84800311ZX01511BAZX01511EA
1112800312800314HomecomingEX03_12You're home, Moyuan...84800312ZX01512BAZX01512EA
1113800313800315Tabula AkashaEX03_13 Our history will not end like this.84800313ZX01513BA
1114800314800316Unnamed WarEX03_14 Two Tai'E are activated in a deserted factory, only to find out that an apocalyptic war had broken out while they were hibernating.84800314ZX01514BA
1115800315800317Unexpected EncounterEX03_15 Tai'E decided to follow their order and go back, but accidentally met a human child. The priority written in their program means they have more important things to do now.84800315ZX01515BA
1116800316800318Area of DefenseEX03_16 We must quickly go past this area of defense before more of those things appear. I'll go first, you take her and follow me.84800316ZX01516BAZX01516EA
1117800317800319Little PromiseEX03_17 Is it because of the preset command, or is he having an error? He could not tell.84800317ZX01517BA
1118800318800320Duty of Tai'EEX03_18 I will fulfil the duty of Tai'E.84800318ZX01518BAZX01518EA
1119800319800321FarewellEX03_19 During his service in Kowloong, there was nothing that he could take pride in. Those memories were the only thing that supported him and made him happy.84800319ZX01519BAZX01519EA
112080032080031Black GuardianTheater Ruins_01 Kowloong Art848003012020/10/22 5:02YR01501BAYR01501EA
112180032180032RequiemTheater Ruins_02 One Against Thousand848003012020/10/22 5:02YR01502BAYR01502EA
112280040180041Operation Red TideEX04_1 They are heading toward the shoreline.84800401ZX01801BA
112380040280042Lone HawkEX04_2 There does not seem to be any fear in Wanshi. He just let out a big yawn instead.84800402ZX01802BAZX01802EA
112480040480044Abyss of GravityEX04_4 Born here, so chose to die here too.84800404ZX01804BA
112580040680046Ashes to AshesEX04_6 For the greater good. Oh, it never gets old. How morally sound. I am truly amazed.84800406ZX01806BA
112680040780047Reason to FightEX04_7 Even if we don't know what awaits us there.84800407ZX01807BAZX01807EA
112780040880048Voice of YesterdayEX04_8 Only from that lullaby could they feel the last bit of warmth from their past.84800408ZX01808BA
112880040980049WhalesongEX04_9 The singing stopped, but the song had no ending, because the lonely whale never found its herd.84800409ZX01809BAZX01809EA
1129800410800410SirenEX04_10 Selena.84800410ZX01810BA
1130800411800411RequiemEX04_11 Eternity in an hour.84800411ZX01811BA
1131800412800412Cradle of ImmortalityEX04_12 She only wants to tell you all the miracles she saw along the journey.84800412ZX01812BA
1132800413800413Silent BattlefieldEX04_13 It was an early afternoon when Kamui accidentally discovered a slightly swollen metal can in Wanshi's storage. It reminded Wanshi of his distant past.84800413ZX01813BA
1133800415800415GambleEX04_15 I'm betting Langston Smith's name on it.84800415ZX01815BA
1134800416800416AwakenEX04_16 The world was no longer pale as Wanshi regained consciousness. He realized he was inside a building.84800416ZX01816BA
1135800417800417Echoes of the PastEX04_17 The white city continuously altered its shape. Refracted sunlight shone from above, unveiling a blue ocean of data behind it.84800417ZX01817BA
1136800418800418EncounterEX04_18 So this is the guy behind all those unexpected accidents.84800418ZX01818BA
1137800419800419Frog in the WellEX04_19 I have been hiding for too long, but I feel like going out there today.84800419ZX01819BA
1138800420800420Journey's EndEX04_20 You can explore the space, or take back the Earth for yourselves. It doesn't matter.84800420ZX01820BAZX01820EA
113980050180051The Forgotten ChildrenEX05_1 This is Babylonia, not the research institute or Kurono. There are no unexpected menace and experiments on her path that would put her on a leash.84800501ZX02001BA
114080050280052SuspiriaEX05_2 Welcome home!84800502ZX02002BA
114180050380053The MistEX05_3 Shaped like a stuffed animal, it is too dirty to tell its original color, save for the bright red of its cracked lips. The two stiff, sad glass eyeballs, poorly sewn, have melted, staring straight at No. 21.84800503ZX02003BAZX02003EA
114280050480054KairoEX05_4 A speeding police car stops before you, and Noctis pokes his head out from the rolled-down window wearing a pair of sunglasses he has found, whistling loudly.84800504ZX02004BA
114380050580055Let the Right One InEX05_5 The black fog dissipates, not disappearing completely, retreating to somewhere not far behind you. But it is far enough from her for now, and she is safe from being immediately devoured.84800505ZX02005BA
114480050680056InsidiousEX05_6 No. 21 approaches the shade instinctively for a closer look. But the moment she steps forward, all images disappear, leaving behind the Medic Bots and equipment in the dilapidated corridors as if nothing has happened.84800506ZX02006BAZX02006EA
114580050780057Cabin in the WoodsEX05_7 The night wind howls and an unearthly light shines overhead, casting No. 21 in the shadow of the giant house behind the iron gate.84800507ZX02007BAZX02007EA
114680050980059The Thirteenth FloorEX05_9 The two girls look at each other and nod. That is the last communication between them.84800509ZX02009BAZX02009EA
1147800510800510Hour of the WolfEX05_10 —I'm going to kill you! I'm going to tear you apart! I'm going to rip your insides out and rub them on your face!84800510ZX02010BA
1148800511800511The ChasersEX05_11 Her laser cannon soars with Buddy, and she breaks through her shackles like a runaway beast. Her minute figure lashes out massive waves of energy, like a wolf finally revealing its fangs.84800511ZX02011BAZX02011EA
1149800512800512Sixth SenseEX05_12 Wind passes through the withered tree and the lifeless houses over the nameless graves full of white crosses. An insignificant white daisy on the edge of the grave sways, hoping the wind will carry it away, but the wind cannot.84800512ZX02012BA
115090010190011ShomeEX01_1 The sound of anxious back-and-forth pacing fills the research room, deep in the facility.84900101YC01301BA
115190010290012Crushed BonesEX01_2 Covet that which shan't be coveted, and be prepared to go through fire and water.84900102YC01302BA
115290010390013The Forgotten LandEX01_3 Wind blows over the vast desert, sweeping up sand and dust into a storm.84900103YC01303BAYC01303EA
115390010490014Venus Splash ParkEX01_4 At the moment of its completion, time became frozen on this enchanted isle. The observation platform, dreamily hanging in the sky, looks almost like a border between fantasy and reality.84900104YC01304BAYC01304EA
115490010590015Game StartsEX01_5 Everything will end here, through a spectacular finale.84900105YC01305BA
115590010690016Ascension-NetworkEX01_6 Hmph, and what have you discovered? —Huff... The essence of... the Ascension-Network.84900106YC01306BA
115690010790017SuspicionsEX01_7 I keep thinking she seems a little weird today.84900107YC01307BA
115790010890018A Trivial MomentEX01_8 The sound of footsteps come from the end of the walkway, adding from liveliness to the sluggish street.84900108YC01308BAYC01308EA
115890020190021Nanami and MartinEX02_1 When the girl met the bear, they decided to celebrate with fireworks.84900201YC01401BA
115990020290022Bionic MachineEX02_2 Nanami learned that Amberia would control the bionics to harm humans. She decided to do something.84900202YC01402BA
116090020390023Black Figure on SnowEX02_3 Some strange black figures were crawling amongst the bionics.84900203YC01403BA
116190020590025RoaringEX02_5 Nanami decided to talk to Amberia in person, but the war broke out before she could go underground.84900205YC01405BA
116290020690026Resonance of AngerEX02_6 There was nothing but sorrow in the battle between the bionics and the ARU. Nanami decided to give everything she had to stop the war.84900206YC01406BA
116390020790027The Black FigureEX02_7 I will never forgive you, Ascendants!84900207YC01407BA
116490020890028Nanami and BionicsEX02_8 The war had ended, but the wounds were still there. Nanami cheerfully took the bionics away from the snowy land.84900208YC01408BA
116590030190031SilenceEX03_1 I didn't think an AI could fall silent.84900301YC01501BA
116690030290032ExileEX03_2 You're right. My point is, Huaxu may have a new master, but has her master... really changed?84900302YC01502BA
116790030390033Mutual DestructionEX03_3 No matter how many times you destroy us, people will remember. Atop these ruins they will build anew. You will never understand.84900303YC01503BAYC01503EA
116890040190041Air TransportationEX04_1 All that the crew can do is remain in their seats, ensure that equipment and weapons are operational, and review mission details in preparation for immediate engagement upon landing on the surface.84900401YC01801BA
116990040290042Chief CommanderEX04_2 Let me re-introduce myself. My name is Vanessa, commandant of Egret and chief commander of this operation.84900402YC01802BA
117090040390043Under the TrapEX04_3 Severed Corrupted limbs fall into the pit as they enveloped in blue static and crash into the bottom of the pit heavily.84900403YC01803BA
117190040490044Rapid DescentEX04_4 Your brain went blank from the zero gravity free-fall.84900404YC01804BAYC01804EA
117290040590045Night BreakEX04_5 Unobstructed beams of moonlight shine through the windows, bring dim light into the dark interior.84900405YC01805BA
117390040690046Secret of VictoryEX04_6 Deception, exploitation, abandonment... These are the laws of victory on the battlefield.84900406YC01806BAYC01806EA
117490040790047Exchange of ResourcesEX04_7 Well then, take her away. I've been growing tired of playing with the same toy anyway.84900407YC01807BA
117590040890048Gray Raven's EdgeEX04_8 The electronic photo frame on the table in the lounge finally has a suitable picture.84900408YC01808BA
117690050190051Like FateEX05_1 Why—is it you?84900501YC02001BA
117790050290052CollectionEX05_2 What happened along the way.84900502YC02002BA
117890050390053NothingEX05_3 Hermano.84900503YC02003BA
117990050490054Free Riding GuideEX05_4 Should I say unexpected or no surprise.84900504YC02004BA
118090050590055Luna's WorldEX05_5 A monster? A corpse? A weakling? A lost lamb?84900505YC02005BAYC02005EA
118190050690056Break-inEX05_6 I like to throw in a few variables beyond their control when they think their plan is foolproof.84900506YC02006BA
118290050790057Non-lethal JokeEX05_7 They... they're coming...!84900507YC02007BAYC02007EA
118390050990059Cage BattleEX05_9 Roland never sees the cycle and intertwining of these expressions in the same face.84900509YC02009BAYC02009EA
1184900510900510Ending CitationEX05_10 I could take your life now, but I haven't.84900510YC02010BA
1185900511900511FisherEX05_11 I can give you what you want.84900511YC02011BA
1186900512900512Undecided MiddlegameEX05_12 With a smirk of an epiphany, Roland goes to his unknown destiny.84900512YC02012BA
1187500100350013Value of ExistenceB II_1Yesterday at noon time, Goldfinch changed their mission objective and started heading toward the center of Golden Vortex.845001003TS00103BA
1188500100450014ContributionB II_4As the night started to fall, Goldfinch members seemed to have foreseen their upcoming fate...845001004TS00104BA
1189500100550015Lone RavenM_5After the communication with Liv was cut, Lee left to search for her. Lucia stayed back with the commandant.845001005TS00105BA
1190500100650016Royal GuardsM_8The queen's royal guards chased after Lucia and the commandant. They had to run for almost an hour...845001006TS00106BA
1191500100750017Red Light, Green LightB III_1Minutes after Lee left, he was trapped among a group of guards with peculiar behaviors...845001007TS00107BA
1192500100850018Big GambleB III_3Lee fought a tough battle in the underground secret passage. The guards wanted to trap him to death...845001008TS00108BA
1193500100950019Letter of InvitationM_9When Lucia was trapped in a tough fight, the mysterious queen sent her royal guards to invite the commandant to her palace.845001009TS00109BA
11945001011500111Digging SiteB I_2Browning finally found the device after searching in the desert for almost 40 minutes. But it was covered under some golden powder...845001011TS00111BA
11955001012500112AftermathB I_4After more than 10 minutes of digging, the device was almost out. But Browning triggered a landmine underneath it...845001012TS00112BA
11965001013500113Cheap ShotB I_6Liv returned to her Construct after 5 minutes of hacking into the system. But Browning...845001013TS00113BA
1197500200150021MaverickM I_1Watanabe reached the Golden Vortex in the morning. The enemy info was still unknown, but he charged in alone.845001015TS00115BA
1198500200250022Risk TransferM I_310 minutes into the Golden Vortex, Watanabe met Bianca and decided to follow her.845001016TS00116BA
1199500200350023Saving the EarthM II_1After sending Liv away, Bianca searched in the sand for half an hour because she had figured out Babylonia's real intention...845001017TS00117BA
1200500200450024Old HabitM I_4It didn't take long before Watanabe was forced to reveal himself...845001018TS00118BA
1201500200550025ChoiceM I_6Watanabe's rescue plan faced challenge immediately after he got away from Bianca...845001019TS00119BA
1202500200650026RelicM I_8After leaving the weather engine, Watanabe found a pendant of the Forsaken from a guard...845001020TS00120BA
1203500200750027Queen's TreatM II_3Golden Queen revealed her true form to Gray Raven. Meanwhile, Bianca had explored Golden Vortex for hours, but the sample analysis still hadn't succeeded...845001021TS00121BA
1204500200850028Queen's RequestM I_12Golden Queen announced her requests to the commandant and Babylonia in her palace.845001022TS00122BA
1205500200950029PromiseM I_10Watanabe and Bianca fought for almost 10 minutes, but neither was going to win. The guards took the opportunity and laid siege on them...845001023TS00123BA
12065002010500210Off FormB_1Kamui and Roland fought all the way to the northwest of Golden Vortex, when Kamui discovered some anomaly in Roland's Construct...845001024TS00124BA
12075002011500211Promise KeeperM I_11It took Watanabe an hour to make sure all Forsaken had safely evacuated. Some tried to persuade him not to return and help Bianca...845001025TS00125BA
12085002013500213Two Ways of RescueM II_7Bianca defeated the warden and freed all the hostages. Bianca stopped her as he wanted to take his own men.845001027TS00127BA
12095002014500214Golden AntibodyM II_8Despite letting the hostage go, Bianca still took the Golden Antibody... But the royal guards suddenly attacked her!845001028TS00128BA
12105002015500215NegotiationB_3After confronting each other for many more minutes, Kamui almost made Roland devastated...845001029TS00129BA
12115002016500216For CommandantM I_13Bianca fought alongside the Forsaken to defeat the royal guards. Once again, she faced different choices...845001030TS00130BA
1212500300150031FollowerM I_1Karenina sneaked into the Golden Vortex from the south. But she didn't know she was being followed...845001031TS00131BA
1213500300250032Human ExperimentM l_4Nanami joined Karenina to defeat the guards of the main building together, but she disappeared within 5 minutes...845001032TS00132BA
1214500300350033Starting AgainM l_6The communication was restored for minutes and Karenina completed her mission with flying colors. It's up to her where she wants to go now.845001033TS00133BA
1215500300450034ResistanceM l_7Blasting through dozens of walls, Karenina decided to explore Golden Vortex in her own way...845001034TS00134BA
1216500300550035MergeM l_9Nanami returned, but she brought bad news about Roland the Ascendant...845001035TS00135BA
1217500300650036VisionM l_11Nanami's hacking only took a few minutes. She failed to trace Roland in the internal network, but she found out that Nithart took the commandant of Gray Raven...845001036TS00136BA
1218500300750037Tracking the SoundM l_13After defeating golden guards and royal guards, they were only one door away from the commandant...845001037TS00137BA
1219500300850038DeterrenceB ll_1Under Roland's order, the Corrupted managed to stall Kamui for over 2 hours, only to make him fight even harder...845001038TS00138BA
1220500300950039HospitalityM ll_1After getting rid of Kamui, Roland carefully assessed the threat of Golden Antibody...845001039TS00139BA
12215003010500310Seeking HelpM ll_3Captured by Nithart, Roland was unfortunately covered in the antibody and suffered for 90 minutes...845001040TS00140BA
12225003011500311Communication DisorderB l_1After leaving Karenina, Nanami finally found the thing that caught her attention.845001041TS00141BA
12235003012500312BlockageM ll_4Roland spent an hour calling for help, but the reinforcement didn't arrive as expected.845001042TS00142BA
12245003013500313Mutual DestructionM ll_6Due to the antibody, Roland was completely overwhelmed by Nanami. He had to use more extreme methods to save himself.845001043TS00143BA
12255003014500314AnnihilationM ll_7As the building collapsed, Roland fell into the ruins. He had a chance to prove himself again...845001044TS00144BA
1226500400150041Hound or EagleM_1Soldiers of Babylonia gathered for the first time in the afternoon. The truth of Golden Antibody was soon announced...845001045TS00145BA
1227500400250042UnityM_4The queen's royal guards all appeared. Gray Raven's evacuation plan was interrupted once again.845001046TS00146BA
1228500400350043Total AlertM_5An hour into the ambush against Gray Raven, Golden Queen once again destroyed the Constructs' formation...845001047TS00147BA
1229500400450044Prelude of PandemicM_7As the power system of Golden Vortex crashed, Babylonia's remote communication was restored. Gray Raven managed to contact Hassen...845001048TS00148BA
1230500400550045ClimbM_850 minutes into the evacuation, Gray Raven and other Constructs finally found the correct route.845001049TS00149BA
1231500400650046ExpansionB ll_1Minutes into the trap, Karenina discovered the secret to the expanding numbers of golden guards...845001050TS00150BA
1232500400750047Scorching HotB lll_27 minutes after Bianca defeated the guards, she encountered another out-of-control guard...845001051TS00151BA
1233500400850048GambitM_9Far away in the space, an emergency meeting was taking place in Babylonia's ship...845001052TS00152BA
1234500400950049DynastyM_12Gray Raven successfully held off the royal guards. Infuriated, Golden Queen exposed her biggest weakness...845001053TS00153BA
12355004010500410Master GamerB l_1Kamui was too powerful to be contained. Golden Queen had to separate him from the others...845001054TS00154BA
12365004011500411ExitB l_3After successfully contaminating the power system, Roland left the Golden Vortex with his damaged Construct...845001055TS00155BA
12379010011100011The Cavern of DawnInformation saved846006012021/2/4 5:02HD00601BAHD00601EA
12389010012100012Everlasting WarInformation saved846006022021/2/4 5:02HD00602BAHD00602EA
12399010013100013Cycle of WarInformation saved846006032021/2/4 5:02HD00603BAHD00603EA
12409010014100014The Bottom of Blood - Side AInformation saved846006042021/2/4 5:02HD00604BAHD00604EA
12419010015100015The Bottom of Blood - Side BInformation saved846006052021/2/4 5:02HD00605BAHD00605EA
12429010016100016False RelationshipInformation saved846006062021/2/4 5:02HD00606BAHD00606EA
12439010017100017Blood & FlowerInformation saved846006072021/2/4 5:02HD00607EA
12449010018100018World CollapsedInformation saved846006082021/2/4 5:02HD00608BAHD00608EA
12459010019100019The Strip of TruthInformation saved846006092021/2/4 5:02HD00609EA
124690100201000110MachiavelliInformation saved846006102021/2/4 5:02HD00610BAHD00610EA
12471200101120011Escape and SearchIt went away without leaving even one silver feather, yet she is determined to keep searching.846014012021/5/20 9:58CW00101BA
12481200102120012Contact and EstrangementIt seems to hide behind an electric fence, yet she is determined to reach out.846014022021/5/20 9:58CW00102BA
12491200103120013Reject and AcceptInformation saved846014032021/5/20 9:58CW00103BACW00103EA
12501200201120021DifferenceUnder the flickering aurora, she lets the cold wind mixed with frost and snow beat on her body and looks ahead.84601601CW00201BA
12511200202120022StriderIt is the momentary thrill of breaking free from the surface—the thrill of freedom.84601602CW00202BACW00202EA
12521200203120023PursuitShaking off the snow on her head, Rosetta continues to chase the CUB deep into the snow forest.84601603CW00203BA
12531200204120024Act of GodThe trees and stones along the way are submerged in an instant.84601604CW00204BA
12541200205120025Frost OathThe snow and storm has witnessed our vows to each other.84601605CW00205BA
12551300101130011Unfinished EpilogueIs the story going to end with a tragedy filled with regrets?84101750ZX02401BAZX02401EA
12561300102130012Death of the PiperThose clones are herself. Her story will forever be left on a to-be-continue.84101751ZX02401BBZX02401EB
12571300103130013Walking on the TruthIt is the second half of the soothing aria. It is the joy of a lonely whale drowning in the depth of the ocean that finally finds where it belongs. And it is the most glorious ode you sing for the vast sea when you first see it.84101752ZX02401EC
12581300104130014Peony and IrisOn the lakeside where peonies and irises blossom, they tell each other about their past, how fate has brought them together, and how joyful it is to reunite.84101753ZX02420BDZX02401ED
12591300105130015In the Name of IrisIn her hand, the girl holds a purple flower with the same name. On the other side of Leprechaun where treasures were buried. Under the rainbow, she turns around.84101754ZX02401EE
12601300201130021AwakeWaking up without any memories in an unknown world, you head on a journey for the sound of the tides.1005045RG00601BA
12611300202130022FarewellThe girl bids you a farewell in the world without the sound of the tides.1004045RG00602BA
12621300203130023ReincarnationIn the abandoned courtyard, the girl smiles again to you, who has become a blank canvas.1004046RG00603BA
12631300204130024StoryOur lonely protagonist needs a new companion—time to add something new to this story.1004028RG00604BA
12641400101140011 Reasonable NonsenseER00_1What comes around goes around. The only thing that is constant is change.84101771ZX02501BAZX02501EA
12651400102140012 The Celestial BeingER00_2When she calms her mind to listen, there are still faint sounds of bells and chanting from long ago.84101772ZX02502BAZX02502EA
12661400104140014An Insurmountable RidgeER00_4No one gets to look for the Big Fish.84101774ZX02504BAZX02504EA
12671400105140015 FireworksER00_5The fireworks explode in the night sky and excite the crowd, bringing the celebration to a climax.84101775ZX02505BAZX02505EA
12681400106140016 ReunionER00_6What happens now is just like what happened in the past.84101776ZX02506BA
12691400107140017 HomecomingER00_7Now, it's time for those who travel far away from home to come back.84101777ZX02507BAZX02507EA
12701400108140018 ComebackER00_8We are the Gung-hoers.84101778ZX02508BA
12711400109140019 Vox From AfarER00_9A cry of a whale comes from the distance through the clouds, the roofs, and the bustling crowd.84101779ZX02509EA
127214001101400110 Early SpringER00_10Hmm... A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step! Here I go!84101780ZX02510BA
12731400201140021ChildhoodER01_1 Greetings. I am Heuristic Artificial Intelligence Caretaking Machine-Alpha.84101901ZX02701BA
12741400202140022RevelationER01_2 According to the record, humans tend to develop subjective negative opinion about things beyond control. Your painting is very special, but it doesn't mean it's meaningless.84101902ZX02702BA
12751400203140023Second BirthER01_3 Please... Find her... Protect her...84101903ZX02703BAZX02703EA
12761400204140024Search of DespairER01_4 The lady's figure is drowned in the sea of the Corrupted.84101904ZX02704BA
12771400205140025AwakeningER01_5 The world that I wake up to is no longer the one it was.84101905ZX02705BAZX02705EA
12781400207140027Solo JourneyER01_7 The machines on Earth were things abandoned by humans. They've been... searching for the meaning of their existence ever since.84101907ZX02707BA
12791400208140028ChariotER01_8 But since you are also our kin in pursuit of awakening, you can join our Church of Machina.84101908ZX02708BAZX02708EA
128014002121400212Mechanoids' ChoiceER01_12 A machine's love is freed from the shackles of programming. Kindness and affection from humans have paved a path to the future for machines.84101912ZX02712BAZX02712EA
128114002131400213Toward the LightER01_13 Although Haicma doesn't know Nanami, Nanami remembers all her friends and will never let them suffer a tragic ending like that.84101913ZX02713BAZX02713EA
128214002141400214Back on the RoadER01_14 Next, it's our journey together.84101914ZX02714BA
12831400301140031Withered GrassER02_01 The dead life has decayed. I exult over its decay, because from this I know that it has not been empty.84102101ZX02901BA
12841400302140032Glass CradleER02_02 The baby's glass cradle is clear for people to look through at any time and made to be broken at any time. It is under good protection.84102102ZX02902BA
12851400303140033Lost at NightER02_03 If anything, an ordinary person is exactly the type that would fall on the wrong side of justice, since they've got nothing that would help them land on the right side of it.84102103ZX02903BA
12861400304140034Muscle MemoryER02_04 It seems like a piece of memory buried deep inside his body.84102104ZX02904BAZX02904EA
12871400305140035Pandora's BoxER02_05 That thing is more than a Ponzi scheme. There's gambling, and it can really eat you and your family up whole.84102105ZX02905BA
12881400306140036Deaths of the InnocentER02_06 Our path to the future is full of dead fire of life.84102106ZX02906BA
12891400307140037Incomplete ConfessionER02_07 if you still think what I did was wrong many, many years from now, then remember to never do what I did, okay?84102107ZX02907BA
12901400308140038Choice of the Death FireER02_08 If life is a fire that will eventually lead to death, the boy will definitely choose to burn out than freeze out.84102108ZX02908BA
12911400309140039The Beggar and the GiverER02_09 When I come across a beggar, I do not give him alms. I have no wish to give alms. I stand above those alms-givers. For him I have only disgust, suspicion, and hate. When I become a beggar, I do not receive alms. I do not see any wish to give alms. I only receive disgust, suspicion, and hate from the one who stands above those alms-givers.84102109ZX02909BA
129214003101400310Farewell of the ShadowER02_10 There is nowhere to find him in the carriage full of light.84102110ZX02910BA
129314003111400311Awakened MemoryER02_11 I'm sorry. Forgive me... then forget all of this. We'll start again, and we'll make up then.84102111ZX02911BA
129414003131400313PasserbyER02_13 What's beyond the grave?84102113ZX02913BA
129514003141400314His WhisperER02_14 Naughty children need to be disciplined.84102114ZX02914BAZX02914EA
129614003151400315Books as FirewoodER02_15 Don't be the fools who burned the books to stay warm.84102115ZX02915BA
129714003161400316Wildfire of LifeER02_16 Every life on Asslam—privileged or poor—is dissolving like an ice cube amidst fire, wailing and roaring in despair.84102116ZX02916BA
129814003171400317Mistaking a Deer for a HorseER02_17 You thought those who mistake a deer for a horse are stupid, but that's their cleverest trick. People who tell the truth... are often the first to die.84102117ZX02917BA
129914003181400318Dead End by NightfallER02_18 The kid who wanted to become a hero is now a sinner, responsible for hurting innocent people.84102118ZX02918BAZX02918EA
130014003191400319Melting AwayER02_19 People only throw their names away when they want to forget their past. Are you one of these people?84102119ZX02919BA
130114003201400320FireflyER02_20 Winter does not take, for some would light fires with their souls.84102120ZX02920BA
130214003211400321Breaking FreeER02_21 Despite the scars all over his body and the constraint that makes him hard to move, all his memories are back, and he is no longer lost.84102121ZX02921BA
130314003221400322Old Dream InscriptionER02_22 Please allow me to keep the sorrows of the past. Please forgive me for being helplessly ordinary. Please let my heart die when it's still alive... For these are things that drive me forward.84102123ZX02923EA
130414003231400323Cinder BurnsER02_23 Death and decay already arrived. Grass was burned down to ash on the ground. Sparks of the fire bring about fireflies, guiding the survivor to the future.84102124ZX02924BA
13051400401140041Agonizing PhantomsER03_01 That date—those numbers—is like a trigger in her head. Merely seeing them brings back the scenes of her past along with intangible pain.84102301ZX03101BA
13061400402140042Unresolved ProblemsER03_02 If this frame works, it means humans can at least stand tall on the path of fighting the Punishing Virus, and humanity's comeback finally starts in a real sense.84102302ZX03102BA
13071400404140044Echoes of YesterdayER03_04 For the first time in a very long time, Vanessa tries to remember the first time she met Bambinata—84102304ZX03104BA
13081400407140047Sunken ConsciousnessER03_07 The plummet devours all her senses, blinding and deafening her. In her Deep M.I.N.D., she finds no trace of pain or worry.84102307ZX03107BA
13091400408140048Time to GameER03_08 84102308ZX03108BAZX03108EA
13101400409140049Figure in the MirrorER03_09 Bambinata starts to look closely at her own body in the mirror for the first time.84102309ZX03109BA
131114004101400410GateER03_10 Bambinata lifts her hand instinctively, but she soon realizes that there is no one left to hold.84102310ZX03110BA
131214004131400413Words Left in DreamER03_13 She suddenly remembers the days and nights she has since forsaken and how there was always a pair of blue eyes watching her.84102313ZX03113BA
13131500101150011How to Prepare Food for A Massive GroupTo eat and survive is an instinct of life. To feed everybody is his wish.84102459JS00101BA
13141500102150012Emergency Support ManualHe always has everybody in his eyes, regardless of where they are.84102460JS00102BA
13151500103150013PTSD InterventionRemember, this isn't your fault.84102461JS00103EA
13161500104150014The Outline of Soil-based Cultivation TechniquesHe believes that new shoots of hope will grow from this land once again. He will become their guardian.84102462JS00104BA
13171500105150015The Journey Remembered and ContinuedHe stops. A name suddenly comes to his mind.84102463JS00105BA
13181500201150021On the Brink of Abyss...To become the enemy of humans? To help those things that I once fought against?84102464JS00201BA
13191500202150022Between the ActsOnly those with absolute power can shape the new world to their likings.84102465JS00202BA
13201500203150023HesitationIs everything she has ever done just a futile effort in this meaningless whirlpool of fate?84102466JS00203BA
13211500205150025The Path ChosenEven those who know her can hardly recognize her now. Still, her wishes have never changed.84102468JS00205BA
13221500301150031Mysterious Challenger?!An old game from the Golden Age has a new name on the leaderboard?! Who could they be...?84102547JS00301BAJS00301EA
13231500302150032Unexpected DuoTo find the mysterious mechanoid named Oryx, Nanami teams up with Arcana and sets off to where he is.84102548JS00302BA
13241500303150033Challenger and ChallengedNanami finally comes face-to-face with the mysterious mechanoid. What sparks will fly between the challenger and the challenged?84102549JS00303BA
13251500304150034Born for the GameBorn because of a game, and perhaps doomed by it. What really happened in the past between the mechanoid and its master, Oryx?84102550JS00304BA
13261500305150035Let's Play Together!Whatever the game, it's always the most fun when you play with friends!84102551JS00305BAJS00305EA