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543301DialogEnable1NikolaIt's 16:33. You're late by three minutes.1
65101302Sorry, Chief...4
764301NikolaHah... Maybe I should make an appointment the next time I want to see you, hmm?1
875301NikolaForget it. Let's make haste. Asimov, are the equipment ready?1
111063011AsimovWell, the energy system and safety release valves are slightly different from Babylonia standards, but they're all based off of our tech, so it wasn't that hard to fix.2
12117301NikolaJust give me your conclusions.1
13128301AsimovIt's ready for use. It just needs to be tested for us to know for sure.2
14139301NikolaI'm sure you know why you're summoned here. You're here today to test the team formation system developed by the ARU.1
1514104302Why me?10Team formation system?11
16151013301NikolaYou're the F.O.S. top graduate. You're the most ideal candidate for testing the system's limits. That's all.1
17161112301AsimovWe found a program framework located in the Niflheim labs in the Arctic. It's old stuff, but the design direction is revolutionary and of great reference value.2
18171213301AsimovAfter all, when it comes to war, people at that time were much more experienced than us.2
191813301NikolaEnough chit-chat. Any other questions?1
2019105302Nope... Not that the moment.14
212014301AsimovAlright. Then come here and put on this headset.2
222115301NikolaIt's not a deep dive kinda deal?1
232216301AsimovThe ARU didn't have that sorta tech back then. This is just an audiovisual simulation program.2
242317301NikolaIt doesn't matter. Or maybe we can test your true mettle more accurately this way. Let's begin.1
252418301AsimovOkay. Here goes...2
262519301AniZhuanchangBeginAs Asimov presses the start button, you hear the unstable electronic voice of a female AI.
302920301AniZhuanchangEnd-AI-Construct data upload—complete.
313021301-AI-Tactical framework simulation generation—complete.