
15 KiB

433301DialogEnableThe representatives gave their answer in the World Government's emergency meeting, approving Karenina's decision and giving her the right to destroy the zero-point engine.
544301Still, it will inevitably cause a series of problems... The lunar base, the reactor, the ground battlefield, Kurono...
655301The biggest problem is that the comms to the lunar base are still not restored. Babylonia is unable to confirm whether Karenina and her team have successfully destroyed the engine, or whether they can safely return.
766301What if Karenina and her team are injured... Or cannot finish the mission at all...
9883011BiancaCommander Nikola! Please, let me go. I can help the lunar base... and Karenina.1
1099301Nikola has actually thought about this option. When it comes to searching for lost targets in an unfamiliar environment, nobody can do the job better than the Purifying Force—although they are hunting the target most of the time.
1312123011NikolaNo... This is the second time I'm saying this.2
141313301Nikola shakes his head and gives back Bianca's application.
151414301NikolaAs the captain of the Purifying Force, as a soldier, you should know your duty is to obey orders.2
161515301The other female Construct in the room also walks up and salutes Nikola.
1918183011ChikoCommander Nikola... One Construct is more than enough to investigate the traitors. I can do this. Captain Bianca doesn't need to be involved.1
201919301Although respectful, the female Construct named Chiko has not backed down in the slightest. She is also a member of the Purifying Force.
242323301Bianca looks at Chiko. She has gone to Earth multiple times for this dangerous mission, but no progress is made.
252424301Although the Engineering Force's new engine has made shuttles more secure, going from Babylonia to the ground is still a dangerous trip.
262525301Even after a successful landing, the supplies from the Support Force are nowhere enough for combat consumption in the adverse environment. Chiko couldn't even maintain her frame properly; the color of her black long hair had faded, but she simply had no time to restore it.
2928283011NikolaThere were traces of Ascendant found during the investigation. The HQ decided to up the danger level of this mission, and we now have two locations to investigate. That's why I'm sending you both.1
302929301NikolaThe mission locations are also reassigned based on their danger levels. Chiko, Bianca will take over City 006 from you. There is a new location named City 015, and I want you to take charge.1
333232301The mission instructions suggest City 006 has a higher danger potential... So it makes perfect sense to assign it to Bianca, given that she is the captain. Unable to find any excuse, Chiko can only remain silent.
3534343011Nikola pauses and looks at Bianca. She seems to have something to say.
363535301NikolaWe are just as worried about Karenina and the lunar base as you are. That's why I have already sent the entire Mountain Vulture squad in a space fighter.1
4140403011Bianca and Chiko have no words to say. They can only salute in silence.
424141301BiancaI have only one request. If there is any news about Karenina... Please let me know immediately.1
4544443011NikolaHmph... You don't need to worry about that. Any news about her will be the biggest news.1
474646301After the two Purifying Force Constructs left, Nikola once again picks up the mission requests to investigate the traitors. They came from many departments, but only the change of location was provided by the Control Court.
494848301NikolaI know the Control Court manages a lot of things, but why would they pay particular attention to this one out of all missions...1
515050301NikolaDespite suffering heavy damage, Gray Raven still applied to return to the battlefield multiple times. I had to stop them with the Star of Life. But maybe I can send them to the less dangerous City 015 for an investigation mission...1
535252301His thoughts are interrupted by an incoming comms request.
5857573011CelicaIt's from the captain of Mountain Vulture, Commander Nikola.2
595858301NikolaHave we found the Engineering Force? What are the coordinates...?1
605959301Celica sounds embarrassed as she hesitates a little.
616060301AniZhuanchangBeginCelicaUm... No. They seem to have encountered an enemy!2
656464301DialogEnableA transport shuttle is flying in space. The Moon has become quite small behind it.
6867673011TeddyThat monster who merged with the zero-point engine... How did it get on the Moon?2
696868301KareninaI don't know... But it probably wasn't there in the beginning.1
706969301Karenina takes out the cassette recorder she found in the zero-point reactor core—she has already learned about its content.
727171301TeddyHmm...? This is quite an antique audio player. Never thought you could have this taste—I guess listening to music can more or less help you change your barbarian way of thinking.2
737474301Fortunately, humans may finally have enough power to change that future...
747575301KareninaSo how did you find this spaceship...? I don't recall seeing any record of spacecraft staying in the lunar base.1
767777301TeddyNo idea. This is quite an old ship. Probably served in the Post-Pandemic Age... It was made in Kurono, but is currently registered under Babylonia.2
777878301KareninaCould it be that the spaceship picking us up had departed earlier? We are pretty lucky.1
8283833011YarhaExcuse me, I hate to interrupt you, but... Karenina, your hand is on my head.2
838484301KareninaOops... Sorry...1
8586863011TeddyHmph... If we are lucky, we wouldn't have to face this just hours before retreat...1
888989301YarhaUm... Sorry again, but you are stepping on my abdomen, Teddy...2
909191301TeddyNo wonder it feels soft... Yarha, don't you think you need some exercise?1
919292301YarhaAhaha... P-please stop it...2
9495953011KareninaAaargh! Why are we all cramped up in such a tiny pod!1
1001011013011The Engineering Force, Kurono scientists, along with some fainted soldiers... Tens of people are squeezed inside the little life pod like a sardine can.
1031041043011TeddyWell, we are lucky that we are still alive. We should think about how we can restore that zero-point engine after we go back.1
1061071073011KareninaWouldn't that be an easy task with all the information you bring back?2
107108108301TeddyIt better be... We almost died for it. The entire Engineering Force won't forgive you if you screw it up.1
109110110301KareninaJust wait and see... You can start thinking of a name for the new engine.2
112114114301A male voice comes from the ship's internal broadcast. He probably is the pilot.
113115115301He saved everyone after all, so Karenina couldn't blame him for the awkward conversation. Besides, he must have also heard her complaints on the limited cabin space.
114116116301KareninaUm... That's actually not bad...2
116118118301TeddyUm, excuse me...1
117119119301???Just call me Rolmo... Captain Rolmo. Has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?
118120120301TeddyCaptain Rolmo... How long will it take for this ship to arrive at Babylonia?1
119121121301RolmoWell... I'm not so sure. Maybe it will take a day, or 8 hours, or 10 minutes.
120122122301His bizarre estimate makes Karenina and Teddy even more confused.
121123123301KareninaHey, Teddy, why do I find his voice a little familiar...?2
123125125301RImgBg1ShakeA sudden turbulence interrupts Karenina. It does not feel like the ship has hit a meteorite or space debris...
124126126301TeddyDid something happen?1
125127127301RolmoOops, haha. Don't worry, we are just under attack by Babylonia's space fighters.
128130130301KareninaWhat?! Why is Babylonia attacking us?2
129131131301RolmoDidn't take long for them to find out that I jacked the ship...
131133133301KareninaWhat?! Did you jack the ship..? ****! Who the heck are you?!2
132134134301Karenina searches her memories and finally recalls this annoying voice she heard in the past.
133135135301RolmoSigh, you invited yourselves to my ship and still dare to be picky. That's why I don't like humans.
134136136301The pilot who calls himself Rolmo lets out a sigh, but soon changes into a cheerful tone.
135137137301RolmoAlrighty, dear passengers, our trip is coming to an end. I wish you a pleasant and safe journey. Time to say goodbye. Ciao!