
11 KiB

655301DialogEnableAfter the admin and logistics departments had their food supply cut off, it's the medical department's turn.
766301After finishing their last meal, all medical staff gather to the edge of the base. There is an exit that goes directly to the outer sea.
877301It's raining outside. The sky is dark and gloomy, just like the future that mankind is about to face.
988301The researchers stand in rain, holding umbrellas. In front of the team is Lustrous, as well as Lamia, who has already walked into water.
1099301AniZhuanchangBeginThe only light on the water comes from the outer buildings of Atlantis in the distance. It looks like wavering fireflies.
121111301AniZhuanchangEndLustrousLamia, you have proven your value.
131212301LustrousWe have decided to send you into the outer sea.
141313301LustrousYour duty is to collect data, and come back to notify us if—although quite unlikely—the Punishing disaster has ended and peace is restored to the world.
151414301LamiaWill do.
161515301LustrousThat's all. Do you have anything to say?
171616301What to say? To whom?
181717301Lamia is confused.
191818301LustrousLooks like you don't. What about you?
201919301She turns back and looks at the medical department.
212020301The medical director takes one step forward.
222121301Medical DirectorThere's nothing else we can do for you. You can go, Lamia.
232222301AniZhuanchangBeginLamia takes a good look at everybody. Behind them is the sky-scraping, metal-gray Atlantis. Its top has almost merged with the dark clouds in the sky.
272626301AniZhuanchangEndShe leaps into the sea.
282727301She makes a big splash, creating ripples on the surface.
292828301Lamia disappears in the vision before the water settles down. She has left without a moment's hesitation—Atlantis is definitely not a place that she wants to stay.
302929301Moments later.
3231313011Medical DirectorHa, ha.1
333232301Lustrous glances at him.
3635353011LustrousWhat are you laughing about?2
373636301Medical DirectorNothing. I just thought of a story in the Bible.1
383737301Medical DirectorWhen the waters of the Great Flood finally subsided, Noah sent a dove, who later returned with an olive branch. He then knew the ground was dry enough.1
393838301Medical DirectorWe just sent out our dove.1
414040301LustrousI'm afraid she won't find the olive branch, and we won't survive till the flood is over.2
424141301Medical DirectorAt least we gave her a purpose.1
444444301Medical DirectorNot necessarily. A purpose is better than none.1
454545301LustrousYou have been taking care of that child.2
464646301Medical DirectorNot really taking care. I just kept her healthy.1
474747301LustrousWhy? I didn't give that duty to you or anyone else.2
484848301Medical DirectorI don't know either. I just couldn't watch her die.1
494949301LustrousIs that why you prepared the operation for her?2
505050301Medical DirectorNot entirely. Can I ask why you decided to save her in the first place?1
515151301LustrousBecause she's a human.2
525252301Medical DirectorIt's probably the same reason for me.1
535353301LustrousThat child isn't smart. In fact, she is quite dull.2
545454301Medical DirectorRight. She is slow in reaction and very emotional. I see no outstanding potential in her.1
555555301LustrousAnd very weak. She can't even help in physical duties. It must be exhausting to take care of such an incapable little thing.2
565656301Medical DirectorNot really. To be honest, she is so incapable that she can't even create real troubles.1
575757301LustrousShe once stormed my office and shouted at me, because I didn't let her take away a photo of her mother.2
585858301Medical DirectorDid she? But isn't that a normal reaction from a child that misses her mother?1
596161301LustrousShe does have something we lack.2
606262301Medical DirectorWhat is it?1
626464301Medical DirectorThat isn't good.1
636666301Medical DirectorI once felt that she reminded me of something. Something that I gave up long ago before entering Atlantis.1
646767301LustrousIt's strange, isn't it? She was foolish, gutless, hesitant, even stubborn... But we could never give up on her completely and just watch her die.2
656868301Medical DirectorMost people are like that.1
666969301LustrousWhich is why the world outside Atlantis has gone to destruction.2
677070301Medical DirectorBut we are working here to save the future of those people.1
687272301The Medical Director laughs bitterly.
697373301Medical DirectorI know I can't hide it from you.1
707474301LustrousThe only purpose of that surgery was to make sure she could survive in a world wrecked by the Punishing Virus. There was no other way to save her. She must go out there and survive on her own. It's up to her how far she can get.2
717575301Medical DirectorSounds like you never expected her to come back and tell us the water is gone.1
727676301LustrousOf course. Even if the Punishing disaster ends one day, we won't live to see it.2
737777301Medical DirectorHaha, maybe you still can. We don't have much time left.1
747878301Lustrous turns around and looks at her colleague.
757979301He stares back with a calm and prepared look.
768080301LustrousI'm going back to work. Is there anything else you want to say?2
778181301The medical director gazes at the gloomy sky outside the corridor. There seems to be a little moonlight shining through the far horizon, giving the sky a barely visible silver lining.
788282301Medical DirectorMa'am, I am sorry. But I have to say this.1
798383301Medical DirectorHonestly, I am tired of this view. But I still wish I can live to see it one more time.1
808484301Medical DirectorWhen I watched that kid struggle in the water, I was thinking to myself, that it was a good thing to be alive.1
818585301Medical DirectorTo be alive means I can feel sorrow, pain and anger. I can give my best for tomorrow.1
828686301Medical DirectorRationally, I am already prepared. I know this is the best solution and there is no other choice.1
838787301Medical DirectorBut... just like that kid, I don't want to die.1
859090301Lustrous has not talked.
9095953011AniZhuanchangBeginShe stands on the shore and remains silent for a long time. Finally, she lets out a slight sigh that melts in the wind of the Atlantic.