
18 KiB

544301DialogEnable1LivNgh... I acted without thinking. Commandant... Are you okay?1
655301The pink force field around Liv barely manages to leave space to maneuver around in the pitch-black ruins.
766301LivSeems like I had a flashback while unconscious... Guess I'll have no choice but to confront my demons.1
877301LivEven faced with someone such as me, the commandant has continued to respect me for who I am...1
121111301LivThat's... the commandant's pistol!1
131212301AniZhuanchangBeginLivAre they still in danger?1
171616301AniZhuanchangEnd1Liv props herself up again and slowly pushes outward, causing the darkness to gradually turn to light. The oppressive ruins around her begin to give way, exposing the familiar architecture before her.
181717301Liv charges in the direction of the gunshot to discover 【kuroname】 pointing a gun at Vanessa.
191818301After 【kuroname】 shoots, Lee follows in turn by drawing his guns and pointing them at Teasell and Bambinata. The two opposing Constructs raise their weapons and point them at the Gray Ravens. Lucia steps in front of 【kuroname】 and Lee with her blade drawn.
2120203011VanessaWhat a remarkable first gift you gave me.1
232222301Vanessa wipes the blood off her cheek.
252424301VanessaAttacking a superior? You won't be getting out of this that easily, 【kuroname】.1
262525302I won't let you continue to insult my comrades and our soldiers so easily either.26
272626301VanessaSoldiers? Do you think dolls that resemble humans are worthy of being called soldiers?1
282727301VanessaThey're nothing more than toys and tools to serve humanity's bidding.1
292828301VanessaAre you so naive as to think everyone who has chosen to become a Construct really wishes to save the Earth?1
302929301VanessaAs a commandant, you should know that Babylonia has given us preferential treatment when it comes to resources.1
313030301DialogDisableVanessaFollow my orders until the end of the war, and I can assure you as many Constructs as you need. Bored of your toys? Are your toys broken? Replace them as you see fit.1
323131302They're not toys to be played with.32
333232302They have they own thoughts. They can make their own decisions.33
343333302Liv is the reason why the three of us stand here today.35
414040301AniZhuanchangBegin1VanessaHmm? Guess you're not dead. How disappointing... Seeing you this filthy is appalling.2
454444301AniZhuanchangEndJust as Vanessa is about to continue ridiculing Liv, she takes Lucia's blade and cuts off her long hair.
464545301LivVanessa, this is the artificial hair you picked for me.
474646301LivI have obeyed your orders because I'm bound to my duty as a soldier. But that doesn't mean everything will go according to your plan.
484747301LivI understand that your ruthlessness is a necessity for achieving victory in this war.
494848301LivBut this kind of victory does not exist in my ideal future.
504949301DialogDisableLivEveryone deserves to be respected.
515050302Lee, who never speaks his mind.51
525151302Lucia, who's determined yet fragile.52
535252302Liv, who cares too much for others.53
545353301DialogEnableLivEven Teasell and Bambinata... Everyone we encounter.
555454301LivThey are all living individuals with their own will, not toys for your disposal.
565555301LivThe magnitude of standing on the front line makes it difficult to breathe.
575656301LivBut feelings in my heart fill me with excitement.
585757301LivLong ago, I first stepped foot on the battlefield as a medic in the Star of Life.
595858301LivI had grown numb after so much time on the battlefield. I had even forgotten what it felt like to be excited...
605959301LivBut now that I'm a Gray Raven, I can finally help my comrades and heal the wounded when I step foot on the battlefield.
616060301LivI am Liv, a soldier of Babylonia—not the lifeless doll you speak of.
626161301LivWe're four versus three now that I'm here. Looks like the scales have started to tip in our favor.
636262301LivStand down, Vanessa. I'm sure you'd know the outcome anyway if you just thought about it.
646363301VanessaYou guys...
656464301LivCommandant, let them leave.
666565302(Open fire)66(Lower weapon)71
71707072301You point your gun away from Vanessa and fire into the sky. The gunshot echoes throughout the cityscape.
727171301You lower your pistol away from Vanessa and look at the others. A long silence fills the streets.
747373302It's over, Vanessa.75
767575301Vanessa stands there and ponders for a few moments, then takes Teasell and Bambinata down the street, disappearing around the corner.
777676301AniZhuanchangBeginAfter confirming that the Egret team had left, Liv relaxes her clenched hands. Her long white hair flutters away in the hot wind on the battlefield.
818080301AniZhuanchangEndLee ignites the flare, signaling that the area has been cleared. After cleaning his weapon, he begins to think about how to improve his frame's resistance to EMP interference.
828181301Each unit releases their signal flares, indicating that their areas have all been cleared and that this large-scale operation is drawing to end.
838282301You let out an involuntary sigh, and your increased heart rate from the conflict finally returns to normal.
8584843011You feel someone gently touch your hands—it's Liv. She lowers her head and begins to tend to your wounds that had re-opened from firing your weapon.
868585301Without saying a word, she bandages your cleaned wounds one after another.
878686302Thank you.87Isn't it wrapped a bit too thick...?89
919090301LivSorry, Commandant...1
929191301Liv shows a familiar look of guilt. Unlike before, this time, she looks into your eyes and her gaze turns serious.
949393301LivI... went against the Chief Commander and caused you to get wrapped up in unnecessary conflict.1
959494301LivMy sincerest apologies.1
969595301LivBut, I don't regret what I just did. I had to tell Vanessa and my former teammates about my will as a soldier and member of the Gray Ravens.1
979696301LivBecause this is the most precious thing I have received after meeting you.1
989797301LivYou all have made me face what I've been running away from all this time.1
1009999301LivBut from what I know about Vanessa, my behavior... is bound to have a negative impact on the Gray Ravens.1
101100100301DialogDisableLivAfter going back, I will submit a departure application to the commanding superiors. I won't let my personal behavior bring trouble to the Gray Ravens...1
103102102302I won't agree to that.103
104103103301DialogEnableDialogDisableLivHuh? But I...1
105104104302Together we are the Gray Ravens.105
106105105302Whatever happens, we face it together.106
107106106302Also, you weren't the only one who offended her just now. I did, too.107
110109109301DialogEnable1LeeI always took you for someone who was a pushover. I wasn't expecting you to stand up to her like that.2
111110110302Who do you think I am...111After all, I AM your commandant.112
112111111116301Lee...Well, you're not a bad person.2
113112112301LeeHmph, and a peculiar one at that.2
114113113302That's right.114Is there a problem?115
115114114116301Lee's hand stops for a second from calibrating his weapons, then he turns his back to you.
117116116301LeeThis mission sure has taught us how to act more like a team. Our effectiveness has also improved remarkably.2
118117117301LeeI think the current team configuration is... satisfactory. Acclimating to a new member would be troublesome.2
119118118301LuciaIndeed. Liv, you are without a doubt an outstanding addition to the team.3
121120119301LuciaAlso, I... want to keep fighting by your side. This isn't out of combat necessity. I just want to...3
123122120301LuciaEach of us is an indispensable feather necessary for Gray Raven to soar undeterred by opposing forces.3
124123121302That's right.122
125124122301Sunlight penetrates the thick clouds and dense smoke with mottled rays of light that descend upon the desolated streets. In the dazzling glow, Liv's hair shines with even more radiance.
126125123302Liv, your new hair looks great.124
127126124301DialogDisableLivOh? R-really...?1
129128126302Let's take a group photo to mark the occasion!127
130129127301DialogEnableBefore the dust had even settled on the battlefield, you suddenly speak without thinking.
131130128301LivGroup photo..?1
133132129301LuciaMark the occasion?3
134133130301LeeWhy would you want to do that?2
135134131302This is the first time that the Gray Ravens have successfully completed such a large-scale operation.132
136135132302Today is a memorable day for us.133
137136133301You say this while attempting to activate the camera module on your exoskeleton. But to your dismay, one of the previous explosions seems to have blasted a hole where the camera should've been.
138137134302...135Just our lucky day...135
140139136301LeeYou should've said the module was broken earlier.2
141140137301Lee throws a device to you.
142141138301LeeI removed this from a recon bot. It can't be focused manually, and can only take video.2
143142139301LeeAnyway... At least it can capture the moment. If you want to grab any screenshots from it, you can do that later.2
145144141301Looking at the other two, Lucia nods gently.
147146142301AniZhuanchangBeginLuciaJust do what the commandant says.3
151150146301AniZhuanchangEndAfter confirming that the equipment is operating normally, you step back to find the most appropriate distance.
152151147301You lift your hands and make a square to frame your cherished companions in the shot.
154153149301Noticing that Liv appears uneasy, Lucia scoots closer to her, grabs her hand and smiles at her comfortingly.
155154150301Lucia's sudden closeness causes Liv to blush slightly, but her tense shoulders relax.
158158154301Oddly enough, none of them are very good at expressing their feelings. However, they have already begun to detect each other's thoughts just based on their actions.
159159155301They could all convey their hearts without uttering a word.
160160156301As the disputes in the factory area dissipate, the Gray Ravens' first large-scale operation finally comes to a temporary end.
161161157301Prior to receiving further orders, a gust of wind passes through the city ruins. Although it fails to disperse the smoke over the battlefield, it also brought a moment of peace to the Gray Ravens.
162162158301Although they had won the battle, the war is still underway. More battles, perilous danger and difficult choices await the Gray Ravens.
163163159301However, the Gray Ravens will face the coming adversity together.
164164160301—Lucia, Liv, Lee, and their commandant.
165165161301AniZhuanchangBeginThe electronic photo frame on the table in the lounge finally has a suitable picture.
169169165301AniZhuanchangEnd1VanessaSo... the Constructs of the Gray Ravens are willing to go this far to protect 【kuroname】.1
170170166301VanessaCould my method really... No, my method is the most efficient way to use Constructs.1
171171167301VanessaBambinata, what are your thoughts?1
174174170301VanessaSilence. Clearly I don't have my wits about me if I'm asking a toy for advice.1
1751751713011AniZhuanchangBeginVanessaHehe... 【kuroname】, I'll make you regret your decision today sooner or later.1