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433301DialogEnable1CamuWhy... why...?1
544301After they flee the city, Camu stalks off away from the other survivors under the moonlight.
655301He tears off his shirt, revealing his battle-hardened body—or should he call it his serum-ravaged body?
777301CamuI don't feel a thing...
888301Camu tries to touch the abnormal parts, but no matter what he does, he feels nothing and gets no reaction.
999301That part of his body can no longer be salvaged. Camu knows that, one day, he will end up like his dead squadmate...
101010301CamuAn antibody experiment, huh? Serum.. mixed with the Punishing Virus?
111212301That must be why the guards at the gate kept their distance from him, and why he was never allowed to enter the cities.
121313301And why the body of his companions had to be preserved carefully and returned to Kurono.
131414301——Because their squad had all been injected with the Punishing Virus.
141616301They're trying to destroy all evidence that this experiment had happened by burying Camu's squad in eternal darkness.
151717301CamuWhat the ****? ****!
161818301Camu already knew that, as low-level squads, they would never be treated well. They might even be deployed somewhere dangerous where they could easily die.
171919301But he sure did not expect to become a test subject—a failed one, at that. One that would eventually become a Corrupted and die.
222424301AniZhuanchangEnd1Soldier ACamu! We thought you were captured by the Kurono guys.1
232525301The other survivors appear and interrupt him from his thoughts. They have all patched each other up and have came before Camu for further orders.
2527273011CamuWhat are you guys doing with the luggage?3
262828301Soldier AFleeing, of course. We've still got some supplies. We should be able to survive if we find the right place.1
272929301Soldier BToo bad we don't have our van anymore. If we go somewhere Kurono can't find us, we'll have to face lots of Corrupted...2
283030301Soldier ABut with the Corrupted, at least we can choose whether to fight or flee. If the opponent is Kurono... well, do you think we can survive a bombing like that a second time?1
293131301CamuSo is fleeing your only option? Don't you want revenge?3
303232301Soldier ASo... what do YOU want to do?1
313333301CamuI want to get my revenge on Kurono. They have a base around here, right?3
323434301CamuRally all survivors, attack the stronghold, and destroy them all!3
333535301Soldier BThat won't work. We'd basically be walking to our graves. And even if it works, they'll send others after us...2
343636301CamuThen we'll destroy the next base. And the next.3
353737301Soldier BHuh?2
363838301CamuSurely you must have noticed that the serum's mixed with something else! And the abnormal changes in your body!3
373939301CamuEven if we don't get killed on the way, we'll die from the painful side effects of the serum, just like the others.3
384040301CamuBy fleeing, you're simply prolonging your suffering before you eventually die. I'm not doing that.3
394141301CamuI'm not someone who'd just shut up and bear it when I'm betrayed. If I have to die either way...3
404242301CamuI'll show them the true meaning of fear.3
414343301Soldier AWhat—1
434545301The others stare, mouth agape, as a crazed expression begins to overtake Camu. But when Camu pulls out the greatsword he had stuck in the ground and steps forward...
4446463011AniZhuanchangBeginThey all follow.