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555302Should I feel honored?6
777301With the dull thud of the door, the Kowloong's vault is opened for the first time in a long time. Every inch of the chamber is filled with treasures collected from all over the world.
888302Ayla would freak if she found out...9
1010103011QuOf course, compared with the records of your unsightly WGAA, everything lying here is a shining example of human existence. This makes it the greatest witness of the human era.1
111111301QuHuman beings may only be a flash in the pan, but the fruits of their labor will turn into fossils and remain unforgotten.1
121212301QuI know everything here. If you are interested, you can ask me about their stories if you so choose.1
131313302(Ask about a stone door covered in carvings)14(Ask about a sallow wine botte)20
141414301QuThis is the stone door to the tomb of an ancient general. It's carved with every battle he fought. Artisans even carved the mane of every warhorse in fine detail.1
151515301PanelActor1ShakeQuInsolent fool! I've never allowed anyone to approach me like that!1
161616302I'm just trying to get a closer look...17
171717301QuForget it. But next time... I recall an exquisite pattern on the gallows you might be interested in having a closer look at.1
181818302...Forget about it.19
19191928301QuLooks like that about wraps it up here. On to the next place.1
202020301QuDid you know? Brewing alcohol predates historical records. Humanity invented it even before iron.1
212121301QuThis wine in my hand here is more than a thousand years old. It's no longer drinkable, but it still carries a strong aroma.1
222222302(Sniff) I don't smell anything?23
232323301QuHow can that be...? Has it lost its aroma?1
242424302I only smell jasmine.25
252525301QuThat's most likely my perfume... It must have overpowered the wine's scent. It's a shame you can't smell the aroma from a thousand years ago.1
262626302I don't think I'm really missing out on much...27
272727301AniZhuanchangBeginQuLooks like that about wraps it up here. On to the next place.1
313131301AniZhuanchangEnd1QuThis is a collection of relatively modern cultural relics. There may be some things you've seen before.1
333333301In the spotlight, one item seems out of place compared to the other treasures among the collection.
343434302What's this doll...?35
3636363011QuThis was given by an ordinary girl from Kowloong...1
373738301Qu gently picks up the seemingly ordinary mechanical doll. You can now see that it is a peacock. She strokes the grooves on the doll and reminisces about in memories of the past.
383840301QuShe wanted to see the world outside Kowloong. Her dreams came true, but her story ended in tragedy.1
393941302Was she a friend of yours?42
404042301QuNo... I have no need for friends. Besides, she offered nothing of value as a friend.1
414143302Friends don't need to be of value.44
424244301QuEverything has value—much like these treasure. These are all priceless artifacts worthy of being passed down for all of eternity.1
434345302So, what's with the doll?46
444446301Qu clenches her fist around the doll, but quickly releases her grip in fear of damaging it.
464648302This has no material value...49
484850302Nor artistic value...51
505052302This is just an ordinary person's hopes and joys.53
525254302You treasure it because...55
535355301QuPresumptuous fool! I command you... Shut up!1
545456302This proves that you really do see the value of humanity deep within your heart.57
5555573011Just as you plan on continuing with your explanation, a bionic peacock suddenly flies at you, squawking and pecking at your head.
585860302Is this your pet? Make it stop...1000
606061301Qu merely just grins and shows no intention of stopping it.1
616162301QuKeep going, Huiyu! Peck harder! Make this insolent fool pay!1
626263302Hey! Ouch!64
646465301HuiyuKaw! Kaw—!!
6666673011QuThat's all for today. It seems that you are still a long way from becoming a qualified partner... Especially, when it comes to showing me respect.1
6767683021AniZhuanchangBeginOuch, okay! Now get this bird outta here!