
18 KiB

433301DialogEnableThe sun sets, and the CPF hums in the silent night. As the reconstruction effort progresses steadily and with the resources gradually arriving, the residents of the conservation area no longer sleep in fear.
544301It is a full moon tonight. With the sky looking brighter than usual, the children are allowed to play outside for a little longer while those who have finished their work gather in small groups around simple campfires.
655301Before you realize it, you are surrounded by children, their blinking and twinkling eyes widening as you tell your heroic tales in the Task Force.
766301Not all your stories are suitable for them, however. They have seen enough cruelty even at their age.
9883011KellyWhat happens aftterward? Can Karenina defeat the monster if it's so powerful?1
1211113011SupervisorWhat are you guys talking about? It sounds fun. Mind if I join you?1
131212301The supervisor arrives with a pot of cold stew, sitting next to the children.
141313302Just telling them stories.14
1817173011JonathanLee can hit an auto turret of the Corrupted from 800 miles away! Twice!1
191818301Jonathan jumps up, spinning the small plastic pistol in his hand before blowing at the tip of the barrel.
201919301KellyLucia's sword dance can freeze a room!2
212020301Kelly makes a convincing stance with her wooden sword. You recall the supervisor telling you that she has been practicing combat techniques ever since she was rescued.
222121301BurtonLiv can fly and control eight Levi-Guns at the same time!3
232222301The children relate the stories of Gray Raven to the supervisor, each one adding their flourishes. The supervisor chuckles as the stories go on, his tiredness swept away from the warmth by this campfire.
262525302That wasn't what I said!26They're exaggerating.27
27262628301You cannot help but be impressed by the children's creativity...
282727301Especially the part where Liv performed a suplex on a Musashi IX.
292828301Still, you are giggling like the rest of the people by the fire.
3130303011WrightAnd! And! Bossma'am can make beautiful fireworks with her cannon!1
323131302That is true.32
333232301WrightGo with us, Commandant! We'll ask Bossma'am to show us when she's free!1
353434301Wright dances around in his seat with his drone in his arms. That is when you notice that someone has painted an angry rabbit on the small machine.
363535301You immediately think of the raging expression of a certain individual and how her rabbit-ear-shaped Inver-Devices flip over.
373636302It does look quite similar...37
383737301???Similar to what?
393838302To Karen...39
414040301Even her angry screams sound like... Wait a minute.
4342423011You quickly turn around to find Karenina standing behind you with a look as furious as the little rabbit on the drone.
4544443011JonathanKarenina is here!1
464545302Nothing. Nah-ah.46
4847473011You promptly deny any wrongdoings on your part. Fortunately, she does not look angry anymore, only tilting her head in confusion.1
494848301The engineer behind her, however, is chuckling quietly. Noticing your gaze, he pretends to cough before giving you a huge thumbs-up.
515050301KareninaBaffling... Whatever!1
525151301KareninaThe supervisor said you were looking for me?1
535252302Yeah, I was waiting for you.53
545353302There's somewhere I want to take you.54
5655553011WrightWhere is it? I want to go too! I want to...1
575656301Wright springs up energetically, only to be held back by the supervisor before he can finish speaking.
5958583011EngineerDon't be a third wheel on their date, you little punk.1
636363302That's not what it is...64I suppose you can call it that.66
65656567301You were hoping to explain yourself, worrying that she would get upset, but Karenina looks even angrier right now...
666666301Her expression does not change, but her Inver-Devices stand up in a snap.
686868301KareninaJeez! Move! Start walking!1
696969301Going for broke, Karenina grabs your hand and heads out. Without the light from the fire, you can only see the slight hint of red that frames her ears.
727272301Without turning around, Karenina keeps walking straight with your hand in hers.
737373302We're heading the wrong way. It should be that direction...74
777777301AniZhuanchangBeginKareninaTell me sooner next time!1
818181301AniZhuanchangEndYou lead Karenina to the fairground, stopping before the Ferris wheel.
8383833011KareninaWhy did you take me here?1
848484302Hold on. Stay here.85
868686301You head to the control room and make one final safety check before initiating the power system of the Ferris wheel step by step.
878787301You have rehearsed it with the engineer once already, but you cannot help but feel nervous right now.
888888302(Push the button)89
919191301Karenina hears the familiar sound of giant machinery running and finds herself bathed in light.
929292301The sleeping Ferris wheel begins to spin. Kaleidoscopic neon lights brighten the night sky, illuminating the desolate fairground.
939393301A breeze gently caresses Karenina's face. She finds herself inside a fairy tale.
9595953011KareninaD-did you do this?1
969696302AniZhuanchangBeginWith some professional help.97
104104104301AniZhuanchangEnd1EngineerI see... Fixing the Ferris wheel...1
105105105302Is it possible?106
106106106301EngineerHmm... Captain was right. Machines of this scale often come with their own power system.1
107107107301EngineerThat Ferris wheel is in pretty good condition. Pretty sturdy too. Shouldn't be too difficult to make it run again.1
108108108302Can you show me how?109
110110110301EngineerLet's give Captain a surprise!1
111111111302I'm sorry to bother you when you're all so busy...112
112112112301EngineerThat's alright. This isn't anything complicated.1
113113113301EngineerNot to mention that Captain has completed several reconstruction plans all by herself... We're actually quite free at the moment.1
114114114301The engineer scratches his head and grins, shamefaced.
121121121301AniZhuanchangEndStanding before a cabin of the Ferris wheel, you extend your hand toward Karenina.
122122122302Will you be its first passenger?123
1241241243011KareninaSince you asked... I'll begrudgingly agree!1
125125125301AniZhuanchangBeginDespite what she says, Karenina looks far from reluctant. Instead, she quickly pushes you inside the cabin before jumping in herself.
131131131301AniZhuanchangEndYour passenger car slowly rises, and your view gradually expands.
132132132301The conservation area turns into small blocks, the horizon in the distance fading in and out. You might be used to seeing the surface in a bird's eye view, but this slow and calming climb is giving you new perspectives.
133133133301As if, for a brief moment, this small corner of the world is free from dangers and worries.
1351351353011KareninaWhy did you want to fix the Ferris wheel?1
136136136302I wanted to show you this.137
137137137301You point to the horizon.
138138138301Repaired street lamps and reconstruction sites pave the space between the conservation area and the CPF... Warm lights shine where people are, twinkling like stars, forming an unbreakable net, connecting and extending.
139139139302The lights.140
141141141302There are more of them now, aren't there?142
142142142301Staring at the stars underneath her, Karenina understands what you are trying to say.
143143143301KareninaGrandpa once told me that cities in the Golden Age shone even at night. They were so bright that you could see them from space.1
144144144301KareninaBut the earth I saw on Babylonia after I became a Construct has always been shrouded in darkness...1
145145145302But that's changing now.146
146146146301Your cabin stops briefly as it reaches the top of the Ferris wheel, and the whole city lays bare before you. Karenina places her hands on the fence and looks into the distance.
148148148301KareninaHey! Look at that!1
149149149301KareninaOnce that highway is fixed, we can transport supplies between those three nodes.1
150150150301KareninaConservation area 073 has a sizable farm. The temporary hospital here is almost complete. The power station to the west has started working.1
152152152301KareninaPeople can be self-sufficient by exchanging resources between the different nodes.1
153153153301KareninaThe dots connect into lines... and the lines form planes. As if passing a torch from one to another, they will soon light up this world again.1
154154154301She holds out her hand as though she wants to grasp the lights below. Karenina grins, her eyes glistening with pride.
155155155301KareninaBut... I won't be satisfied!1
156156156301KareninaOne day, we will retake our home and put a light on every corner of every city! The Engineering Force will not stop fighting! Not now, not ever!1
157157157301Karenina lets out her grand visions, her eyes radiating with a fire more fierce than any flame.
159159159301KareninaW-why are you looking at me like that?!1
160160160302I think you're cool.161I think you're adorable.161
161161161301KareninaHmph... Did you just notice it now? Better late than never, I suppose.1
162162162301KareninaI'll do even better in the future, so watch carefully!1
163163163302I won't just watch.164
164164164302I'll do my best too.165
167167167301Blushing redness spreads from her cheeks, all the more apparent under the bright moonlight. Karenina seems to want to say something, but she just lowers her head in the end.
171172172301AniZhuanchangEndYour passenger car soon reaches the ground once again. In the distance, a few children are dragging the engineer and the supervisor toward here. You reckon they have seen the Ferris wheel and all its lights turning on.
1731741743011KareninaWay too fast...1
176177177301KareninaThe Ferris wheel! It spins way too fast! What fun is there if it ends so quickly?1
178179179301KareninaI still haven't... Aaargh! I'm going to calibrate it tomorrow! You're coming with me!1
181182182301KareninaGo back and get some rest. We've got a lot to do tomorrow! You're not going to slow us down by napping at work!1
183184184301Karenina jumps out of the cabin, waving at you spiritedly.
1841851853011AniZhuanchangBeginAnd you step forward.