
203 lines
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Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25]
1 1 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory199.png
2 2 401 1 208
3 3 201 1 500026
4 4 301 DialogEnable 1 Lee So your gun is not rusty, huh? 1
5 5 301 Lee takes over the small robot and puts it in his toolbox.
6 6 302 My marksmanship is as good as it ever is. 7 I learned it from the best, Lee. 8
7 7 10 301 Lee ... 1
8 8 204 1 6
9 9 301 Lee Shut up. 1
10 10 201 1 500166 2
11 11 301 1 Lucia We still have some work left to do. How about you go out for another walk? 1
12 12 201 1 1031001 1
13 13 301 1 Liv No. I think it's best that I stay here and help. 1
14 14 302 Well, there isn't any other place for us to go anyway. 15
15 15 201 1 500166 2
16 16 301 1 Lucia Alright. Area E3 is still waiting for you to plant something. Do you want to head there? 1
17 17 302 Sure. 18
18 18 201 1 1031001 1
19 19 301 AniZhuanchangBegin 1 Liv Yes. Let's go. 1
20 20 202 1 1
21 21 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory187.png
22 22 401 2 885
23 23 301 AniZhuanchangEnd Driving a transport vehicle, you deliver the seedlings to Area E3. The soil here has been plowed by gardener robots.
24 24 302 Let's get to work. 25
25 25 201 1 1031001 1
26 26 301 1 Liv Alright. 1
27 27 202 1 1
28 28 401 2 655
29 29 301 You open the hatch of the transport vehicle and activate it. Then, the gardener robots start planting the seedlings as they are programmed.
30 30 301 AniZhuanchangBegin It's just like Lucia said. This isn't much of a job, really. You just have to wait here and make sure nothing goes wrong.
31 31 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory527.png
32 32 301 AniZhuanchangEnd You watch the robots work and wait for 2 hours. The sun is already setting. Having nothing better to do, the two of you start chatting.
33 33 201 1 1031001 1
34 34 301 1 Liv The soil of this garden still has the roots of some plants left in it. 1
35 35 302 I think wild plans used to grow here. 36
36 36 301 Liv Yes. Plants are resilient. During those years when things just started to get better, wild plants had already been growing in most ruins. 1
37 37 301 Liv For those who visit the amusement park for fun, these plants aren't exactly beautiful... And it can take time and effort to take care of them. 1
38 38 301 Liv That's why someone has to re-plant them... 1
39 39 301 The girl looks at the crowd in the distance with a peaceful smile on her face. Those people seem to be having a lot of fun.
40 40 301 Liv Do you feel bored doing such a tedious job? 1
41 41 302 It's fine. 42 I don't mind so long as we are together. 42
42 42 301 Liv Right... 1
43 43 204 1
44 44 301 Liv Do you remember? Things weren't like this in the first place. 1
45 45 302 I can barely remember that. 46
46 46 301 Liv Had things gone the other way, you and Lucia would've been sent to a place far away to clear out potential threats. Lee would be assigned to a school to teach math. And I would take up duties at a hospital. 1
47 47 301 Liv ...Perhaps that's how things were supposed to go. 1
48 48 301 Liv But you insisted that... Gray Raven must stick together even if we would have different tasks to do. 1
49 49 301 Liv So, after we went through the first few unforgiving years, we got back together. 1
50 50 301 Liv But there is a price to be paid. We have to relocate according to how the rebuilding process is going. And each time we will be assigned different duties. 1
51 51 302 Relocate to where? 52
52 52 301 Liv To another place that still needs to be rebuilt. 1
53 53 302 After all, our job is to help people rebuild... 54
54 54 302 I guess that's just how things are. 55
55 55 204 1 1
56 56 301 Liv Actually, I don't feel bad about that. Quite the contrary, it makes me happy. 1
57 57 302 You like relocating? 58
58 58 301 Liv No, that's not it... I just like it when I see a city or a town rebuilt and restored. 1
59 59 202 1 1
60 60 301 The girl holds out her hands and makes a gesture that looks like a picture frame.
61 61 201 1 1031001 1
62 62 301 1 Liv I like it when ruins are restored to buildings and a no man's land turns into a bustling place. 1
63 63 301 Liv I hope we can help people rebuild more places... 1
64 64 302 What if one day all the rebuilding is done? 65
65 65 301 Liv I'm sure some people will need my help even when that day comes. 1
66 66 302 What do you want to do, Liv, except helping people?
67 67 204 1 3
68 68 301 Liv Me...? 1
69 69 302 Yes, not what others want, but what you want. 70
70 70 301 Liv ...What I want... 1
71 71 301 Liv ... 1
72 72 204 1 1
73 73 301 Liv I already have what I want. 1
74 74 302 Is that so? 75
75 75 301 Liv You and Gray Raven have made me feel belonged. 1
76 76 301 Liv And together, we welcomed peace in our time. 1
77 77 301 Liv I'm very happy to live in a world without the threat of the Punishing Virus. I can't ask for more. This is exactly what I want. 1
78 78 301 She looks determined, her eyes as clear as shiny gems.
79 79 301 Liv So long as we can maintain this peace, I'll be happy. 1
80 80 302 That's good. 81 That makes two of us. 81
81 81 301 Liv Well... I hope my wish isn't too much to ask from you and the others. 1
82 82 401 2 1501
83 83 301 Suddenly, a gardener robot in the distance starts sounding its alarm.
84 84 204 1 7
85 85 301 Liv ...! 1
86 86 302 AniZhuanchangBegin We should check it out. 87
87 87 202 1 1
88 88 301 AniZhuanchangEnd You run to the gardener robot and realize there is a wounded white bird lying in a hole where a seedling was supposed to be planted.
89 89 301 Its wings are injured. Upon seeing people, the bird gets scared and starts struggling.
90 90 301 Without saying a word, Liv gently holds up the bird and quickly examines it.
91 91 201 1 1031001 19
92 92 301 1 Liv Its wings are broken. 1
93 93 302 And it has a ring on its foot. 94
94 94 301 Liv Well, yes... I believe this bird belongs to someone. A domestic bird can't survive in the wild. 1
95 95 301 Liv May I try and heal it? 1
96 96 302 Of course. 97
97 97 301 Liv Okay. I'm going to use the infirmary. 1
98 98 302 I'm coming with you. 99 I'll stay here to get the job done. 103
99 99 204 1
100 100 301 Liv But we still have work to do here... 1
101 101 302 It's almost done anyway. 102 We can leave it to the gardener robots. 102
102 102 105 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Liv Well... Okay, then. 1
103 103 204 1
104 104 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Liv Alright. I'll be right back. 1
105 105 202 1 1
106 106 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory203.png
107 107 301 AniZhuanchangEnd It is already nighttime when it is time to leave the infirmary.
108 108 301 Friends and colleagues who have finished their work are returning from their posts and gathering at the entrance of the amusement park.
109 109 201 1 1031001
110 110 301 1 Liv The broadcast operator told me she would help us get the word out. When the bird's owner hears it, they will contact us. 1
111 111 204 1 19
112 112 301 Liv But she also told me not to get my hopes up because there have been people releasing domestic birds. They mean well, but there are consequences of what they do. 1
113 113 301 Saddened, Liv looks at the bird resting in the box.
114 114 302 Shall we keep it for now? 115
115 115 204 1 7
116 116 301 Liv Can we do that? 1
117 117 302 Of course. 118
118 118 204 1 1
119 119 301 Liv Thanks...! 1
120 120 202 1 1
121 121 301 She happily nods at you and gently puts the box on the floor, fearing her movement will startle the bird.
122 122 201 1 1031001 1
123 123 301 1 Liv Where are Lucia and Lee? 1
124 124 302 They're on their way here. 125
125 125 301 She looks into your eyes and nods again.
126 126 204 1
127 127 301 Liv But... 1
128 128 302 What's troubling you? 129
129 129 301 Liv ...You didn't get much chance to relax today either... 1
130 130 302 I'm fine. 131
131 131 204 1 19
132 132 301 Liv ... 1
133 133 301 She doesn't buy that.
134 134 302 Is there something you are not telling me? 135
135 135 301 Liv Well... Nothing gets past you... 【kuroname】. 1
136 136 302 Tell me, then. 137
137 137 301 Liv ...Actually, I... I also think it's too good to be true, so I am worried that... 1
138 138 301 Liv Is the disaster really over? Am I really... not in a dream anymore? 1
139 139 302 ... 140
140 140 301 When you woke up from the long-lasting nightmare, you too felt like everything was too good to be true.
141 141 301 All this peace and happiness feel so good that they are like bubbles in a dream.
142 142 301 And so you can't help but think...
143 143 301 Liv I'm afraid those bubbles will pop and the dream will be shattered in the very next moment. 1
144 144 301 You cannot deny that theory. And you are struggling to find words to calm her because you too had the same doubt before.
145 145 301 Liv ...【kuroname】, do you think we will... 1
146 146 202 1 1
147 147 401 2 10007502
148 148 301 RImgBg1Shake Before she can finish her sentence, blinding light suddenly appears nearby!
149 149 201 1 1031001 7
150 150 301 1 Liv Watch out, Commandant! 1
151 151 302 Liv! 152
152 152 202 1 1
153 153 301 You quickly grab Liv by her arm and duck. But to your surprise, she is doing exactly the same thing as you make a move.
154 154 301 Hands protecting your heads, the two of you get down and take a defensive stance. However, you don't feel the pain that you were expecting.
155 155 302 AniZhuanchangBegin ... 156
156 156 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory206.png
157 157 301 AniZhuanchangEnd You remove your hands from your heads and look in the direction where the explosion sound came from...
158 158 301 You see fireworks lighting up the night sky.
159 159 201 1 1031001
160 160 301 1 Liv ... 1
161 161 302 ... 162
162 162 301 Liv ...Well, this isn't the first time I see fireworks, but still... 1
163 163 302 Perhaps it's because... we weren't expecting there would be fireworks. 164
164 164 202 1 1
165 165 301 Feeling relieved, the two of you sit on the beach. But the bird in the box doesn't know there are just some fireworks, and now it is struggling to break free in the dark.
166 166 302 We are just like this little bird. 167
167 167 201 1 1031001
168 168 301 1 Liv A startled bird...? 1
169 169 302 ... 170
170 170 301 Just as what Lucia said, many veteran soldiers have to wrestle with their PTSD for the rest of their lives.
171 171 302 But I remember you said that... 172
172 172 302 "The nightmare is over." 173
173 173 204 1 1
174 174 301 Liv Yeah... The nightmare is over. It's peacetime from now on. 1
175 175 302 Liv. 176
176 176 301 Liv Yes. I'm right here. 1
177 177 302 There's nothing to worry about anymore. 178 There's... sand on your nose. 179
178 178 188 301 Liv Yeah! With you around, I won't be worried anymore. 1
179 179 204 1 7
180 180 301 Liv Huh? 1
181 181 202 1 1
182 182 301 Feeling nervous, she wipes her face with her hands, but there's sand all over her sleeves and hands, so she ends up making a bigger mess.
183 183 302 Let me help you.
184 184 201 1 1031001 6
185 185 301 1 Liv Well... Okay. 1
186 186 202 1 1
187 187 189 301 The girl puts down her hands and gets closer to you so you can help her wipe away the sand and dust on her face.
188 188 202 1 1
189 189 201 1 500166 -450
190 190 201 2 500026 450
191 191 301 1 Lucia Commandant! Why are you sitting here at the beach? 1
192 192 301 Lee It's time to go home. 2
193 193 202 1 2 1
194 194 301 In the firework light, you can see Lucia and Lee walking toward you.
195 195 201 1 1031001
196 196 301 1 Liv Let's go back. The bird will get more scared if we stay here. 1
197 197 302 ...Alright. 198
198 198 202 1
199 199 301 As the others leave, you look up into the night sky one last time to enjoy the fireworks and embrace this peaceful moment. It feels more realistic this time.
200 200 301 ...Yeah.
201 201 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin ...The nightmare is over...