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544301DialogEnable1LivCommandant, I've already logged and updated today's agenda. Please follow it strictly as scheduled.1
655302U-understood.6Did something happen, Liv?7
7668301LivYou don't have to repeat yourself, Commandant.1
877301LivDid something happen? What a weird question, Commandant.1
988301LivI'll be waiting for you at the entrance then. Please come over once you're ready.1
1110103011LeeAnother packed day, Commandant?1
121111302So very packed...12Does Liv hate me?13
13121214301LeeThis is inhumanely intensive...1
141313301LeeYou'll have to ask her yourself.1
1716163011LuciaLiv does seem quite different recently, especially when it comes to her personality... Did it begin when she changed to the Lux frame?2
181717301LeeSwitching frames doesn't alter our personality, though. You know that, Lucia.1
191818301LuciaWhich is why I'm as perplexed as the commandant regarding why Liv is acting the way she is now.2
201919302She feels like how Lucia used to be.20Can't be puberty, can it?22
212020301LuciaHow I used to be?2
22212124301LeeThe way you were meticulous and diligent, I suppose. And maybe a little inapproachable.1
232222301LeePuberty? What do you think we are? Kids?1
242323301LeeI don't think we'll go through that kind of mental transition.1
2726263011LivCommandant, I've been waiting outside the base for ten minutes. It's time for the mission to begin.1
282727301LivI thought you must have received an urgent mission.1
292828301LivAs much as I agree with the importance of communicating with your teammates, I don't think it's worth delaying a mission.1
302929301LivYou can understand, can't you?1
313030302I understand...31Liv, there's something I want to discuss with you.31
3332323011LuciaCommandant, let's just go on the mission with Liv for now.1
3433333011AniZhuanchangBeginLuciaWe'll pay more attention to her behavior in the process. I'm sure we'll find out why she's changed.1