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433301DialogEnableThe disc-shaped elevator descends slowly, finally bringing the you all to a larger disc.
544301After the four of you jump onto the disc, the elevator descends straight down to the desert below.
655301—But is it really a desert?
766301At such a height, none of you are able to discern its surface—whether it is covered with fine sand or coarse gravel.
877301But if you could magnify the image with an optical device, you would find that the dunes are made of crumbled buildings and debris.
988301Moreover, the constant collision and friction between the concrete blocks have broken them down into smaller fragments.
1099301Once the fragments are fine enough, they seem to disappear altogether—as if sinking to the depths below.
111212301Regardless, Embla—or what appears to be Embla—kneels before a massive figure on the giant disc.
1315153011Embla?I am.1
141616301???...Your speech pattern has deviated from your defaults.
151717301Embla?...I. Have been in contact. With outside beings.1
161818301???Outside beings... I see.
182424301Embla?I. Will be... Destroyed?1
202626301The massive figure speaks as it raises the polearm in its hand—
2329293011LuciaGot it!1
253131301Although slightly hesitant about your orders, Lucia immediately rushes forward—
283434301—And she smashes the weapon out of the figure's hand, sending it flying off to the side.
293535301As Lucia attacks, Liv and Lee work together to drag the kneeling Embla off to the side.
303636301???What are you?
313737302Stop taking the words out of my mouth.38
324343302Sorry, that is not for you to decide.44Embla isn't a defect.45
33444446301MachiavelliYou have no right to decide, even if there is a Sapien among you.
3547473011LuciaLooks like it's refusing to talk this out.1
374949301MachiavelliI do not need to talk with the likes of you.
3956563011LeeWell, I guess there's no point in wasting our breath.1
4158583011LuciaIf we don't stop it here, Embla will be destroyed and become a part of the city...1
425959301MachiavelliIndeed. The rules of Father warrant no exception.
436060301LuciaCommandant, we'll count on your commands.1
4562623011AniZhuanchangBeginLuciaDefeating Machiavelli is the only way Embla... and we will survive.1