
200 lines
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Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25]
1 1 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory54.jpg
2 2 401 1 73
3 3 301 DialogEnable The fading light turns into a white snowfield.
4 4 301 The scars and pain that were previously held at bay by her dream attack your senses the moment you arrive here.
5 5 301 The six M.I.N.D. shards you were holding in your arms also drop on the snowy ground, whispering how this journey has been hasty but arduous.
6 6 301 The person who believed the nightmare was over has come right back into another nightmare.
7 7 301 The snow is knee-deep. You struggle to trudge forward. The pain and fatigue are wearing you down. You can fall at any time if you are not careful.
8 8 301 Her last M.I.N.D. shard is right here.
9 9 301 According to Liv in the dream, this memory is about "death."
10 10 301 But memory might not be the most accurate word to describe this because it is the future she saw via Ascension-Network.
11 11 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryWhiteNew.prefab 2
12 12 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory16.jpg
13 13 301 Before entering the corrupted M.I.N.D., you saw footage of her in combat in that church operation.
14 14 301 After the chaotic memories and death, she used the algorithm of Ascension-Network to see the future.
15 15 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryWhiteNew.prefab 2
16 17 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory54.jpg
17 18 301 Though it remains to be seen if such an algorithm is accurate, the memories it brings Liv have turned into this place where there is nothing but snow as far as your eyes can see.
18 19 302 Where are you? 20
19 20 301 The snow doesn't answer or show you the way.
20 21 302 ...Liv. 22
21 22 301 The snowstorm lifts up a heavy cloud, putting a heavy burden on the lost seeker. Whenever you shake off the snow on your shoulders, your body grows even stiffer because of the cold.
22 23 302 I must go on... 24
23 24 201 200 1 1031001 19
24 25 202 1
25 26 301 1 Liv Sorry, Commandant. All I ever brought you is pain. 1
26 27 301 While your mind is drifting, you see Liv's phantom appear by your side. Is this an illusion because you miss her so much, or is it the M.I.N.D. shards in your arms guiding you?
27 28 302 You don't have to apologize, Liv. 29
28 29 302 We are in this together. And we'll take on the challenges of this apocalyptic world together.
29 30 302 You are carrying too much on your shoulders. 31
30 31 302 You don't have to walk alone anymore. 34
31 32 201 200 1 1031001 19
32 33 202 1
33 34 301 1 Liv I just... don't want to be a burden to others... 1
34 35 302 You were never a burden. 36
35 36 302 Everyone has their weaknesses. 37
36 37 302 That's why we must have each other's back. 38
37 38 201 200 1 1031001 19
38 39 202 1
39 40 301 1 Liv You don't feel like I'm a burden, Commandant? 1
40 41 302 Most of my scars bring memories of you. 42
41 42 302 You saved me, Liv. 43
42 43 302 And now it's time for me to return the favor.
43 44 201 200 1 1031001 19
44 45 202 1
45 46 301 1 Liv ...Thank you... 1
46 47 302 No. Thank you. 48
47 48 302 I will return to reality and express my gratitude in person. 49
48 49 302 Now, tell me. Where are you? 50
49 50 301 AniZhuanchangBegin The girl's phantom points to the east where the sun shines before vanishing into the snow.
50 51 302 Just give me a bit more time, Liv. 52
51 52 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory103.png
52 53 301 AniZhuanchangEnd Following in the direction she pointed for you, you walk and walk until the midnight sun is buried under the horizon.
53 54 301 Without the guidance of sunlight, the seeker is once again lost in the dark.
54 55 201 200 1 500049
55 56 202 1
56 57 301 1 Liv Are you lost? 1
57 58 301 Her phantom appears to greet you.
58 59 302 You bet. 60
59 60 201 200 1 500049
60 61 202 1
61 62 301 1 Liv Where are you going? 1
62 63 302 To find the future you. 64
63 64 201 200 1 500049
64 65 202 1
65 66 301 1 Liv What does my future self look like? 1
66 67 302 She is kind and friendly. 68 She is powerful and reliable. 68
67 68 201 200 1 500049
68 69 202 1
69 70 301 1 Liv Really? 1
70 71 302 Of course. 72
71 72 201 200 1 500049
72 73 202 1
73 74 301 Liv Then... why does this place bring me sadness? 1
74 75 301 Liv This is my future, but why do I feel... overwhelming, suffocating sadness? 1
75 76 302 ... 77
76 77 201 200 1 500049
77 78 202 1
78 79 301 1 Liv Is that really the future I hope for? 1
79 80 302 I'm sorry. I do not know the answer to that. 81
80 81 302 But if I ever get the chance, I'll ask the future you myself. 82
81 82 201 200 1 500049
82 83 202 1
83 84 301 1 Liv Okay...! 1
84 85 302 Now, tell me. Where are you? 86
85 86 201 200 1 500049
86 87 202 1
87 88 301 1 Liv Over there. 1
88 89 301 She points at where Polaris is.
89 90 201 200 1 500049
90 91 202 1
91 92 301 1 Liv Don't forget to ask my future self. 1
92 93 302 Yes. I promise you. 94
93 94 301 AniZhuanchangBegin The phantom waves you goodbye and vanishes into the night.
94 95 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory105.png
95 96 301 AniZhuanchangEnd When the polar night is done, the person who's been through an arduous journey arrives at the end of the snowfield.
96 97 301 Just like the first dream, you see nothing but snow that extends beyond the horizon. The cold wind blows.
97 98 302 ... 99
98 99 301 Have you ever thought perhaps the reality you are living is just a dream and your dream is the reality?
99 100 301 The same questions come to your mind. Except for this time, you have an answer.
100 101 302 The dream of peace will one day be real. 102
101 102 301 ...Even if you can't live long enough to see that day?
102 103 302 So long as someone else can, yes. 104
103 104 301 So long as peacetime will eventually arrive, her dream will come true. Our dream will come true.
104 105 302 That is my answer. 106
105 106 302 And that is our answer too. 107
106 107 301 With this unwavering faith, the person bearing scars stands tall at their final destination.
107 108 301 The day is dark. You search that corpse dressed in a military protective suit... and find the name tag with the name "Gray Raven Commandant 【kuroname】" on it.
108 109 301 The heroic story ends here.
109 110 302 But my companions are still here. 111
110 111 301 ...That's right.
111 112 301 Shadows of the past and the future intertwine at this very moment. In this desolate snowfield, the girl finally appears before you.
112 113 301 She kneels next to the pale corpse and lets out a heartbreaking cry.
113 114 201 1 1031001 16
114 115 301 1 Liv ...Commandant... 1
115 116 301 Liv 【kuroname】...! 1
116 117 301 Liv I'm sorry I'm late... I'm sorry... I'm terribly sorry...! 1
117 118 301 The sorrowful girl is overwhelmed and tearful.
118 119 301 Liv Please don't go... Don't leave us... Please! 1
119 120 202 1 1
120 121 301 The snowstorm is unforgiving as the cold wind freezes her streams of tears.
121 122 301 Like an ice sculpture, the girl has become one with this boundless snowfield.
122 123 302 ...Liv... 124 (Hug Liv) 124
123 124 302 Don't cry... 125
124 125 302 I'm right here. I have never left. 126
125 126 302 Together, we will change this future. 127
126 127 302 Even if we fail, our wishes will come true. 128
127 128 301 ...And when that day comes, people parted by death shall reunite once more.
128 129 201 1 1031001 16
129 130 301 Liv ...Commandant...
130 131 202 1 1
131 132 301 The phantom from the future hears your call as you from the past take her into your arms.
132 133 302 I found you, Liv. 134
133 134 302 Let's go back. 135
134 135 302 Go back to the present where we belong. 137
135 136 201 1 500400 1
136 137 301 1 Liv Okay...! 1
137 138 301 The snowfield turns into white light. Every M.I.N.D. shard comes together at the chest until a complete M.I.N.D. is formed.
138 139 301 Liv Let's... go back. 1
139 140 401 1 36
140 141 202 1 1
141 142 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryZhengyanNew.prefab 2
142 143 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory463.jpg
143 144 301 The white view starts to sink into the depth of this dream. You struggle to open your eyes and find yourself in a cold white laboratory.
144 145 401 1 79
145 146 302 Cough... 147
146 147 201 1 500166 5 -450
147 148 201 2 500026 450
148 149 301 1 Lucia ...Commandant! 1
149 150 301 Lee ... 2
150 151 302 I'm fine... It's okay... 152
151 152 202 1 2 1
152 153 201 1 500404 -450
153 154 201 2 500004 450
154 155 301 1 Hippocrates 【kuroname】 is awake. The Mind Beacon corruption is controllable. 1
155 156 301 Hippocrates What about Liv? Everything going well? 1
156 157 301 Asimov I am trying to simulate and repair her M.I.N.D. 2
157 158 301 Hippocrates What's this...? I can't believe this. 【kuroname】 found a M.I.N.D. shard that we didn't manage to find. 1
158 159 301 Asimov It was hidden too deep. 2
159 160 301 Asimov ... 2
160 161 202 1 2 1
161 162 301 With his brows furrowed, he concentrates on the various kinds of equipment before him.
162 163 302 Liv... 164
163 164 301 The girl lies on a maintenance table, sleeping soundly in silence.
164 165 301 You drag yourself to her side and gently take her hand ridden with scars into your own.
165 166 302 ...Come back... 167
166 167 301 Liv ...
167 168 301 Liv ...
168 169 301 Liv ... (Moans)
169 170 302 Liv...!
170 171 201 1 500404 -450
171 172 201 2 500004 450
172 173 301 1 Hippocrates She is waking up. How goes the simulated repair? 1
173 174 301 Asimov Looking good. But it is too dangerous to repair her Empyrea frame. I'm heading to the 2nd maintenance deck to change her frame. 2
174 175 301 Hippocrates Alright. We'll head there and get prepared. Bring Liv and meet us there when you are ready. 1
175 176 302 Alright. 177
176 177 202 1 2 1
177 178 401 2 1516
178 179 301 The two hustle, taking the terminals and equipment with them before leaving the laboratory in a hurry.
179 180 301 Liv ...Commandant...
180 181 301 She can't see very clearly yet, but the girl is calling and looking for you.
181 182 302 I'm right here... 183
182 183 301 Liv Yes... I'm back...
183 184 302 Welcome back, Liv. 185
184 185 301 Liv Did I... make you worried?
185 186 302 ...Yeah... 187
186 187 302 But no apologizing this time. 188
187 188 301 Liv ...Hmm...
188 189 302 Don't apologize just because I'm worried for you. 190
189 190 302 Such concerns are proof of the bond we share. 191
190 191 302 No matter what challenges lie ahead, 192
191 192 302 we will face them together. 193
192 193 301 Liv I believe that...
193 194 301 Liv ...I have always... believed that...
194 195 301 She tightens her grip on your warm hands.
195 196 301 Even if one day the reunited people will inevitably be parted by death,
196 197 301 the girl has returned to this broken world with determination and no regrets.
197 198 301 This isn't just for that distant, beautiful dream...
198 199 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin It is also to hold the hands... of the most important person in her life.