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544301DialogEnable1AsimovOh, you're here... I'll leave this week's test to you.1
666301AsimovDon't know why he's all worked up about it, but getting to continue development on a worthwhile system is a-okay with me.1
777301AsimovThe test this time will primarily evaluate Constructs not used in the previous missions. Pay attention to the reminders before completing the missions.1
888302Alright, got it.9
999301AsimovWell then, you know the drill. Put on your headset just like last time... I'm not sure what's wrong with the AI prompt, but the voice is getting more and more garbled. Pay no mind, though...1
121212301Once the system starts, you find your headset blasting you with the noise of static, but you can still make out the feminine electronic voice.
131313301-AI-Pardon me... Are you the user from last week?
141414302Huh? Uh, yes.15
151515301-AI-I see! Accessing data for Commandant 【kuroname】—Complete.
161616301-AI-Construct data upload—complete.
171717301-AI-Tactical framework simulation generation—complete.