
30 KiB

433301DialogEnableWinter. The first encounter between Bella and the 17-year-old Noan—
544301Noan has witnessed the conflicts within Asslam slowly come to a boiling point during the years he has served on the Cargo Crew, a festering wound that tests the boundaries of the people and the law.
655301To stand a chance against the guards from the upper level, Rachel has finally found several weapon suppliers who are willing to work with her after a long period of searching and hard work.
766301Still, there are many desperate people in the lower level who are willing to snitch on them like Bancroft did.
877301The Cargo Crew has to hide the weapons they have procured in different cargos, sending them all across the world with their trucks to keep their plan safe.
988301They will have to wait for the right time before retrieving the weapons.
141313301DialogEnable1NoanHi! Captain Rachel told me to come here and collect the remaining Blessing Boxes. Is Mr. Bethe here?1
1716163011???My grandfather went to sleep after finishing his work. You're from the Cargo Crew? Where's Rachel?2
181717301NoanShe's busy with something else, so she asked me to come this time.1
201919301???I've heard Rachel's distrustful of the people around her. I wasn't expecting it to be so bad that she's making a child captain.2
212020301She gauges Noan's height with her hand.
232222301NoanHave you considered that I might be a genius prodigy?1
242323301Noan no longer feels bothered the way he did when he was younger when he hears someone challenge him. He changes the topic with a smile.
262525301NoanIf Mr. Bethe isn't here, maybe you can help me with the supplies instead?1
292929301???The weapon parts and ammo have all been dispersed among the unsold Blessing Boxes according to Rachel's specifications.2
303030301???Will they stay hidden?2
323232301NoanThe guards are used to seeing these boxes. They'll open the containers to inspect the other packages, but they're too lazy to open the Blessing Boxes one by one to check what's inside.1
333333301Every time Rachel purchases a new order of weaponry, she disguises them as unsold Blessing Boxes and hides them in different refugee bases.
343535301???As long as you guys know what you're doing.2
353737301NoanThey're selling much worse than they used to. No one's making them anymore on the train. This is the last batch remaining.1
363838301NoanWhat about the other items we're selling here?1
373939301???They're almost out, including your moonshine. Here's the list. You'll find our fee on it.2
384040301NoanThanks. And the thing we mentioned last time...1
394141301???My grandfather said no. The way he put it, you'll only drag him into your fight if he joins you. You'll be asking for supplies or refuge or something else... he'll never hear the end of it.2
404242301???Further involvement will only put this base at risk. Selling you guys weapons is as far as we go.2
414343301Noan...Alright. I understand.1
424444301???Get on with your work. The bees are also done with rebuilding the base last night, so take them with you.2
434545301The woman looks toward where Bumblebee is, sighing with anguish and disgust.2
444646301AniZhuanchangBegin???...They're also a mess, that lot.2
474949301DialogEnableNoan and Cargo Crew 08 walk toward where Bumblebee is resting and find the upper-level guards that usually oversee the operations here are nowhere to be found.
485050301The Bumblebee members all look exhausted and sad, their heads lowered.
495151301Blood splatters on the ground near them, telling the same story once again.
5254543011Noan...They did this?1
535555301Bumblebee Member 1Who else? Someone couldn't finish the crazy amount of work, so they were going to deduct our pay.2
545656301Bumblebee Member 1Our captain was pissed, so he started fighting with the guards.2
5759593011Cargo Crew 08 Member 1Couldn't finish your work again?1
6062623011Bumblebee CaptainFinish my ***!2
616363301Shouting angrily with his hoarse voice, the Bumblebee captain stands up, his hand covering his injury.
6467673011Bumblebee Member 2The CPF always fails a few months before we come here to rebuild. We're gonna die if we arrive early, and if we arrive late—who's going to let us arrive late?1
677171301Bumblebee CaptainThey're both subcontracting the work they took and getting commissions from them. They don't care how much work there is!2
687272301Bumblebee CaptainSo many folks on the train could use a meal, but they wouldn't bring extra hands, so they wouldn't have the extra mouths to feed.2
697373301Bumblebee CaptainI was complaining about the lack of work for all the hungry folks on the train four years ago, but it's worse now. Those who stayed are starving, and those who came out here are worked to death!2
707474301Bumblebee CaptainTime was short, and we had to crunch—two weeks ago, the CPF at the reconstruction site broke down in the middle of the night. We were all working underground, so no one noticed it when the signal light turned red.2
7581813011Bumblebee Member 3They're like that every time! Good luck finding them to confirm anything on time!1
768282301Bumblebee Member 4Unless they're here to fine us! Suddenly they'll have a detailed list of every little mistake we've made! Some of the things they're charging us don't even make sense!2
778383301Bumblebee Member 5We thought there'd still be something left when all's said and done, but no! One guy didn't fill his quota, and now they're not paying any one of us!3
788585301Bumblebee Member 5With what they're fining us, we somehow have to pay them back.3
818989301Bumblebee CaptainCan you stand that?2
829090301Bumblebee Member 3How is it different from murdering us themselves if they stop the CPF and the water filter?1
839191301Bumblebee CaptainSo we started punching!2
8795953011Cargo Crew 08 Member 2Could you beat them?1
889696301Bumblebee CaptainThey might be armed, but we got the number. Still... some of us inevitably got hurt...2
9199993011NoanWhere are the guards?1
951031033011Bumblebee CaptainGone. They weren't going to throw their lives away.1
96104104301Bumblebee Member 5We should've followed him and crushed his head with our hammers!2
97105105301Bumblebee CaptainDidn't you see him opening his terminal? They wouldn't just indict us if we kept fighting! What would happen when we go back?1
1001081083011NoanHow many are hurt?1
1031111113011Bumblebee CaptainSix... Seven, counting him.2
106114114301Noan quickly walks further inside and finds six people lying on makeshift wooden beds. The ones slightly hurt are dressing their injuries with dirty rags, while others are surrounding the two that were heavily wounded.
107115115301One of them is unconscious with a gun wound in the stomach right on the liver. The other one is still awake, luckily, with a few broken ribs.
1091171173011Cargo Crew 08 Member 2Is there anything they won't do?!1
1121201203011NoanHelp them first. There should still be some meds in the supplies we're bringing back.2
1151231233011Cargo Crew 08 Member 3Those are our wares. How are we going to explain to the guards if we're short? We're going to get punished too.1
117125125301Noan...I'll cover the loss.2
118126126301Cargo Crew 08 Member 3Do you have a lot of supplies with you? These people don't have anything to give you in return. The most valuable thing they have is their lives.1
119127127301Cargo Crew 08 Member 3Listen, Four-Eyes—not that I don't want to save them. It's just...1
121129129301Noan...I know.2
122130130301Being part of the Cargo Crew used to be an enviable position for the Bumblebee. With the more established structure, Cargo Crew members can just make a living underneath a leader who cares about them.
123131131301But, like the Bumblebee, the Cargo Crew can hardly look out for themselves nowadays, not to mention other people.
124132132301NoanHelp the heavily wounded first. Supplies are scarce, but they've also helped us in the past.2
125133133301Cargo Crew 08 Member 3No way we can save the one shot in the gut!1
126134134301NoanThen we have five we can save.2
127135135301Cargo Crew 08 Member 3But...!1
130139139301Cargo Crew 08 Member 3...You're right. Let's go.1
132141141301The Cargo Crew members gesture to each other before running toward the warehouse where the wares are.
1351441443011Bumblebee CaptainThanks.1
136145145301NoanYou said seven. Where's the other one?2
137146146301Bumblebee CaptainYou mean ol' Ed? He didn't make it...1
138147147301Bumblebee CaptainHe was the one who couldn't finish the job. Those ******* guards... Ed was old and sick, and they still chose him to work out here!1
139148148301Noan...Where is he?2
140149149301The Bumblebee captain points at the ruins to the west, his expression livid.
143152152301Bumblebee CaptainYou don't want to go there. He died from an infection.1
144153153301Bumblebee CaptainNoan? Hey!1
1461551553011Cargo Crew 08 Member 2Let him go. Sigh... Ol' Ed took care of him when he was young. He was the one who helped Noan see Julie one last time before she died.2
147156156301Bumblebee CaptainTch. Don't blame me if he's infected!1
149158158301RImgBg1ShakeWith no way to express his anger, the captain's fist hits the wall with a dull thud. As its echo fades, everyone hears a woman's heartbreaking cry coming from behind.
150159159301AniZhuanchangBeginThe person with the gun wound is no longer in pain. Surrounded by his friends and companions, he has left this cold, uncaring world behind.
153162162301DialogEnableBy the time the Bumblebee has finished burying their dead and boarded the trucks with their belongings and grief, Noan is met with another bad news.
1551641643011Noan...What's wrong?1
156165165301The Cargo Crew member in charge of inspecting the wares is standing next to a pile of collapsed crates, staring at the blood flowing out from underneath in panic.
1591681683011Cargo Crew 08 Member 7The upper-level guards were checking the goods and found a few Blessing Boxes too packed...2
163172172301Cargo Crew 08 Member 7I was going to distract them, but the crane in the warehouse suddenly moved and knocked down the crates on top.2
164173173301The Cargo Crew member points at the control panel in the distance, where a woman is sitting quietly with her head lowered. She is not looking at the bloody scene, nor does she look like she intends to leave her seat.
165174174301Cargo Crew 08 Member 7She is... the wife of the person who just passed. The one who got shot in the gut.2
1681771773011??? & Noan...12
1711801803011Cargo Crew 08 Member 6What should we do? That's three dead guards under those crates. How the hell are we going to explain it?1
172181181301NoanIt was an accident. Their deaths have nothing to do with the Blessing Boxes or any personal quarries. That's what we're going to say.2
173182182301Cargo Crew 08 Member 6Will the other guards believe us?1
1761851853011???I'll testify.1
177186186301???I'm also partially responsible. I should have packed the Blessing Boxes more carefully.1
178187187301NoanThank you, but this would have happened even if they hadn't discovered the boxes.2
179188188301He sighs, looking at the crying woman at the control panel.
180189189301AniZhuanchangBeginNoanPower secured by violence will one day be taken by violence.2
185194194301DialogEnable1???It's sorted?2
186195195301NoanYes. You'll find your payment inside warehouse A1. Thanks again. We've got to go.1
187196196301???Are you alright? You look like you're going to break down any second.2
188197197301NoanBreak down? Me?1
189198198301???Is there someone else here?2
191200200301Hearing her words, Noan finally notices the dull pain in his chest.
192201201301Noan...I'm fine. I'm just exhausted.1
193202202301???Is that all?2
194203203301???Your team told me that one of the dead bees was someone who took care of you since you were young.2
196205205301—How could that be all?
197206206301Even though he has seen his share of deaths, it is not something he can get used to.
2042132133011RachelWe're standing within a rushing riptide right now. Any careless mistake will bring the thousands of folks in the Cargo Crew down with us.1
205214214301RachelThere are too many people we have to save. The only way we can turn this around is by tackling the root of the problem.1
206215215301RachelYou're a captain and a core member of the Cargo Crew now, so every move you make will be monitored. Do not do anything on impulse—be patient! Act like a grown-up!1
2132222223011???Never mind. It's impressive that you're still functioning and doing your job as it is. Most can't get into the Cargo Crew at your age, not to mention become a captain.2
215224224301Noan...Thanks for your compliments.1
216225225301???Tch... Already smiling, are we? Are you mellow, or are you just cold-hearted?2
217226226301NoanNeither. I'm busy. I don't have time to be sad.1
218227227301???...I can kinda see why Rachel trusts you on a job this important.2
219228228301???There are still some things I'm curious about, but I'm not sure if it's my place to ask.2
220229229301NoanWhat is it?1
221230230301???I've been told that supplies are even more scarce on the train than in refugee bases like ours. How has Rachel managed to find so many things to trade?2
222231231301NoanNo idea. Rachel has her way, and she won't tell me.1
223232232301???How likely do you think you'll win?2
224233233301NoanNo idea. There's still a lot we aren't sure about and many we don't trust. Guessing now is a fool's errand.1
225234234301???That was the last batch of weapons. When are you going to act?2
226235235301NoanNo idea. That's up to Rachel.1
227236236301???You have no idea about anything, and you still carry on. Are you that eager to die?2
228237237301NoanNo. There's a reason Captain Rachel doesn't tell anyone any details.1
229238238301NoanThe aristocrats have known what we're up to for a while. Failing to find any evidence, all they can do is pressure us and keep searching. Should they get ahold of anything, the consequences will be dire.1
230239239301NoanIf you're curious, why don't you agree with Captain Rachel's proposal? Mr. Bethe and you are both merchants she's collaborated with secretly for a long time. Perhaps she'll make an exception and tell you her plan?1
231240240301NoanHaving a refugee base to support us continuously will give us something reliable to fall back on. You've already planned to cover for us, after all.1
232241241301???Grandfather said no, and that means no. You can owe me a favor for covering for you. It has nothing to do with my grandfather or the base.2
233242242301She looks down in silence briefly.
234243243301???Grandfather said you are destined to fail. You're all one step away from your graves.2
235244244301???Any instability at Akdilek will impact the bases greatly. If you all lose, our trades will also be affected.2
236245245301???Not to mention the elderly on the train, and the other kids like you...2
237246246301NoanBetter a corpse than a servant and an accomplice to those aristocrats.1
238247247301???...Is that something a kid your age gets to say?2
239248248301NoanThat's what everyone else says. I just take after them.1
240249249301???Speaking of which, everyone on your team is older than you. Do they listen to you?2
241250250301NoanThey don't have to. I only made captain because I got along with the people around me.1
242251251301NoanThey're not impressed with what I can do—they simply support and trust me as their comrade. I listen to them as often as they listen to me. We're all equal.1
243252252301???Equal...? I was expecting more arrogance from a kid like you! How old are you?2
244253253301Noan18 next summer.1
245254254301???And I thought you were no older than 14. I guess you're still waiting for your growth spurt... Well, do your best and live. You still owe me one.2
246255255301NoanThanks. I appreciate it.1
247256256301Nodding sincerely, Noan has no idea how he will come to regret his promise in the future.
248257257301NoanWhat's your name?1
249258258301BellaI'm Bella. Last name's Bethe, like my grandfather. Bella Bethe.2
251260260301NoanCool name. I guess I'll call you Bebe—1
256265265301Bella gives him a solid knock on his head before he can finish.
258267267301Bella BetheI guess Rachel didn't tell you not to call me that.2
260269269301NoanShe only ever talked about old Mr. Bethe, Miss Bethe.1
261270270301Bella BetheBethe is fine. I'm older than you but not old enough for honorifics.2
263272272301NoanAlright, Bethe.1
264273273301—That will be his first and last time to call Bella by that name.
265274274301Noan is prepared to make any sacrifices. He never expects to see her again.
267276276301NoanI'll see you around.1
270279279301With those words that even he himself finds improbable, Noan waves and turns around, leaving with a smile that he has put on so many times on occasions like this.
272281281301Bella Bethe...2
273282282301Bella only remembers that there was something she forgot to ask when Noan's figure disappeared from her sight.
2742832833011AniZhuanchangBeginBella Bethe...What's his name again?2