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655301DialogEnable1FieldThat's great, Noan!1
766301Hearing about what just happened, Field feels genuinely happy for Noan.
877301NoanWhat are you gonna do, though?2
988301FieldI'll just stay here. There are so many books I like here, and I have you coming by like this to tell me about your day, too.1
111010301FieldHey, why the long face? I consider myself lucky for being able to stay here to wait for things to get better.1
131212301FieldI mean, considering what my dad did...1
1817173011RachelYou mean Bancroft?1
191818301RachelHis boy has got nothing to do with it, but the man himself has definitely got some issues.1
201919301The man himself has definitely got some issues—these words punch him so hard in the belly he felt nauseous, because this is exactly how people described him and his mother just not too long ago.
222121301RachelI've been looking for arms dealers to work with, but he'd always find out about it every time I made a move.1
232222301NoanArms dealers, you said?2
242323301RachelRight. See, the weapons the Cargo Crew uses are things that the guys up there don't need anymore or are simply too old1
252424301RachelIt's a real pain in the butt fighting the Corrupted and bandits we come across on our missions with those weapons. Just try to imagine how we'd fare fighting the guys up there with them.1
262525301RachelThey're just going to keep coming back down here to screw us over if we don't have what it takes to stop them.1
272626301NoanIs that our only way out, though?2
282727301RachelYes, it is. The royal family is nothing but an empty shell now as it is, and the aristocrats that are still around have all sided with Ashlar. Trying to work things out peacefully with them is a waste of time because they don't give a damn about people's lives.1
292828301RachelAnd given how dire the situation is out there, we can't really ask any external forces to come and help us deal with ACA—in other words, we're on our own, and we need arms to fend for ourselves.1
302929301RachelNow... we need to hurry up because things are only going to work to our disadvantage if we let them drag on. About Bancroft, though...1
313030301RachelRight, the kid you saved before is his son, right?1
333232301RachelUgh... Never mind.1
343333301RachelI'm not going to ask you to stop hanging out with him, but I want you to keep your mouth zipped about what I tell you.1
353434301NoanRight, of course.2
363535301RachelI'll be away again for some time, and I want you to continue with your training while I'm away.1
373636301NoanYes, Captain!2
393838301Seeing her about to step out, Noan suddenly remembers a question he wanted to ask.
4443433011Noan...What do we need to do to get our hands on those weapons?1
454444301People are barely able to keep their heads above water now with the Punishing Virus wreaking havoc. How exactly are we supposed to get these weapons we need to fight the guards from above?
464545301Some of the factories and secondhand markets in the hidden alleys around the reservation areas might have such weapons, but how in the world does Rachel have the resources in exchange for all the weapons they need?
474646301Sitting beside his friends, Noan tries to get to the bottom of the riddle.
5352523011RachelHow, you asked? Haha, I've got extra pay here.1
585757301What Rachel said pops into his mind.
6059593011NoanExtra pay...?1
6564643011MomIt's true that I've crossed the line, but if what I did brings about a better tomorrow for the people, I'd gladly do it again and pay the price.1
717070301NoanI-is... this why?1
7675753011NoanAre you helping her, Mom?
777676301MomYes. I'm trying to help her... I don't always agree with the way she does things, but I have no right to question her, either.1
838282301The boy is starting to piece the puzzle together.
848383301Mom went down that path to help Rachel get the resources she needed to get those weapons.
858484301Noan...Isn't there another way out?1
868585301AniZhuanchangBeginWhy did they have to poison her if this is the truth? And... just how is Rachel supposed to get all the resources she needs with Julie now dead?
898888301AniZhuanchangEndTwo months later.
908989301Bancroft—Field's father—is finally back home from his mission. He's meeting up with Field and Noan.
9493933011???...I gave Barbra the chef from the Logistics Crew some resources hoping she'd look after Field when I wasn't around, but man...1
959494301NoanBarbra the chef?2
1011001003011???Yes, the one that's super close to Assad.
1071061063011???I see them together all the time, and my hunch is that they're getting married soon...1
108107107301???Seems like I was totally wrong about her. Anyhow, thank you for saving my son.1
109108108301NoanOf course.2
110109109301BancroftTotally forgot to introduce myself. I'm Bancroft, and we worked at a pharmaceutical factory around a reservation area before—until Corrupted assaulted the place and killed my wife...1
111110110301FieldI've already told him all that, Dad.3
112111111301BancroftYou did? Seems like you've found yourself a good buddy, son.1
116115115301NoanSir, is it true that you know Ashlar from the upper level?2
117116116301BancroftWell, I do know those that work for Ashlar, but our relationship is mostly business-oriented. When we left our reservation area, we brought him some semi-finished products from the dilapidated factory.1
118117117301NoanProbably a good idea to tell people that sooner than later. People down here don't exactly like those guys, so...2
119118118301BancroftRight, of course... Thank you.1
120119119301Bancroft looks away with a frown, seeming as though he was about to say more.
122121121301BancroftOh, hey. I mean, sure. I'll keep that in mind.1
123122122301NoanAnd please don't even lend them a hand.2
124123123301Worried, Noan recalls what Rachel said to him.
126125125301The man now seems a little flustered.
127126126301BancroftBy the way, can I ask you to take care of Field for just a few more days while I'm out on another delivery mission with Team 41?1
128127127301BancroftI'll come here to pick him up as soon as we find ourselves a permanent spot.1
130129129301NoanNo problem at all, sir. We're good friends.2
133132132301FieldEverything going well with your missions these days, Dad?3
135134134301Bancroft frowns again when Field brings up the subject.
136135135301FieldWhat's wrong, Dad?3
138137137301FieldYou've never been good at lying, Dad.3
139138138301FieldI probably can't help you physically, but I can still give you ideas. Kids have helped solve some of history's most difficult puzzles—remember you were the one that told me this?3
141140140301BancroftYou're right.1
142141141301BancroftWell, things don't look good these days. The cargo box we use for delivery is getting old, and it got a piece of it blown off when we got attacked the other night.1
143142142301BancroftWe realized we'd lost a bunch of goods when we were done cleaning up the Corrupted and checked on the cargo box.1
1491481483011MomIt's not the first time the Cargo Crew let things go missing.1
1561551553011These words suddenly pop into Noan's mind—words that his mother said to Rachel a long time ago.
157156156301BancroftI'm guessing it was some Scavenger on the verge of dying that did that, although I have no evidence to say so definitely.1
158157157301FieldDid you check the camcorder?3
159158158301BancroftNo, son, we don't have that. I heard they only carry a camcorder when they're delivering valuable goods.1
160159159301FieldIs it expensive to make one?3
161160160301BancroftI had the same thought actually, but people's theory is that we just won't bother trying to catch the perps anyways even if we have them on the camcorder, because they're mostly just homeless Scavengers.1
162161161301BancroftThe security rules here are a little different from the pharmaceutical factory's. It's safe most of the time there with the Constructs going through shifts guarding the place...1
166165165301BancroftHave you seen Barbra? I have some updates for her.1
167166166301NoanWait, but she's a chef, no?2
168167167301BancroftI know, but she's taken over Julie's place because Assad has apparently vowed for her competency, and part of what we do overlaps with her area of responsibility. I only address her as a chef because that's what everyone else still calls her.1
170169169301NoanShe's probably with Assad.2
171170170301BancroftI'll be right back, then.1
172171171301The man lowers down and starts checking up on Field.
173172172301BancroftHow you doin', big guy? Got a fever?1
174173173301FieldNo, but I've run out of the medicine.3
175174174301BancroftThat's fine. I'll go and exchange some for you. Let's go.1
177176176301FieldYup. Only the doctor up on the upper level has the medicine I need, so we need to go to him to trade in resources for my medicine.3
178177177301NoanDo you still have any resources left?2
179178178301BancroftOnly thing we have left is my mother's bracelet... We'll visit the doctor again in three months, and I'll have to save up enough resources by then.1
182181181301BancroftIt's okay, son. You're the only family I have left in the world and I can't afford to lose you.1
184183183301FieldWhen do you have to go?3
185184184301BancroftPretty soon. I have another mission to catch tonight.1
186185185301Bancroft holds Field up and waves at Noan.
187186186301BancroftThank you so much again. We'll see you around.1
188187187301FieldSee ya, Noan.3
189188188301AniZhuanchangBeginNoan...See ya.2
195194194301AniZhuanchangEnd1Cargo Captain NiinoYou probably want to stay away from that Field kid.1
196196196301Cargo Captain NiinoBancroft has screwed up quite a few times, and they're both troublemakers.1
197197197301NoanBecause he's lost goods?2
198198198301Cargo Captain NiinoNot just that. See, there is a lot more than meets the eye to the guy's connection with the guys up there.1
2012012013011Cargo Captain ShaunaHey, Niino. Glad you're here. Hurry up and help us untangle these yarns.3
202202202301Shauna throws a torn sweater over at Niino. She asks him to work together with Noan to remove the threads that are still fine, tie them, and ball them up.
203203203301Cargo Captain Niino...1
204204204301He was about to say something—but instead decided to swallow it and work away with Noan.
205205205301Cargo Captain NiinoThe guy is fishy with a capital F. See, we've got a few of our men busted already since he came.1
206206206301Cargo Captain NiinoThey said they'd found evidence of major wrongdoings committed by our guys—but guess who's the one that reported everything to those guys up there without saying a word to Rachel?1
207209209301Cargo Captain ShaunaLook over there.3
208210210301Down at the end of the car, a guard is dragging a civilian by the hair toward the Industrial Carriage—with another guard taking away all his resources.
209211211301Cargo Captain ShaunaPeople can do anything, so long as there are perks in it for them.3
212214214301Cargo Captain NiinoYo, dude. Hold your horses there and chill out.1
213215215301Scenes like this are commonplace now, but Noan can never pretend they don't bother him.
214216216301NoanCapt told me to not get involved.2
215217217301He lowers his head in frustration and carries on with work.
216218218301Cargo Captain NiinoGlad you kept your cool. The guy probably lost goods or messed up in the Industrial Carriage. Funny that they never busted him until now, though. The Bumblebees pretty much get paid for slacking off e'erday.1
2192212213011Cargo Member WeylandBetter hope the odds are ever in your favor, buddy.3
220222222301Hearing the discussion over here, Weyland turns this way with his bowl in hand.
221223223301Cargo Captain NiinoWhat? I'm damn clean.1
222224224301Cargo Member WeylandWow, says the guy who's got both his hands dirty with all the mud? Everything we're doing is breaking the rules! And don't even get me started on the shady things that a bunch of us is doing to keep our heads above water.3
223225225301Cargo Member WeylandAnd even if we ignore all that for discussion's sake, the guards pay the snitch a cut of the resources they confiscate.3
224226226301Cargo Member WeylandSo even if you're as damn clean as you say, people can still drag you through the mire when they get hungry.3
225227227301Cargo Captain Niino...1
2282302303011Cargo Captain ShaunaHey, I see you have an empty bowl there. Give us a hand here, will ya?1
229231231301Shauna tosses another torn sweater to Weyland.
2332352353011Cargo Member WeylandC'mon, I came over with the bowl exactly because I didn't want to get dragged into this.2
234236236301Weyland protests as he puts down his bowl and joins the ranks of Niino and Noan.
235237237301Cargo Captain NiinoWhat are these snitches after, though?1
236238238301Cargo Member WeylandProbably the perks they get to have right away. Why give a damn to some long-haul revolution when there are perks you get to enjoy right away, right?2
237239239301Cargo Member WeylandThere are tons of scums like Bancroft out there that are willing to do just about anything to save their own butts. I can't believe he's the kid's dad.2
238240240301Cargo Member WeylandI've seen the boy. Cute kid, pretty smart too, and he's almost as well-behaved as Four-Eyes.2
2462482483011Cargo Captain ShaunaHahaha, but we still need to give Noan some credit here! He's doing so much better now than when he just came.1
247249249301Shivering from laughing, Shauna slaps Noan on the shoulder.
248250250301Cargo Captain ShaunaPeople change, especially kids.1
249251251301Cargo Captain NiinoBirds of a feather flock together, eh?2
250252252301Cargo Member WeylandI gather the kid has been flocking a whole lot with you, then?3
251253253301Cargo Captain ShaunaWell, not a whole lot, but we do eat together on a regular basis.1
252254254301Cargo Captain ShaunaWhich isn't a bad thing, really. People broaden your world, right?1
253255255301Cargo Member WeylandWord. And where we were just now?3
254256256301Cargo Captain NiinoYou were just saying how Bancroft can do anything.2
255257257301Cargo Member WeylandRight. Dude has to snitch to survive because he's so at his wit's end.3
256258258301Cargo Member WeylandBut everyone is going down together if things down here stay the way they do.3
257259259301Cargo Member WeylandWhat exactly is to blame, though? The aristocrats? Human nature? Or this hellhole itself?3
258260260301Cargo Captain ShaunaA bit of each, I guess.1
259261261301Cargo Captain Niino...2
260262262301Cargo Captain NiinoBut going back to what I was saying, you want to stay away from Field, Noan. Bancroft is anything but kind.2
264266266301NoanBut that's what you all said about my mom and me.1
2662682683011Cargo Member Weyland...We're saying these things for your sake, son!1
2682702703011NoanFor... my sake?1
270272272301People only opened their arms to Noan because he'd stood up for Field.
271273273301And there is no way Noan is going to cut ties with Field to earn his place among these people.
273275275301NoanYou're trying to distance yourself from Field when you were just saying how he's different from his dad.1
2752772773011Cargo Captain NiinoWhy are you taking the kid's side, son?1
2772792793011NoanBecause he's my friend, and... I've been in his shoes.1
278280280301NoanIf you can't stop doubting and hating on someone that needs help, how are you going to prove yourself innocent when the table turns somewhere down the road?1
2802822823011Cargo Captain ShaunaWord. I'm blown away, kid. Seems like all the reading is doing wonders here.1
2822842843011Cargo Member WeylandC'mon, are you taking the kid's side, too?1
283285285301Cargo Member WeylandSee, Noan hangs around Rachel all the time now, and you just never know what Bancroft is gonna do if Noan gets screwed over somewhere down the road.1
284286286301Cargo Member WeylandY'all still remember what happened to Julie, yeah?1
2882902903011NoanWait, what...?1
289291291301Cargo Member WeylandLook, son. Just do as we say... if you don't want what happened to your mom to happen to you.2
291293293301NoanDo you know who killed her, Weyland?1
292294294301Cargo Member WeylandHuh?2
293295295301Noan does have his own theory about his mother's death—yet he's never had any information to check against his theory, and he never figured out the perp's motive.
294296296301NoanHow in the world...1
295297297301Cargo Member WeylandOh, silly me. I gotta get goin' now!2
2983003003011AniZhuanchangBeginSeemingly perturbed, Weyland puts the sweater down on the table halfway done and makes a run for it before anyone knows what just happened.