
1.6 KiB

436301DialogEnableNo more ship wreckage, splintered wood, or any useful item is washed up to the shore.
547301You try to calculate how far you've drifted and for how much time you have been drifting after you were carried away by the waves.
658301According to the information you have, after you lured away the evil dragon, the boat was unlikely to overturn. You can't seem to find any of the crew in the nearby area. Without a choice, you accept reality as it is and give up on the search for now.
769301Before soon, you come to terms with reality. What matters the most right now is survival. You need to find a way to leave this place. At the thought of those children happily running on the deck, you feel grateful.
8710301You recall the champion in that adventure story. All this is but an insignificant yet necessary part of that hero's legend.
98113011AniZhuanchangBeginNothing can't be conquered, let alone this vast universe. The trees are swaying, and the waves are lapping.