
40 KiB

433301DialogEnableWhat can I do now?
6553011Liv(Well... I need to keep treating the wounded.)1
766301What else can I do?
877301Liv(There are people who get injured every single day and supplies are scarce... If the source of the catastrophe is removed, all the problems will be solved, right?)1
988301On her way back to Conservation Area 046, Liv is reminded of the Omega Prototype.
1099301She hadn't paid much attention to it during the test because of the hasty procedure, but in retrospect, the power of the weapon is the key to saving the world.
111010301If we could test it again with adequate preparation, we would surely achieve better results, right?
121111301...But a weapon test is dangerous and may hurt people.
131212301With Cosette in her arms, Liv is hesitating for quite a while before she finally asks Lucia.
1615153011LivLucia, do you remember the Omega Prototype we tested before?1
171616301LuciaYes, I was thinking about that too. I remember it could absorb the Punishing Virus, something that had never happened before.2
181717301LivAbout that...1
191818301Liv tells Lucia what she thinks.
201919301LuciaApply for the testing program again?2
212020301She thinks about it for a moment.
222121301LuciaGood idea. The previous test was too hasty. If we're better prepared this time, we'll definitely get better results.2
232222301LuciaOnce we eliminate the Punishing Virus, we'll solve many other problems too.2
242323301LuciaYes, I remember the look on Lee's face when he saw the test data. I'm sure he wants to try again too.2
252424301LuciaOur top priority now is to find a way out of the predicament. We've got to be more proactive.2
272626301LivThat makes two of us.1
282727301LivCan I apply for it?1
292828301LuciaAre you sure?2
313030301Liv rarely offers to do that, but Lucia smiles and is not surprised at all.
323131301LuciaYou can't wait to get it done, right?2
333232301LivYes... Waiting and mourning can't change anything.1
353434301LuciaI've been thinking... Liv, you're really a strong girl. Unlike those who keep to themselves, you care about what you and other people feel.2
363535301LuciaEven if it's overwhelming for you sometimes, you can get over it and pull yourself together very soon.2
403939301LuciaGo and do what you want to do. Lee and I will give you our full support and when your application is approved, the three of us will go for the test together.2
414040301LuciaThis new weapon will definitely play an important role in reclaiming Earth, and if we can find a solution, we'll help everybody out of this misery.2
464545301AniZhuanchangEndIn Conservation Area 046, Liv tends to all the patients in need of treatment as usual.
474646301Since the leader of the armed refugees was informed of the story of Cosette, she stops complaining about Matches.
484747301When all her patients get their treatment, Liv takes Cosette, who is in a swaddle, to the cubicle of Commandant 【kuroname】.
5049493011She changes Cosette's nappy and feeds her some nutritional powder until the baby falls asleep. Then Liv puts Cosette in the makeshift cradle next to the commandant's bed.
515050301She gets up and carefully checks the commandant while pressing the comms button.
525151301She thinks it will take a while before somebody answers, but she hears a familiar voice immediately.
56555530111CelicaHello, Liv.11
585757301LivCelica, there's something I want to ask you... Is there a follow-up test of that weapon we tested earlier?1
595858301Celica...What's the plan?11
605959301LivI want to apply for further tests.1
636262301CelicaWhat happened? You look... so much more determined than before.11
656464301LivNothing happened. I just want to do what I can to get us out of the predicament.1
676666301CelicaLiv... If, I mean, if...11
686767301CelicaIf there was a mission that would get us out of the predicament but would most likely pay the highest price, would you do it?11
706969301LivThe highest price? If you mean the safety of Lucia, Lee, and Commandant, I certainly wouldn't do it.1
717070301CelicaNo, no, it's about your own safety.11
737272301LivMy safety?1
747373301CelicaThat's right.11
767676301Liv used to feel powerless.
777777301Sadness and regret can't change anything, so she decides to move on no matter what.
787878301But at the same time, she is also aware of the fact that as long as the Punishing Virus is still around, the problems will drag on.
797979301What if the Punishing Virus is gone?
808080301The Omega Weapon can make that happen. That's what everybody has been waiting for. Liv knows she can't let this opportunity slip away.
818181301What if she has to die to make it happen?
848484301Liv remains silent for a moment, but eventually, she smiles in the face of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
868686301LivIf it really worked, I would do it.1
878787301CelicaSeriously? You really think so?11
898989301LivSo many people died right in front of me and I could do nothing to help.1
909090301LivNow everybody, the Task Force and humans, are trapped in this catastrophe.1
919191301LivAnd no one will be spared, including the elite squads.1
929292301LivIf it's just a matter of time before the catastrophe kills us all, why not do something that promises to make a difference? I'd love to give it a go.1
939393301LivCelica... I don't want to see anyone die anymore.1
959595301CelicaActually... about this, the President hasn't decided whether to give you the call or not.11
969696301Celica...Are you alone now?11
989898301LivThere are only Commandant, me, and this little baby here.1
999999301CelicaA baby? Uh... Is it a refugee's child? Is the mother... dead?11
102102102301Celica【kuroname】 is still in a coma?11
106106106301The signal is off for a moment before Celica's face reappears on the terminal.
1091091093011CelicaI'll transfer you to the Parliament Hall. Please keep your environment quiet.11
112112112301Noticing the seriousness in Celica's expression, Liv turns back to make sure Cosette is sleeping before nodding to Celica.
113113113301AniZhuanchangBeginCelica's face blurs on the dark blue screen.
121121119301AniZhuanchangEnd1???BPN-08 Liv, Gray Raven, Task Force.
122122120301???On behalf of the Babylonia Parliament, I send an invitation to you.
123123121301The cold, mechanical female voice echoes in the darkness. It is uttered by nobody, yet it can be anybody.
124124122301???In the war against the Punishing Virus, humans have never won a true victory.
125125123301???According to the calculation of Gestalt, no one will survive this catastrophe if effective measures are not taken.
126126124301???At the outbreak of the catastrophe in the Pulia Forest Park Ruins, the Science Council had already made a preliminary recreation of the technology recorded in the Omega File.
127127125301???We managed to retrieve and analyze the test data of the Omega Prototype through the contact of the Gray Raven with the Unidentified Twins.
128128126301???The weapon's effectiveness in absorbing the Punishing Virus has been confirmed, and with its help, the infected mechanoids and Constructs can recover too.
130130128301LivEven the Corrupted...1
131131129301???Due to technical constraints, it's not yet possible to achieve all the research objectives at this stage.
134134132301???BPN-08, we need you to support this technology and put the Omega Weapon into use as soon as possible.
135135133301LivWhat do you want me to do?1
136136134301???Become a carrier for the Omega Weapon.
137137135301LivA carrier?1
138139137301LivThrough my M.I.N.D.?1
139140138301???That's the only way to maximize the effect of the Omega Weapon.
140141139301???This is a dangerous task, because we can't control the rate of attraction of the virus, and once it exceeds the rate of absorption by the Omega Weapon, you'll get infected completely.
141142140301???In addition to that, there is also a high risk that your frame won't be able to reboot again or use recall due to symptoms such as M.I.N.D. deviation and contamination.
142143141301???But in order to reclaim Earth and go back to our common home, we must do whatever it takes to overcome the predicament.
143144142301???BPN-08, humanity needs you.
145146144301LivWill the Punishing Virus really be cleared and infected individuals recovered?1
146147145301???This will be our first attempt at this technology. At this stage, there remains a lot of uncertainties.
147148146301???BPN-08, we need a pioneer.
149150148301Liv...Fine, someone has to take the first step.1
150151149301???BPN-08, does that mean you agree to our invitation?
152153151301???Please confirm that you can't quit the mission once you take it.
154155153301???Please confirm that you are aware of the dangers of this mission.
155156154301???At the end of the experiment, your chance of survival is only 7.23%.
157158156301???BPN-08, on behalf of the Babylonia Parliament and humanity, I thank you for your service.
158159157301LivPlease tell me what to do next.1
159160158301The hall is solemn and silent. A middle-aged man with an erect posture gets up and stands in front of a table.
163164162301HassenTake Commandant 【kuroname】 back to Babylonia.1
164165163301HassenAfter this talk, I'll send out a notice to all Constructs stranded on the ground to explain the situation.1
165166164301HassenAfter I get their consent, you'll be escorted back by them.1
166167165301HassenThere is an undestroyed underground base in City 047, where some transports and an airship are stored, along with the last of our supplies. They're all we've got now.1
167168166301HassenI'll let you open the base.1
168169167301HassenWe'll talk about what to do next when you return safely.1
171172170301AniZhuanchangBegin1LivHold on. I have one more request.1
176177174301AniZhuanchangEndAniZhuanchangBeginLiv...Please let me... take a baby with me.1
181182179301AniZhuanchangEndWhile Liv is speaking to Babylonia...
182183180301The Constructs that had been transferred from City 043 are talking to the Constructs that had survived the Omega Prototype delivery mission.
183184181301Seeing Lucia and Lee walk into the lounge, one of the Constructs jumps up from his chair.
1851861833011ReynaSo you guys finished your work now?1
186187184301To her surprise, Lucia sees a familiar face from the initial annihilation of the Hetero-Hive Mother among the four surviving Constructs.
187188185301ReynaWhen we got out of the transport, we didn't even have time to say hi to Captain Lucia and the other members of Gray Raven.1
1891901873011Captain PercyExactly. Hello, I'm Percy. I met with Lucia and Captain Chrome in City 075 before.1
1911921893011Lee...I've heard Lucia mention you guys.1
192193190301LeeYou must be Captain Percy. You gave the locator to Commandant, right?1
1941951923011Captain PercyThat's right.1
1971981953011LuciaHow are your injuries?2
198199196301Captain PercyWe're all fine. My people are now taking a break inside the cabin. Want to check on them?1
199200197301LuciaNot now. Let them take a good rest. Why did you come down in the first place?2
200201198301Captain PercyWe volunteered. Too many people have died. The strong have important work to do, and the rest have their own concerns. At least we volunteers are not forced to come here.1
2022032003011ReynaBesides, Captain said we were blessed to have survived the accident last time. So we need to make good use of our luck, right?2
203204201301Captain Percy...Reyna.1
204205202301ReynaIt's the truth. We survived again.2
205206203301ReynaI'll tell you a little secret. Captain is the only one who has survived all those missions, so he...2
206207204301Captain PercyHey!1
2082092063011Lucia...Well, strong people usually have problems like that.2
2102112083011ReynaCome on. I've got your back here!1
211212209301Reyna lets out a loud laugh while patting Percy's back.
212213210301His cheerful laugh is so reassuring and relaxing for these weary and battle-hardened fighters.
214215212301AniZhuanchangBeginDuring this brief respite, the terminals of all the Constructs start to beep...
216217214301AniZhuanchangEndAs Liv leaves the dimly-lit cubicle, she notices that all the Constructs are watching their terminals.
217218215301The familiar voice of the President comes from the screen, wrapping up his short speech.
2212222193011LuciaI had no idea that Omega Weapon could be incorporated into a frame.1
222223220301LeeBut such a specialized frame would be a serious burden on one's M.I.N.D., just like Chrome's Glory.3
223224221301There is no misinformation in the Parliament's announcement. They just told Liv, and only Liv, the worst-case scenario.
224225222301LuciaLiv, did you see the message? President Hassen said they wanted you to use the new specialized frame.1
226227224301LivWell... Actually, they told me they had the plan because I volunteered to do the test.2
227228225301LivPresident Hassen is very concerned about the commandant's condition... He would like to take the commandant to Babylonia for thorough treatment.2
228229226301LivAs long as I can go back, I'll take the commandant with me.2
229230227301Lucia...I see. The commandant does need to go back to Babylonia.1
230231228301LuciaIt's just that...1
231232229301LuciaLiv, are you sure you can do it?1
232233230301LuciaSpecialized frames are nothing new to us, but with the commandant still in a coma, I'm a bit worried about you.1
235236233301Lucia looks terribly worried, which makes Liv a bit anxious too.
236237234301LivBut we finally have a chance to reverse the catastrophe.2
237238235301Liv tries not to show too much affection. If Lucia and Lee knew the consequences of this mission, they would have done all they could to stop her.
240241238301LuciaIt really bothers me. I need to go with you.1
242243240301Lucia looks at Lee, who nods without saying a word.
243244241301LuciaAlright, the four of us go together then.1
2472482453011ReynaGreat, Captain! We're going back!2
248249246301Captain PercyThis is a voluntary escort mission, not a return mission. We may die on the way.1
249250247301ReynaI'm aware of that. But I'm sure we'll make it!2
2532542513011SandraI want to be an escort too, even though we're very likely to be killed. Still, this is the only way to return to Babylonia.3
254255252301SandraBesides, without Liv, I would have been killed already.3
2582592563011Construct Soldier 1That goes for me too. Everybody in this room is alive thanks to Liv.1
259260257301Construct Soldier 2Alright then, who's going too?2
261262259301Everyone in the room raises their hands.
2632642613011LivThank you...1
2652662633011SandraYou don't have to thank us. I...1
267268265301Sandra is interrupted by a beep from her terminal.
2712722693011Girl ConstructSandra!13
2732742713011Teen ConstructAre you still with the Gray Raven?13
275276273301Both of them are Sandra's teammates and are in charge of different areas during the mission. They have been keeping in touch through comms.
276277274301Teen ConstructHow's it going? All seven of us are going to check over there. How many of you are leaving?13
277278275301SandraWe're all going too.1
2792802773011Girl ConstructLooks like there are going to be a lot of people...13
280281278301SandraWhy are you all joining the mission?1
2822832803011Teen ConstructIt's not really about the mission.13
283284281301Teen ConstructDo you know that the underground base in City 047 was left behind by Kurono, and there remains a lot of supplies as well as transports?13
284285282301Teen ConstructI don't know why they suddenly figured it out and decided to give the Parliament permission.13
285286283301Teen ConstructThe Parliament now wants to use the supplies in that base for disaster relief. That's why so many people are going to City 047.13
2872882853011Girl ConstructAnd we can take this opportunity to go back to Babylonia. It's now or never.13
2892902873011Teen ConstructI agree. Since you're going too, we'll meet up in the underground base in City 047, alright?13
290291288301SandraYes, see you there.1
295296293301She cuts off the call.
2972982953011LivHold on, guys. I really appreciate it, but we promised the people here to protect them.1
299300297301LivIf we all leave, who is going to take care of them?1
3013022993011Construct Soldier 1I see your point, but the Hetero-Creature barrage is coming. I can't do detection, and I'm no match for those creatures.1
3033043013011SandraI still have the manual on taking care of the wounded you wrote for me, so I can work as a nurse here. But if anything dangerous is attacking this place, I won't be able to help.1
3053063033011Construct Soldier 3That's right. So, what should we do now?1
309310307301LuciaShall we... stay?2
310311308301Lucia double-checks the action plan: If she wants to protect everybody, the best option is for her and Lee to stay.
311312309301But a strange feeling comes to her mind, as if she has neglected something very important. Lucia frowns.
312313310301The last time she felt that way was when she was on her way to capture the Ascendant by order of Ravenge. Is this just a coincidence?
313314311301LivLucia, what's wrong?1
315316313301Lucia...I have a bad feeling about this.2
317318315301Lucia(Does overworrying mean mistrust...)2
318319316301Liv calls Lucia in a pleading tone. Lucia relents.
319320317301LuciaSorry, I was overreacting. Alright, let's make a plan.2
320321318301LuciaThe President said there were plenty of supplies in the base, so I'm sure everybody wants to get their hands on them.2
321322319301LuciaWe're pretty close to the underground base and we have plenty of time to do round trips. So I suggest we take everyone there in different groups.2
323324321301Liv...Okay, sounds good.1
3253263233011ReynaThe underground base is going to be bustling.2
326327324301LuciaI know. Supplies are scarce these days. People will be flocking there.1
3293303273011SandraI'll talk to their leader about the base.1
330331328301Construct Soldier 1Okay, it's not going to be a dangerous trip, but we need escorts, just to be on the safe side. I'll stay for now. Two vehicles can't hold everybody, so I guess we'll have to make a few more trips.2
331332329301SandraI'll stay here with you, Ray.1
335336333301AniZhuanchangBegin1LeeLet's hit the road.1
340341338301AniZhuanchangEndGray Raven arrives at the entrance to the underground base of City 047 at midday.
341342339301After leaving the commandant in the sleeping pod, they are waiting for a while before a large influx of people comes from different directions.
342343340301Liv opens the base's warehouse and hands out the supplies inside to the eager crowds.
343344341301Days of hunger are finally quelled, for the time being. Everybody seems to be in a better mood.
344345342301In the evening, even the refugees who had been relocated to City 044 arrive in their cars. After an exchange of pleasantries, they go back with supplies.
345346343301AniZhuanchangBeginSomebody shows up as the moon rises.
349350347301AniZhuanchangEnd1ShrekHey, we meet again!12
350351348301He talks to the Gray Raven and learns that the wounded in Conservation Area 045 are being treated by Forsaken's doctor and everything is fine.
351352349301In order not to deplete the supplies there, Shrek has decided to get some supplies from the underground base in City 047.
352353350301AniZhuanchangBeginAs he hangs around, Matches the border collie spots him and follows his motorbike to Forsaken's base.
355356353301AniZhuanchangEndAs dawn breaks, it is time to embark on the journey.
356357354301The Constructs from different squads get together in groups as ordered by the interim captain for a final confirmation and roll call in front of the airship.
3583593563011Captain OlkeI'm sure you all know from the President's message that the battle on our way back to Babylonia will be a tough one. This is a voluntary mission.1
359360357301Captain OlkeI don't care why you risk your lives to be part of it.1
360361358301Captain OlkeI just want you to understand one thing: Getting rid of the Punishing Virus is the only way out for humanity.1
361362359301Captain OlkeThis is a difficult as well as noble battle. This is a life-changing moment for us all.1
362363360301Captain OlkeSo we must win.1
363364361301Captain OlkeThere is half an hour to go before our departure. Say goodbye to your friends and get ready for the journey ahead.1
364365362301Captain OlkeAnd then, we'll win back the future of humanity and Earth!1
376377374301LuciaI haven't seen that look on your face for a long time.2
377378375301LivHuh? You think I have a poker face?1
378379376301LuciaThat's not what I meant... But you always looked like you were forcing yourself to smile, and while your facial expressions looked natural, your shoulders were always tense.2
380381378301LivMaybe it's because it's a relief to finally see some hope.1
381382379301LivMatches, Stanley, Fantine, Cosette... Whether they're people, animals... or Constructs...1
382383380301LivI hope they are all safe and sound.1
383384381301LuciaJust because you're weak doesn't mean you're useless?2
385386383301LivEh? Is that... what Commandant said?1
387388385301LuciaThat's right.2
388390387301Remembering the past, they start to laugh.
389391388301LuciaYes, I had just joined Gray Raven at the time.2
390392389301LuciaThere was a very confident Construct, who snapped at a teammate, another Support Construct who couldn't kill the enemy as quickly as he did on a mission.2
391393390301LuciaMost people couldn't be bothered with things like that, and none of the other commandants stepped in.2
392396393301LivThey are all unique and irreplaceable in their own positions.1
393397394301LivIt's the diversity of lives on Earth that gives us hope.1
394398395301LivThat's why I'm so delighted to be involved in this research and hope it will make a difference.1
397401398301LivLucia... You'll need to take care of the people here after I leave. But remember, you and Lee must take care of yourselves first.1
398402399301Liv's smile is gone and she speaks very slowly.
400404401301LuciaI will. I promise you.2
401405402301Liv nods and turns to look at the stairs before her. Those who are going with her are waiting there.
4054094063011Captain PercyLet's hit the road, Liv.2
406410407301ReynaCome on!1
407411408301SandraAre you ready?3
4104144113011LivAlright, I'm off.1
4124164133011LuciaHave a safe trip.1
414418415301Liv boards the airship with Cosette and Commandant 【kuroname】.
415419416301This seemingly long journey is only the beginning of hope and parting for both Liv and the other surviving humans.
4164204173011AniZhuanchangBeginNo matter how much she wants to stay, she has to go.