
25 KiB

433301DialogEnableTime is fleeting like sand through an hourglass.
544301The sun hangs on the western horizon, shedding light across the lower half of the sky and turning to night upon reaching this far.
655301The dry air and radiational cooling have caused the surrounding temperature to drop rapidly. Scorching heat turns to frigid cold in an instant.
766301The entire camp is quiet beyond imagination. Except for the occasional clang of metal whenever the calibration team lays equipment, there is only the roar of the cold wind.
877301How do people here endure such an extreme cycle of day and night?
988301Huddled next to an abandoned cabin, you curl up under the tarp not to shield yourself from the sand, but to keep warm.
1099301Who had lived in this cabin? Inside, some of the utensils still retained a faint luster. A thin layer of dust indicates that the owner had never returned.
111010301After Chief Commander Hans had put the Gray Ravens on standby, they now watched from the sidelines as Constructs from Calibration Team 01 continued to configure coordinates.
121111301Upon receiving the serum supply, the service personnel has also finished repairing the protective devices used to combat the Red Tide. Theoretically, this is the safest you have been since crash landing.
131212301However, anxiety still lingers in your heart.
141313301You cannot help but stand up and look to the east. Supposedly, the coastline is dozens of kilometers out—the area that Babylonia has to protect at all costs.
151414301However, regardless of how hard you strain your eyes as a human, you are unable to behold such a sight.
1716163011WanshiDon't bother. The terrain here isn't high enough to see the coastline.1
181717301You suddenly hear Wanshi's voice behind you. Everyone turns to look at him.
191818301All you see is him stretch with a look of exhaustion as he walks over.
201919301WanshiNot to mention, with such poor weather conditions and low visibility here...1
212020301WanshiHuman eyesight can't possibly see that far.1
242323302Got enough sleep?24
2625253011WanshiConstructs don't have the concept of sleep. I'm just done taking a breather.1
282727301Lee sneers.
3029293011LeeHow can you just loaf around at a time like this?1
3231313011WanshiWell, my mission was to pick up the calibration team sent by Babylonia.1
333232301WanshiMy work here is done. Can't a guy kick up his feet a while?1
343333301WanshiSheesh... R&R ain't easy to come by.1
353434301Before Lee can muster up a retort, Wanshi looks your way.
363535301WanshiDon'tcha think it's time to change the gauze on your commandant's forehead?1
383737301Right as Wanshi begins to speak, Liv had already begun making preparations.
393838301Within no time, she had already begun replacing your bandages.
4140403011LivThanks for the reminder, Wanshi.1
424141302It's not bleeding anymore, Liv.42No need to worry.43
43424244301LivEven still, your bandages need to be replaced periodically to prevent infection.1
444343301LivNo need to act tough, Commandant.1
454444301It is not until Liv changes your gauze does she realizes that a considerable amount of sand has adhered to your bloody scab.
464545301Cleaning the wound is not exactly going to be a leisurely stroll through the park...
474646301Your breath hisses in pain through clenched teeth.
525151301Lucia quickly tears open a pack of field rations and stuffs it into your mouth to bite on.
545353301Squinting your eyes in the dim light, you catch a glimpse of a thin figure poking their head out of a tent behind Liv.
555454302(Gesture to Liv with your eyes)55(Beckon them)57
575656593011LivNo amount of stubbornness will stop me from cleaning your wound, Commandant.1
5958583011LivHuh? What's wrong? Someone there?1
605959301Before Liv can react, the thin figure was already running over.
616060301He scurries over next to Liv and gazes toward you with a doe-eyed look of curiosity.
6463633011WanshiWas that the kid from earlier?1
666565301The boy's gaze falls on you... Rather, the ration in your mouth.
676666302(Tear off a piece and hand it to him)67
686767301Like a kitten, he sticks out his hand and hesitates until he cannot resist any longer. He grabs the ration and wolfs it down.
696868301Lucia quickly takes out a second piece and hands it to him.
706969301However, the boy does not immediately eat it after taking it this time.
7271713011Refugee ChildThank you, Miss.1
757474301A woman hurries in before Lucia can respond.
767575301She pulls the boy behind her, glances around at everyone cautiously, then looks down at the child by her thigh.
7978783011Refugee ChildGranny...1
807979301WomanWho said you could leave?!2
818080301Refugee ChildI'm starving...1
828181301WomanDidn't you have a can for lunch?2
838282301Refugee ChildI'm just so hungry...1
848383301WomanWe'll have food soon. Your dad'll be back in no time.2
858484301Refugee ChildBut people said he won't...1
868585301The woman snaps at the boy and interrupts him.
878686301WomanShut your mouth! Don't dare say such a thing! Who said you could talk like that?! He'll be back soon, and I mean it!2
919090301LuciaDon't get mad at him, please. It was my idea to give it to him.1
929191301LuciaWe have plenty to go around if you want...1
959493301RImgBg1Shake1WomanWe don't need your charity!1
989796301Saying that, she quickly takes the boy and leaves.
1009998301Old ManForgive her. She has her own troubles.1
10110099301Turning your head to the side, you see the old man who had previously returned to his residence.
1041031023011LuciaYou're the...1
105104103301Her words stop as she sees the can in his hands.
106105104301Old ManGuess you won't be needing this. I just thought maybe...2
1101091073011LeeWe're Constructs. We don't need food in the conventional sense.3
111110108301Old ManBut isn't that kiddo human?2
112111109301The old man looks at you.
114113111301Old ManHow time flies. I never expected to see a person from Eden with my own eyes.2
115114112301Old ManSo... Care for something to eat?2
116115113301Old ManThe outside is worn down and rusty, but it's safe to eat as long as the can doesn't bulge or leak.2
117116114301Old ManThis is the last batch of cans produced before the Great Evacuation. These things can be preserved longer than you'd think.2
118117115301Old ManEven if it's only leftover soup from the past civilization.2
119118116302No, but thanks.117
1221211193011Old ManVery well. I'm sure it's a bit preposterous for people who live in the clouds to eat gruel such as this.1
123122120302It's not that. Aren't you on short supplies?121It's too precious for us to eat it.121
124123121301Old ManYou're showing us sympathy? That sure is surprising...1
125124122301Old ManIt's nothing special. Some people used to go catch fish in the sea.1
126126124302I'm sorry.125
127127125301Old ManWhy the sudden apology?1
128128126301Old ManThis isn't your fault. It's no one's fault.1
129129127301The old man's attitude is kind and gentle, unlike his stern demeanor when you first met him.
131131129301Old ManI scared you earlier, didn't I?1
132132130301Old ManI didn't mean to. Sometimes you just have to stand up for what you believe in.1
1351351333011LeeAnd what is that exactly? Certain death?2
136136134301The old man does not seem to take offense.
137137135301Old ManCorrect. We've decided to stay here and await death.1
138138136301The man's old and hoarse voice seems to float away in the wind.
1421421403011LuciaI don't get it.2
143143141301Liv...Same here.1
1461461443011Old ManYou may find our answer puzzling...1
147147145301Old Man...A group of people choosing to stay here and wait for their death—perhaps, even a cruel joke.1
148148146301Old ManBut this is how we genuinely feel. It was our intent from the very beginning.1
150150148301Old ManDo you know about the Acadia Evacuation?1
1551561543011Old ManIn reality, that's not what happened. It wasn't entirely a matter of luck. Perhaps, some people just simply didn't want to leave.1
156157155301Old ManYes, some people were unfortunately unable to board Eden.1
157158156301Old ManWhile others remained because their loved ones didn't get a ticket onto Eden.1
158159157301Old ManSome people stayed because they didn't want to abandon their homeland.1
159160158301Old ManRegardless of the reason, we chose to stay, and we accepted our fate.1
160161159301Old ManAfter making this choice, we planted our roots here and continued to fight.1
1621631613011LivBut this place isn't suitable for humanity.1
164165163301This is indeed the case. Even though the wasteland is far from nearby cities and so the Corrupted poses little threat, the cruelty of nature provides no safe harbor.
165166164301The old man nods in agreement.
1671681663011Old ManLook at the land around you—this dry and ugly land.1
168169167301Old ManWe originally lived in the city. We decided on this place and built our home here—albeit after great difficulty.1
169170168302Why did you choose this place?169
170171169301Old ManBecause nature is terrifying. Once civilization collapsed, nature reclaimed every corner of urban life.1
171172170301Old ManWithout water, electricity or natural gas, skyscrapers became nothing but steel cages.1
172173171301Old ManEveryone died without dignity—like animals. At first, we had the capacity to cremate or bury the bodies. But soon, those left alive could bear it no more.1
173174172301Old ManThe city was silent. Corpses continued to pile up. You can't imagine the despair—the sight and smell of people you once knew decaying in the city you once loved.1
174175173301Old ManMany people died from the Punishing Virus, and many died to infectious diseases. In order to survive and avoid the Corrupted, we left the city and ended up here.1
175176174301Old ManNot too close, but not too far. Here in this wasteland, we watch over humanity's former glory.1
179181179301Old ManSave your solemn expression.1
180182180301Old ManAt first, we thought we wouldn't even last a year. But actually, it wasn't as bad as we thought.1
181183181301Old ManThankfully, we had relics of civilization.1
182184182301Old ManYou see, glass, metal, plastic... Even solar panels can be recycled. Although the semiconductor film is almost worn out, we can still rely on it to produce some electricity. At least it's enough to keep a few lights on at night.1
183185183301Old ManThese items may seem like worthless garbage to you, but they are treasures to us.1
184186184301Old ManJust like this land.1
185187185301Old ManMy wife and I built our house on this land with our own hands. It may be falling apart and always leaking, but it's my home.1
186188186301Old ManWe may have lingered on our last breaths, but we kept each other going. The ten years I spent with her were a short happy time in my unfortunate life.1
187189187301Old ManWhen she passed away, I buried her on a distant hill overlooking the sea.1
188190188301Old ManMost of my generation that chose to stay during the Great Evacuation has turned to dust beneath the wheel of history. Now, there are only a few dozen of us left.1
189191189301Old ManBut the descendants of those who died have now grown up and started to raise their own children.1
190192190301Old ManWhen it came time to bury my old friends, I buried them on the same hill overlooking the sea.1
191193191301Old ManStanding here, we can look back on the glory of the past and see the tombstones of our old friends.1
192194192301Old ManIf we were to leave, then we would truly have nothing.1
193195193301Old ManEverything we cherish, believe, remember, and love will be completely shattered.1
194196194301Old ManBesides, even if you hadn't shown up, we wouldn't have lasted much longer.1
195197195301Old ManWe scavenge all of our serum from the nearby city. That's bound to run out sooner or later.1
196198196301Old ManEveryone knows this, so we are ready to die at any time. Your arrival only means that we will meet our fate sooner.1
197199197301Old ManPeople born here were never optimistic to begin with.1
198200198301Old ManHopeless and destitute. Desiring nothing so as to lose nothing.1
199201199301Old ManThe only thing we have left is our love for this land.1
200202200301Old ManWe knew our destination when we set foot on this path. We spent every day like it was our last.1
201203201301Old ManWe were born here. We will die here.1
202204202302But haven't your lives suffered by living like this?203
2052072053011Old ManNo. You must know joy to know pain.1
206208206301Old ManWe don't pursue the luxuries of Eden. We just want to be put to rest with our loved ones at our side when the time comes.1
207209207301Old ManIf you still have compassion, please don't deprive us of our last request.1
208210208302Why do you want to tell us all of this?209
209211209301Old ManBecause I see weakness and timidity in your eyes.1
210212210301Old ManWhen all of this is over, you'll probably blame your incompetence and live with a heavy sense of guilt.1
211213211301Old ManSo I want to tell you—don't.1
212214212301Old ManDon't feel any guilt.1
213215213301Old ManWe've chosen our own path. You have completed your mission.1
214216214301Old ManAlright, that's enough.1
216218216302I don't think this place is worthless.217
217219217301Old ManOh?1
219221219301Old ManHearing someone from Eden say that...1
220222220301AniZhuanchangBeginOld ManIs my little bit of solace before I am finally put to rest.1
225227225301AniZhuanchangEndAfter talking, the old man turns and leaves.
226228226301A solemn cloud hangs above the team.
2282302283011LuciaI don't know... I don't know what to do.1
229231229301LuciaHow can they be so calm yet say they're already prepared to die... I can't wrap my head around it.1
230232230301LuciaThis is all meaningless.1
231233231301LuciaI chose to become a Construct because, even if I am no longer human, I still exist. My new hope is to continue fighting for those in need.1
232234232301AniZhuanchangBeginLuciaI know everything I do has meaning.1
235237235301AniZhuanchangEndAniZhuanchangBegin1Old ManPeople born here have never looked forward to the future. We knew our destination when we set foot on this path. We spent every day like it was our last.1
238240238301AniZhuanchangEnd1LuciaBecause you... haven't hoped for a future from the beginning?1
242244242301Liv turns and gently hugs Lucia.
2442462443011LivI don't know how we can make this right either.1
248250248301LeeSomething more important than one's life...1
250252250301Wanshi had been standing off to the side with his eyes closed. Suddenly, his eyes open like an alert falcon.
251253251301A few seconds later, Hans appears before everyone.
252254252301Poised as always, no one can gleam any indication of his mood from that stern face of his.
2542562543011HansI received the latest orders from Babylonia.1
255257255301HansUnder the premise of establishing the nodes within twenty-four hours and ensuring the success of the mission...1
256259257301Hans—If civilians are found while executing a mission, they must be evacuated to safety.1
257260258301HansRegardless of force.1
2582612593011AniZhuanchangBeginHansGray Raven, mission clear?1