
13 KiB

433301DialogEnableClimbing up the long and narrow steps, you come upon a relatively safe area, finally allowing you to unload the heavy mods and empty air cylinder.
544301You search all the accessible floors but find no one. Only the rooms lying in ruins remain unsearched.
655302We need to think of a way in.6
10993011LivBut there aren't any signs of activities in these rooms.1
111010301LuciaNo signs of activities?2
121111301LivCorrect. Maybe the person that cried for help is already...1
13121011301LuciaI can't reach Bridget. And we can't get away from the Red Tide...2
141312302Well, let's still check them out then.13
151413301The wreckage in front of you looks like they were once a pile of furniture intentionally placed there to block the entrance, before being blown to pieces.
161514301LeeLet's clean up the debris first.3
181715301AniZhuanchangBeginThe four of you use improvised shovels to clear out the debris in the corridor.
201918301AniZhuanchangEndOpening the doors, you find what appears to be similar storage rooms one after another.
21201018301In the last room, old daily necessities are littered throughout, accompanied by stacks of storage boxes. Several work uniforms discarded in the corner have grown moldy over time.
222119301An old polymer screen that seems to separate a changing area for the employees stands resolutely in place on the other side of the room.
232220301Lee steps over the scattered objects and pulls the screen away.
262523302What is it?24
3029273011Seeing his odd expression, the rest of you rush over to him.23
313028301Behind the screen, you see a Construct and a human in commandant uniform.23
333230301LivWhat's a Construct squad from Babylonia doing here?2
343331302They weren't the ones calling for help... were they?32
363533301LivLooks like... the commandant must have been dead for over a week.2
373634301LuciaI heard from another squad leader that a squad came here on a mission but never returned.3
383735301LivIs this them? Do you think there are any others...?2
393836302Can we recover the virtual projection?37
403937301LeeYes, but we're already out of range from the security terminal. We should set up another one here to boost the signal.1
414038302Alright, it should be safe here.39
424139301LivWe'll leave it to you, Lee.2
434240301Lee nods, then he pulls out a security terminal from his bag.
444341302Oh, right. Any response from Asimov?43
454443301LivNot yet. There's a lot of signal fluctuation here. We'll have to wait.2
464544301You nod to Liv and quietly watch Lee operate the delicate security terminal.
474645301Spear of F.O.S.Security terminal operational. Select an area to retrieve data.
484746301LeeJust retrieve data from the last day they were alive.1
504948301Spear of F.O.S.Acquiring target data [>>>>>>>>] Complete.
515049301DialogDisableSpear of F.O.S.Generating image from data [>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>] Complete.
605958301DialogEnable1Under the influence of the Spear of F.O.S., you see two Constructs and a human commandant appearing in the room.
616059301They lean wearily against the wall and place the holo-screens from their terminals in front of them.
626160302There were three of them?61
636261301LuciaLooks like the other one wasn't here by the end.
646362301The Dead CommandantRelay our coordinates to Coco. Have her meet us here.
656463301Chatty Male ConstructShe'll be able to find us anyway. Why don't we just let her figure it out?2
666564301Stern Male ConstructQuit being stupid.1
7069683011LivHis voice sounds familiar.1
717069301LuciaWhere have I heard it before?2
737271301The commandant ignores their bickering and continues organizing the data, seemingly long familiar with their squabble.
747372301The Dead CommandantLet's organize the data we've collected. We'll prepare to head out once Coco returns.
757473301The stern male Construct furrows his brows and nods, then begins opening up the mess of data on his holo-screen.
7877763011Stern Male ConstructThe blood-like liquid Rowler and I discovered nearby... It's showing signs of the Punishing Virus evolving biologically.1
797877301Stern Male ConstructThe last recon team investigating it is still missing. Maybe they've been absorbed into it.1
8382813011LivThe Punishing Virus... evolving...1
8584833011LuciaAnd another squad is missing...2
8988873011LeeAbsorbed into it?3
908988301The information from this one sentence is enough to fill the four of you with the same dismay as the three people in the projection.
9594933011Stern Male ConstructWe sampled that liquid just a few days ago, but it's now three times the size. It can cover an entire block now when it gushes out of the ground.1
969594301The Dead CommandantGushes? Does it still recede like the tide?
979695301RowlerI think calling it a fountain is a bit more accurate!2
989796301Stern Male ConstructThat may have been true a few days ago, but now it's turning into a tide.1
999897301Stern Male ConstructIt takes longer and causes larger cracks to the surface, but it still recedes into the ground.1
1009998301Stern Male ConstructWe must inform Babylonia of this news. The evolving Punishing Virus is a bad omen. Not to mention that it keeps expanding.1
104103102301LivSo, the Red Tide was originally hiding underground?1
105104103301LivNo wonder it's gone undetected by Babylonia.1
106105104301LivHe had already uncovered so much. If only he had returned safely...1
107106105302It's not too late. We've found it, too.106We've already submitted the data to Asimov.106
108107106301LivGood thing we've reported it. I thought my survey equipment was malfunctioning...1
109108107301LuciaWe've always been able to count on you, Liv. You should have more faith in yourself.2
110109108301LuciaHowever, if a team had already gone missing here, the following team sent here should have been far more equipped...2
111110109301LuciaAnd if that team also went missing...2
1151141133011The Dead CommandantThe signal is unstable here. We'll have to wait until we're back to Babylonia. Do you know how it's expanding?
116115114301RowlerIt's unclear, but I'm sure it has something to do with the dissolved remains.2
117116115301The male Construct, Rowler, raises his hand to cover a haphazard yawn.
118117116301The Dead CommandantDissolved...
119118117301Stern Male ConstructThat's right.1
120120120301The Dead CommandantThe signal is being jammed here. We need to return to Babylonia ASAP.
122122121301When the projection resumes, the two Constructs at the table stand up and prepare to leave per their commandant's order.
123123122301However, a blurry shadow stands in the doorway, suddenly charging at them with a lightning-fast slash.
125125123301The Dead CommandantCoco! You—!
126126124301He opens his eyes wide in horror as he looks at the dark figures before him, then falls to the ground, limp.
131131129301After losing their commandant, the other two Constructs attempt to fight the dark figure, but their efforts are in vain.
133133131301LuciaDid that Construct, Coco, betray them?2
134134132301LuciaLooks like the squad didn't exactly work well together.2
135135133301LivNo, I think something's wrong with the recording.1
136136134301LuciaYou mean when it was buffering for a moment?2
137137135301LivYeah, but... We can't prove anything without looking for more clues.1
138138136301LuciaWant to keep searching, Commandant?2
139139137302Just in case?138I trust Liv's intuition.138
1401401383011AniZhuanchangBeginLivAlright, let's keep looking!1