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433301DialogEnableFrom the moment of its inception, Babylonia has always followed the instruction entrusted to her by the scientists and maintained in low Earth orbit.
555301She has always been a reliable foundation... Until now.
999301The alarm rings throughout the entire ship, waking up every resident of Babylonia. Everyone walks from their respective modules to the square and looks at each other in slight panic and confusion.
101010301Despite countless evacuation drills, no one has imagined that this last bastion of humanity would ever encounter a real crisis. Most want to believe that the alarm is only the beginning of an unannounced drill.
111111301RImgBg1ShakeHowever, a violent shockwave sweeps through every corner of Babylonia, shattering the last remnants of their wishful thinking.
121212301AniZhuanchangBeginSomeone starts screaming, signaling the unimaginable, and fear spreads rapidly throughout Babylonia.
151515301AniZhuanchangEndLoud VoicesHurry... Run! Proceed to the shelter on 37C!
171717301The anxious crowd is about to stampede like a herd of wildebeest when the Support Force arrives.
181818301Loud VoicesSupport Force Squad Two, assemble!
191919301Loud VoicesRemain calm! Evacuate the residents first!
202020301BroadcastPlease evacuate this module within ten minutes.
212121301BroadcastThe ship is in freefall. In order to avoid casualties, please leave your module immediately and follow instructions to the nearest shelter.
222222301AniZhuanchangBeginBroadcast...This is not a drill. Repeat, this is not a drill.
252525301AniZhuanchangEndAlthough the walls of the conference room have isolated most of the noises, everyone feels the oppressive and suffocating weight from the intermittent screams and alarms that seep in.
262626301Asimov is silent, and so everyone in the conference room—Lucia, Liv, Lee, Hassen, Celica—is also quiet, waiting for his response.
272727301Asimov turns to face you. He frowns as he begins to speak.
2929293011AsimovAs you can see, the ship is at 10% power, and reports show four groups of gravity engines being taken over and locked in to propel in the opposite direction at maximum capacity, causing our rapid descent.1
303030301AsimovWhile we speak, Babylonia is plummeting towards the ground at an increasing speed.1
313131301AsimovThe cause of this crisis is unknown. I speculated that it was from an update made to Gestalt... but I have just discovered a vulnerability in the program. I'm sure you understand the seriousness of such ramifications.1
323232301AsimovI know you have many questions, but there's no time for details. So consider the following an order—1
333333301アシモフTo identify and solve this problem, I need you to carry out an emergency operation. We will use the tactical environment simulation interface, Spear of F.O.S., from the Military Academy as assistance.1
343535302Care to explain?36Seems like an act of desperation!36
353636301AsimovIn short, I will export your M.I.N.D.s and your commandant's consciousness as virtual programs and upload them into the Gestalt, where you will uncover the issue and resolve it.1
363737302You want us to enter Gestalt?38You want us to fix its vulnerability?38
373838301AsimovThis is the only solution I can think of for our current debacle. We have no other choice.1
394040301AsimovI will continue to monitor your status and help you locate the vulnerability in Gestalt in real-time. But, enough talking... You'll learn more once you are in the immersion process.1
404141301AsimovI'll ask one more time. Do you remember everything I just said?1
424343301AniZhuanchangBeginWith that, Asimov pushes you into the immersion frame behind you.
484949301AniZhuanchangEndAs the door closes, the ear-piercing alarm, the cries from the residents... All noise comes to an abrupt halt as you descend into darkness.
515252301AniZhuanchangBeginImmediately, a ray of light lights up below your feet and scans your entire body.
555656301AniZhuanchangEndImporting memory >>> Administering anesthesia...
575858301Brainstem bridging link complete >>> Initiating consciousness replication...
596060301Allocating memory >>> Loading virtual presence >>> Loading complete.
616262301AniZhuanchangBeginInitiating virtual spatial recreation with Spear of F.O.S. >>> Complete.
666767301AniZhuanchangEnd1AsimovThe synchronization rate with the virtual space has reached 100%. Is anything wrong with the Babylonia environment that you're seeing?1
6772723011AniZhuanchangBeginAsimovLet's begin.1