
14 KiB

543301DialogEnable1Hello there, friend.1
654301Yes, I know. How foolish it is, to imagine a friend for myself, isn't it?1
765301But, foolish though I may be, I'm willing to believe that you are good, or at least, one that is trustworthy.1
876301After all, you are my imagination. I can't betray myself, now, can't I?1
1098301There are some things that I must, and can only, tell you.
11109301I don't know if I can even live until tomorrow.
121110301Anyway, it's foolish. Pure, distilled foolishness.
131211301But still, please listen to what I have to say.
141312301About the truth... and what we've just realized about this world.
151413301About... things that might go poof—without a trace—after today. About things that might change what common sense means.
161615301You do hear me, do you? You are not ignoring these seemingly meaningless words of mine, are you?
171716301AniZhuanchangBeginMy friend.
262624301CelicaOh you. How can you fall asleep at a regular briefing?1
282826301Celica...Well, you did get it rough in Kowloong. I guess you do need a little rest, maybe?1
292927302Speaking of...28...This still feels a little surreal.29
303028301CelicaWhat's the matter?1
343431301AniZhuanchangEndMemories flash past you. You seem to still feel Lucia leaning on your back.
353532301AniZhuanchangBeginThe scent, the smell of vital fluid, the lingering warmth of her heat ventilation... Could the briefing before you be but a dream? Are you perhaps still in Kowloong, with Lucia still leaning against you...?
393935301The feeling of Celica lightly smacking your head brings everything sharply back to reality.1
404036302Sorry, was just spacing out.37It's okay. Nothing to worry about.38
4141373011Celica...This is the flimsiest response for daydreaming that I've ever seen.1
4444403011HassenWhat's wrong? 【kuroname】 did great work in Kowloong. There's no need to be so harsh, aye?2
454541301CelicaI am just reminding 【kuroname】 to rest.1
464642301Hassen...Come to think of it. You've all been crammed with missions after missions.2
474743301HassenEven with your excellent performance, we might've been overworking you all.2
484844301HassenHow about this, why don't I give you—no, you folks a vacation? Now that a few safe zones have been established on the surface, this should be doable.2
494945301CelicaIn that case, can I join them? President, see, I've basically been working seven days a week for a while now...1
505046301HassenHere's the thing, I'd love to say yes, but...2
515147301CelicaOkay, what's the reason this time?1
525248301HassenI need someone to help me chair the reconstruction of Kowloong Metropolis, Wuming City, and K-44. And, we have to arrange local intelligence officers for infiltration recon of the Monastery of Purity...2
535349301Seeing Celica slowly rolling her eyes to Hassen's chatter, you feel a chuckle building up within you.
545450301Hassen...Anyhow, sorry, but please understand. If I get the chance to arrange a vacation for you, I will. Definitely.2
555551301Celica...Overtime pay. Double.1
575753301HassenOkay. Back to the topic. Since it's a vacation, let's also get the other squads that came back from Kowloong.2
585854302Which means...55
595955301HassenYep. Gray Raven, Strike Hawk, and the others that helped out.2
606056301HassenIn that case, hmm, what to do with the location...2
6262583011NikolaWhat are you talking about? Why are you all gathered around 【kuroname】?2
636359301CelicaPresident Hassen is suggesting that we send the returning squads from Kowloong to a safe zone for a vacation.1
646460301NikolaIn that case, I know a place.2
6666623011Hassen & Celica?12
6969663011NikolaCaribbean Sea, Area D. It was a famous beach area until Operation Acadia.1
707067301NikolaNow, plagued with not even a single tourist, it's a better-than-ever vacation spot.1
7272693011CelicaBut we don't have that many forces stationed in that area...1
7474713011NikolaThat's because the viral density there is very low, and the garrisons there are just to keep an eye out.1
757572301NikolaBesides, with the reconstruction teams working away in the other safe zones, our vacation-goers won't get any peace and quiet, yeah?1
7878753011Hassen...I see. You do have a point.2
818178301HassenArea D should be a good choice. It used to be the center of some integration plan of the World Government.2
828279301HassenIt had the best-of-the-best entertainment from before po-pan, all in this one place.2
838380302Sounds nice.81Looks like I don't have much of a choice.81
848481301CelicaBottling it all up can mess with you. Gotta let your stress out from time to time.1
858582301CelicaOh, how nice it must be. I also wanted to go to the beach with you guys...1
868683301CelicaIt's not a common occasion. You should use it to get to know your teammates better.1
939388301Lucia...What's wrong, Commandant?1
959691302...95Feeling okay?92
969792301LuciaI feel like I went through a lot. I might need some time to fully recover and return to my previous condition.1
979893301LuciaBut Asimov and President Hassen told me that I'll have the time to do so.1
989994301LuciaAfter I recover, I can be your blade again, just like before.1
9910095301...You tell Lucia about the vacation.1
10010196301Lucia...A vacation? Sure.1
10110297301LuciaIt's also a good opportunity to reacquaint with everyone, right?1
10210398302Yeah.99There's no need to reacquaint, right?104
10310499301LuciaLet me see...1
104105100301LuciaThat one's Liv... That's Lee... That's Ayla...1
105106101301LuciaOkay. Ready.1
106107102302Let's go tell the others, shall we?107
107108103108301LuciaIs that so...1
108109104301LuciaIndeed... We've all known each other for quite some time.1
109110105301LuciaThen let's take this opportunity to relax.1
110111106302Let's go tell the others, shall we?107
113114108301AniZhuanchangBeginLucia takes your hand and drags you out.
115116110301AniZhuanchangEndLuciaAm I acting based on my intuitions, or memories? Or... am I just being the Lucia that Commandant wants me to be?1
116117111301Lucia...I am who I am.1
118119112301AniZhuanchangBeginLucia...No matter what happens, I will stay by Commandant's side. I am the leader of Gray Raven, Lucia. This will never change.1
124125116301AniZhuanchangEnd1Hassen...What plans are you hatching?1
125126117301NikolaYou needed help. I gave it.2
126127118301HassenYou're not the type to recommend vacation spots. And may I remind you that Lucia's frame—1
127128119301Nikola—The problem about her memory data hindering her combat performance? There are enough combatants going with her. There shouldn't be any issues.2
128129120301HassenThen why Area D?1
129130121301NikolaYou'll know why when it's over.2
130131122301Hassen...Looks like they'll need a vacation extension after this one.1
131132123301HassenNever mind, I'll get it sorted out. One last thing—what did you send Cerberus to do? They went dark on our surveillance system.1
132133124301Nikola...I might be obliged to tell you, but I would prefer not to.2
133134125301HassenVery well. In that case, I'll get Asimov to give a little something to Gray Raven's commandant.1
134135126301NikolaA little something?2
135136999001301HassenTo make sure it all goes well, I think your plan needs the help of that thing.1
138139128301AniZhuanchangEndIn the vast and endless sea of sand, three figures trudge...
139140129301???Argh! Why do we hafta hop there on foot from the frontlines HQ?!
140141130301???We blew it with the Forsakens. They ain't lending us their wheelies.
141142131301???C'mon, man. At least get Babylonia to airdrop us some of em' self-folding cars or something...
1431441333011VeraCan you two stuff it?1
144145134301VeraKeep that up and I'll just turn you two off, then tow you both to the mission site.1
145146135301NoctisYou hear that, Blackjack? No more noise.
1461471363011AniZhuanchangBeginNo. 21Bog off, you.