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555301LeeRather than deceiving our sensory organs directly, it's more like covering a fictional piece of veil over the real world.3
8883011LuciaSo that sensory discrepancy we felt earlier, that was a form of maladjustment to this type of augmented space?2
101010301LeeHowever, people have long since known of ways to mess with perception. This kind of thing is not only affective, but also costly.3
111111301LuciaSo, how can we disable this EM projection?2
121212301LeeSimple. Find the projector, and shut it down.3
131313301LeeWe need to look for places that seem strange.3
141414301LeeThe device will likely be in those places.3
151515301LeeFor instance... here.3
161616301Lee removes the EM projector. The uncanniness of the space around rises by several degrees.
171717301LuciaI see...2
181818301LeeTo ensure the quality and accuracy of the projections, multiple devices have been deployed to amplify their effects from different angles.3
1919193011AniZhuanchangBeginLeeWe've solved this issue, but... Would the Forsaken really believe that this little trick could hamper us?3