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433301DialogEnableThat is the information Alpha coerced out of the hiding mermaid by pressing her katana against her throat, the night before the final plan was to be executed.
544301At the same time, Luna learns the location of the experimental ultra-high energy antenna cluster.
655301AniZhuanchangBeginLamia, returning from the Arctic, shares the same fact Huaxu did.
111010301AniZhuanchangEnd1LunaThe Project Winter... This name again.1
121111301LamiaY-yes. Everything related to the plan has been transferred to the depths of the laboratory.2
131212301Luna...Looks like it's exactly how you said it would be, Huaxu.1
141313301LunaThe Project Winter is the reason the antenna cluster is in the laboratory.1
151414301She transfers the name list she has just received to Huaxu.
161515301LunaSo, with this new clue from Lamia, can you give me some information?1
171616301HuaxuChecking related records>>>>>>>>Complete.
181717301HuaxuThe relevant personnel record has been found. A search has returned the target's activity records.
191818301LunaCut to the chase.1
201919301HuaxuThe information is consistent with the individual named Lamia. Kaplan remains active and is organizing the transfer of items to the underground laboratory.
212020301HuaxuBased on the contents of the seized message from the target, it is presumed that they are seeking information on other deceased individuals from an encrypted address in Babylonia.
222121301HuaxuThese include your previously searched queries of Rand and Ann, as well as Ravenge and Hiro.
242323301LunaLamia, don't tell anyone about this.1
252424301LamiaAre you going alone?2
262525301LunaYes, let them think I went to pick something up.1
272626301Lamia...Forgive me for saying this, but they will get suspicious.2
292828301LunaIn that case, let them stay there with their questions.1
302929301LamiaWhy do you have to go alone?2
313030301LunaI don't want to create new problems. You still have a lot of plans for that area, don't you?1
333232301LunaBesides, there's no need for my sister to know about what comes after the plan.1
343333301She lowers her head, ruminating the consequences keeping it from Alpha will bring.
353434301LunaGiven her way of doing things, she won't let me go to the Arctic alone either... will she?1
363535301LunaIn that case, let her intercept the Forest Guards.1
373636301AniZhuanchangBeginLunaAfter the battle at Kowloong, she definitely has questions for Rosetta.1
414040301AniZhuanchangEnd1αYou seem irritated.1
505050301Luna...The institute brought back some memories from my past.1
5252523011Alpha remains silent for a moment. Obviously, she knows what Luna meant by her past.
545454301That underground laboratory is used to imprison Amberia. It is an expression of their desire and arrogance, just like the military posts.
555555301But unlike the military posts, this debt is owed by the Arctic Route Union. When Amberia fell into a deep slumber, the area should have gone to the Forest Guards. The Ascendants need not have intervened.
565656301And that military post was destroyed through a combined effort when Alpha broke free...
575757301With Lamia's intervention, the plan against the Ascendants was no longer feasible and the parties ceased their cooperation.
585858301...At least, that was what was assumed to have happened then.
6060603011αIt's now in ruins.1
616161301αI understand why you feel this way, but that wasn't the smartest course of action.1
6363633011LunaYou don't need to worry about me, Sister.1
646464301LunaNo one can shake the power of Ascnet. Not as one person. Not as a group.1
6666663011αI wouldn't state the obvious.1
676767301αDestroying that institute can't change the past. It will only affect your mood.1
686868301αDo you want to do something for them?1
7070703011LunaI only did what I wanted to do.1
727272301Luna hovers next to her sister and gazes off at the ruins in the distance.
737474301LunaI'm only interested in uprooting the disgusting things that I hate.1
747575301LunaNo matter if my actions benefit others, they will never thank me. But, I've never sought humanity's gratitude.1
757676301LunaI only do what I want to do. And that's all I'll ever do.1
777878301AniZhuanchangBeginShe smiles fleetingly.
818282301AniZhuanchangEnd1αDisgusting things...1
828383301Alpha only knows what exactly was going on when she gets the news from Lamia.
838484301α...I always seem to make inferences based on how you used to think as a child. That's me being arrogant.1
858686301Alpha opens her eyes, deciding to do a sweep of the greenhouse just to be sure before leaving.
868787301Since the emergence of the noise, she is often pulled into her memories.
878888301The voices seem to be trying to evoke a certain emotion by blazing through her M.I.N.D.
888989301Just as she is about to head to the greenhouse, she sees Cinderelik walking over, hugging the remnants of a familiar mechanoid.
9091913011α...That's Gabriel's...1
919292301A question popped into Alpha's mind.
929393301That girl has the ability to create Hetero-Creatures... Can she use that to revive Gabriel?
939494301αNo, that's impossible.1
959696301Even if she forges a new body for him, there is no way Gabriel would return as good as new.
969797301So why is Cinderelik recycling his head?
979898301Multiple possibilities flash through Alpha's head, but none was plausible.
989999301AniZhuanchangBeginIn order the quell the unease she is feeling, Alpha follows Cinderelik.
100101101301AniZhuanchangEnd【kuroname】Stop her!
101102102301Just as Cinderelik starts singing, Alpha hears a familiar voice on the other side of the door.
1031041043011αIt's that commandant. The Gray Ravens are here too?1
105106106301The Gray Ravens aren't currently the main target, so Alpha sees no need to clash with them. Instead, she flattens herself against the wall and hides a distance away in the shadows.
1071081083011???Well, now you have the chance to ask and find out if the commandant knows what happened to Luna.1
109110110301RImgBg1ShakeWhile pondering the noise's suggestion, the surrounding area starts to shake violently and rocks are even falling from the ceiling.
1111121123011αAn earthquake?1
112113113301αNo, it looks like the shaking is coming from the greenhouse. Could it be Cinderelik?
113115115301Upon sensing its presence, Alpha's M.I.N.D. receives an encrypted message from Ascnet.
114116116301It is like a whisper in her ear, speaking a language that only she understands and making clear the future it will bring.
115117117301αIf it killed the Gray Ravens, things would go back to what they were before.1
116118118301She wants to stop them, but she senses they might be stronger than she gives them credit for. While watching, she notices a dark figure emerging.
118120120301He seems to notice something. Before stepping into the greenhouse, he looks back at where Alpha is hiding.
121123123301A brief moment of silence passes and Alpha steps out of the shadows and heads toward the greenhouse.
1241261263011???You wish to help them?2
125127127301αI need those who know the truth to survive.1
126128128301???Which truth?2
127129129301αWhether it's about Vonnegut or her frame, it'll all be in my favor.1
128130130301αThe former will result in the humans' spear being pointed somewhere else, while the latter will rattle the Gray Ravens.1
129131131301???What do you expect them to do?2
130132132301αI need a seed that can break this deadlock.1
132134134301AniZhuanchangBeginαThere needs to be uncertainty in the world for it to be interesting, isn't that so?1
135137137301AniZhuanchangEndAlpha follows the footsteps of the group, and comes upon a wide platform outside. Vonnegut's unique oppressive voice booms from the platform.
136138138301VonnegutWelcome! Everyone is probably worried about what my next step will be, right?
137139139301VonnegutTo be honest, my purpose has been clear all along and that's to advance the filtering.
138140140301VonnegutAs such, I always welcome new blood.
139141141301VonnegutBut even if I issue you an invitation now, there will only be one answer.
143145145301VonnegutI'd love to tell you all about our aspirations and ideals so that you can understand the importance of Ascnet and the filtering...
144146146301VonnegutBut when you are in a group, it's easy to buy into the illusion that you have a fighting chance.
145147147301VonnegutNo matter what I say at this moment, you won't listen, so...
146148148301Vonnegut raises his index finger and thumb like a gun and takes aim at the group.
148150150301As he makes that sound, rays of light almost invisible to the naked eye fire from behind the group.
1501521523011αHis control over Ascnet's power is very precise.1
152154154301Witnessing such an unexpected attack, Alpha refrains from getting involved for now and observes Vonnegut's battle style.
154156156301Lucia senses a ray behind her but does not try to dodge it. Instead, she rushes toward you while blocking the attacks aimed at the others with her katana.
1561581583011α...She's still so naive, but her senses have sharpened.1
158160160301You may have remained unscathed under Lucia's protection, but she is not fast enough to block the final strike.
160162162301She staggers back, clutching her wound. Red vital fluid leaks from her right shoulder. The wound is deep, although the internal structure is undamaged.
161163163301She raises her head and looks around. Besides herself, everyone else has more or less taken some damage from this unexpected attack.
162164164301【kuroname】Wanshi! I'll leave it to you!
163165165301The Construct you call Wanshi hurries over to Lucia's side.
164166166301LuciaIt's okay, I can still fight.
165167167301Wanshi...Do you want to turn off the pain module?
166168168301LuciaThere's no need to risk M.I.N.D. deviation with only this level of pain.
167169169301VonnegutYou can try all you want, but I still have lots of tricks up my sleeve. I can keep this up until you decide to obey me.
168170170301KamuiAre you going back on your agreement with Chrome?!
169171171301VonnegutNo, but I only agreed not to kill you. I didn't promise anything else.
170172172301VonnegutDidn't the commandant over there let two flies go as well?
171173173301【kuroname】You mean Reyna and Percy?
172174174301Vonnegut gives a noncommittal smile.
173175175301VonnegutIt doesn't matter. I have no use for the weak. I won't even waste my time on them.
174176176301VonnegutBut as for you...
1771801803011αAn ignorant human, no less...1
1791821823011AniZhuanchangBeginAlpha strides over to the group.