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544301DialogEnable1ChromeOh, Commandant, here you are.1
655302What is it?
766301ChromeSorry for bothering you... I'm just wondering if you've seen Kamui anywhere?1
877302I haven't, sorry.8I think I saw him heading that way.9
98810301ChromeOh, in that case... Thank you very much, I'll look somewhere else.1
1099301ChromeSo he's been here? Thank you very much. I'll check it out.1
111010302Don't mention it.
131212301As the Strike Hawk Leader departs the corridor, a blond young man pokes his head out from a sliding door behind you.
1615153011KamuiIs he gone? Alright, alright, alright... I knew you wouldn't betray me!1
171616302???17Where did you come from...17
191818301KamuiIt doesn't matter! What matters is that Capt doesn't find out what I've stolen from the armory...1
201919302???20What did you do again?!20
222121301KamuiTake a look!1
232222301He turns around and shows you the peculiar-looking greatsword he is carrying on the back like a swordsman.
242323302This is...24Star of Bethlehem?24
262525301A greatsword inspired by the Christmas tree, it is a custom-made weapon created for Christmas last year.
272626301Its blade is in the shape of a Christmas tree, with the Star of Bethlehem attached to its point. Together the sword looks remarkably festive.
2929293011KamuiI know, right? The Weapon Department confiscated it last year after Christmas, saying a holiday weapon should only be used during a holiday...1
303030302I thought they took it because you were playing music with it in the corridor the whole night?31
313131301KamuiBut it's Christmas soon! We've gotta have it with us!1
323232301Kamui leans in like a puppy begging.
333333301KamuiEveryone in Babylonia deserves something this awesome. Imagine everyone playing the Christmas symphony with the Star of Bethlehem on Christmas Eve at the same time...1
343434302...35That's a cool idea.35
353535301KamuiAnyway, I'm preparing it as a surprise this Christmas Eve!1
363636301Kamui's hand slams on your shoulder so hard that you almost black out for a second.
373737302But is it a good idea to steal it?38
393939301KamuiOh, Ayla said she has my back! She'll sort this out for me as soon as I'm done helping her with her Christmas Tree...1
424242301KamuiJust wait and see, Commandant! It's gonna be a super-duper perfect Christmas Eve!1
434343302Can't wait.44I hope you didn't just jinx it.44
444444301KamuiHehe, then I'll see you soon!1
464646301Kamui waves and heads toward the other end of the corridor.
4848483011KamuiRight, Commandant—1
494949301He turns around after a few steps, flapping his hands.
505050301KamuiIn case I don't see you then—Happy Christmas Eve!1
5151513021AniZhuanchangBeginHappy Christmas Eve.