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655301DialogEnable1NikolaCongratulations, John.1
766301NikolaSpecialized frame and a specialized Inver-Device... We finally have some measurable results. Chrome never disappoints.1
877301JohnYou look delighted.2
988301NikolaIf we can create more Constructs that don't rely on a commandant with this technology... I suppose the odds will start going in our favor.1
111010301NikolaI've got a meeting coming, so I have to go now. I'm guessing you've been waiting here to see your son return safely from that battlefield?1
121111301JohnThat won't be necessary now that I know the frame has been adapted successfully.2
141313301NikolaIf you say so.1
161515301Heroes are plenty.
171616301Of course they are plenty. There cannot be just one.
181717301Anyone can grab a sword and face the monster. Anyone who does so is a hero.
191818301They either perish on their way to the monster or die under its blade.
201919301Before the monster is vanquished, no one will remember the names of the dead heroes. No one needs to.
212020301But then one of the heroes takes a stand, and he declares—
222121301I will carry their names and fight.
2423233011JohnSurpass a Smith, is it...1
252424301JohnNone of us has said something like that before him.1
272626301JohnHe disobeyed my order, but when he called me Dad, I felt... glad.1
282727301JohnI might not be your father, but you are my son.1
302929301It has never been a kite that needs an anchor in his hands, but an eagle with its wings spread, ready to fly.
313030301The little boy standing in the shadows of the dark room back then has long left his nest.
323131301He knows how the story of a Smith ends.
333232301But he has no idea where this eagle will go.
343333301Maybe he will find the answer all Smiths have been searching for.
3534343011AniZhuanchangBeginMaybe he will finally grasp what no Smith has dared to dream.