
15 KiB

544301DialogEnableThe thrust lasts but a moment. Before you know it, you are already inside a bedroom.
655301The world outside is already dark save for a few stars and a half-moon hanging in the sky.
766301After some fumbling around, you finally turn on the room light.
988301The room does not contain too many items. You can only see one single bed, one two-level wardrobe, one desk, and one chair.
1099301You find yourself no longer wearing the combat uniform, but a soft, casual outfit instead.
111010301Your military terminal has been replaced with a small civilian model. Unlike Babylonia's simple style, there are a lot of fashionable, intricate patterns on this terminal.
121111302It looks like something from the Golden Age.12
131212301You feel something in your ear and touch it. It is a mini earbud.
141313301The alarm clock on the desk reads 20:00. A blue holo-screen catches your attention.
151414301When you are about to look at it up close, you suddenly hear a cold, robotic voice in your earbud.
171616301Robotic VoiceSystem online.
181717301Robotic VoiceGood evening, citizen 【kuroname】.
191818301The voice sounds extremely familiar to a Babylonia resident like you.
202020301But it is not the real Gestalt who is talking to you. It is just one of the things that Maple is able to simulate.
212121301GestaltFirst of all, happy birthday.
242425301You hear brief fireworks.
252627301GestaltYou are eligible for matching. Would you like to commence the process?
262829301You give an answer after thinking for a very short moment.
283031301Nanami, who entered the virtual space with you, is nowhere to be found. Your top priority right now is to find her. From a game perspective, you need to complete the main quest first.
293132301GestaltUnderstood. Terminating execution...
303334301GestaltYou are eligible for matching. Would you like to commence the process?
313435301GestaltYou are eligible for matching. Would you like to commence the process?
323536301GestaltYou are eligible for matching. Would you like to commence the process? You are eligible for matching. Would you like to commence the process? You are eligible for matching...
333637301It keeps repeating the same line unemotionally.
343839301You recall Nanami and Maple's conversation. Gestalt will not stop hassling you, so you have to accept the match while searching for Nanami in the wardrobe, under the bed, and in the ceiling.
354041301GestaltPermission granted. Matching citizen 【kuroname】 with other applicable targets...
364142301GestaltMatching completed. Thank you for your support. I wish the two of you a good time.
374243301GestaltLogging off.
3945463011Naive VoiceHulo!1
404647301She sounds so excited that her voice is trembling.
424849301Naive VoiceThis is my first time matching with someone... But you sound calm and reliable. You must have done this many times.1
434950302Not really...51
445051301Naive VoiceWhat? Is this your first time too? Fate has brought us together!1
455253301The girl keeps talking about her hobbies, leaving no time for you to speak. As she introduces herself, you begin to paint a picture of her in your mind.
465354301You still do not know her name or age. She is the only child in the family, currently living with her parents.
475556301She never stays up late and sleeps at the same time every day. Before going to bed, she puts on a piece of performance-boosting equipment she made that consumes a liter of jet fuel to run around the highway with Mimi. Then, she sleeps after some stretching until her mother wakes her up.
485758301An ordinary girl who claims to be hyperactive.
505960301You feel like you have some clues on Nanami's whereabouts.
516061301Naive VoiceOh, right. I haven't asked you your name.1
526162301Naive VoiceCan you tell me your name?1
546364301Naive Voice【kuroname】... 【kuroname】, hmm...1
566566301You suddenly receive a communication request in the terminal.
586768301NanamiHello, 【kuroname】. My name is Nanami.1
6372733011The hologram turns into a girl who looks identical to Nanami, but without the Inver-Device on her head or the giant chainsaw that she often holds.
647374301If you ignore the unbelievable self-introduction, she looks just like an ordinary girl who lives next door, anxiously looking forward to the unknown encounter.
657475301She crosses her hands on her chest and takes a deep breath in, then reaches out her right hand as if she is opening up her heart.
667576301Background NarrationWho doesn't long for love in their youth?
677677301Background NarrationYou wrote to your friend, describing your first encounter with the girl: I feel like a ship approaching a mountain of magnets. Even my tiniest screw is attracted to her.
687778301Your vision is filled with the girl before you as you are pulled closer to her.
718081301Background NarrationSkip
778687301DialogEnableBackground NarrationThe girl is showing you enough respect and love. You only need to work a little harder to win her heart... Skip.
819091301Background NarrationBut there are too many obstacles, while few actually support your relationship. The malevolence of others around you is going to overwhelm you... Skip.
859495301Background NarrationYou leave your hometown trying to make a living, but have witnessed a filthy, fraudulent world instead. The memories of her are the only thing that can keep your mind clear... Skip.
899899301Background NarrationThey are so far away and cannot even... Skip.
93102103301Background Narration...Skip... Points the gun at your head.
94103104301Nanami【kuroname】, no!
95104105301The girl is in tears. Her hands remain in the same gesture without touching anything. She is no longer a that shy and naive little child.
96105106301She is screaming and struggling, trying to grasp the life and memories that are about to disappear.
97106107301Before you realize it, you are holding a handgun. Its cold muzzle is pressing against your temple. The smell of gun smoke hints at imminent death...
98107108302Wait a second!109
1011101113011NanamiC'mon, I'm having a great moment!1
102111112301NanamiDon't interrupt it, Commandant!1
104113114301NanamiNanami is supposed to rekindle your desire to live with her love here. You aren't following the plot, Commandant.1
105114115301Nanami takes out a blue holo-screen from nowhere, tapping the text on it.
106115116302I prefer happy endings.117I don't run away.120
108117118301NanamiSo you don't like tragedies...1
109118119124301Nanami quickly takes note on the screen.
111120121301NanamiSo this is the choice you'd make...1
112121122301Nanami closes her eyes. She seems to be struggling.
115124125301NanamiI know what to do now.1
116125126301NanamiI'd like to learn more about you, Commandant. I also want to experience many things with the authentic you.1
117126127301NanamiFrom now on, I will not try to influence your decision. But make sure you play your role well!1
119128129301The girl winks at you and quickly walks to you.
121130131301Her hands slowly rest on your cheeks—
122131132301They are just holograms, but you feel like you can sense her temperature and her hands.
123132133301Her palms are soft and warm, but her fingertips are cold, like drops of mountain springs on the way back from a field trip.
124133134301They have the fragrance of flowers and fresh grass.
125134135301Then she presses harder on your cheeks. Her palms are also sticking to your cheeks—
128137138301The next moment, they are holding your head like clamps. You cannot move even a little bit.
130139140301NanamiStill, I must punish you for ruining the vibe.1
1371461473011AniZhuanchangBeginNanami hits your forehead hard with a headbutt.