
17 KiB

544301DialogEnable1As time goes by, you have visited more stalls and Pulao keeps getting more prizes. Apart from the mask she won in the shooting bottle game, there are other little gadgets like a panda keychain, robot model, dancing princess sticker, wooden knife...
655301As Pulao walks, the gadgets bump into one another, adding more knocking noise to her laughter.
766301The fierce Dragon Child is gone. Pulao is taking little bites at the cotton candy in her hand. She looks just like an ordinary girl who is having so much fun.
877301In your hand are two discount coupons of Foon's Morning Tea—the mega prize you just won in the shooting game.
999301PulaoUm... I don't know. But as long as it tastes good, names don't matter.1
101010301PulaoToo bad that you only played two rounds before the owner asked you to leave, Commandant.1
111111301DialogDisablePulaoBut he was almost crying...1
121212302Speaking of my name...13
131414302Wouldn't that expose ourselves?15
141515301DialogEnablePulaoYou're right. From now on, I will call you 【kuroname】. And you can call me... Laopu!1
151616302Are you sure that will work?17Can you think of another name?17
171818301PulaoDon't worry. Nobody is going to find out.1
192020301PulaoLook, Commandant, that's the morning tea store I mentioned earlier. His char siu buns are the best. Let's go!1
202121301AniZhuanchangBeginPulaoI can smell the food already! It must be char siu bun! Wait for me!1
242525301AniZhuanchangEnd1Uncle FoonYou look gorgeous, young lady! What would you two like?2
262727301Pulao's vision module seems to be locked onto the steaming hot pastries. The drool down her mouth already gives the answer.
272828302Char siu bun.29
282929301Uncle FoonGreat pick. My char siu buns are the best in the West District. How many would you like?2
293030301Pulao first holds out 3 fingers but shakes her head. She then extends all 5 fingers. Her eyes are sparkling.
303131302I'll have five.32
313232301Uncle FoonFive char siu buns? No problem.2
323333301PulaoNot five buns! Five steamers of buns! Steamers!1
343535301Pulao interrupts the conversation, but when Uncle Foon looks over, she soon lowers her head and stares at the floor tile.
353636301Uncle FoonFive steamers? My buns are quite filling. Are you sure you can finish?2
373838301You look at Pulao in doubt. She seems to have noticed it. Her head is rapidly nodding like a tally counter.
383939302We can.40
394040301Uncle FoonFine, as long as you don't waste food. Dine-in or take away?2
404141302We will have them here. Can I use these coupons?42
414242301Uncle FoonWow, I didn't know you were a sharpshooter. Of course.2
424343301Uncle FoonAlright, take a seat. I'll bring the buns to you later.2
464747301Pulao looks around and points at a square table. There is already a diner sitting there.
474848301PulaoCom... 【kuroname】, let's sit at that table.1
484949301She lowers her voice, tips her toes and whispers in your ear.
505151301PulaoI want to take this chance to ask the civilians their opinion on the Dragon Children. We played too much that I almost forgot my task.1
515252301Finally remembering why she changed her outfit in the first place, Pulao seems a little embarrassed.
535454301PulaoExcuse me, do you mind if we sit here?1
5657573011DinerNo problem at all. I'll move a little.2
575858301Pulao carefully takes off the gadgets. Soon, the bench is covered with all sorts of toys.
585959301DinerYou don't look like toy sellers. Why so many goodies?2
606161301PulaoWe aren't. We won them in games.1
616262301DinerThere are lots of stalls in the West, but they are quite difficult. It must take some serious skill to get so many prizes. Do you play very often?2
626363301PulaoNot very often...1
636464301DinerIt must be talent then.2
646565301DinerYou don't look very familiar. Where are you from?2
666767301PulaoThe Central District.1
676868301DinerOh, Central is great. The busiest place on the ship, though the Dragon Children live there as well.2
717272301The diner's unintentional words make Pulao frown again. She opens her mouth as if she wants to mutter something, but fear and concerns stop her.
727373301She looks at you, seeking help.
737474302Where are the buns...75Give her an encouraging look.77
75767678301Pulao puffs out her cheeks, visibly upset at your lousy acting skill.
767777301Pulao bites her lips and makes up her mind.
777878301After taking a deep breath, she carefully picks her words.
798080301PulaoDoes everyone dislike... um, hate the Dragon Children?1
818282301The silence seems to already give Pulao an answer. She continues asking.
828383301PulaoBut the Dragon Children helped everyone to return to their home. Why can't they forgive them?1
838484301Pulao raises her voice without realizing it, as if she is voicing out all the grievances over the past days. You feel like this is the only way she can catch a break from all the misunderstandings.
858787301PulaoSorry... I shouldn't talk like that.1
868888301DinerIt's fine. It's just that... You're just a kid. You don't need to know.2
889090301PulaoBut I want to.1
899191301The diner turns to you instead and remains quiet. He seems to be asking your opinion.
909292302I want to hear it too.93
919393301DinerAlrighty. I'll talk about it then.2
929494301DinerYoung lady, let me ask you first. Do you want the Nighter to go back to what it used to be?2
939595301PulaoOf course not!1
949696301DinerNeither do I. In that sense, I am grateful to the Dragon Children and other outsiders to save us from that hell. If only they could have come sooner.2
959797301The diner shakes his head, laughing at himself.
969898301DinerThat's how I got greedy... After escaping from hell, nobody wants to go back.2
979999301DinerBut I didn't do anything for this precious freedom. It's like rainwater in a desert. I need it, but I don't know how I can get it, or how I can protect it.2
98100100301DinerAfter a short moment of joy, I fell into fear.2
99101101301DinerAre the Dragon Children on our side? Will they control us like the former leader? What can we do if they really do so?2
100102102301DinerBesides, all the new constructions on the Nighter were done by the Dragon Children themselves. Ordinary people like us could do nothing but simple businesses. It makes me feel like...2
101103103301He swallows with hesitation and finally speaks weakly.
102104104301DinerLike there is no security in life. It's like I'm living on floating ice.2
103105105301DinerI don't hate them. In fact, I don't even dislike them.2
104106106301DinerI just don't know how to face them.2
105107107301PulaoSorry, I never knew...1
106108108301DinerWhat are you sorry about? I feel much better after saying it out.2
107109109301DinerUncle Foon, another white porridge please.2
108110110301DinerBut I never thought you would care about the Dragon Children so much. Aren't you scared of them?2
109111111301PulaoI have never hated them.1
110112112301DinerWhat about you?2
111113113302I believe in them.114
114116116301DinerSigh. Now I have become the bad guy.2
115117117301DinerIt's true that some people are wary of the Dragon Children because they have done something dodgy in the past. It must have become a reflex. I probably shouldn't say this to you though.2
116118118301The conversation is interrupted by hot, steaming buns.
1181201203011Uncle FoonHere come the buns! And you, don't make a sweeping statement like that.2
119121121301Uncle Foon puts down five steamers of buns and one bowl of white porridge as he talks to the diner.
120122122301Uncle FoonI only stayed on the ship because of the Dragon Children. Without them, I would have died long ago.2
121123123301Uncle FoonSigh. Who would have thought the leader could change so much the moment we set sail?2
122124124301Uncle FoonSome Dragon Children like to buy char siu buns from me. But they all wear masks and don't talk a lot.2
123125125301PulaoReally? Which one?1
124126126301Uncle FoonUm, Yaci? Not sure if I have said it correctly. I can't read.2
125127127301Uncle FoonOh, and there's another one I know. His name is Chaofeng. But he always hangs down from the ceiling at night. It freaks me out.2
126128128301PulaoPff, I'll remind him not to.1
127129129301Uncle Foon?2
128130130302Ahem, Laopu.
130132132301PulaoOh, because... I live in the Central street. So I get to speak to the Dragon Children occasionally.1
1321341343011DinerNo wonder you care about them that much.2
133135135301DinerAnyway, you said you could speak to the Dragon Children, didn't you?2
135137137301DinerCould you ask the Bixi Crew in charge of constructions...2
136138138301There is hesitation, fear and remorse on his face. His mouth is trembling. Pulao just calmly stares at him and waits.
137139139301Finally, he gulps down the white porridge in front like it is some sort of alcohol.
138140140301DinerGargh, it's hot! Actually, I used to be an engineer. My design even won some awards.2
139141141301DinerSo... I can be of help too if they are in need.2
140142142301DinerThen the Bixi Crew won't have to start working before dawn. Everybody gets to sleep well...2
142144144301PulaoBut aren't you scared of the Dragon Children?1
143145145301DinerJust like me, many people were forced to become tradesmen in order to earn miles.2
144146146301DinerIt will be great if we can pick up the old jobs that we loved.2
145147147301DinerYou and Uncle Foon make me feel like the Dragon Children aren't that scary. It's time for me to move on.2
1471491493011Uncle FoonWhat are you talking about? She's not a Dragon Child, she can't do that for you. Go ask them yourself, you slippery punk.1
148150150301DinerI don't have the guts right now. Maybe next time, I promise!2
1501521523011PulaoHmm... I'll try.1
151153153301PulaoNo, I'll make sure to pass your words properly!1
152154154301DinerDon't stress yourself, girl. I didn't mean it that seriously.2
1541561563011Uncle FoonIs that how you ask for help?1
155157157301DinerMy bad, my bad. Sorry.2
1591611613011PulaoDon't... mond...1
161163163301Before you realize it, Pulao has already picked up the white buns and dug in.
162164164301Cognitive inertia often becomes an obstacle that stops people from seeking truth. For a while, you thought what happened here was but a replicate of Babylonia.
163165165301But on this land, humans don't have the prejudice against Constructs. It could be attributed to the difference in history or culture.
164166166301After breaking through the wall of misunderstanding, Pulao realizes the view on the other side isn't as dangerous as she thought. Her courage has paid off and brought her new motivation.
1661681683011PulaoTwo more steamers please, Uncle Foon.1
1671691693011AniZhuanchangBeginAnd new appetite, too.