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433301DialogEnableCommandant AThat's definitely a foul! Foul!
544301Commandant BC'mon, just forget about it. Who'd care about this sort of things on the battlefield...
655301As soon as you enter the simulation training room, you see two commandants you have met before arguing around the holographic projection screen.
777301Just as you sigh a breath of relief and pick up the device hanging by the training cabin, a shout comes from behind.
9993011WanshiAh, Gray Raven Commandant.1
101010302Wanshi?12Are you training here as well?11
111111301WanshiWell, going over the basics.1
121212301WanshiWant to train one-on-one?1
141414301Commandant AHey, didn't you just turn me down? That's unfair!
151515301The commandant nearby grumbles.
1717173011WanshiWell, I'm just returning a favor from the Gray Raven Commandant.1
181818301WanshiThank you for sleeping with me last time. It was nice.1
212121301Commandant A?
222222301Commandant B?
232323302It's not what you think.24
2525253011WanshiAnd the gifts you sent, they've been working very well...1
262626302Don't phrase it like that! People might misunderstand!28
292929301WanshiI'm just stating the facts. The gifts you sent have completely filled my sleeping pod...1
313131301Commandant A???
323232301Commandant BI didn't know that the Gray Raven Commandant would be the person the rumor says...Is there such a rumor?
3434343011Wanshi...Ah. So you've also sent them to others as well...1
353535301PanelActor1ShakeAniZhuanchangBeginYou leap toward Wanshi and cover his mouth before dragging him away with an embarrassed smile under the mischievous gazes of the other commandants.1
373737302AniZhuanchangEndDon't say such weird stuff in public!38
383838301DialogEnableWanshiWeird stuff? What do you mean?1
393939301Wanshi seems so unconcerned that you cannot help but wonder if you were making a big deal out of it.
414141301WanshiDoes that mean I can say it now?1
434343301WanshiSo, then, the things you gave me—you can't give the same gifts to someone else.1
444444302It's not about that!45
454545301WanshiOh, so you do want to practice one-on-one then?1
464646301WanshiI can continue where we left off last time.1
474747301WanshiPlus, I'll give it my best shot.1
484848301As Wanshi says this, he lifts the stock of his rifle upward, making a clear and crisp sound. He seems to be serious, judging from the intensity of his manner, which makes you a bit nervous instead.
494949302Well, that's not quite necessary...50
515151301WanshiIsn't that what you want? To be treated with respect as an opponent...1
535353301WanshiI'm the Wish Machine, after all.1
545454302Are you messing with me like you do those kids?55
555555301WanshiI'm not messing with you... It's just that I like the way we interact with children.1
565656301WanshiLet's get started if you're ready.1
585858301WanshiIt's rare for me to take this seriously.1
6060603011AniZhuanchangBeginHis eyes light up, in a way you have never seen before.