
99 lines
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Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25]
1 1 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory216.png
2 2 401 1 204
3 3 201 1 500214
4 4 301 1 Rosetta With these units installed, the mission is basically over. 1
5 5 301 Rosetta Commandant, come here if your survey equipment is all set up. 1
6 6 401 2 1515
7 7 301 Rosetta activates the module in her hand and begins to sync up the equipment.
8 8 301 Rosetta Running at full capacity. Switching to automatic mode... Looks good. 1
9 9 301 Rosetta Okay. Now, let's learn how to pitch a tent. 1
10 10 302 Why?! 11 Do we need to stay here overnight? 12
11 11 13 301 Rosetta Because the last part of the mission requires us to keep watch here overnight. So, now's a good time to learn. 1
12 12 301 Rosetta Yeah, our last mission is to keep watch here all night. 1
13 13 301 Rosetta The equipment from Babylonia can help us set up camp quickly, but I still prefer doing things the old-fashioned way. 1
14 14 301 Rosetta With that being said, Commandant, do you know that tents are divided into freestanding and non-freestanding ones? 1
15 15 302 Yeah. 16 Care to explain? 17
16 16 20 301 Rosetta Ah, of course. You are a military personnel. I'll skip the basics then. 1
17 17 301 Rosetta Simply put, freestanding tents have a support structure that makes it ideal for learners. Most of the fishermen in the ARU use these tents. 1
18 18 301 Rosetta Non-freestanding tents require an added support structure, making them more difficult to assemble. 1
19 19 301 Rosetta But, this allows them to be set up anywhere, which makes it more portable once you're familiar with it. 1
20 20 204 1 1
21 21 301 Rosetta So, Commandant... Let's pitch a non-freestanding tent today. 1
22 22 204 1 8
23 23 301 Rosetta (Mumbles) ...And that's not because I lost the support rods or anything. 1
24 24 202 1
25 25 301 On the vast and empty snowfield, even a quiet mumble can be heard crystal-clear.
26 26 201 1 500214
27 27 301 1 Rosetta Non-freestanding tents typically use trees for support. So we need to find two trees roughly three meters apart. 1
28 28 302 Alright, let's go look. 29 ...That might be a little difficult. 30
29 29 32 301 Rosetta ...Well, bad news is that most of the nearby trees were cut down while developing the ARU. I don't think we'll be able to find a suitable camping site. 1
30 30 301 Scanning around, not even a single tree can be seen among the vast snowfield.
31 31 301 Rosetta ...Yep. 1
32 32 301 Rosetta We used to be able to find firewood here... Sigh, just my luck... 1
33 33 202 1
34 34 301 As if all hope was lost, Rosetta picks up a pebble and hurls it after a long exasperated sigh.
35 35 201 1 500214
36 36 301 1 Rosetta Oh. This time, it skipped twelve times. A vast improvement. 1
37 37 301 ??? Flabby Arctic rolls... Who's throwing rocks into the water?!
38 38 301 An angry wave surges up, revealing a familiar figure.
39 39 201 1 500208
40 40 302 Oh, another bullseye?! 41 You live down there or something?! 42
41 41 44 301 1 Bionic Bear So, you ARE doing it on purpose! 1
42 42 301 Bionic Bear I live on shore, obviously. This is just my favorite spot to sunbathe! 1
43 43 301 Look at the ARU technology. Their bionic bears are so realistically made that they even sunbathe.
44 44 301 Bionic Bear Try living in me shoes, aye? Try getting a rock to your noggin every time you clock off from the climate station! 1
45 45 301 Bionic Bear And what is it with you two?! Do you humans and Constructs have nothing better to do? 1
46 46 201 1 500214
47 47 301 1 Rosetta We told you last time. We're on a mission. 1
48 48 201 1 500208
49 49 301 1 Bionic Bear ...Oh yeah, you did, aye, didn't you? So what's with the rocks again? Lost another module? 1
50 50 302 We don't have a place to pitch our tent. 51 First of all though, I didn't throw the rock. 52
51 51 53 301 Bionic Bear A tent...? You camping here or something? 1
52 52 301 Bionic Bear Whatever, it's all the same. Why do you have this pile of fabric on the ground anyway? Are you trying to camp or something? 1
53 53 201 1 500214 8
54 54 301 1 Rosetta I just wanted to teach Commandant how to pitch tents in the Arctic for the final mission. 1
55 55 204 1 14
56 56 301 Rosetta But this ended up not going as planned. The tent is going nowhere. 1
57 57 201 1 500208
58 58 301 1 Bionic Bear You two are a bunch of brain wranglers... But if you just need a shelter, I have an idea. 1
59 59 302 Save us, Master Bear! 60 You don't mean the ocean, do you? 61
60 60 62 301 Bionic Bear Don't call me Master Bear, makes me sound like some weirdo... Whatever, if you need help then let's build an igloo. 1
61 61 301 Bionic Bear What kind of numbskull idea is that? I'm saying you can build an igloo. 1
62 62 201 1 500214 4
63 63 301 1 Rosetta Right... An igloo also works. Not to mention it can be built anywhere... I completely forgot about it. 1
64 64 201 1 500208
65 65 301 1 Bionic Bear Aight, quit dozing and get cracking. Construct, you'll do the shaping. 【kuroname】, you pile up the snow. 1
66 66 302 How big do you want the snowballs? 67 We just need to pile it up? 70
67 67 301 Bionic Bear About waist-high, but don't make them too big. Last time, a ten-meter tall snowball came rolling onto shore and just about scared me half to death. 1
68 68 201 1 500214
69 69 72 301 1 Rosetta ... 1
70 70 201 1 500208
71 71 301 Bionic Bear Just mush it all into a ball. The Construct can handle the finer details later. 1
72 72 202 1
73 73 301 You both follow the bionic bear's safety-first instructions and quickly build an igloo. Rosetta uses her spear to carve a perfect sphere out of the snowball.
74 74 301 And finally—
75 75 201 1 500208
76 76 301 1 Bionic Bear Good work. You make Master Bear proud. 1
77 77 301 An immaculate igloo with a streamlined arc stands before you. The pristine snow is even glistering under the sunlight.
78 78 301 Rosetta covers the entrance of the igloo with the tent canvas to block the freezing wind.
79 79 201 1 500208
80 80 301 AniZhuanchangBegin 1 Bionic Bear Work's done, fellas. Let's go in and see if this igloo's a warmer! 1
81 81 202 1 1
82 82 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory0.png
83 83 301 AniZhuanchangEnd The three of you crawl into the igloo. Without any light, you cannot get a feel of your surroundings.
84 84 301 Bionic Bear Well. Feels pretty warm in here.
85 85 301 Like what the bear says, you feel an immediate temperature difference upon entering the igloo, but—
86 86 401 1 205
87 87 301 Rosetta It's a bit cramped in here...
88 88 301 Though equipped with the knowledge of the how-to, no one has ever built an igloo before, causing this size miscalculation.
89 89 301 In the end, you have created an... S-sized snow hut.
90 90 301 Bionic Bear Oi, Construct, can't you put your weapon outside? Your pokey bits are stabbing at me...
91 91 301 Rosetta Sorry, but you'll have to get over it. You never know when we might be attacked. Only soldiers that can endure can seize the final victory.
92 92 301 Bionic Bear I'm not here to make war, girl!
93 93 301 Rosetta Ah!
94 94 401 2 1503
95 95 301 The bear props up involuntarily in an almost slapstick retort, causing the small igloo to collapse and bury everyone in snow.
96 96 201 1 500214 8
97 97 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin 1 Rosetta Ugh... Just my lucky day. 1