
30 KiB

433301DialogEnableThe celebration is nearing its end, but people are still brimming with excitement. The vibe in the market continues to become more lively.
544301The vibrant lights along the winding streets and alleys are like fireflies along the riverside late at night, complementing the glorious sky above.
655301Having been brewing all day, the atmosphere of White Day has finally reached its climax.
777301People even earn a number of Star Tickets while shopping in the market. Organizers have gone through a painstaking effort to bring festivity to the celebration.
888301Even at this time, the streets are still lined with street performers or people setting up street-side games. Of course, interacting with them or playing games will also reward Star Tickets.
1010103011Street MagicianCome one! Come all! Don't miss the show!1
111111301Street MagicianStep right up! Three balls, two bowls, and one chopstick! Just one star to put your eyes to the test!1
121212301A loud hooting and hauling come from a vendor off in the distance.
131313301He's a man from Kowloong dressed as a street magician. There are two broken porcelain bowls, three plastic balls, and a chopstick in front of his stall. A big man stands opposite him, surrounded by a crowd of onlookers.
141414301The magician covers two of the balls with the porcelain bowls, grabs the chopstick, then gently taps the bowls. With a shake of his wrist, the ball in his hand disappears.
1616163011Burly ManTwo on the right, one on the left! It must be right. I saw it!1
171717301The magician lifts the bowls, revealing the exact opposite of the man's guess. There is only one ball in the right bowl, while the other two rest quietly in the left bowl.
181818301Burly ManWhat?! How... How'd you do that...1
2020203011Street MagicianUnfortunately, dear customer, you guessed wrong. The Star Ticket is mine, hahaha!1
212121301After that, several eager people step forward to challenge the magician, but none of them guess right.
222222301Everyone knows that the magician is doing tricks, but no one can catch him in the act despite such a simple game.
232323302I want to try.24
242424301Caught up in the festive scene, you can't resist it any longer and decide to challenge the magician.
252525301Street MagicianGreetings, dear customer. Care to take a guess?1
262626302Let's go.27I've got a quick eye.28
27272731301Street MagicianVery well. Don't blink!1
2929293011Hearing this, Lee's eyebrow twitches subconsciously.
3131313011Once again, the magician's hands fly at lightning speed. This time, he moves his chopstick to the bowl on the left, and the ball in his hand disappears in a flash.
323232302Two on the left, one on the right.33One on the left, two on the right.34
33333335301The magician lifts the bowls. Unfortunately, you have guessed wrong. There is only one ball in the left bowl and two in the right bowl.
343434301The magician lifts the bowls. Unfortunately, you have guessed wrong. There are two balls in the left bowl and one in the right bowl.
353535302(Give one Star Ticket)
363636301Street MagicianMuch obliged, dear customer. Care to try again?1
373737302AniZhuanchangBeginAnother!38No, thanks...40
383838301AniZhuanchangEndStreet MagicianWhat a pity, dear customer. Care to watch from the side?1
39393941301Unfortunately, you lose your two remaining Star Tickets from incorrect guesses.
404040301AniZhuanchangEndJust relying on your quick eyes, you cannot see through the magician's superb sleight of hand.
414242302Can you see through his tricks, Lee?43I need your help!45
434444503011Lee has been quietly observing the magician up until you call upon him, and he just nods.
485151301LeeIt looks simple, but it's incredibly difficult to master—it takes years of practice to reach his level.1
495252302Do you know the trick behind it?53
505353301LeeYes... but it's a secret.1
525555301LeeMagicians never reveal their secrets. This is basic etiquette among magicians.1
535656301LeeAnd would it still be interesting if you knew the secret?1
545757302I'm not sure.58
555858301After all, I've never been able to see through a magician's tricks.
565959301LeeEveryone understands that magic is just smoke and mirrors.1
576060301LeeMagic is just a trick. If you look at it from a different angle, you can see through the act.1
586161302But from the audience's perspective...62
596262302Isn't it really magic?63
606363301LeeYou're not wrong.1
616464301LeeThat's the goal of a magician... That's it.1
626565302Since when did you become an expert in magic, Lee?66
636666301Lee...Before I became a Construct, I would use it to hone my reaction time and concentration.1
646767301LeeI started taking more interest in it after I was getting the hang of it. I can teach you some simple techniques if you like.1
656868302You'll really teach me?69Are you sure you haven't been practicing in secret?72
666969301LeeWhy not? It's not much trouble.1
677070301(But didn't you say a magician never reveals his—)
68717176301Right as you're about to ask Lee this, you hear a child's voice nearby.
727575301Right as you're about to ask Lee a question, you hear a child's voice nearby.
737676301Child AHey, Mister! Aren't you the magician from earlier today?
7679793011Child AIt's him. It's him. He's so awesome... He can make all sorta things come out of his hat!1
778080301Child BReally?! No way... Is he really that awesome?2
798282301It is the child from earlier today and several new faces who must have noticed Lee when they were playing.
808383301They immediately swarm him with looks of adoration and anticipation.
8386863011Child CMister! Mister! Can you do another trick for us? I wanna see more!1
848787301Child DYeah! Yeah! Show our friends a trick! Pretty please! They don't believe me!2
8992923011Street MagicianHuh? A fellow magician? How fortuitous. Care to show me what you have up your sleeve?1
909393301Hearing the ruckus, the street magician seems to have taken an interest in Lee's tricks as well.
919494301He leaves his booth and gestures with his hands in invitation.
929595301Street MagicianOur art brings happiness to others. You don't want to disappoint them, do you?1
939696302Come on, the Great and Powerful Lee!97I'll give you a Star Ticket!101
9598983011LeeShut up!1
97100100107301Despite saying that, Lee has no choice but to walk up to the street magician's stall
101104104301Perhaps he has been caught up in the festive atmosphere or moved by the children's adoring eyes, his look of frustration is replaced with a soft smile.
103106106301Lee has no choice but to walk up to the street magician's stall.
104107107301LeeI'll need you as my assistant, Commandant.1
105108108302Huh? Okay.109
106109109302(Go along)110(Play it up)137
108111111301You make up your mind and stand beside Lee.
109112112301LeeDo you have anything I can borrow, Commandant?1
110113113302(Take out a coin)114
111114114301Lee takes the coin, puts it in his palm, and shows the audience before him. He then covers the other palm of his hand and blows softly. Slowly, he opens his palm—
112115115301But the coin remains in his palm as before.
113116116302Did you fail?117
114117117301Just as you have the same look of confusion as the audience, Lee flips his palm over. Gravity takes hold of the coin, and it begins to fall—
115118118301But it stops five centimeters away from his hand.
116119119301The whispers around stop. Everyone stares at the coin, forming a pocket of silence in the festivities.
119122122301Suddenly, everyone bursts out in applause and cheers.
121124124301RImgBg1Shake1Child CAgain! Again!1
125128128301RImgBg1Shake1EveryoneAgain! Again!123
126129129301The child's voice is like a bugle, and the crowd of men and women, young and old, perk up.
127130130301The noise attracts passers-by. They stop and stand on their tiptoes, trying to peer over the wall of people.
129132132301At this stage, rejection is not an option for Lee. He puts the coin back in the palm of his hand, then presses down, signaling everyone to be quiet.
131134134301He turns his gaze once more, then extends his left hand toward you.
133136136170301AniZhuanchangBegin1LeeNext, Commandant. Would you please...1
135138138301Seeing the expression on your face, Lee furrows his brows faintly.
137140140301LeeThis gentleman here. Would you please inspect these cards?1
138141141301Lee takes out a deck of cards and hands it to the audience member. After carefully inspecting it, he confirms that it is a normal deck.
139142142301LeePlease shuffle the deck, Commandant.1
140143143301Upon receiving the cards, you see that Lee is going to perform a card-guessing trick.
141144144302(Now's my chance!)145
142145145301After confirming the deck one more time, you shuffle the cards and hand them back to Lee.
143146146301Lee places the stack of cards on the table and covers them with the palm of his hand. He pushes down, causing the cards to unfold in a perfect fan.
144147147301He pulls out a card from the pile with his forefinger, then looks into your eyes and says:
145148148301LeeName a card, Commandant.1
146149149302Three of hearts.150
147151151301You have chosen this card specifically because you have quietly pocketed it in your sleeve.
148152152302(Sorry, Lee!)153
149153153302(Watching a performance go off the rails is fun, too...)154
150154154302(Take one for the team.)155
151155155301As you think that, your heart is filled with anticipation to see how Lee will react.
152156156301You watch Lee's face as he slowly reveals the card—
153157157301A three of hearts appears before your eyes.
154158158302How's that possible?!159
155159159301Ignoring what might happen, you pull out the card secretly stuffed in your sleeve—
156160160301It is an ace of hearts.
158162162301Looking up, you meet Lee's teasing glare.
160164164301LeeNo matter what you're thinking, I'm two steps ahead of you.1
161165165301The audience erupts into applause, obviously thinking it is a declaration of victory, but you know what he is really saying...
162166166302(Dammit! He saw right through me!)167
163167167301LeeWhat should I perform next?1
164168168301Although he still wears an approachable smile on his face, hearing the tone of his voice fills you with a tinge of regret.
165169169302AniZhuanchangBeginPlease... Show some mercy.170
168172172301AniZhuanchangEndUnder the mottled glow of the lanterns, Lee bows to the audience.
169173173301People throw their Star Tickets to Lee. The glittering paper reflects the glow of twilight and lanterns, like the end of a grand celebration.
170174174301Just like earlier, Lee lifts his hat among the rain of stars, then throws it high into the air.
172177177301The flurry of pink swirls in the night sky, then slowly flutters back down.
173178178301Looking more closely, you see that the cloud is composed of white origami roses.
174179179301The crowd reaches out, each grabbing the white origami roses.
175180180301Young couples gaze up at the miracle created by Lee, then proceed to gather up roses to give to their significant other.
176181181301This marks the end of Lee's performance. While the audience is still enchanted by the rain of flowers, he quietly salutes and leaves the booth.
177182182301Lee withdraws out of the light and into a corner so as to avoid anyone catching up to him.
178183183302What's the rush?184
1801851853011LeeJust trying to avoid trouble.1
181186186301Recalling the wall of people just now, you nod in agreement. It's only human nature to want to explore the unknown. That's precisely what draws people to magic and stops them in their tracks.
182187187301You think about what happened and suddenly have a boost of confidence.
184189189302I think I know the secret to your magic.190
185190190301LeeOh? What is it?1
186191191301Lee raises his eyebrows in anticipation as you begin to explain his magic tricks.
187192192301The coin seemed to be levitating, but it was just a thin piece of string that tied it to the palm of his hand.
188193193301Guessing the card in the deck was him switching up a card he had secretly prepared.
189194194301Bending the spoon was actually just him holding a very short handle between his forefinger and thumb.
191196196302You intended to show me the secrets behind those tricks, didn't you?197
192198198301During every performance, the assistant can always see how the tricks are done.
193199199301From the reaction of the audience, Lee adjusted the angle to a position that only you could see. This kind of precision is far more magical than magic itself.
195201201301LeeGuess you're smarter than I thought.1
196202202301LeeWell, do you think magic is not so magical now?1
197203203301LeeAfter all, you can follow all the steps.1
198204204302No, I still think it's just as magical.205
200206206301LeeWhat makes you say so?1
201207207302You said it yourself...208
202208208302Magic takes a lot of time and effort to learn.209
203211211301You grab his silver-white hands that were conjuring items out of thin air.
204212212302Must be pretty taxing on the finger joints.213
205213213302Need help with the maintenance?214
207215215301LeeCut it out.1
209217217301Lee takes his hands out of yours and turns his wrists slightly.
210219219301Although he maintains his indifference as always, having known him for so long, you see the slight torment in his brows.
211220220301Unlike normal, you notice that Lee is not so quick to end the conversation.
212221221301LeeRemember how I said this coating was for a banquet before joining Gray Raven?1
213222222302By that, you mean... Kurono?223
214223223301Lee nods.
216226226301Lee laughs at himself.
218228228301LeeThis statement is closer to the original meaning of this coating.1
219229229302Didn't you say you made some modifications?230
220230230301LeeI did...1
221231231302The past is in the past.232
222232232301Whether that be you or those around you.
223233233302Things change. Just like the coating you're wearing now.234
224234234301The last time you held Lee's hands, he tried to pull away. But this time, you hold his hand tightly, giving him no chance to let go.
225235235301Of course, with the strength of a Construct, he could easily make you let go with just a little force.
226236236301But he chooses not to.
227237237302His hands have helped Gray Raven overcome countless adversity.238
228238238301These brushes with death are not fake. They are real.
229239239301We all know how hard you have worked.
230241241302So, Lee...242
234249249301LeeEven if they give their everything, they are still powerless in achieving them.1
235250250302Then it's time for an assistant to appear, isn't it?251
236251251301If the magician's power is not enough, an assistant can help make up for it.
240256256301LeeIf that's what you think, I'm sure you will become an excellent magician one day... Can't say the same about dancing.1
242258258302Apart from the magic trick with the roses...259
243259259302I think I got the hang of everything else.260
244260260301LeeOnly that one?1
246262262301LeeTake a look at the rose.1
247263263301You take out the origami rose from your pocket. Lee uses this opportunity to free himself from your grasp.
248264264301This origami rose was one of the flowers on the ground you randomly picked up.
249265265301But it has changed completely without your notice.
250266266301It was only just a flower bud. But now, it is in full bloom. The pure white color is now a vibrant red. In the center rests a small piece of chocolate.
251267267302When did that...268
252268268301LeeSo, is that really the only trick you don't understand?1
254270270301LeeWhat is it? Want me to teach you?1
255271271302When did you buy so much chocolate?272
257273273301LeeWhat do you mean...1
258274274301He furrows his brow more tightly than normal as if thinking of something.
259275275301LeeDo you think the other roses did this, too?1
260276276302Didn't they?277
261277277301I just grabbed one at random.
265281281301Lee quietly rubs his temples.
266282282301Over his shoulder, you can see a couple passing by not far behind him.
267283283301They were holding several origami roses in their hands, smiling happily.
268284284301The rose is still as it was before—pure white, waiting to bloom.
272288288301LeeWhat is it?1
273289289301Lee's eyebrows still remain tightly knit.
274290290302Thank you...291Sorry.292
275291291293301Since this is a gift meticulously prepared by Lee, you think an expression of gratitude is more appropriate than an apology.
276292292301Since you did not realize it was a gift meticulously prepared by Lee, you feel an apology is in order.
281297297301Suddenly, Lee's smiling face is lit up.
285301301301Countless streams of light streak through the night sky above.
289305305301Like countless stars soaring into the sky, the Milky Way lights up in a constant barrage of explosions.
291307307301LeeLet's get going. I bet Lucia and Liv are waiting for us.1
292308308301AniZhuanchangBeginWith his back illuminated by the fireworks, he seems more at ease than usual. He appears to have put down a burden for the time being and has finally begun to enjoy the celebration.
296312312301AniZhuanchangEndThe last time you saw him this happy...
298314314301AniZhuanchangBegin1...was when you accidentally caught him practicing magic and origami in the base.
302318318301AniZhuanchangEnd1LeeCommandant, get your head out of the clouds.1
3053213213011AniZhuanchangBeginPicking up the pace, you catch up to Lee and stand beside him.