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544301Red Tide Projection...
655301ShrekI was planning on complaining how hard it was to look for you that day. But, never mind.
766301ShrekHow do you feel now?
877301Red Tide Projection...Cold...
988301Red Tide Projection...Come, keep me company... Shrek...
1099301ShrekIs this what a biscuit covered in mud looks like, Bella girl?
111010301Red Tide Projection...
121111301Shrek...I've never missed bantering with you so much, Bella.
131212301ShrekYou're no longer... you.
141313301ShrekFarewell, illusion created by the Red Tide.
151414301He waves his hand, then carefully puts the book that Bella gave him into the inner slot of his backpack and prepares to leave.
161515301Red Tide Projection...Shrek... You will live.
171616301Red Tide ProjectionLet me explore... the unknown.
191818301Red Tide ProjectionFarewell.
212020301Trembling, he walks a few steps forward and reaches out a hand to touch the projection that reminds him of Bella.
222121301Even though he is wearing a full set of protective gear, the infection quickly spreads from Shrek's fingertips toward the rest of his body.
232222301Shrek...Farewell, Bella.
242323301He absentmindedly withdraws his hand and takes a step back.
262525301Shrek silently repeats this word in his mind. He takes a few more wobbly steps back and gazes at the Red Tide projection from a distance.
272626301Shrek...Farewell. Farewell...
282727301AniZhuanchangBeginHe says it over and over again as if trying to convince himself. By nightfall, the Red Tide projection has retreated underground with the Red Tide itself.
323131301Gazing at the empty street, Shrek reaches out a hand toward the receding Red Tide. Eventually, his hand drops down.
343333301He staggers a few steps forward then turns around and sees the words that Bella painted on the wall.
353434301Earth has been stricken with innumerable disasters, and time has washed every one of them away. Live for tomorrow, because all will pass.
363535301Shrek...Yeah... Disasters will pass, no matter what they are.1
373636301AniZhuanchangBeginWith a self-mocking smile he writes another line under the quote.
404040301AniZhuanchangBeginThere has never been an endless winter on this planet, but when spring comes and the ice melts away, you won't be there to see it with me.
4344443011ShrekI should keep the quote the way it is. Even if it's a placebo, it'll encourage someone at some point.1
4445453011AniZhuanchangBeginShrek gives himself a shot of serum then picks up his heavy backpack and continues the journey... alone.