
13 KiB

433301DialogEnableDialogDisableYou have found more of Liadrin's records, but the timestamps show that they are not from the distant past. Instead, these happened very recently.
767301DialogEnableFatally wounded, Liadrin wanders alone in the ruins while Gabriel and Lamia watch her from the roof of a half-collapsed building.
109103011LamiaLet's just toss her to those guys that are snooping around... Do you think it's worth it?2
111011301GabrielShe's no use to us if she stays here either.1
121112301GabrielShe passed the first round of filtering and maintained her ego just as I expected, but then she refuses to dive deeper into the Ascension-Network.1
131213301GabrielThe thing is, she refuses to leave either. She just wants to stay down there in that room.1
141314301The two gaze at the faltering Liadrin. Another squad of Constructs marches in from afar and stops her.
151415301LamiaShe's been underground for too long. Her mind is all jumbled up.2
161516301GabrielThis is what happens to those who can't get over their pain.1
171617301GabrielLet her deal with this. We have other things to do.1
191819301AniZhuanchangBeginThe two on the roof quickly depart, leaving the badly injured Liadrin to face the entire squad of Constructs.
222122301AniZhuanchangEnd1Construct MemberCommandant, she's the murderer that slaughtered the other squad.3
232223301Hearing those words, Liadrin dully looks up. Standing next to the Construct is a human female. It looks like she is communicating with someone else.
242324301Female CommandantSister, I found her.
252425301Her voice sounds very much like Angel's. Liadrin raises her head as if she has just woken up from a nightmare. She mindlessly repeats that word.
282728301She turns around and stares intently at the human.
292829301Female CommandantDon't worry, sis. She's badly wounded. I have the situation under control. I'll go back with you after this mission.
302930301LiadrinWith you...1
313031301LiadrinI'll be with you...1
3332333011Construct MemberShe's coming at us!1
343334301Female CommandantPrepare for battle!
353435301The Constructs quickly spread out around Liadrin at the commandant's order.
363536301A towering Construct steps up and releases a shield, blocking the spikes that Liadrin formed out of thin air.
383738301RImgBg1ShakeA long-haired Construct pokes her head out from behind the shield and throws a small cube at Liadrin, creating a small-scale explosion. The smoke from it blocks Liadrin's sight and hinders her movement.
393840301AniZhuanchangBeginThe Construct with a hand crossbow stands a little further away. Seeing Liadrin clearly through his thermal goggles, he unleashes a power-infused arrow at the smoke.
444345301RImgBg1Shake1Her harsh wailing resounds once more. The Constructs cover their ears and assume a defensive stance.
4645473011Construct MemberShe's gone berserk!1
4847493011LiadrinAngel... Angel... Angel...1
494850301Liadrin staggers out of the smoke. Her right chest has been pierced.
5150523011Construct MemberProtect the commandant!1
5352543011LiadrinNo, that won't be necessary. I will protect her myself... like I used to...1
555456301The harsh shriek is heard again. A hideous red electric current wraps around Liadrin and forms a rugged blood moon at her feet.
565557301Female CommandantSister, this mission might be trickier than I thought.
575658301LiadrinI won't let you go this time!1
6059613011Lamia...I thought I should check up on her. What a nuisance.1
616062301The Construct squad is inexperienced, but Liadrin's wound is also greatly limiting her power.
626163301Lamia...I didn't really have much expectation.1
646466301Lamia lets out a sigh and approaches the battle from the shadows.
656567301The Construct just barely dodged Liadrin's continuous attack and are trying to catch their breath.
666668301But Liadrin is also worn out. Even if they leave her alone, she probably will not survive without help.
6969703011LamiaPerfect timing.1
707071301Lamia sneaks behind the solo crossbow Construct and impales his chest with a single strike.
717173301Crossbow Construct...You—2
737375301RImgBg1ShakeJust when he attempts to warn the others, a rumbling sound is heard underground.
757577301LamiaDinner time?1
777779301Lamia's lips curve up with satisfaction. She twists her body and vanishes. By the time she reappears, the other two Constructs have been eliminated as well.
7979813011LamiaYou're the only one left?1
808082301Although her entire squad is down, the female commandant still tries to stay calm. She keeps communicating her situation as she retreats.
818183301Female CommandantSister, the enemy has backup. I've lost my squad. You need to retreat!
838385301The rumbling sound from underground is quickly approaching, but the female commandant pays no attention to it. Compared to the mysterious rumbling, the two standing in front of her pose more of a threat.
8585873011LiadrinDon't leave... Don't leave!1
868688301Even though the commandant is fleeing as fast as she can, Liadrin still struggles toward her with a broken body.
8888903011Lamia...Looks like I won't have to get my hands dirty.1
898991301AniZhuanchangBeginFemale CommandantSister! Run!
929295301AniZhuanchangEndThe rumbling sound charges at the female commandant. As soon as she shouts out those words, a huge crimson wave tears apart the ground and gushes out from below, swallowing her and the Constructs lying on the ground like a ruthless predator.
939396301LamiaI don't expect you to thank me. Just get yourself looked at, will you?
949497301Liadrin does not respond. She painfully gropes around in the Red Tide, searching for something.
959598301LiadrinAngel... Angel!
969699301LamiaYou'll die if you keep doing this stuff.
9797100301LiadrinNo! Nooooooo! Angel!
9898101301Lamia...Forget it.
9999102301AniZhuanchangBeginLiadrin keeps floundering in the Red Tide even after Lamia vanishes, until it begins to recede toward its original exit.
102102105301AniZhuanchangEnd1LiadrinThe tide is beginning to ebb... No! Where are you?!1
104104107301Liadrin turns around at the familiar voice. A blurry projection emerges out of the Red Tide. It vaguely resembles the female commandant's features.
107107110301Red Tide ProjectionHelp me...
111111114301She ecstatically throws herself at the Red Tide projection, but no matter how hard she tries, it is impossible to hold it in her arms.
112112115301LiadrinAngel! Why?!1
113113116301Her crying still does not trigger anything. Liadrin can only watch as the projection and the Red Tide rapidly flow toward the crack in the ground.
116116119301Red Tide ProjectionSister...
1191191223011LiadrinDon't go!1
120120123301She drags her mortally wounded body along the path and chases after the Red Tide like a blind person trying to grab hold of the last light in sight.
121121124301LiadrinDon't go!!!!!!!!1
122122125301AniZhuanchangBeginBefore the Red Tide completely retreats underground, Liadrin finally catches up to the projection. She smiles joyfully and jumps in with her arms wide open—
1251251283011AniZhuanchangEndAniZhuanchangBeginLiadrin...I found you, Angel.