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433301DialogEnableWhen Karenina gets back to the propulsion lab, she sees many Engineering Force crew along with the uninjured Kurono researchers.
544301Yarha is standing by the side and taking care of the wounded crew. His eyes light up when he sees Karenina.
7663011YarhaKarenina? We have treated the injured crew. There are still Corrupted...1
877301Before Yarha can finish, Karenina grabs his sleeve and pulls him away.
1110103011KareninaGreat, you're here. Come with me! There's an emergency.2
121111301Karenina quickly heads to the control station, only to find another person already rapidly examining the data on the display.
1514143011TeddyHey, Karenina, what's going on...?2
161515301KareninaThe zero-point engine's gone haywire, right? I knew it. So? Are you able to shut it down remotely?1
171616301Teddy shakes her head and projects the control panel onto a screen.
181717301TeddyThe relay program has rejected all the requests from the control panel. It's probably already infected by the Punishing Virus. At this stage, no one can possibly cut off the reactor's power with programs.2
191818301KareninaNot even you?1
212020301TeddyNope... I hate to say it, but I'm no wizard. If it can't be done, it can't be done...2
232222301Teddy sighs as she tries to think of other solutions.
242323301TeddyHow about we try to shut it down manually?2
252424301KareninaI tried already... That thing is surrounded by extremely intense gravitational waves. Nobody can even get close, let alone shut it down.1
272626301TeddyNot even you?2
292828301KareninaI can try to toss you over from outside. Then you'll be able to shut it down manually—as long as you aren't crushed into a pile of dirt on the ground.1
3332323011YarhaWhat exactly are you talking about...?2
353434301KareninaBasically, the control center of the zero-point reactor was infected by the Punishing Virus and is now out of control. It keeps pumping zero-point energy into the engine, causing it to go haywire. The gravitational waves can blow up the lunar base at any time.1
373636301Yarha lets out a gasp. He too knows very well what would happen to the people here if the situation continues to deteriorate.
383737301KareninaSpeaking of which, Yarha, do you know any way to bypass the relay and shut down the zero-point engine directly?1
393838301YarhaNo way... The reactor has top-level security. There are no other ways to cut its power.2
403939301KareninaTeddy, how long will it take for the gravitational waves to reach here?1
414040301TeddyThey aren't expanding. Instead, they have been contracting—3
434242301Teddy's reply gives Karenina temporary relief, but she does not seem delighted at all—instead, she gets even more serious.
454444301TeddyDon't be too optimistic. The waves are contracting because of the increasing density. The energy supply to the reactor is still going up non-stop.3
464545301TeddyIt's not difficult to understand. With increased power, the reactor will produce more Punishing Virus... which will then infect more control centers and cause more reactor arrays to malfunction, until all the reactors are overloaded.3
484747301KareninaWhich means... the engine is going to get even more out of control...1
494848301TeddyAccording to my calculations, the gravity oscillation generated by the engine will even have the strength to cause a small part of the Moon to implode and decompose... The debris would have an enormous mass and reach the Earth at an incredibly high velocity.3
504949301Karenina cannot imagine how desperate it will be for the people on the ground. They have survived so many disasters only to face the rain of doom falling from above.
525151301YarhaWhat... about us?2
545353301TeddyHa... Do you even need to ask?3
575656301Yarha gulps. It is not hard to imagine how everyone here would turn into space dust in a split second.
585757301TeddyWe cannot stop the reactor, but there is still one last chance... Before the zero-point engine finally blows up, the gravitational waves will continue to contract. We may be able to find an extremely short window to approach it...3
595858301KareninaIf we can destroy the engine at that time... We can shut down the gravitational waves.1
605959301TeddyIt still cannot guarantee to negate all the existing gravitational waves, but that is the best option available.3
626161301YarhaBut... are we really going to destroy the zero-point engine...?!2
636262301Karenina remains silent. She knows she must destroy the engine for herself, for the people here as well as the innocent humans on the surface...
646363301But it was once the symbol and hope of humanity toward space navigation and the pinnacle of technology during the Golden Age... Is she really qualified to destroy it?
656464301KareninaYarha, can we call Babylonia from here?1
676666301YarhaTechnically, we can. The ID card I just gave you should be able to connect to Babylonia. But when I tried to do so earlier, there were tons of interference...2
686767301TeddyI'm afraid the Punishing Virus has also contaminated the signal station, thus the interference.3
696868301KareninaIt should be better if we just send a one-way message... Teddy, make a report of everything happening right now.1
706969301TeddyAlready did it... but you better be fast. The signals are almost cut off.3
7271713011AniZhuanchangBeginKarenina makes up her mind. She nods at Yarha and Teddy, then sends a comms request to Babylonia.