
13 KiB

655301DialogEnable1Haicma walks alone for a very long time.
766301Graffiti and murals pepper her way. She stops to record and analyze each of them.
877301Some of them are simply expressing emotions.
988301—Joy, hope, doubt, confusion... Unrestricted, the artists seem to have poured every feeling felt through the brushes without being patronizing or bounded by traditional skills. They look incredibly free.
101010301AniZhuanchangBeginThe graffiti begins to reveal sadness, loss, hatred, and fear...
121212301DialogEnableThe further Haicma goes, the richer the graffiti becomes. Sometimes they hide in the corners of the city or blend with nature, and sometimes they are presented proudly and explicitly in plain sight.
131515301The graffiti's locations may be spontaneous, but they are not entirely patternless. At least, she can tell that an area with graffiti is relatively safe with fewer Corrupted.
141616301Stopping at a street corner, Haicma notices a small, familiar graffiti on a wall, its meaning simple.
151717301Treasure ahead.
161818301Haicma follows the words and looks up to find a bookstore. In the Golden Age, humans would put their thoughts on paper with their pens, publishing and selling them in a shop like this.
171919301The store signage has already cracked and fallen into the mud. Dangling posters struggle to hang on the shattered shop window, their words only barely legible where they are shaded by the eaves.
192222301Haicma pushes open the rusty door, and it snaps upon her touch, startling the birds resting on the eaves.
212424301AniZhuanchangBeginShe gently puts the door aside and walks inside the bookstore.
242727301DialogEnableVines have climbed all over the shelves, pushing away the books and grasping for sunlight from dark corners. Life finds a way.
252828301After humans are gone, the wind still carries seeds far and wide, putting down roots in all places.
262929301Some humans seem to have stayed here. She can see embers of fires near a nook where books were used as fuel.
2831313011HaicmaThis is...1
293232301Her hand glides over a row of books on the shelf before taking out one of them. Dust flies from her motion, dispersing in the afternoon air.
313434301Haicma...It's the comic book she mentioned.1
323535301Damped, the pages have become incredibly fragile over time. Just flipping through them can cause them to crumble.
333636301HaicmaIt's been so long... It's illegible at this point.1
343737301AniZhuanchangBeginHaicma has not pulled up the memory data, but the memories surge up nonetheless as she flips the pages.
394242301DialogEnableHaicmaComic books?
404343301HaicmaCertainly. I can retrieve any information you need, including all comics currently published.
414444301NanamiNanami's asking whether you've read them, Haicma! I really, really, really like them! There're so many cool things in them!
424646301NanamiYou should try them, Haicma... They're so interesting!
434747301AniZhuanchangBeginNanamiRight, the comic book Nanami was thinking of is called...
475252301A mechanoid's voice pulls her back to reality.1
485353301Looking at where it comes from, Haicma sees an old model delivery droid heading toward her. It has a stack of comics in its arms, asking politely as its camera locks onto the comic book in Haicma's hands.
495454301Delivery DroidIt is part of the offerings I am currently collecting.
515656301Delivery DroidYes. If I collect enough of them, Sage will return to this place.
525757301AniZhuanchangBeginHaicma...Is that so?
545959301DialogEnableHaicma crouches, placing her comic book on top of its stack.
5661613011Delivery DroidThank you very much! Package received!1
596868301Delivery DroidThat was the last comic book on our list. Thank you for your assistance. I can return to our headquarters now.1
637272301With that, the delivery droid turns with a little sway and leaves. Heading straight ahead, it crashes into a fallen bookshelf.
647373301Delivery Droid...Obstacles detected... Adjusting route...1
677676301And it crashes right into another wall.
6978783011Delivery Droid...1
707979301The delivery droid stops, the signal light on its head blinking red.
718080301Delivery DroidAdjusting route...1
728181301Haicma realizes that the droid is covered with scratches and dents, old and new. Clear, winding tracks can be found on the ground, going around and around, leaving similar loops on the floor.
738282301It seems that this delivery droid has been spinning around here for some time.
748383301Delivery DroidAttempt 2378... Route adjustment failed...1
778686301It lowers its head, looking frustrated. It is not intelligent enough to self-diagnose, so it has been waiting here for possible companions to show up.
788787301Suddenly, it feels a hand on its head and sees a pair of calming eyes.
8190903011HaicmaYour GPS is malfunctioning.2
829191301HaicmaI can try to repair and calibrate it.2
839292301This machine needs help. Although it is not part of the commands Haicma received, she still proceeds to the delivery droid's side.
849393301She can still help those in need without being commanded, just like what Nanami would do.
859595301Delivery Droid...Thank you, Lady Big Hat.1
869696301HaicmaIs that me?2
879797301Delivery DroidYes. I came up with that name by observing your appearance as Sage taught us.1
889898301HaicmaYou can call me... Haicma.2
899999301AniZhuanchangBeginDelivery DroidUnderstood, Haicma. You can call me Deli.1
91101101301DialogEnableHaicmaYou should be fine now.2
93103103301The delivery droid stands up again, stretching its limbs.
94104104301DeliEssential functions repaired. Thank you for your assistance.1
95105105301Haicma...Resources are scarce, so I couldn't completely fix you. I've only calibrated your GPS for now.2
96106106301DeliThat is enough.1
97107107301DeliIf I may... Haicma, would you return to the headquarters with me?1
98108108301DeliI should repay you for your assistance, but... everything we collected is stored at our headquarters.1
99109109301DeliAs a repayment... you are free to choose anything from our collection.1
100110110301HaicmaI didn't help you in exchange for something, but...2
101112112301Haicma...I understand. Allow me to accompany you.2
1021131133011AniZhuanchangBeginAnd so, guided by the delivery droid, the two figures, one tall and one short, begin their journey back to the headquarters.