
15 KiB

544304(Static)... Cough. This is today's records.ffffffffAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory538.png1
655304I found a nursery from the Golden Age today. You could tell that kids used to sleep and rest here. Now it's empty.ffffffffAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory538.png1
766304The windows were broken, but the room wasn't without its dwellers.ffffffffAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory538.png1
877304I saw two nests on the windowsill. There seemed to be birds landing there.ffffffffAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory538.png1
988304They brought food and fur, leaving behind bones and feathers. The room still felt slightly alive.ffffffffAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory538.png1
1099304I keep thinking I'm in a dream. A cold, strange dream.ffffffffAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory538.png1
111010304This planet is like a dying mother, and I, like the fate of many others, am meant to die in her womb.ffffffffAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory538.png1
121111304But then I'd find new lives being born on this land, and it'd wake me from my dream...ffffffffAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory538.png1
131212304AniZhuanchangBeginMy sweet children. I'll be back for you.ffffffffAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory538.png11
191919301NanamiCan you show a smiley face on your screen?1
212121301The signal light on Sniper-PK43 flashes yellow.
2323233011SniperIf I had that function, I would not be smiling.1
242424301Back on the road, they have traveled a few days since they left the neighborhood. Right now, Nanami is holding a strange device on top of her mech, doing god-knows-what.
252525301SniperYou have been holding that device for a while... What does it do?1
2727273011NanamiThis? It's a camera I found in the mall! Nanami did leave behind something valuable as payment! I wasn't stealing!1
2929293011SniperThere is no one left to care. What are you trying to do with your camera?1
3131313011NanamiNanami is investigating...1
323232301After taking a photo of Sniper-PK43, Nanami begins to take photos of the sights, even though Sniper-PK43 thinks they all look similar.
3434343011NanamiAnd I'm journaling! Now Nanami can tell Commandant and her friends what she has encountered on her journey when she's back!1
353535301NanamiPerhaps Commandant will want to come with me on my next trip after seeing these stunning pictures!1
3737373011SniperYou said that name before. Does it belong to a human?1
3939393011NanamiThat's right. Commandant is the only... no, one of the few... one of the many human friends Nanami has!1
404040301NanamiBut Commandant is Nanami's favorite! The commandant has taught Nanami so—many—things. I can put in a good word if you want a meet-and-greet, but Nanami will always be the best and cutest one in the commandant's heart.1
4242423011SniperI am not trying to be cuter than you. You can have your commandant to yourself.1
4444443011NanamiNow that Nanami has told you a little secret, why don't you tell me about your favorite human?1
4646463011SniperYou know everything about him already. You have access to my databank.1
474747301SniperI do not know much about my maker. I only know that the city I was stationed in was a base for humans, and he had other human companions.1
484848301SniperHe has, on occasions, mentioned something about...1
494949301Sniper...How humanity's situation became extremely difficult... due to the Ever-Winter and the Badlands.1
5151513011NanamiI'm asking you what you think of your human. That I can't know from your databank.1
525252301NanamiAnd I've been investigating what Ever-Winter and Badlands are... Are they new viruses?1
535353301NanamiWe haven't encountered many Corrupted on our way... Nanami's so bored that even the Corrupted in her memories is getting lovelier.1
5555553011SniperI deduced it was because of the unending snow.1
5757573011Nanami...Why has Nanami never heard of it? I must figure out where Commandant is... Commandant will know how to fix this once I bring the news back.1
5959593011SniperIs your human powerful?1
6161613011NanamiOf course the commandant is powerful! But not as powerful as Nanami, still!1
6363633011SniperNo power can solve a global climate issue like this. If humans could fix it, they would be foolish not to have fixed it already.1
646464301Sniper-PK43 speaks flatly.
656565301SniperThose mechanoids found no one where they came from. Mutated animals are around us, and the only signs of humans in those buildings are their bodies. Perhaps humanity is extinct. Why do you think you can see them again?1
6767673011Nanami...Nanami hasn't been ignoring them.1
686868301NanamiAnd you're still searching with me, aren't you, Snipey?1
7070703011SniperMy maker is likely dead. I just believe that it is still possible to uncover the messages he left behind, if any.1
727272301The girl shakes her head, and she sounds incredibly sincere for once.
7474743011NanamiBefore I find out the truth about this place, I will not stop searching for other humans.1
767676301But her sincerity lasts only a moment before she screams and jumps down her mech.
7878783011SniperWhat is it?1
8080803011NanamiNanami has discovered something incredible!1
828282301NanamiIt's a park!1
848484301The energetic Nanami rushes away with her arms wide open. Not far in the distance are some contraptions buried in snow, their functions unidentifiable.
858585301Arriving at one of the snow piles, Nanami eagerly wipes away the snow to reveal a colorful seesaw underneath.
8787873011NanamiWhoa—jackpot! It's a seesaw!1
8989893011SniperYou can tell this is a park?1
9191913011NanamiDuh! Don't you know Nanami has an incredibly accurate park radar?1
9393933011SniperIt is true that I never saw a place like this. Regardless, it is useless now. No children will be playing here anymore.1
9595953011NanamiMaybe it's because they can't recognize it! I've decided to build a snowman here to make this place looks more like a park!1
9797973011SniperI thought you said you were sick of it.1
9999993011NanamiIt's different now that I'm doing it with you, Snipey.1
100100100301Before he knows it, Nanami has already made a basketball-sized snowball.
103103103301Sniper...Why are you looking at me like that? I will not build a snowman with you. I do not possess hands.1
1051051053011NanamiNanami is guessing what kind of snowman Snipey likes!1
108109109301AniZhuanchangBegin1NanamiHehe, prepare for your program to be changed by Nanami's mighty will!1
111112112301AniZhuanchangEndNanami has two snowmen built by the road before long.
112113113301NanamiConsider this the welcome gift Nanami didn't give you! Don't worry—you just need to appreciate it and thank me!
113114114301SniperWhy are there two of them?
115117117301NanamiThe larger snowman is Nanami's Commandant, wearing tons of glittery medals and looking super cool!
116118118301NanamiThe smaller snowman is Snipey's soldier friend. Nanami has given this sweet boy a flower.
117119119301SniperHe was actually a grown man...
118120120301NanamiNanami knows that you must miss your friend... like how I miss mine.
119121121301NanamiNanami will find the commandant as soon as possible. Combining Nanami's power with the best human, we'll be able to solve any problem!
120122122301Her smile has Sniper-PK43 struggle to continue his deduction. This time, he refrains from interrupting Nanami's aspiration, nor does he deliberately hide the simmering... impossible dream of his.
121123123301NanamiThat's why Nanami is also going to help you find the human you care about.
123125125301Despite not knowing if the girl before him can do as she promises, Sniper-PK43 realizes this is the first time someone wants to do something for him.
124126126301SniperThank you, Nanami.
125127127301NanamiPlease call me Master Nanami, the Chosen One, Comrade One-shot-one-kill!
126128128301AniZhuanchangBeginSniperI refuse. And stop giving me obscure nicknames.
130132132301AniZhuanchangEndTheir conversation is interrupted by strange noises from the other side of the park.
1321341343011SniperI think there are Corrupted there, Nanami.1
1341361363011NanamiCorrupted, is it?1
135137137301Nanami looks at the other side of the park upon his warning.
138140140301NanamiIt seems that some naughty kids want to join our snowball fight!1
140142142301Nanami gets on her mech again, taking a fighting stance toward where the sound comes from.
1421441443011AniZhuanchangBegin1NanamiWell then, on my mark, Power! Master Nanami will show those punks a real snowball fight!1