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433304Hear the voice of the Bard!375a92ffAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory00.png1
544304Who Present, Past, & Future, sees375a92ffAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory00.png1
655304Whose ears have heard,375a92ffAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory00.png1
766304The Holy Word,375a92ffAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory00.png1
877304That walk'd among the ancient trees.375a92ffAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory00.png1
988304AniZhuanchangBegin —The Prelude of Song of Experience375a92ffAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory00.png11
141313301AniZhuanchangBeginSomebody help. Anybody...
161515301AniZhuanchangEndFirst, it is the hearing.
201919301The cursed shriek comes out of nowhere.
212020301Then, it is the vision.
242323301Everything is plunged into boundless darkness all of a sudden. Your eyes adjust themselves to sense the dim light.
252424301Then, as you regain your senses, you can finally move your limbs again.
262525301RImgBg1ShakeYour eyes are sore and your nose is stuffy. Blades of grass caress your cheeks. Your hands feel the touch of soil and rubble.
272626301So, you start commanding your heavy limbs. With two hands and two knees on the ground, you struggle to push yourself up.
282727301Your physical senses grow stronger as they remind you of the new world around you.
313030301And as you take a look around, everything is unveiled as if the curtain on the stage is lifted. Everything starts moving as you hear a mysterious melody that is mesmerizing and clear.
323131301The forest is dark and there is no one in sight. There is strange light blinking above the sky. The shadow of a dragon emerges from a cloud before disappearing into another one. It strikes fear into your heart.
333232301The mysterious melody echoes across the land as if a whistle guiding a hound. It snatches your soul as you realize it is the pipe.
343333301Just like the Magic Pipe of Hamelin and treacherous sorcery, it skillfully guides the evil dragon as the dragon flies and turns, bringing desolation upon the land.
3736363011You once heard the faint sound of that pipe. The dragon flaps its wings to create an intense cyclone that comes for you. Now, the pipe sound fades into the distance like mist. With it, the dragon is gone and nowhere to be found.1
393838301The startled white-billed crows return to perch on branches high up in the air. As the air current disperses, everything goes back to silence.
403939301And why are you here?
414040301You have no knowledge or possessions. There is no one by your side and no traces to track you down with.
424141301Who is playing the pipe of doom and guiding the dragon again? Who is bringing calamity and blocking the way forward?
504949301The veins around your temples pulse as blurred memories pour into your mind like a whale emerging from the sea surface and quickly falling back to send a huge wave. Your heart is ravaged and your feelings are a mess. Nothing feels real. It is almost like you are sharing an illusion with someone.
515050301Suddenly, you feel weary as if you have been through a long journey or a long battle only to end up going back to where you started.
525151301Then, you recall your original goal. You want to go home.
535252301But before that can happen—before old things wither and new things are born—you must escape this forest.
5453533011AniZhuanchangBeginAbove the distant mountain, there sits a towering palace with a silver spire.