
25 KiB

433304AniZhuanchangEndSome people say that life is born from a mother's suffering, then grows up in the accompaniment of torture and is extinguished in sorrow.eaeaeaffAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory460.jpg1
544304You simply cannot grow up without sorrow.eaeaeaffAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory460.jpg1
655304Because the gifts of fate are hidden on both sides of the road of suffering. If you wish to receive such gifts, you must first step on this road.eaeaeaffAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory460.jpg1
766304...Alas, that is only what some people say.eaeaeaffAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory460.jpg11
877304If you were a baby about to be born or someone on the verge of death...eaeaeaffAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory460.jpg1
988304Faced with what was to come or back turned to what had already transpired...eaeaeaffAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory460.jpg1
1099304What would fill the depths of your heart? Excitement... or fear?eaeaeaffAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory460.jpg1
111010304If you could start over...eaeaeaffAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory460.jpg1
131212304AniZhuanchangBeginWould you choose this life?eaeaeaffAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory460.jpg11
161515301AniZhuanchangEnd???What? Is this your first time meeting a stranger who wants a conversation for no reason?
171616301???No, I've never thought about that. I'm just saying you look like someone who thinks about that.
181717301???If so...
191818301AniZhuanchangBegin???I hope you would not regret this decision.
232222301AniZhuanchangEnd???You will regret this!
292828301RImgBg1Shake06:20 p.m.
302929301The last transport craft here for a rescue mission crashes and causes a massive explosion.
313030301A horde of Hetero-Creatures rushes out from the dense smoke declaring their victory and humanity's loss of air superiority.
333232301In the wilderness, with Lee's help, a survivor drags his broken leg as he struggles to escape their capture.
3635353011Construct SoldierAre you nuts? You shouldn't have come here to rescue people...!1
373636301LeeSave your breath and pick up the pace.2
434242301Though he is being verbally harsh, he does stop for a while to let his companion catch up and seizes that chance to fire bullets at the Hetero-Creatures coming from the sky.
444343301It's been over a month since the disaster that happened in the Pulia Forest Park Ruins. The humans trapped on the surface still have to rely on this method to survive.
4847473011Construct Soldier...The escape plan you proposed is crazy. There is almost no chance for us to... (panting)1
494848301He seems still in shock as he talks to Lee while trembling.
504949301Construct SoldierLetting Lucia use that external thruster to take care of the paratroopers... This is just…1
535252301He gets interrupted by a beep from Lee's terminal, but Lee doesn't look down to check that device. Instead, he remains vigilant and continues to hunt down the Hetero-Creatures that try to get close.
545353301LeeLucia has found a transport vehicle. She's on her way here.2
555454301Construct SoldierHow do you know? You didn't even look at it... What if it's a distress signal?1
565555301LeeShe's the captain of Gray Raven.2
575656301Construct Soldier...1
585757301Construct SoldierForget it. After all, if she could survive a battle like that...1
595858301Construct SoldierAlright, then... Let's proceed onward and rendezvous with her.1
616060301He sighs, then appears to relax ever so slightly.
626161301Lee doesn't answer. He focuses his attention on the Hetero-Creatures flying in the sky and continues in the same direction.
636262301LeeWe need to get them off our tails before we enter the conservation area.2
646363301Construct Soldier...Cough—t-they're... still coming this way?1
656464301LeeOf course.2
666565301Construct Soldier...You really shouldn't just go charging into the crash site to save people.1
676666301Construct SoldierNow those bastards around the transport crafts... are going straight for you…1
686767301LeeYou're the reinforcements sent by Babylonia. You're our comrades.2
696868301He sighs helplessly for having to state the obvious.
717070301LeeThese were Lucia's exact words.2
737272301LeeIf our commandant was still consciousness, the same would surely be said.2
747373301LeeSo, I won't leave you behind either.2
757474301Construct Soldier...But I heard there aren't enough medical supplies to treat all the wounded in the conservation area.1
767575301Construct SoldierBefore we set out, we had already prepared to sacrifice ourselves and recall...1
797878301Lee stops talking, lets his companion lean on him, and makes haste.
807979301Construct SoldierIf we spend too many medical supplies, eventually most slightly injured people won't be able to recover...1
818080301Construct SoldierIf the rescue falters, more people would die on the battlefield!1
828181301Construct SoldierWe... We didn't come all this way from Babylonia just to be a liability for bases here on the surface!1
838282301LeeThat's not for you to worry about.2
848383301LeeWe will take you and the other casualty Lucia brought back to the conservation area for a professional evaluation to assess the necessary provisions.2
858484301Construct SoldierYou mean... that other member from Gray Raven? Liv? She didn't come here with you?1
868585301LeeShe is staying in the conservation area to help tend to the wounded. She's the only qualified medic there now.2
878686301Construct Soldier...1
888787301LeeWe weren't able to get a lot of supplies, but we'll at least be able to hold out for a few more days.2
898888301LeeHad we not saved you, we wouldn't have gotten the supplies secured.2
908989301LeePeople in the conservation area are still waiting for good news from Babylonian reinforcements. Not to mention, saving lives isn't something that requires hesitation.2
919090301AniZhuanchangBeginConstruct SoldierBut our surface reinforcement plan...1
949393301AniZhuanchangEndAniZhuanchangBeginConstruct SoldierHas failed once again…
999999301AniZhuanchangBeginThe explosion blew the highly concentrated Punishing Virus around that Mother everywhere, covering the entire Forest Park in the ashes of death.
101101101301AniZhuanchangEndWhen the magnificent light from the Longinus Arsenal finally dissipated, only the charred remains of the Hetero-Hive Mother and all those Hetero-Sapiens lurking in the forest were left.
102102102301AniZhuanchangBeginBut the Punishing Virus didn't just disappear like that. And the great fire didn't stop the violent Hetero-Creatures and Hetero-Sapiens from running rampant.
104104104301AniZhuanchangEndWith the CPF 040 destroyed, the tower no longer purified the air of the Punishing Virus and those things took to the air, fanning the flames of an already dire situation.
105105105301Calamity spread like wildfire, and the Punishing Virus filled the air.
1141141143011HassenTo restore life on Earth, we hope the tragedy of the Great Evacuation won't happen a second time. We shall exhaust all our manpower and transportation capacity to get the victims of this disaster to a safe area farther away from here.1
115115115301HassenThe Babylonia citizens have cast their votes, and we decided to go with this decision. Time is of the essence if we are to save lives. Strike Hawk and Cerberus will lead this rescue operation and deal with the hostile Hetero-Creatures coming from the sky. Move out, team.1
123123123301The first few rescue operations went well. Most Babylonia citizens didn't expect they would have so many strangers here, but quite some lucky ones made it to this place safely.
124124124301AniZhuanchangBeginHowever, calamity ensued shortly afterward.
129129129301AniZhuanchangEnd1Construct SoldierWe... failed...1
130130130301Construct SoldierMany teams reported this last month... They said they saw some Hetero-Creatures with wings that learned how to fly with the help of highly concentrated Punishing Virus.1
131131131301Construct SoldierNow... Those things swarmed together and attacked our transport craft.1
132132132301Construct SoldierThis was our last mission report... We lost contact with the elite squad on the other transport craft...1
133133133301Construct Soldier...1
134134134301Construct SoldierHeh...1
135135135301Construct SoldierWhen the residents of Babylonia finally decided to cast aside their worries and accept life on the ground...1
136136136301Construct SoldierThe sky isn't safe anymore...1
139139139301The path is cut off. Where can people run to?
140140140301AniZhuanchangBeginThere's no way back now. If they request backup, they'll only repeat our mistake. The elite team, trapped on the surface, volunteers to protect the conservation area and hunt down the Hetero-Creatures and Hetero-Sapiens.
145145145301AniZhuanchangEnd1NoctisBoss, I've dealt with the areas I was asked to clean up.1
146146146301NoctisBut look at this.1
148148148301Noctis furrows his brows in the mission recording and points to the Red Tide behind him.
149149149301The Hetero-Creatures are coming back to life in the raging Red Tide.
1511511513011VeraThen we'll vaporize the Red Tide too.1
153153153301The three figures in the recording raise their weapons and approach the Red Tide. However, another signal stops them in their tracks.
1581581583011AsimovThis notification is for all the Task Force members.13
159159159301AsimovJudging by the data we've collected, the Red Tide shows no signs of stopping.13
163163163301AsimovEven if we make the Red Tide evaporate, the Punishing Virus will remain in the air.13
164164164301AsimovWhen the Punishing Virus strikes again and corrupts human bodies, the festered flesh will slowly converge and form a new Red Tide, similar to the liquids those Hetero-Sapiens secrete.13
165165165301AsimovBe careful not to let the Red Tide converge. Otherwise, we'll have another disaster on our hands.13
166166166301AsimovBut no need to waste time on tributaries that haven't converged yet. These will continue to generate so long as there are casualties in the presence of the Punishing Virus.13
1701701703011KamuiAsimov, do you think we are cleaning the Red Tide or the dead that became part of it?11
178178178301AniZhuanchangEndAniZhuanchangBeginNo one can answer this question.
180180180301AniZhuanchangEndThis disaster is dragging us slowly into Hell. No place to hide. No path to flee.
181181181301After the fire in the Forest Park Ruins goes out, hordes of Hetero-Creatures emerge worldwide. Overwhelming and unstoppable, they slaughter all living beings that stand in their way.
182182182301Under cascading death, the harm caused by the Unidentified Twins is actually negligible.
183183183301A tide of Hetero-Creatures wanders aimlessly through the wilderness, spreading footprints of grief and death through this rotten land.
184184184301The twins left among the ashes walk toward the west coast, robbing language and knowledge from dead humans and Constructs along the way.
185185185301After arriving at the west coast, instead of crossing the sea, they continue to move northward along the coast.
186186186301They join the barrage of Hetero-Creatures in the battle against humans and Constructs stationed in the defense zone, resulting in the destruction of the conservation areas in 37 cities and leaving no survivors.
187187187301When the garrison sensed that there was no chance of victory, they had no choice but to resort to avoidance tactics, predicting their action trajectory and withdrawing in advance.
188188188301These predictions are not always accurate. The enemy sometimes acts separately or stays in the same area for a long period of time.
189190190301In order to avoid getting ravaged and devastated by the approaching barrage, residents from adjacent cities flee in advance.
190191191301If the residents couldn't flee in time, they had no choice but to leave their future up to fate to decide.
191192192301If people choose to leave early because of fear, they will fall into the dilemma of competing for resources with residents of other cities.
192193193301These Hetero-Creatures are a barrage in every sense of the word, bringing death to the land wherever they inundate.
193195195301However, when the garrison in the next conservation area attempted to adopt this tactic, they were instead burned to death underground.
194196196301These creatures grow in wisdom and learn how to use tools—evolving little by little.
195197197301However, no one can make a conclusive decision as to whether they have feelings and temperament in the biological sense.
196198198301Just as humans treat vegetation, they regard humans as a natural resource here on Earth.
197199199301They pick up lone humans, like cherishing the seeds, and return them to the crowd.
198202202301Before they truly understand feelings and benevolence, humans cannot rely on communication. They can only escape the twins' tracks before being plundered.
199203203301At first, in order to avoid the high concentration of Punishing Virus on the surface, people planned to migrate to the Arctic Route Union, but these creatures began to venture northward.
200204204301With the barrage of the twins and the migrating Hetero-Creatures bringing danger to the northwest, people turned to the southeast for refuge.
201205205301With surface buildings in the conservation area lacking air-tight ventilation, CPFs can no longer ensure safety in such a high concentration of the Punishing Virus.
202206206301Most human beings live in the enclosed basement of the conservation area, leaving the resource collection and rescue operations to the Constructs.
203207207301Even if Scavengers are fitted with full sets of protective suits, their movements are still hindered by the threat of Hetero-Creatures.
204208208301When all the land outside the conservation area becomes entrenched with hidden dangers, supply consumption becomes a new problem.
205209209301People are in urgent need of rescue, but the transport crafts originally used for rescue only end up turning into fuel time and again.
206210210301We are forced to step into the eternal night of death, and with different language and bodies, roar as one in the afterburn of dawn.
207211211301AniZhuanchangBegin—In order to retain the few motes of light that remain in this darkness.