
19 KiB

544304Hetero-Cores are placed below the base.ffffffffAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory448.jpg1
655304Miss Luna doesn't respond to this. For the great agent of Ascnet, this power isn't worth mentioning.ffffffffAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory448.jpg1
766304But Roland shows no concern for this at first, unable to understand the Ascnet's favor toward him.ffffffffAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory448.jpg1
877304Perhaps this is the privilege of humans who share the same origin as Miss Luna. They are different from me. They don't need to be pieced together.ffffffffAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory448.jpg1
988304Therefore, I cannot understand the real greatness of Ascnet.ffffffffAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory448.jpg1
1099304I proposed to remove some shards from the recycled materials in the space station, but Roland objected.ffffffffAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory448.jpg1
111111304But his meaning is hard to decipher. The defective Construct looks nothing like a flower. Similarly, I have been unable to understand his behavior.ffffffffAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory448.jpg1
121212304He obviously has the power to destroy his prey, yet he spends the time to set traps.ffffffffAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory448.jpg1
131313304Sometimes he even digresses into boastful monologues, wasting time on pointless communication with the enemy.ffffffffAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory448.jpg1
141414304I am skeptical of his inefficient practices, but as long as he is completing the Ascnet's missions, I have no need to speak up.ffffffffAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory448.jpg11
151515304The bigger problem I face now is that humanity's nightmare is about to be brought to life, but the generation who should lead us forward doesn't care.ffffffffAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory448.jpg1
161717304No one seems to pay any mind to this earth-shattering power, but I am sure that this power is the gospel brought to me by the Ascnet.ffffffffAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory448.jpg1
171818304AniZhuanchangBeginAs such, I am even more deserving of wielding this power.ffffffffAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory448.jpg11
192020301AniZhuanchangEndRoland was watching nearby a few times when Gabriel developed Hetero-Creatures.
202121301He'll never forget how those creatures came out from the slimy eggs.
212222301AniZhuanchangBeginThey were squirming and twisting and looked absolutely disgusting.
242626301Gabriel raises his cane and points it at the Hetero-Creature.
252727301The back of the Hetero-Creature bulges with pus and then from it breaks transparent wings. Its insect-like wings are slowly stretching out.
2729293011GabrielDefense capability—suboptimal. Combat capability—suboptimal. Pursuit capability—suboptimal.1
293131301Gabriel reaches out his left arm and grabs the deformed Hetero-Creature and tears it to pieces.
303232301GabrielKeep going. Experiment No. 327.1
333535301RolandWhat are you doing?1
343636301Lazily leaning up against a wall in the corner, Roland speaks in a relaxed voice as if it is just a casual inquiry in his spare time.
353737301He's still watching the scene closely from within the darkness.
363838301Gabriel seems to be accustomed to Roland's indolent attitude. He doesn't even turn his head to look back.
3840403011GabrielI need the most powerful servant as possible at my disposal. So I'm testing trial after trial.1
394141301GabrielAs long as they understand that we are superior as Ascendants, then we can easily bend them to our will.1
414343301Roland...I've been wondering if these things have feelings or thoughts. They look pretty dumb.1
4345453011GabrielThey have no use for those.1
444646301GabrielAn experienced beast only fixates on its prey. Lock, and then attack.1
454747301GabrielThey are merely tools at my disposal to achieve the long cherished dream of Ascnet. Whether it is emotion or cognition, they will only become obstacles for me to control them.1
464848301The dark Mechanoid is gazing into the deep, bottomless tide of red, with a crazy red glint in his eyes.
4851513011RolandIt's strange... I remember you weren't like this before.1
5053533011GabrielIf you still have time to laugh at me, you'd better continue to complete your task.1
5255553011RolandRelax. I'm almost ready. They didn't notice.1
535656301RolandI'm curious as to what form these little pets of yours will eventually take.1
5558583011Gabriel...So am I.1
565959301GabrielI have explored all possible variables that will affect the power of these creatures. All I need to do now is wait for them to evolve and reach their full potential.1
5861613011RolandAll possible potentials...1
606363301AniZhuanchangBeginRolandWell, then. I'll await the good news...1
636666301AniZhuanchangEndGabriel has been searching in the deep pool for the strongest power as he understands. What is now presented to Roland is likely to be the answer to that power.
646767301The indescribably massive incubator for integrating mechanoid and biological structures is suspended deep underground. Countless tubes flowing with red liquid are connected to it.
6770703011Roland...Babylonia would never have expected this kind of thing to be hidden under the Central Purification Filter that was once the lifeline of the human race. Quite the bold decision.1
687676301VonnegutPerhaps, he was 99% of the way to achieving his goal, but it was the 1% he ignored that is key to achieving it. I found this in the Gabriel memory data collected by Cinderelik.2
697777301Speaking with a solemn tone, Vonnegut takes out an old storage device from his pocket.
707878301VonnegutGabriel thinks that emotion is useless, but he deliberately ignored what the turning point was for him becoming an Ascendant.2
717979301VonnegutHatred, pain, obsession... These feelings are very familiar to every Ascendant, but they are completely unfamiliar to Hetero-Creatures.2
728181301VonnegutThe Hetero-Creatures incubated by Gabriel have given us new possibilities and may have even inspired the Punishing Virus to develop toward intelligent lifeforms.2
738383301VonnegutWhat we need is not a beast with shackles, but a companion who can walk side by side with us in the new world.2
758585301RolandDid you call me here just to show off your new pet?1
768686301VonnegutNo, of course not.2
778787301VonnegutAfter this, I will give you something else as agreed.2
809191301VonnegutThis is the deal between us—our next step.2
819292301VonnegutIt's an experiment driven by human instinct, shifting against emotions, and producing results from suffering.2
829393301AniZhuanchangBeginVonnegutI think you'll be interested in the show, Roland.2
879898301AniZhuanchangEnd1RolandVonnegut... Unbelievable. I can never tell what's on his mind.1
889999301RolandTo let something come into being that he's not sure if he can control... Is that what he really wants? Didn't he learn any lessons from Gabriel?1
89100100301It's a gamble with no clear outcome ahead, a game that will only show the result when the box is open. Whether it's confidence or conceit lies in the ability of the one in control. At least for the moment, Vonnegut looks confident instead of conceited.
91105105301Roland can't find the words to describe the scene before him. Hetero-Creatures and Hetero-Plants show consistent variations at regular intervals, as if something is artificially controlling their boundaries.
92107107301Just like the subconscious movements of a baby in the womb, this is something even more terrifying to him than the Hetero-Creatures in Gabriel's deep pool.
971131133011VonnegutI gave them the options, and they all chose to go for the CPF. In the face of both opportunity and danger, they seized opportunity without any hesitation.1
103122122301Comms ring and interrupt Roland's musings.
104123123301Message from CinderelikMother is ready.
1061251253011RolandIt's showtime!1
107126126301RolandBeloved audience, the long-awaited performance is about to begin. Can I get a round of applause?1
108127127301Roland swings his chain blade in a theatrical gesture.
110129129301The Corrupted pass by senselessly. All he hears is the sound of a crow perched in a withered tree taking flight after being startled by the movement of his chain blade.
111130130301RolandFine... Guess I'll have to give myself a mechanical rose instead.1
112131131301Roland shrugs then picks up the shotgun parts beside him and begins assembling it.
114133133301RolandThis boring show has already gone on 14 times. I keep thinking it might have a different ending, but they always end up just killing each other or themselves. The stronger ones manage to make it out to the forest... But they'd be better off just staying in the CPF and waiting to die.1
115134134301A mysterious dark cage, a group of helpless trapped animals, an imaginary goal—so far everything was just rehashing a low-budget film.
116135135301Roland gets lost in thought for a moment.
118137137301RolandHah... Guess it's only normal. After all, how can you trust people other than yourself when you can't even protect yourself?1
120142142301...What would Luna think?
121143143301Roland briefly stops assembling the shotgun as if seriously contemplating the question hovering in his mind.
124146146301Click!—The spring suddenly makes a sound. Roland shakes his head and holsters the fully-assembled shotgun at his waist.
126148148301RolandTime to get to work.1
127150150301RolandIn the past... it was just a matter of snapping my fingers to get rid of these scrap metals. Now I got to get my hands dirty. It's really sad to be dependent on others.1
1281521523011AniZhuanchangBeginRolandShouldn't take too long, though. Should it?1