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433301NarrationThe giant killer falls right in front of you, and you finally hear the long-awaited siren.
544301NarrationIt was an extremely dangerous night. Fortunately, it's all over—for now.
655301As the narrator speaks, the killer's remains decompose into ashes and disappear in the air.
1099301LuciaHe was a tough opponent even in here...2
111010301KamuiHmm? Something is left behind...1
121111301Kamui reaches out into the ashes and pulls something out.
131212301It looks like a piece of metal, with some text written on it.
141313301To Camp Inferno Trainee:
151414301This is the last one, come and take it. Happy Halloween :D
161515301—George Darren Toro
171717301LuciaWhat does that mean...?2
1919193011AylaGeorge Darren Toro... Here he is!2
202020301Ayla searches on her terminal and shows it to everyone with excitement.
222323301KamuiOh, I love his movies! Especially when that gigantic robot punches the other gigantic monster in the face! Kaboom!1
232424301KamuiEvery time I watched it, I felt like winding back that punch and watching it again 10 times! Then another 10 times at 1/10 speed!1
242525301KamuiOh, he also loved making the movie props as realistic as possible. Capt thinks it makes them look fake, but I love it!1
273030301AylaI heard rumors that Toro always wrote the scripts for his own movies, then asked some random screenwriter to put their names on them. It's probably true.2
2932323011LuciaThis console is probably left by Toro for his students then.1
303333301LuciaBut... Why?1
3235353011LeeAyla, what kind of place is this Camp Inferno?1
333636301AylaHmm... Let me see, a total of 57 students attended the camp, but... It just ended without any notice?2
343737301AylaSeems the project was just terminated. There was no follow-up news.2
353838301LeeWe need more information...1
363939301AylaOh, this record does have a locked section that can only be unlocked after certain requirements are met.2
374040301AylaBut I haven't detected any visit logs... Which means no one else except Toro has read the content inside.2
3942423011KamuiIt's a puzzle left by Toro! Now I'm hyped up!1
404343301AylaKamui, let me have a look at that metal plate. Maybe I can...2
414444301Ayla grabs the metal plate from Kamui and carefully examines it. She then turns to you, as if she has found something.
424545301AylaI knew this would have a secret layer.2
434646301Ayla inserts her fingers into the secret layer and pushes the metal plate open. There is a piece of paper inside.
444747301AylaStage 1... Clear.2
454848301Suddenly, all of you lose your vision. Soon, you cannot feel or hear anything either.
4649493011AniZhuanchangBeginNarrationCertificate confirmed. Loading Stage 2.