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433301DialogEnable???We did it.
6553011QuIs that... so...?1
766301???Yes. Now you can go out and see for yourself.
877301QuThe outside world—what a strange word. I don't know how many years have passed since that battle.1
988301???Yeah, I remember the battle. It was from that point on that you took on the mantle as the KCC Gravekeeper.
1099301???Such valor.
111010301QuI guess I'll take that as a compliment.1
121111301???Hehe, well then... Welcome to a new world.
131212301QuQuit being polite, hypocrite.1
141313301AniZhuanchangBegin???Hypocrite? Perhaps. Who knows?
171616301AniZhuanchangEndThe stagnant river of time begins to flow once more. The first time I left, Kowloong Metropolis and the underground ruins were under construction.
181717301AniZhuanchangBeginIt was at this moment that I finally saw how humanity lived in today's era.
222120301AniZhuanchangEnd1GDF Soldier ADamnit, the defensive line can't hold any longer.1
2322213011GDF Soldier BWhat about the Support Force? Where are they?1
242322301GDF Soldier CRadar indicates that most of the squads have evacuated... We've been abandoned!1
252423301GDF Soldier ADamn it!1
262524301GDF Soldier BThe Corrupted are coming! We're all gonna die!1
282726301???Don't give up just yet.
3231303011SoldiersWho's there?123
343332301Suddenly, a girl infiltrates the base and interrupts the soldiers.
353433301She quickly slashes the Corrupted with her glaive, then charges up and throws her weapon at the enemies behind her. The inertia from the impact sends enemies flying back over ten meters before they crash onto the ground.
363534301She lifts her right hand slightly, and a new glaive forms in her hand.
3837363011GDF Soldier AIt's a Construct!1
393837301GDF Soldier CNo, that can't be. My detector indicates that she's reacting with the Punishing Virus. C-Corrupted!1
4140393011QuNo, I'm not your enemy! The Corrupted in front of you are higher priority right now!1
434241301Qu leads the charge outside of the base and begins to fight the Corrupted.
444342301Qu may be skilled, but fighting the vast number of Corrupted while also trying to suppress the Punishing Virus from spreading to the other soldiers pushes her to her limits.
454443301Now that the battle is over, Qu and the remaining soldier stand in the ruins of the base.
4847463011GDF Soldier ATh-thank you.1
494847301QuI guess I couldn't save everyone.2
504948301GDF Soldier AYou did your best given the number of enemies...1
515049301QuDo you need me to escort you back?2
525251301GDF Soldier AYou show signs of Corrupted, but I'm sure we can avoid a fight if you explain yourself clearly.1
535352301QuI'd better not. I think that would only bring harm to both sides.2
545453301GDF Soldier AIf you say so...1
565655301Hearing this, the soldier salutes Qu. But the soldier has only taken one step after turning to leave before kneeling.
575756301Qu sees several bloody wounds on his back and even a mechanical Corrupted arm hanging off him.
616160301Qu rushes over only to discover that he has already stopped breathing.
626261301AniZhuanchangBeginLeaving the base, Qu sets up three plaques on the ground for the soldiers and hangs their helmets on top.
656565301AniZhuanchangEnd1ScavengerLet us in!1
6767673011City GuardNot while there are Corrupted out there. If we let you in, our city will be done for.1
707069301RImgBg1ShakeAniZhuanchangBeginJust as several scavengers were outside the city negotiating with the soldiers, Corrupted artillery fire devours them in an instant.
727272301AniZhuanchangEndLadyI... I beg of you... Let my child in.
7474743011QuAlright, I will.1
767676301AniZhuanchangBeginUpon hearing this, the woman in front of Qu relaxes her clenched fists, but the blind woman cannot see that her child is no longer breathing.
787877301AniZhuanchangEndSeparation. Betrayal. Pain. Death.
797978301These are the themes of this era that shape the world.
808079301The Punishing Virus has ravaged humanity during their desperate struggle to survive in this post-apocalyptic world.
818180301Knowledge claimed there was no purgatory; there was no hell. But now I see it. Hell is right in front of me.
828281301Humanity's miserable existence is now on the verge of collapse.
838382301They perish amid struggle, suffering, and torture.
8585843011QuSorry, please forgive my arrogance.1
868685301QuBut I can't bear to see you continue suffering from reality.1
878786301QuSomeone must always bear the cross, even if in infamy. That is the Sovereign's duty.1
888887301AniZhuanchangBeginQuIt is the duty of the Sovereign to protect that which is precious to them.1
919191301AniZhuanchangEndHuaxuAre you sure you want to do this?
9393933011QuYes, only by sending those sky dwellers down can we end all of humanity's suffering in an instant.1
949494301QuThey won't have to continue struggling in this tragic era. Everyone can live forever in the virtual world.1
959596301HuaxuAs you wish.
969698301QuFrom now on, Huaxu, direct all computing power into collecting and backing up the consciousness models for all of mankind. The Tabula Akasha can no longer be confined to just Kowloong.1
9797993011AniZhuanchangBeginQuAll of mankind should be recorded in history and jointly welcome the arrival of a new era.1