
24 KiB

433304AniZhuanchangEndDear Selena, are you resting from your tiring journey when you receive this letter?cc82cfff1Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory00.png1
544304As I said, I'm trying to write a play, but it has proven to be more difficult than I imagined.cc82cfff1Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory00.png1
655304It's a one-woman journey, a path laid with precursors' footsteps. But it's been so difficult to take the right turn.cc82cfff1Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory00.png1
777304I've attached my foolish deeds. If you see this, you can laugh at my mishap as a dear friend could.cc82cfff1Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory00.png1
888304I must admit that these laughs attest to my apprehension as a young creator.cc82cfff1Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory00.png1
999304Should I word it like that? Is that metaphor weird?cc82cfff1Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory00.png1
101010304These questions of uncertainty pop up every so often in the process.cc82cfff1Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory00.png11
111111304But the one thing that really shook me was a photo of you I just discovered when I was looking into the archives.cc82cfff1Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory00.png1
121313304You were smiling, but you were more unsettled than I am now. You were even... panicking.cc82cfff1Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory00.png1
131414304What happened to you that day? What did you see?cc82cfff1Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory00.png1
141515304You were unnerved by your own work... Why was that?cc82cfff1Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory00.png1
151616304AniZhuanchangBeginTell me, Selena.cc82cfff1Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory00.png11
181919301AniZhuanchangEnd—This is a record.
192020301Not something as official as a report nor as private as a diary. They're just words, like something you would say to a friend when you talked about your day.
202121301I wish to record my current situation in the form of letters.
212222301I'm currently at conservation area 184, near the old evacuation site during the Great Evacuation. As a member of the Archaeological Team... no, I myself have always wanted to visit this region.
222323301Now, taking advantage of an expedition mission from WGAA, I've finally had the opportunity to visit this area after the red field subsided. Not just to study this place, but to commemorate a hero as well.
232424301I thought I would be singing an ode for the hero or searching among the ruins outside the conservation area for the relics we couldn't bring to Babylonia all those years ago.
242525301But here I am, finding myself before an unexpected audience.
2829293011BoyWhat are you writing, Miss?1
3031313011SelenaOh, this...?1
313232301Selena's hand stops as the cursive word flowing out of her pen reaches the end of its last stroke.
323333301SelenaThey're just records. Like stories.1
3435353011GirlMiss, keep going! What happened to Prospero afterward?1
363737301AniZhuanchangBegin1SelenaOh, of course. Afterward, Prospero—1
394040301AniZhuanchangEndYes, I'm enjoying telling stories to the children here.
404141301They were fairytales in the beginning, but we've somehow moved on to plays now.
414242301What surprised me was how much the children here have an innate understanding of stories. Fairy tales or plays, they've more or less grasped the core emotions of them all.
424343301Perhaps all children have the capacity for art. They're like seeds, waiting to be woken by spring.
434444301It might be arrogant of me to say this, but I hope the stories I told here will bring them a puff of spring breeze.
444545301AniZhuanchangBeginI hope this breeze will reach all corners of this earth.
474848301AniZhuanchangEnd1Selena...Just like that, Prospero renounced magic and forgave his enemy, returning to his kingdom.1
5152523011GirlHuh... but that's not right.1
525353301GirlWhy would Prospero forgive his brother so easily?1
535454301BoyRight? Antonio screwed him over! Why wouldn't he punish the bad guy?2
5657573011SelenaWell... erm...1
575858301SelenaWe'll have to start with the beginning of this character's arc... Right, an arc of a character is the gradual transformation of a character in the story.1
585959301SelenaAbout that... perhaps I shouldn't explain it outright. You will need to think about it yourselves.1
6061613011GirlHuh? Why?1
6263633011SelenaWell... Stories don't come with correct answers.1
636464301SelenaIf you can come to your own conclusion, it's perhaps a compliment to the storyteller as well.1
646565301She smiles at the children around her.
656666301SelenaSo—do you want to listen to a song while you think?1
6768683011GirlYes! Please!1
6970703011SelenaOf course, of course. Now, if you would pay attention...1
717272301As Selena says that, her gaze lands on the crowd in the distance.
727373301Conservation area 184 is situated near an old evacuation site of the Great Evacuation. Even when ravaged by war, the city nearby is still marked by artworks from the past. Refugees from that city also carry these marks as well.
737474301After they were sheltered, the citizens here would share stories and rumors with the soldiers and vice versa, prompted by brief, chanced interactions. The children even said that operas from Babylonia would play here sometimes.
747575301But right now, this is not a relaxed place with people exchanging tales. On the contrary, Selena can see the sadness that lingers on everyone's face.
757676301A few weeks before her arrival, a moderate-sized battle took place here.
767777301The despair on the people's faces echoes what has transpired.
777878301They need the comfort that a child would need.
787979301So Selena has chosen a lullaby.
798080301She starts gently, like a mother rocking a baby's cradle.
808181301As the song progresses, she increases her volume slowly, making sure her voice is carried beyond the children encircling her.
818282301As the song quiets down, her voice still manifests brightly. Her gentle voice can calm every child it can reach.
8384843011SelenaThis... is a lullaby.1
848585301SelenaThey are songs that comfort children... that comfort everyone.1
8687873011GirlWill... Prospero hear it too?1
8889893011SelenaPerhaps Prospero needed a lullaby too... What kind of lullaby do you think he'd need?1
9091913011GirlHmm... I think a gentle one like the one you sang is enough.1
9293933011BoyAfter all his adventures, he might need some compliments on top of comfort...1
9495953011GirlThat's not right...1
969797301Selena smiles, walking away from the group of children. They need a space where they can talk among themselves.
979898301AniZhuanchangBeginAnd she finally has a chance to head toward the person she has been searching for.
99100100301AniZhuanchangEnd1SelenaExcuse me. Are you Pieter?1
1021031033011PieterI am.2
104105105301The Construct soldier raises his head from maintenance and takes off his gears, revealing an aged, rigid face.
105106106301Selena salutes him.
1081091093011SelenaNice to meet you. My name is Selena.1
109110110301SelenaBabylonia has learned about what transpired during the battle near conservation area 184. You have been instrumental during the fight, leading a squad and carrying out a vital decapitation operation.1
110111111301SelenaYour bravery was instrumental in preventing a catastrophe in the conservation area. Everyone alive here is grateful for your contribution. Babylonia recognizes your actions and would love to bring you up to commemorate you.1
111112112301PieterIt's my honor. I'll head up if I have time.2
112113113301His response is simple and direct without a hint of joy. Selena gathers from his age that he is long used to commendation like this.
113114114301He does not stop speaking, however.
114115115301PieterA notice for commendation could've been done with comms. I wasn't expecting a person.2
115116116301PieterThe song you sang... that was your idea?2
116117117301SelenaIt was. I thought it would bring some comfort... in the most gentle way.1
117118118301Away from the bonds and rules of the high-brow art world, Selena cannot help but relax in a simpler place like this, where she can be more direct about her intents and thoughts with others.
118119119301SelenaI worried that it would offend those of you who were on the battlefield... so I decided to sing to the children instead... hoping the song would reach your ears as well.1
119120120301She looks to the side as she says that, and she thinks the furrowed brows of the sorrowful crowd have indeed eased a little.
120121121301SelenaPerhaps commendations and operas cannot heal the wounded and fight off the enemies... but if there are fighters who protect during battles, then there should be fighters who remember afterward.1
121122122301SelenaPiro, the logistician. Bouvar, the scout. Celia, the analyst. And many, many others...1
122123123301SelenaI was sent here to make sure they are not forgotten... to make sure their families and the people here understand what they have given.1
123124124301SelenaSo that the people who live can share the light and have their spirits soothed... This is what the commendation is for.1
124125125301Pieter...Is that so? You did well.2
125126126301The veteran remains impassive, but his nod seems to suggest a compliment to Selena.
126127127301PieterYou're Selena, right?2
127128128301PieterI've heard of you. A rising star from WGAA... Wasn't expecting to find you here.2
128129129301PieterThank you, Selena. I've received your notification.2
129130130301PieterI still have a mission coming up. Excuse me.2
130131131301SelenaOf course... but please, one more thing.1
131132132301SelenaYou should know a man named Florance... He was a member of your team.1
132133133301SelenaHe assisted you in decapitating the target Corrupted during that battle. It was crucial to the outcome.1
133134134301SelenaThe children informed me that Florance joined the army because of an opera that moved him. As a fellow soldier and art lover, I wish to show my regard for his courage.1
134135135301SelenaI was hoping to locate his family to deliver Babylonia's recognition to them while bringing comfort to his family and friends. Would you like to join me as his captain after you complete your mission?1
135136136301PieterOf course. That's what I usually do.2
136137137301SelenaThank you very much. Would you mind telling me where he lived...1
1391401403011BoyI-I can show you the way, Miss.1
140141141301Before she finishes speaking, Selena feels a small pull on her hand. She looks down and sees a boy grabbing her finger, pulling lightly.
141142142301BoyUncle Florance lived quite far away. If Uncle Pieter is busy, I-I can take you there...1
142143143301BoyIf I take you, can you sing... that song again, Miss?1
143144144301BoyIt's just that, my mom passed during the battle... Your song reminded me of the lullaby she sang me.1
144145145301BoyI... want to record the song so I can listen to it later. Is that alright?1
1461471473011Selena...Of course, dear. We can do this now.1
148149149301A child's spirit is as delicate as an adult... and as resilient.
149150150301Selena looks at Pieter, who nods and turns to leave. As he said, he still has a mission to attend.
1511521523011BoyF-for real? That's awesome! Let me find the recorder...1
152153153301The boy takes out an old recording device from his large coat, rust staining its external speaker as a morning glory flower.
153154154301BoyUncle Florance made this himself. We all got one from him.1
154155155301BoyHmm... I think I have to press this to start recording...1
155156156301The boy finds a button on the device and presses it. Selena prepares to sing.
156157157301But instead of a notification that the recording is starting, what they hear is an aria.
157158158301BoyOh, that's not it... That's a song Uncle Florance recorded. Ugh, how do I stop this...1
158159159301The boy fiddles with the recording device in a panic, but Selena catches his fluttering arms and holds them down.
1601611613011SelenaHold on... please let me hear this.1
161162162301She lowers her gaze, watching the recorder and frozen in place.
163164164301The boy assumes Selena is enjoying the opera recording, so he stays silent for a second before speaking quietly.
1651661663011BoyUncle Florance... loved this opera very much. He said that was what made him join the army in the first place.1
166167167301The boy seems to be sharing with Selena how he feels and recalling what he was thinking the first time he heard this song.
167168168301BoyI also like it a lot... It reminds me of what the grownups fighting the monsters outside the conservation area said... the reasons they fight.1
168169169301BoyWhat did Mom sacrifice herself for... What she was thinking before she stepped out and fought... I seem to understand a little bit more every time I hear this song...1
169170170301BoyThat's... important.1
1711721723011SelenaOh... Is that so...1
173174174301Selena answers briefly before turning her attention back to the aria.
174175175301It is a magnificent, flaunting melody. The singer's passionate voice evokes angry shouts at times and tearful cries at others. The two emotions interweave and linger on a thread called death—a lament for someone who passed.
175176176301The voice pushes and pulls, reaching high and low, finally approaching the climax—
1771791793011BoyUncle Pieter?1
179181181301The veteran, who was heading out for a mission, appears behind Selena out of nowhere.
181183183301PieterReed... your dad's looking for you. He needs your help... with your mother's things.1
1831851853011BoyOh... oh. I'll get going.1
184186186301BoyMiss... can I come and find you later?1
1861881883011SelenaHuh... Sure. Of course...1
188190190301The boy packs up his recorder and leaves in a hurry.
189191191301Selena watches him go, but her eyes are not focusing on his figure—nor anything else.
193195195301SelenaCan I ask you a question, sir?1
195197197301SelenaI heard what the boy played. It was a small part of an opera...1
196198198301SelenaThe boy said that Florance decided to join the army after hearing it...1
197200200301SelenaI wrote it.1
199202202301Pieter...Don't think too much of it. It was my fault that I couldn't stop him from sacrificing himself.2
200203203301The veteran's voice is hoarse but his tone is soft.
202205205301PieterYou should be proud of your talent. Your work was influential and powerful enough to carry on the legacy you claimed. You did everything you set out to do.2
204207207301AniZhuanchangBeginSelena closes her eyes.
206209209301AniZhuanchangEndShe hears the tempest.
207210210301She thought she had found the meaning behind her belief and her passion, with which she could build a ship that sheltered people from the storm, taking her through all the unknown tempests on the sea.
208211211301She never thought that the tempest would brew from what she loves.
209212212301One of the people she mourns now was on the battlefield because of her song.
210213213301With the truth revealed to her by the boy, she finds herself once again drifting in the tempest, as Ferdinand and Antonio did.
2142172173011Selena...If you wouldn't mind telling me—where is the girl they call Flora?1
215218218301The tempest is still brewing, but Selena sails forward.
216219219301SelenaI want to see her.1
217220220301The veteran appears to be caught off guard.
218221221301PieterShe's... not here right now.2
2192222223011AniZhuanchangBeginPieterThe mission I just received says that she left her home last night. I'm going to get her back now.2