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Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25]
1 1 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory32.jpg
2 2 401 1 209
3 3 201 1 500253 -500
4 4 201 2 500252 500
5 5 301 DialogEnable 1 Luna As an "Ascendant", your power will be at my disposal. 1
6 6 301 Roland And what makes you say that? 2
7 7 301 Luna I created you. I am your "Creator". 1
8 8 301 Roland But you obviously didn't care before. 2
9 9 301 Luna I changed my mind. It's not like you found your "purpose," right? 1
10 10 301 Roland ...Very well. 2
11 11 301 Roland But... If I find my purpose, then I will leave. I may even become your enemy. What do you have to say about that? 2
12 12 301 Luna Do what you will. I will continue with my plan. If I have to squash one more pest, then so be it. 1
13 1000 204 2 1
14 13 301 Roland Hehe, you... You sure like to do as you please, miss. 2
15 14 202 1 2 1
16 15 301 He can't help but sigh, smiling. He stands up and kneels down on one knee toward Luna.
17 16 301 He bows his head and clasps his clenched fist to his chest. His voice is solemn. As a knight, the overplayed gesture is almost comedic.
18 17 201 1 500252 1
19 18 301 1 Roland Then let me pledge my allegiance until I find my "purpose." 1
20 19 301 Roland Miss Luna. 1
21 20 202 1 1
22 21 301 After making his oath, Roland doesn't get up for quite some time.
23 22 301 Seeing Roland's sudden oath, Luna's face is devoid of all emotion. Even her eyebrows remain unflinching. She tilts her head as if thinking or, perhaps, no reason at all.
24 23 201 1 500253
25 24 301 1 Luna ...Is that so? Then let's get going. Rise. 1
26 25 301 Luna We have matters to attend to. 1
27 26 202 1 1
28 27 301 As she speaks, she turns and continues onward. She neither admits nor denies—She simply stands up and leaves. Roland silently follows suit.
29 28 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryWhiteNew.prefab 2
30 29 201 1 500375
31 30 301 1 Roland? Bravo, Roland. Wonderful acting skills, as always! 1
32 31 202 1 1
33 32 301 The tender voice recognizing his efforts comes from where Roland was just standing. He sees himself with his hair tied, standing behind him, hand raised and shouting.
34 33 301 The applause is loud and the whistle is sharp, which is really the best praise for an actor onstage.
35 34 301 However, the applause and whistling are harsh to his ears.
36 35 201 1 500252 2
37 36 301 1 Roland Acting skills? Maybe. I've been acting all my life. 1
38 37 301 Roland The third-rate knight, the lame deputy and even the Construct soldier can only survive by acting. 1
39 38 301 Roland Anyway, there are no other advantages and no ulterior motives. What's wrong with a little improv? 1
40 39 401 1 36
41 40 301 Roland I don't even want to live... 1
42 41 401 1 211
43 42 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryWhiteNew.prefab 2
44 43 201 1 500383
45 44 301 1 ??? That hurts hearing you say that, Roland. 1
46 45 301 ??? If you don't want to live, you should've chosen to be buried with that pile of broken machinery when you learned the truth of the park, right? 1
47 46 201 1 500252
48 47 301 1 Roland ... 1
49 48 203 1 0.25 -450
50 49 201 2 500375 450
51 50 301 1 Roland? But you chose to live. 2
52 51 301 Roland? Because someone has remembered you, your name and all your experiences. 2
53 52 301 Roland? Because someone has remembered your wonderful performance as a clown. The clown should want to live... He must live! 2
54 53 301 Roland ...Oh, really? 1
55 54 201 2 500376 450
56 55 301 1 Roland? Yes, of course! Of course, you want to live! If you wanted to die, you've had countless opportunities. Whether that be at the park or after becoming a Construct. 2
57 56 301 Roland? The time you were sent on a solo mission to fight the Corrupted. The time your core was almost destroyed. The time you were tricked by your squad and used as bait. 2
58 57 301 Roland? Even just now, when you were being crushed by that giant Corrupted. You were trying to fool yourself into embracing death—to die this way. You thought you had made up your mind. 2
59 58 301 Roland? —But you fought to your last breath and survived. 2
60 59 201 2 500377 450
61 60 301 1 Roland? Roland, Roland. You're a professional actor that can memorize a script in seconds. How can you still not see the answer? 2
62 61 301 Roland? You want to live. Go pursue your purpose! 2
63 62 301 Roland? Just surviving isn't enough. You want to find your purpose—your OWN purpose. A purpose worthy of a knight to give his life. Not something that can be thrown away so easily. It must be a real purpose that gives you a reason to live! 2
64 63 301 Roland? Anything! Even if it's cruel and dangerous—the desire to watch the world burn—anything so long as it can give you a reason. 2
65 64 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Roland? You want... a reason to live! 2
66 65 202 1 2 1
67 66 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgCg/Cgqz2705.jpg
68 67 301 AniZhuanchangEnd He speaks quickly and to the point. He almost seems to be reciting an advertisement. But the tone is loud and clear, nothing ostentation about it.
69 68 301 Roland even imagines looking back to see himself with his hair tied, standing by a bonfire, shoulders squared, hand up in style.
70 69 301 —Or perhaps the tears are more than just a performance, despite what it looks like.
71 70 301 Roland ...It was a wonderful speech, more powerful than the young politician I played. I was really convinced.
72 71 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryWhiteNew.prefab 2
73 72 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgCg/Cgqz2703.jpg
74 73 301 Roland Now that I'm convinced, let me correct you.
75 74 301 Roland I want to live, at least at that moment, I really do want to live. Even if there is no reason, I want to live.
76 75 301 Roland From now on, I need to find a new reason to live.
77 76 301 Roland It's not as an actor in the park. I can't continue being deceived and controlled like a clown for the amusement of others... It's not as a Construct soldier either. I can't be forced to perform daily "missions"...
78 77 301 Roland It must be my own reason. A reason that belongs only to "Roland".
79 78 301 Roland clenches his fists, strides forward, and doesn't look back. The voice of little Roland disappears behind him.
80 79 301 Roland Ascnet, Ascendants, the paradise... All of these are new and unknown concepts. God knows what's ahead, but it's better than turning around and guarding those beliefs that have been crushed into the dirt.
81 80 301 Roland Anyway, there's nothing else to look forward to. Guess I'll just grasp at whatever straw I can. Not like it matters anyway.
82 81 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin Roland ...I guess I'll make her wish come true.