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432301DialogEnableMotherLook at my lovely son and daughter! Oh, they look absolutely fabulous...
543301FatherLiv, why aren't you dressed up yet?
765301MotherShe's not been well, and she doesn't like crowds, right, Liv?
876301Liv...I can stay back and take care of our home.
987301MotherThe child likes to be somewhere calm and quiet, so just let her be.
1098301FatherSigh, this child is too absorbed in her own world, I hope she's not been too much trouble.
11109301MotherOh heavens no! I've always treated her as my own... How could she be trouble?
121110301FatherThen Liv, you can stay at home and rest. It's about time as well, you and the children go get ready. I'll have to be at the dinner first.
1312113011AniZhuanchangBeginMotherOkay, honey. See you there.