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444301System Voice>>Battle Log 12... Uploading...
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666301DialogDisableSystem VoiceSimulated mission data uploaded.
999301DialogEnableTraining goes increasingly smoothly after that. As a commandant, you have gradually become accustomed to keeping Camu's reckless powers under control.
1111123011CamuHah, that felt—1
131313301CamuBet you wanted to hear me say that, huh?1
141414302... (Speechless)15Are you okay?15
161616301Camu grins, as if satisfied.
181817302You did well in our training sessions these few days.18
2020193011CamuI don't get all excited just because of a few compliments. I know I'm good.1
212120302Fine, fine...21
222221301CamuI can unleash more of my harder moves now. You've exceeded my expectations, Commandant.1
232322302I don't get excited because of your compliments either.23
242423301CamuOh yeah? You should be sobbing in gratitude to have my approval.1
252524301CamuI'll soon be able to stand on the battlefield with those Constructs, yeah?1
262625302I think so.85858That's not for me to decide.27
28282628301CamuSee? Ain't it fun working with me?1
292927301CamuStop being so formal. I want the truth.1
313129301Camu raises his chin, a glint of pride reflecting off his dark pupils.
323230302(Pat him on the head)31Good boy31
333331301Camu freezes, as if shocked by your action.
343432301His face scrunches up, as if he just drank a tequila with salted lemon slices. He seems to be pondering whether to punch you or thank you.
3636343011CamuAre you treating me like Kamui now?1
383836301CamuOr are you trying to find out what happens to people who rile me up?1
393937302(I'd better get going...)38
434341301AniZhuanchangEnd1CamuDo I really have to attend this?1
444442302I'm not excited for it either.43We don't have a choice.43
454543301CamuI'm technically not even a member of Gray Raven. Why do I have to come to this presentation?1
464644302Let's get something to eat after this, on me.45Just sit it out.47
474745301CamuIn that case, I'm getting golden egg fried rice, the nightmare spicy one.1
484846302Sure thing.51
494947301CamuNot unless you make it up to me.1
515149301CamuThe restaurant with human food we went to last time... Let's go there again.1
535351301DialogDisableCamuThat's more like it. I'll do it, then.1
595956301Camu does not look too happy. You seem to have become better at sensing his discomfort after spending all this time with him.
606057302It'll be over in no time.58Sorry, you'll just have to endure it.59
61615861301Camu...Hey, scoot over. I want the seat next to yours.1
626259301CamuStop apologizing. You're a Commandant. Commandants don't apologize.1
636360301CamuAnd it's not like I'm worried about the crowds. It's just that I saw some pieces of trash there.1
666662301You gaze in the direction he's indicating and see the squad that Camu got in a brawl with.
686864301They are sitting one row behind you. For some reason, their commandant is absent. You immediately recognize the tall, broad brunet tank-type Construct, one of the three you encountered the other day.
707066301You accidentally meet his eyes while peering at him and quickly look away.
7272683011CamuTch, what a buzzkill.1
737369302Don't mind them.70Let's get food as soon as this is over.70
757571301Camu forces himself to sit back tight and stop fidgeting.
767672301You thought the presentation would end uneventfully until someone taps you on the back.
787874301You turn around and almost knock into the Construct, who is leaning forward.
8080763011Tank-type ConstructHey. Small world, huh?1
818177301Tank-type ConstructDidn't expect to run into you guys here.1
828278302Anything you want?79I'm in no mood to fight with you guys.79
838379301Tank-type ConstructSo he lied, huh? You're indeed his commandant?1
848480302What are you trying to say?81Yes, I'm his commandant.83
858581301Tank-type ConstructMy commandant got injured and reported, but nothing happened to YOU.1
86868285301Tank-type ConstructVery unfair, don't you think?1
878783301Tank-type ConstructSo you admitted to it just like that...1
888884301Tank-type ConstructLike Commandant, like squad member. You're really more of a scumbag than you look.1
909086301Camu, who has remained quiet, finally speaks.
929288301PanelActor1ShakeCamuBastard, if you say one more word—1
949489301The veins on Camu's forehead are throbbing as he clenches his fists.
959590302(Reprimand him quietly)91(Push his fist back down)94
9797923011Tank-type ConstructHm, your Corrupted seems quite docile today. How did you manage to tame him?1
989893302Please stop speaking.94Calm down, Camu.94
10010095301All elite squads of Babylonia are present in the conference hall. Hassen is delivering his speech up there on the stage.
10110196301Camu is like a bomb that could go off any moment, but you really do not want him to get into trouble. It is already hard enough for him to stay still in the crowd when so many unfriendly eyes are on him.
10210297301No matter what, you cannot allow another fight to break out.
10310398302What do you want?99
1051051003011Tank-type ConstructApologize to my commandant.1
108108103301You hear Camu take a sharp breath and quickly interject before he can explode.
109109104302I apologi—105
110110105301CamuI'm sorry.1
1131131083011Tank-type ConstructIf you don't apologize, I'll—uh, what?1
1151151103011CamuYou want an apology, right? I'm sorry.1
116116111301CamuWant us to visit your commandant with flowers later?1
1181181133011Tank-type ConstructUh... You...1
119119114301Tank-type Construct...If you say so...1
121121116301Camu simply smirks, maliciously.
1231231193011CamuDon't get me wrong, I don't feel sorry at all for punching your idiot Commandant. If given the chance, I'd have thrown a few more punches.1
124124120301CamuI apologized only because my commandant wanted me to.1
1271271223011Tank-type Construct...Huh?1
128128123301The Construct turns to you, confused.
129129124302(I have no idea what's going on either!)125(He must've misunderstood our relationship...)125
1311311263011CamuI obey every single word of my commandant's. Now, I wonder if YOUR commandant would like it if you start a fight with a Corrupted on the conference?1
132132127301CamuIf I were you, I'd do the sensible thing and shut up.1
133133128301CamuAfter all, if my commandant weren't beside me... who knows what I'd do to any unattended figures.1
1351351303011Tank-type ConstructA-are you threatening me now?1
1371371323011CamuYep. You'd better pray that my dear commandant is by my side every time you and I meet in the future.1
139139134301CamuOr I promise to chop your head off as soon as I spot you.1
140140135302Ahem...136Camu, that's enough.137
141141136138301CamuYou need something, Commandant?1
142142137301CamuI'll stop since my commandant said so.1
144144139301The Construct stares, eyes wide in fear. You have no idea if he is feeling threatened by Camu's words or his strangely affectionate actions.
145145140301After that, the Construct leaves in a hurry.
1471471423011CamuThat's all he's got? What a wuss.1
148148143302(Chuckle)144You really scared me back there.152
150150145302Say it again.146
151151146301CamuSay what? Idiot?1
152152147302Not that.148
153153148301CamuOh. You mean dear Command—1
154154149301Camu—You really think I'd call you that?1
155155150301CamuI was just being mushy on purpose to weird him out. I learned this tactic from you humans.1
156156151159301CamuDon't flatter yourself.1
157157152301CamuYou mean when I said I'd chop off that Construct's head?1
158158153302No, when you called me dear Commandant.154
159159154301CamuOh? You like it when I call you that?1
160160155301CamuDear Command—1
161161156301Camu—You really think I'd call you that?1
162162157301CamuDon't flatter yourself.1
163163158301CamuI was just being mushy on purpose to weird him out.1
164164159301CamuI hate those ranks and titles.1
165165160301CamuI'll just call you 【kuroname】. Or Gross. Short for Gray Raven's Boss.1
166166161302No way.162Do whatever you want.164
167168163165301CamuSounds weird too...1
168169164301CamuThat sounds weird now that I'm thinking about it...1
169170165301CamuI'll think it over and let you know when I decide what to call you.1
170171166302Sure.167I have my right to reject the name if it sucks.167
173174168301Camu simply turns away and stares blankly at the podium.
176177172301Camu...Your hand.1
178179174301CamuYour hand... It was warm.1
179180175302I'm a human.176It's called body temperature.176
181182176301CamuI know. It's just been a long time since I last felt that.1
182183177301CamuWe don't have the senses of taste and touch in our M.I.N.D.1
183184178302(Grab his hand)179(Extend your hand)179
185186180302Feel it all you want.181
186187181301Camu...It really is warm.1
187188182302Of course it is.183
188189183301CamuIt's soft, too... unlike other things that radiate heat.1
189190184301Camu's fist relaxes as he murmurs, letting your human hand land in his robotic one. For some reason, even a Construct like him can sense the warmth from your skin.
190191185301CamuSo that's how it feels to have a body.1
191192186301Camu closes his eyes, as if trying his best to remember this moment.
192193187301CamuI used to be a human once upon a time. But all I remember in my M.I.N.D. is something cold... and horrid.1
193194188301CamuI feel much better in my current form. More powerful, much safer.1
194195189301CamuBut... it's still the first time I've touched the human body in a while.1
195196190302You'll have lots of chances to experience that again.191
196197191301CamuIn that case...1
198199192301CamuWhen are we gonna go get that golden egg fried rice, nightmare spicy?1
199200193302You sure remember stuff like that well.198Are you sure you can really eat that much?194
201202194301CamuYou're the only one who'll gain weight from that anyway.1
202203195302Come on!196What's the point of eating then?196
203204196301CamuHuman food might not provide me energy, nor will it stimulate my taste buds the same way it does to humans'...1
204205197301CamuBut I like it.1
205206198301The youth snorts, crossing his arms in front of his chest.
207208199301CamuHey, you won't go back on your promise, huh?1
208209200302Of course not.201Let's go, then.202
2092102013011AniZhuanchangBeginCamuI knew you wouldn't dare.1
211212203302Yeah204Or do you want to stay and listen to Hassen droning on all week?204
212213204301CamuRulebreaker much?1
213214205302Kinda.206Only doing it because of you.206
215216207301The corners of Camu's lips twitch a little. The two of you bend down in the back row as the presentation goes on and sneak out behind the chairs.
2162172083011AniZhuanchangBeginYou feel a stern gaze from the podium as you sneak out, but... who cares?