
21 KiB

433301DialogEnableThe next visit you make to Vera's tent happens in a morning.
544301You see her hair awkwardly off to the side in a loose ponytail, which seems at odds with how you usually see her.
7663011Vera【kuroname】. You're awake.1
877301Seeing you come in, she lets go of her hair and it flows freely.
988302Gotta hand it to your TLC...9There's not a single part of me that isn't in pain...9
111010301VeraYou seem re-energized. I take it you want to spend your hard-earned vacation stuck in bed?1
121111302Forget I said anything...12
131212301As Vera had said, now that the Corrupted threat to the conservation area has been greatly reduced, the Engineering Force and Task Force have enough manpower to complete their original work as intended. Right before the mission is about to be over, you get to enjoy some much-needed R&R.
141313301On the first day of your vacation, you visit Vera's tent and run into her right as she appears to be getting ready for hibernation.
161515301VeraOh, one more thing...1
171616301You are suddenly eclipsed by a large bouquet of flowers.
181717301VeraNext time, keep your crap to yourself.1
191818301It is a bouquet of wildflowers. Obviously, it is a gift from the Scavengers here. While you were resting in the clinic, your bedside was covered in them. Some may have even come from the Constructs.
201919301But this time, these flowers are not for you. They are for Vera.
212020301You just secretly stashed them in here while Vera was out.
222121301VeraI told you. Saving these people and taking care of their enemies were just a part of the mission.1
232222301VeraIf they died because of the Punishing Virus, I'd also be the one responsible for giving them an autopsy in front of everyone. I'd rip them apart more than the Corrupted.1
242323301VeraSo, don't give me this crap. I've never understood the point of giving people flowers.1
252424302No, you should take it.25(Throw the flowers back at her)26
26252527301You throw the flowers back to Vera as you tell her.
272626301You throw the flowers back to Vera without saying a word.
282727301As expected, the flowers and stems all scatter onto the floor.
302929301VeraWhat the hell are you doing? Are you kidding me? I worked so hard to save you and now you're acting like a child. How can you be this childish?1
313030301VeraWhatever. The mission is almost over. I don't care what these people think of me.1
333232301VeraI pretended to care at first because I thought it would save me some trouble, but you've been more trouble than the entire conservation area.1
343333301VeraIf you want people to praise you here, then have at it. I've had to kick people out while you were getting some rest. I'm sure you can even hear them right now if you go out.1
353434302You've been staying here this whole time?35
373636301VeraI'd be held responsible if I just left and you died here. If that happens, I'm sure Nikola's going to be so pissed that we'd send him to an early grave.1
393838301Vera—Oh, I've got a better idea. Why don't you go get yourself killed right now?1
403939302Oh, no. Spare me.46Wow! You care so much! I'm so happy!40
434242301The moment you say this, Vera's disdainful look turns ice cold. Even though Constructs do not eat or experience stomach pain, she looks like she has eaten one of Lucia's culinary creations.1
444343302How's that for a response?44You said the same thing to me.44
454444301VeraLooks like you need more time to rest...1
464545302I'm sorry! I'm sorry!46
484747301VeraHmph... Since I'm in a good mood, we can save the fun for later.1
494848301VeraI saved your life, now get away from me. Enjoy your vacation.1
504949302You don't want to do anything?50
525151301VeraMe? Do what? They all know the real me now. Think I'm interested in having everyone glare at me like some sorta Corrupted while they fawn over how great you are? No, thanks.1
535252301DialogDisableVeraI didn't expect the Gray Raven Commandant to stoop this low, getting enjoyment from torturing me like that.1
545353302About that...54
555454302I told everyone about you.55
565656301DialogEnableFor a moment, you catch Vera's eyebrows rise stiffly. Her venomous tongue is silent.
585858301Vera...Is this some sort of revenge?1
595959301But that was only a moment. The next second, her fierce demeanor returns to her face with more intensity than before.
616161301VeraWhatever. I don't care how they treat me. They mean nothing to me.1
626262301VeraBut that's pretty bold of you, 【kuroname】.1
636363301VeraIs this an act of revenge? Are you done being partners? Or—1
646464301Vera becomes quiet for a moment before carrying on with an intense, threatening tone.
666666301VeraOr are you afraid of me, too?1
676767301She raises her hand and places it on her banner spear, which has been standing against the side of the tent for the past several days.
686868301She points the tip at you, whistling as it glides through the air.
696969302(But you can dodge out of it)70Your next move... is a swipe to the head!70
707070301You quickly react to the incoming banner spear and avoid the whirlwind despite not having fully recovered from your wounds.
717171301Step one, a swipe to the head. Step two, a leg sweep. Step three, a thrust to the body. Had she attacked you before the mission, she would have easily defeated you. But you are already wise to her tactics.
727272301Having danced with the rose over the past several days, you now know how to avoid the thorns.
737373302Step four, charge!74
747474301Seeing her banner spear falter a moment, you grab the hilt.
767676301VeraWell, then.1
777777301The moment you grasp the hilt of her banner spear, a look of surprise floats up onto Vera's gorgeous face.
797979301VeraWell done. I underestimated you.1
808080302Seems like I'm getting to know you more.81That's because I already know your combat style.81
818181301Thanks to this mission, you already know how Vera fights in battle.
828282301Unrestrained and unconcerned with others. But that does not mean that she will reject others' support.
838383301In reality, her actions are not nearly as random as what she exhibits.
848484301Roses may be thorny, but the thorns are not everywhere. If you are careful, you can avoid them.
868686301VeraOh? really?1
878787301Vera is quiet for a moment and chuckles. As soon as she swings her banner spear, you get pulled toward her.
888888301VeraCan you predict this attack, too?1
898989301She follows your movement and quickly grabs your hand.
909090301...Looks like no matter how familiar you are with a rose, a thorn may still catch you off guard.
919191301VeraDidn't you hold that girl's hand like this to comfort her? You did good. You seemed like a real professional.1
929292301VeraWhat about now? Why don't you show me how professional you really are.1
939393301She begins to clench down on your hand with force, causing your knuckles to start popping.
949494302Ouch...!95Rgh...! Ouch...!96
95959597301VeraGood. Cry louder.1
969696301VeraLook! Doesn't that make you a crybaby?1
979797301VeraHurts, doesn't it? A special characteristic of this frame is its high power output. When I first transferred into it, I was accidentally breaking things all the time.1
989898301VeraI can't say that I'm particularly good at controlling it. Maybe if I'm not careful, I'll shatter your arm. You'll have to stay in this hospital bed for another three months. Of course, there isn't any of that inhibitor dispersant crap in Babylonia to save you.1
999999301DialogDisableVeraHow about now? Do you know pain? This is how I make Constructs feel. If you don't want to suffer such deadly pain ever again, I recommend you stay the hell away from me.1
101101101302Doesn't this pain prove that they're living?102
104105105301Without a word, Vera just gradually increases her strength. You hear the sound of your wrist cracking.
105106106302(My arm's going to break!)107(My arm... My commandant power!)107
1071081083011Scavenger GirlMiss! Miss!1
108109109301A tender voice saves you from the possibility of your arm breaking. The little girl you saw in this tent earlier stands at the entrance as she shouts over to the two of you.
112113113301Vera maintains her vice grip on your arm. Her head does not turn to look at the girl.
113114114301Scavenger GirlMiss Death, h-hurry! My grandma has a gift for you!1
114115115301Hearing the girl call her by her nickname, Vera's grip loosens for a moment.
116117117301AniZhuanchangBeginThen, reluctantly, she throws your hand to the side and follows the girl out of the tent.
118119119301AniZhuanchangEndThe sun finally comes out for the first time after days of haze covering the conservation area. The sunlight is bright and warm, but also gentle.
119120120301Scavenger GirlMiss, you saved me. I haven't said thank you.1
120121121301Scavenger GirlI heard Commandant 【kuroname】 say that your nickname is Death. Is that right, Miss?1
121122122301Scavenger GirlGrandma says that Death is the one who controls life and death. I'm very glad you didn't choose for me to die, Miss.1
122123123301The little girl's voice is frail, having not fully recovered from her illness. She cautiously smiles at Vera, which compliments the wildflowers in her arms.
123124124301Vera quietly follows her with a solemn expression on her face. The Constructs and Scavengers seem to be blown back a few steps by the contrasting presence of the pair.
124125125301By chance, you catch two Constructs whispering.
125126126301Construct AShe seemed really dignified when I first saw her. I can't believe she's the legendary Death...
126127127301Construct BI had my doubts before 【kuroname】 said anything... Aren't you afraid of her being here?
127128128301Construct AI was afraid at first, but seeing her in person isn't much better.
128129129301Construct ABut... seeing how she desperately saved 【kuroname】, I was more in awe than afraid. Maybe she's always like that when on a mission.
129130130301Construct AIf you think about it, the only targets she kills are mission objectives... Can we really hate doctors and soldiers on our side like that?
130131131301Their conversation fades into the distance. It is faint, but you can still hear them.
131132132301Vera seems not to hear the entire conversation. She just follows the girl, who stops in front of an elderly woman. The woman is sitting on the ground with petals scattered around her feet.
134136136301Scavenger ElderHehe, that's an interesting name. When I was young, I was also called the Colorful Black Dahlia.1
137139139301You do not know whether it is an illusion or something else. Vera's expression remains unchanged, but you somehow manage to hear a strange laugh.
1391411413011Scavenger ElderHaha! You see, nicknames can carry many different meanings. Many of which might have nothing to do with you. No one should use this to define people.1
1411431433011Scavenger GirlYeah! We can give each other lots of nicknames...1
142144144301Scavenger GirlWell, Miss, your name is Death. What about me? How about... Bread Angel? Or Noodle Angel? I've been wanting bread ever since before I came to the conservation area.1
143145145301Scavenger GirlAlright! I'm the Bread Angel! So... What about 【kuroname】? How about the God of Resurrection...1
144146146302Sounds good!147Is there really a god like that?148
145147147149301Scavenger GirlAlright, yeah! Actually... I don't know if there is a God of Resurrection. But if there is one for Death, there has to be one for Life, right? Otherwise, how lonely it'd be...1
146148148301Scavenger GirlUm, uh... I'm not sure. But if there is one for Death, there has to be one for Life, right? Otherwise, how lonely it'd be...1
147149149301Scavenger GirlAnyway! This is the gift we wanted to give you, Miss Death! Of course, 【kuroname】 gets a gift too!1
148150150301Saying this, the girl holds up a small wreath of flowers.
149151151301DialogDisableIt is a wreath woven with wildflowers around the conservation area, with a small glass tube tied in it. The vibrant green is shining in the sunlight.
150152152302Fresh flowers, praise, and a charm.153
153156156301Vera hooks her finger over the wreath and throws it several times in the air. She stares at the arc drawn by the bright light reflected from the glass tube, too distracted to wear it.
154157157301She suddenly shakes her hand and straightens her fingers, sending the wreath flying at your head.
155158158301VeraHey. Put it on.1
156159159301She orders you in her usual, unquestionably tone.
158161161301VeraLook how dumb it is. Suits you.1
159162162301There is no reason to oppose her request. All you can do with it is wear it on your head.
160163163302What do you think?164
161164164301VeraHehe, not bad. Not bad at all.1
162165165302Me or the wreath?166
163166166301VeraWho knows?1
164167167301VeraMaybe in the future, I'll give you something more than a wreath.1
165168168302Come again?169
167170170301VeraAs you know, Constructs have many secrets. These secrets bear too heavy of a burden to carry alone. Some may need to be shared with some innocent bystander.1
168171171301VeraYes, for example, a strange commandant who foolishly believes or pretends to believe everything a certain Construct says—1
170173173301Vera suddenly turns her head and gives you a foreboding smile.
171174174301Panic fills your mind for a moment. Is she going to tell more lies and do more crazy nonsense that will make your hair stand on end?
172175175301Or will she simply do nothing and revel in your panic?
173176176301—After a few seconds, she still continues to smile at you, unflinching. In fact, her smile has never been out of good intentions.1
174177177301Somehow, this panic gradually changes into a sense of peace.
176179179301If she is going to lie, you will just continue to be skeptical. If she intends to frighten you, you should be prepared to be frightened.
1771801803011AniZhuanchangBeginIn any case, this thorny rose seems to be willing to retract her thorns and allow you to get closer.1