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433301DialogEnableWind speed 30, southeast.
544301Your keen senses notice the temperature changes, and your eyes see the vapor trail behind the fast-oncoming, long-range bullet without a scope in the simulated training area. You duck back, and it almost grazes your scalp.
655301Your opponent has missed. A flicker of light reflected from the scope on his sniper rifle flashes in the corner of your eye, revealing his location.
888301You begin searching with all your attention... And you spot the top half of a head in your scope, hidden among covers.
101010301Without further thinking, you pull the trigger, and the bullet bursts out of the chamber with a bang, with a wisp of light blue smoke coming out of the muzzle.
111111301AniZhuanchangBeginSystemContestant A-14, Wanshi, is out. Environment simulation over. Logging out.
151515301AniZhuanchangEndThe system notification announces all around the venue. Noisy chatter finds its way in as the sound of the machines running fades away.
161616301Surprised Male VoiceWhat an excellent shot. The commandant catches the opponent in an instant...
171717301Calm Male VoiceAnd Wanshi was beating us all without any mercy! Considering that the simulation has already been adjusted to balance the differences between a human and a Construct...(Take off gears)
181818301You remove the device above your eyes at the same time as the Construct across from you. As the chatters around you fade away from the two of you showing up, you both catch each other's eyes in this moment of silence.
2222223011ChromeWanshi doesn't often engage in this kind of group exercise. He's more used to training alone.1
232323301Chrome, standing next to you, explains.
2525253011KamuiIf it weren't for him hogging this training room sleeping, he wouldn't be dragged into training by the commandants!1
272727301The simulation training room is often occupied by Constructs and commandants on their rest days. The training cabins are set up to balance the performance of Constructs and humans, making it easier to train together.
282828301Liv has asked you not to overuse your right hand after you sprained it on a mission, so you opted to train here instead, and that was when you bumped into Strike Hawk and some commandants waiting to practice with Wanshi.
3030303011KamuiBy the way, Commandant, how does it feel to practice with this guy?1
313131302Pretty good.32He just...35
323232301KamuiYou're the only commandant that has defeated Wanshi so far!1
333333301KamuiBefore you logged in, Wanshi had no idea who he'd be up against. So there was no way he was letting you win on purpose!1
343434302Are you saying he'd let me win if he knew?35Why do I feel like he...35
3636363011Wanshi...Ah, Gray Raven Commandant.1
373737301Wanshi suddenly interrupts the conversation as if he has just recognized you, and he nods at you.
3939393011ChromeRight, you've been on a mission together before, so you should know each other.1
404040301ChromeBut why are you here at the simulation training room today, Commandant? I've barely seen you here before.1
414141302It's not the best time for me to shoot a real firearm.42
424242301ChromeHuh, is that so... Please take some rest, Commandant.1
444545301Commandant AYou can't even last three minutes against me. Stop making a fool out of yourself.
4647473011ChromeAll commandants have their strengths, and not all of them are shooters. Besides, this simulation uses conventional snipers instead of the newer tactical pistols you are used to, so your unfamiliarity is only natural.1
4849493011WanshiHmm... but I bet the Gray Raven Commandant must be a sharpshooter.1
4950503025000I'm flattered.53Exactly, I'm the top gun of Babylonia!54
52535355301Commandant BAfter all, the Gray Raven Commandant is the first person to have ever hit Wanshi, right?
535454301Commandant A...As expected from the Gray Raven Commandant, I guess?
5556563011ChromeWanshi, if you... Kamui, what are you doing there?1
5960603011KamuiAh, you mean this? It's a sign I just made.2
616363301KamuiWanshi, why are you looking so tired? It's your day off!2
636565301Being the center of attention, Wanshi, however, just looks away and lies back in the training cabin, seemingly ready to fall back asleep again.
6668683011KamuiStop sleeping, Wanshi! What are you doing? We're starting a new business here...1
697171301KamuiCaptain, Wanshi is hogging the training room to sleep again!1
717373301Seeing this, another commandant in the training room shrugs.
727474301Commandant AI haven't had enough practice yet. Gray Raven Commandant, would you like to practice with me?
737575302Sure.76Sorry, perhaps next time.78
747676301Commandant AGreat, bring it on!
75777782301Commandant BI'm next!
767878301Commandant AAh... but it's such a rare opportunity to meet the Gray Raven Commandant...
777979301Commandant BThe commandant's probably tired, so stop being such a bother. Come practice with me!
788080301Commandant A...I should start with the solo mode!
798181301Commandant BWhy are you being weirdly silent? Am I not good enough for you? Get back here!
8082823011AniZhuanchangBeginEveryone's attention gradually shifts this way. Amid the noises, it seems like you are the only one who notices that Wanshi has quietly left.