
16 KiB

433301DialogEnableYou feel an immense lightness enveloping you and the surroundings. Gravity seems to have gone missing in this place.
544301AniZhuanchangBeginStreams of data, taking the form of cubes, flow into the space. They quickly transform, converge, and begin to rebuild into... a floor, walls, everything.
766301AniZhuanchangEndWhen you finally feel the grasp of gravity once more and land safely on the ground, you find yourself in a new world.
877302...8Her M.I.N.D. is rebuilding itself...?8
988301The place is deep underground—a subterranean city made up of cold steel and a giant rift.
1099302AniZhuanchangBeginThis is... where that battle happened.10Where is Luna?10
121111301AniZhuanchangEndYour hunch tells you that you can find her in a certain place. Groping through your memories, you manage a path to your destination in the center. On your way there, you see discarded weapons... including your pistol.
131212302(Pick up your pistol)13
141313301At the end of the path, you see the familiar white girl again... as well as another figure, also somewhat acquainted with you.
1716163011LunaGa... briel?1
1918183011GabrielMiss Luna, allow me to apologize for my impudence from before.1
201919301GabrielI assure you that, Miss Luna, I shall fulfill my duties as a chosen of the Ascension-Network to its fullest...1
212020301Luna is standing at the top of the abyssal rift. Gabriel is facing her, his mechanical wings extended in full, looking like a fallen angel that has crawled out from hell.
222121301Under the gargantuan shade of Gabriel, Luna looks even smaller than she is.
232222301GabrielAnd to do so, I shall have to cleanse the world of imperfect agents.1
2524243011LunaThe power I have displayed, is it not enough to make you...1
2726263011GabrielDo you not realize? Your heart is your blemish, your emotions are your weaknesses.1
282727301Gabriel raises his hand. In the cages of his bulky fingers beats a human heart, frail and powerless.
3231313011GabrielEver since your sister became an Ascendant, your power as an agent has been weakening...1
333232301GabrielYou are no longer fit to be an agent... You are no longer fit to realize our ambitions!1
343333301Gabriel squeezes his fingers. Blood drips between the cracks.
353434301...You know that this is not real, but you still find the scene terrifying.
3837363011LunaAh... Enough...1
393837301Luna moans in pain. As if in tune with the rhythm of her cries, the space around you also distorts like a television tuned to a dead channel, flaring up in static. You also flare up, as if smoldered by flames.
403938302Her emotions are affecting her M.I.N.D. space!889I have to stop Gabriel.889
454442301You fire a bullet at Gabriel's right chest. It would spell death for a normal human, but clearly, it is not Gabriel's weak spot.
464543301You seem to have achieved the equivalent of chucking a pebble at a giant. Gabriel turns and trains his gaze on the offender, namely, you.
484745302...46Stop messing with her right now!46
494846301GabrielWho do you think you are?1
504947302I am a commandant of Babylonia.48And who do YOU think you are?48
545351301DialogDisable1GabrielI shall deal with you... after I am done with her.1
555452302Let's see who's dealing with who.53Whatever you're trying to do...53
565553302I'm getting out of this place.54
575654302Which means, I need her.55
605957301During your exchange, you slowly inch toward Luna and manage to hide her behind you.
616058302Try and stop me now.59
6362603011Gabriel...Splendid. How splendid.1
676765301Luna's eyes are wide open. She seems to have yet to recover from this nightmare.
686866302Such a realistic Gabriel you have here.67Are all your underlings like this?67
717169302(Load gun)70
7676733011You fire several shots at Gabriel. None of them land.
777774301GabrielPah... Enough, human. Your little show is pointless.1
787875301GabrielMiss Luna, do you not find it disgraceful, that you are being protected by a lowly human?1
797976301GabrielBut no matter... I shall end it for...1
828279301Before Gabriel can finish, a massive clang cuts him off. You were not aiming at Gabriel, but the dangling metal plate above him.
858582301The impact of the metal plate causes Gabriel to fall, deep into the abyss. You immediately grab Luna's arm and run.
868683302AniZhuanchangBeginThe impact can only buy you so much time.84
909087301AniZhuanchangEndLunaEnough... Let go...!1
919188301You manage a good ten meters or so before Luna tries to wriggle out of your hold.
929289301Before Luna can escape, you pull her wrist, forcibly spinning her around. Quickly binding both of her arms, you press her against the wall—a classic pinning technique. You then swiftly point your gun at her temple.
939390302I'll let go. But only after I get what I want.91
969693301LunaDo you really think you can keep me in place like this?1
979794302I need an explanation first.95
989895301LunaLet go! Not with this humiliating position...!1
999996302...97(Loosen your hold)97
10010097301You loosen the hold on her arms, but you still keep your gun pointed at her.
10110198301Luna...That's my line. I need an explanation.1
103103100301Luna seems to have recovered a little and has returned to her usual self. Even with your gun hanging on her temple, she seems unfazed.
104104101302You weren't like this just now...102Now, answer my question.104
106106103302Nothing, just answer my question.104
108108105302Do you realize that you are inside your M.I.N.D.?106
109109106301LunaMy... M.I.N.D.?1
110110107301LunaMy M.I.N.D...1
111111108301LunaMy... I...1
112112109301Luna...I don't know what you're talking about. Gabriel betrayed me. I have to punish him.1
113113110301LunaAnd it has nothing to do with you.1
114114111302(Looks like she doesn't remember the last scene.)112(Looks like she has no idea who I am.)112
115115112301As the owner of her M.I.N.D., Luna's emotions can affect her entire M.I.N.D. space. Which means that your life depends on hers here...
116116113301LunaTell me something.1
117117114302What?115I can't promise I have an answer.115
118118115301LunaAre you... part of my dreams?1
120120117301Luna...Then why are you here?1
121121118302I'm just temporarily trapped here.119
122122119301LunaThen why did you do that just now?1
123123120302Because I want to get out of this place.136
124124121301LunaSo, you too...1
125125122301Luna murmurs. She extends her fingers over, as if trying to verify the truth of your existence by touching you.
126126123302(Move aside)124(Stay still)125
127127124126301Luna halts.
128128125301As her fingers are about to reach you, she halts.
129129126301Luna...Why would I dream of this weirdo?1
130130127302...128Hey, I saved you just now.128
131131128301LunaWhy did you do that?1
132132129302To wake you from your dreams.130
133133130301LunaAh, I know... You must be a dream eater, a baku.1
135135132301Luna has a serious expression on her face.
136136133301LunaMy sister once told me that there's a creature named baku. When you have nightmares, a baku will enter your dreams and eat them up, so you won't have them anymore.1
137137134301Lucia told Luna these stories in their childhood, huh...
138138135302I'm not a baku, but you can think of me as one.136Well, you can treat me like one, I guess.136
139139136301Luna...I see.1
140140137301LunaCan you wake me from my dream?1
141141138301LunaI don't know why... but... I can't wake up...1
142142139302Sure.140I can help you.140
143143140301Luna...But I don't trust you.1
144144141302...142(Drop gun)142
146146143301You drop your gun.
147147144301Almost instantly, Luna half-raises a hand at you. You remember this move, if this were reality, she would have already torn apart space itself and turned you into commandant mince.
148148145301But nothing happens, she merely keeps her hand raised.
1501501473011LunaYou must be like the monsters in my dreams, trying to kill me.1
151151148301LunaBut I'm not that easy. Even in my dreams, I don't let my guard down. Sorry to disappoint you.1
152152149301DialogDisableLunaIf I don't kill you, you'll kill me. I know that. This is how my nightmares work.1
153153150302Before I manage to get out, I'll let you choose...151
154154151302You can go alone...152
155155152302Or you can go with me...999
157157153301DialogEnableLuna...Why are you trusting me still?1
158158154302It's not my first time trusting you anyways.155You don't pose a threat to me.157
159159155301DialogDisableLunaYou'll regret this.1
160160156302Maybe.161Thanks for the heads-up.161
162162158302If you can fend for yourself here...159
163163159302You wouldn't have needed my help for Gabriel.161
166166162301Despite saying so, Luna lowers her hand.
167167163302People call me that all the time.164So, what's your choice?164
169169165301Before Luna can finish, your surroundings begin to distort like before. Luna's lips are still moving, but her words do not travel through the broken reality, torn apart into cubes of data.
172172168301You both levitate from the ground. A whirlpool of data floods in.
173173169302Wait for me.170I'll find you.170
1741741703011AniZhuanchangBeginDid Luna catch what you said? The once Ascendant leader stares intensely at you, until the two of you are overwhelmed by the data stream.