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544301DialogEnable1LivOh, Commandant. Good afternoon. Is something the matter?1
655302Are you about to leave for military supplies?6Anything I can help with?7
7668301LivOh—yup. Today's Thursday after all.1
877301LivIt's okay, Commandant. You should take a rest. I can handle the supplies.1
988302Let me do it.9
111010301LivHuh...? But, that's part of my duties...1
121111302Get some rest, Liv.12
131212301LivW-was I messing it up before...? Did I do something wrong?1
141313302Of course not!14
151414301After an eternity, you finally convince Liv that you just want to help out, and that it is not an issue on her end.
161515301Liv...Then, I'll leave it to you, Commandant.1
171616302Leave this to me!17
181717301AniZhuanchangBeginLivI don't know what drove you to do this, Commandant... But thanks!1
212020301AniZhuanchangEndLearning from before, you pick up the military supplies without a hitch this time. You quickly scan the hall afterward.
222121301...And you find her. Vera is in that same corner again, but this time, she seems to be conversing with a different person.
232222301Vera's thin lips move. The man in front of her deflates visibly, just like the last. He hands her a... medication vial?
242323302Wait!24(Stay still)27
27262633301Vera...And here I was. Trying to pretend I didn't see you.1
282727301The man pauses and speaks something to Vera. She sighs.
323131301VeraHello? Do you need a new pair of ears?1
343333301Vera extends her hand and gestures, as if beckoning a small animal toward her. You are still unsure if she is referring to you, but you walk over anyway.
353434301She then points at you, saying something inaudible to the man. The man nods and hands a black trunk to Vera.
363535301Vera...Yep, 【kuroname】.1
383737301The man, likely some supplier, writes something down on a notebook.
393838302(Peek)39(Try not to peek)40
40393941301You see some nigh-unintelligible scribbles... and some unfamiliar words, and... your name...?
414040301You tell yourself not to look, but you still accidentally catch several unfamiliar words on the pages.
434242301Vera hums in delight. She grabs your arm before you could even react, then drags you outside.
444343302What was that?44What's the matter?44
474646301VeraJust used your name for a little trade. That's all.1
484747302You used my name?48What trade?52
494949302That's illegal!50Really?51
50505056301Vera'Course I know it's illegal. Now that you're in on this, try saying no. You'll find yourself in the gutters in the morning.1
51515156301VeraUh-huh. Now that you know. You only have one option left.1
525353302No way!54You what?55
53545456301VeraToo late. We're already a couple of criminals.1
545555301VeraUh-huh. Now that you know. You only have one option left.1
555656301VeraBut, well. Thanks to your rep, the guy bowed down and agreed to a lower price.1
565757301VeraNow that we're on the same boat though, I don't mind tellin' you a little something more.1
575858302Why are you doing this?59Why smuggle?63
596060301VeraAll the better to complete missions with, dear.1
606161301VeraOn the battlefield, I'm always the last one standing.1
61626265301VeraI don't expect the other mongrels to be at my level. So to stop them from dragging me down, I'll have to make preparations.1
626363301VeraIf I can just stroll into meds and grab these juicers, I won't be doing this.1
636464301VeraWhat are you? Just naive? Or dumb?1
646565302So you're trafficking drugs?66
666767301VeraNo. Just messin' with you.1
676868302???69What are you actually doing?69
697070301VeraPah. Truth is, you're one annoying wimp. What I'm doing is none of your business.1
707171301VeraDidn't I tell you to stop poking your nose into things?1
717373301VeraGo ahead, try bothering me again. But don't come crying because of what I'll do to you.1
727474301The red-haired vixen gloats at the expression you make.
737575301VeraWhat a face you pull! The Gray Ravens should get a picture of this and hang it over at their base.1
7476763011AniZhuanchangBeginVeraAnyways, what happened here, stays here. Cerberus has nothing to fear. You though, might want to watch out.1