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655301DialogEnable1NanamiLucia, do you know where Nanami can find the things I just mentioned?1
766301LuciaI don't think this area has what you're searching for, and even if there were, the quality wouldn't be up to par.2
877301LuciaBut... You may be able to find something suitable in the area reclaimed before.2
988301NanamiOh, is that so? Then Nanami is taking a few days off!1
1099302What are you talking about?10You're going on leave?!10
1312123011NanamiIt's Commandant! But Nanami doesn't have time right now, let's talk another time!1
1514143011LuciaI think Nanami's in a hurry to find some sort of metal. She just suddenly came over and asked me its source.1
161515301LuciaIt's nothing rare, just that it's useless as a material so we never collected it.1
171616302Do you know what she's using it for?17What kind of metal is it?18
18171719301LuciaShe didn't tell me, but she looked... happy.1
191818301LuciaIt's an alloy called B2. It's not hard in the first place and was used in the production of fragmentation grenades in the past.1
201919302Feels dangerous...20Well, as long as she's happy...21
21202022301LuciaYou don't need to worry too much, Commandant.1
222121301LuciaYou're right, Commandant.1
232222301LuciaAnd I think both Nanami and I have changed a lot ever since we met Commandant.1
252424301LuciaWhen we first met Nanami, I could only feel danger from her.1
262525302Wasn't she always this happy?26That's true...26
282727301LuciaBut we changed after meeting you, both me and Nanami.1
2928283011AniZhuanchangBeginLuciaAnyway, we still have a mission to finish. Let's go, Commandant.1